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v. 取消;废除;使无效


英 [rɪˈvəʊkɪŋ]play 美 [rɪˈvoʊkɪŋ]play

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revoke /rɪˈvəʊk/ CET6+ TEM8 [ revoking revoked revokes ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 When people in authority revoke something such as a licence, a law, or an agreement, they cancel it. 撤销; 废除

    The government revoked her husband's licence to operate migrant labour crews.



1. Reason of revoking business license 营业执照吊销原因

2. granting and revoking user rights 给予和取消用户权利 ; 授予和撤消用户权限

3. Date of revoking business license 营业执照吊销日期

4. anonymity-revoking 可撤销匿名性

5. permission revoking 权限吊销 ; 权限撤消

6. revoking registration 撤销登记

7. Revoking business license 吊销营业执照

8. escaping and revoking debts 逃废债


1. Revoke the advanced security privileges from the current user.


2. You have seen that revoking privileges blocks a certificate on one resource while allowing it on another.


3. Discussion on the Framework of Procedure in Revoking the Corporate Registration


4. Why is an interested person given the right to apply for revoking the declaration?


5. We may revoke your license anytime by giving you written notice.


6. Establish a strategy in advance for revoking access by distinguished name as well as by individual certificate.


7. Database authorities are granted using the standard SQL GRANT and REVOKE statements.

数据库授权使用标准的SQL GRANT和REVOKE语句。

8. Granting and revoking database authorities.


9. To revoke database level authorities, use the REVOKE statement.


10. The decision revoking the patent right shall be registered and announced by the patent Office.


11. And at a later time you decided to revoke that authority.

以后决定撤消此权限。《provided by jukuu》

12. Before revoking, 70% of the salary will be paid till the employee return to work.


13. The model realized granting and revoking of privileges dynamically depending on assigning privileges to tasks, assigning tasks to roles.


14. You can also control access to stored procedures through GRANT and REVOKE statements.


15. Assigning and revoking roles to and from users.


16. The right to demand reconsideration if refusing to obey punishment of warning or revoking the qualification.


17. Revoking the one-child policy would probably not make a big difference.


18. Revoke clears key data and changes the state of the key to REVOKED.


19. Revoking a user's permission to build indexes.


20. The decision revoking the patent right shall be registered and announced by the Patent Office.


21. I once told my son I was revoking his allowance for a year.


22. Advantages and disadvantages of revoking precast concrete hollow slab s analysis


23. Unfortunately, you alone have the ability to revoke it.

很不幸,你有废除它的能力。《provided by jukuu》

24. You can grant EXECUTE permissions on stored procedures, revoking or denying permissions on the base tables.


25. Revoking one would be as simple as removing that entry from the list.


26. There are no provisions for revoking the prize.


27. In August, he shocked the sugar beet industry by revoking approval of the beets until the USDA carries out an environmental impact study.


28. Revoking one would be as simple as removing that entry from the list.


29. Ability to grant or revoke privileges from each user or group.


30. And New York may revoke your boxing license.

纽约可能会吊销你的拳击执照。《provided by jukuu》

31. Therefore, as an important right, the right to revoke the civil legal system play a vital role.


32. Research of Revoking Mechanism of Authorization in Secure Operating System


33. Below each application, you can see a link called Revoke Access.


34. Revoking the Church of Scientology's tax-exempt status garnered three times more votes than raising funding for childhood cancer.


35. Specify a third party public key that can revoke my enterprise Licensor Certificate.


36. " And is there no means of making him revoke his decision?"

