莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈment(ə)l]play美 [ˈment(ə)l]play

  • adj. 存在于大脑中的,思考的;精神的,思想的,智力的;精神病治疗的,精神健康的;<非正式>疯癫的,不正常的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


mental /ˈmɛntəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 Mental means relating to the process of thinking. 智力的

    The intellectual environment has a significant influence on the mental development of the children.