“难道没有办法能使他取消他的决定吗?”《provided by jukuu》

37. For a few years in the 1970s, America joined most other rich countries in revoking the death penalty.


38. Granting and revoking access to individual files.


39. We hereby revoke the agreement of May82004.


40. The Protection of Creditor Benefits after Revoking Business License of Enterprise Legal Person


41. Twenty-four percent favor other punishment, ranging from revoking Walker's citizenship to executing him.


42. An Analysis of Creditors' Right to Revoke and Trade Security


43. However, the practice of non-enforcement should not become the reason for revoking such authority either.


44. Object owners can revoke permissions on the objects they own.

对象所有者可以撤消他们所拥有的对象的权限。《provided by jukuu》

45. Remarriage would revoke all previous wills.


46. The name of the proxy to revoke access from.

要撤消访问权限的代理的名称。《provided by jukuu》

47. Modify your applications to either revoke or deny execute permission on system objects.

请修改应用程序,撤消或拒绝对系统对象的execute权限。《provided by jukuu》

48. Only the intimidated party himself ( herself ) in a marriage relationship may plead for revoking the marriage.


49. Revoking the one-child policy would probably not make a big difference.


50. The grant and revoke module mainly aims at describe the strategy.


51. Otherwise, the insurer's right of revoking will expire and the insurance contract will remain valid.


52. To cancel, take back, or revoke.


53. Revoking privileges is easiest when access is granted to individual identities.


54. Revoking access requires deleting a certificate.


55. Manually revoking access would remove the session identifier from the support database.


56. Assigning and revoking application roles to and from users.


57. On the other hand, the use of CA-issued certificates requires separate mechanisms for the tasks of revoking certificates and revoking privileges.

另一方面,使用 CA 颁发的证书需要单独的机制来执行撤销证书和撤销权限这两项任务。

58. After revoking the SELECT privilege from PUBLIC, you can grant this privilege to specific users, as necessary.


59. The university may revoke my diploma.



1. The Internal Revenue Service is revoking the tax exempt status of some of the largest credit counseling agencies in the country.

NPR: Credit-Counseling Firms Lose Tax-Exempt Status

2. Revoking such benefits is a delicate task: When the City of London, home to much of Britain's financial industry, abruptly axed free electric-car parking in 2008, angry petitions circulated among drivers demanding the privilege be restored, arguing that many of them bought the small, expensive cars mainly to get the free parking.

WSJ: It's Less Easy Being 'Green' as Los Angeles Yanks Plug on Free Parking for Electric Cars

3. Jakarta's High Court ruled that the corruption trial of ex-President Suharto should be resumed, revoking a ruling by a lower court that he was too ill to appear.

ECONOMIST: In the balance

4. Mr Powell has promised Congress bigger fines and tougher enforcement, including revoking public-broadcasting licences of repeat offenders.

ECONOMIST: Farewell, Pompeii

5. Consultation on revoking the byelaws closes on September 22nd.

ECONOMIST: An ancient market in need of an overhaul

6. And it pays for all of these by, in fact, revoking many of the tax breaks Republicans passed in recent years for big oil and natural gas companies.

NPR: Congress Delays Recess in Legislative Push

7. The Zambian government has taken over the running of a Chinese-owned coal mine after revoking its licence because of safety lapses.

BBC: Collum coal mine

8. The International Olympic Committee is also reviewing the evidence and could consider revoking Armstrong's bronze medal from the 2000 Sydney games.


9. The main component of a PKI is a certificate authority, which issues the certificate, keeps a repository of valid certificates and manages a protocol for registering, revoking or verifying them.

CNN: Technology - E-Signature Act may drive demand for authentication technology

10. Bulgaria's prime minister called for a sharp cut in electricity prices and revoking the license of the country's largest foreign-controlled power supplier.

WSJ: What's News

11. He added that further action could be taken against shop-owners, including revoking their tobacco and alcohol licences and in some cases prosecution.

BBC: Counterfeit cigarettes seized in raids in Kent

12. Mr. McGuinty has already taken some belt-tightening measures, such as revoking corporate tax-cuts and looking at ways to give private firms a bigger role in building and operating hospitals and other public services.

ECONOMIST: Canada's provinces

13. "The people of Serbia should know that the parliament as a legitimate institution no longer exists due to the illegal revoking of mandates from the deputies of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), " said the party's deputy president, Dragan Marsicanin.

BBC: Serbian coalition nears collapse

14. Sabini was also an officer of the Association of Racing Commissioners International, which advocated revoking Dutrow's license.

WSJ: Derby-winning trainer Dutrow sues over NY ban

15. Policies such as the denying or revoking of security clearances based on basis of political beliefs or sexual orientation, control of "sensitive" information, restrictions on travel abroad and immigration policies aimed at keeping "terrorists" out of the U.S. should be eradicated.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination -- First Edition

16. We know from the years 2003-2004 that Chavez made every effort to disqualify the signatures required to oppose the recall referendum, that would have allowed revoking the president's mandate and calling for new elections.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Civil disobedience as an option for Venezuela

17. In other words, revoking the 2001 war authorization would save money and lives.

CNN: Will my grandkids be fighting our 'forever war'?

18. Another proposal involves revoking a tax break for oil firms, with the proceeds going to fund research into alternative energy.

ECONOMIST: Finding more oil has become the first issue of the campaign

19. Union leaders speaking on behalf of Spanghero's 300 or so employees said revoking the licence would "sound the death knell for the company".

BBC: Europe

20. Alternative remedies are usually available to address many of these problems without resorting to the drastic step of revoking Sec. 230.

FORBES: The Greatest of All Internet Laws Turns 15

21. But while western diplomats demand a letter from Iran revoking the decree, they may get second best - a ruling which says it is not in the state's interests to carry out the death sentence.

BBC: Despatches

22. In a written deposition to Nigeria's House Committee on petroleum resources, which is investigating the charges, Etete claims to have dined in August 2000 with Vice President Atiku Abubakar who, Etete says, demanded a stake as a condition for not revoking the license.

FORBES: Dirty Oil

23. Mr Abe even supports revoking a Japanese government statement, made in the early 1990s, acknowledging and apologising for what Japan did.

BBC: Japan loses faith in traditional politics

24. Of course, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's reforms revoking collective-bargaining power for government unions go further, but Mr. Christie helped lead the way, showing that a governor can pick a fight with such unions and survive.

WSJ: Book Review: Chris Christie

25. As I said, revoking the doctorate of a scientist is the equivalent of imposing a professional death penalty.

FORBES: Climategate II: An Open Letter to the Director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research

26. The inquiry followed the revoking of the previous Taser supplier's licence after an "unauthorised" Taser was given to police during the Raoul Moat hunt.

BBC: Taser contract criticised by Home Affairs Committee MPs

27. He has called for an end to aid to Russia and the revoking of China's most-favoured-nation trading status.

ECONOMIST: The Helms-Weld war

28. There has also been talk of revoking their tax-free status.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

29. Meanwhile, Ofcom, a separate regulatory agency, has made noises about revoking News Corp.

FORBES: News Corp. Shuts News of the World Amid Hacking Furor





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compose的意思是:v. 组成,构成;作曲;撰写(信、诗或演讲稿);使镇静,使平静;为(照片、图像)构图;排版,排稿。学考宝为您提供compose是什么意思,compose的翻译,compose的用法,compose的短语搭配,compose的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneficiaries的意思是:n. 受益者;受惠人;遗产继承人。beneficiary的复数。学考宝为您提供beneficiaries是什么意思,beneficiaries的音标,beneficiaries怎么读,beneficiaries的翻译,beneficiaries的用法,beneficiaries的短语搭配,beneficiaries的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


component的意思是:n. 组成部分,成分,部件 adj. 组成的,构成的。学考宝为您提供component是什么意思,component的翻译,component的用法,component的短语搭配,component的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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ocean liner的意思是:n. 远洋班轮;远洋(客)班轮,定期远洋船。学考宝为您提供ocean liner是什么意思,ocean liner的音标,ocean liner怎么读,ocean liner的翻译,ocean liner的用法,ocean liner的短语搭配,ocean liner的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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complicated的意思是:adj. 复杂的,难处理的 v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症(complicate 的过去式和过去分词形式)。学考宝为您提供complicated是什么意思,complicated的翻译,complicated的用法,complicated的短语搭配,complicated的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


complicate的意思是:v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症;使卷入,使陷入。学考宝为您提供complicate是什么意思,complicate的翻译,complicate的用法,complicate的短语搭配,complicate的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


complaint的意思是:n. 抱怨,投诉;不满的缘由,抱怨的问题;疾病,不适。学考宝为您提供complaint是什么意思,complaint的翻译,complaint的用法,complaint的短语搭配,complaint的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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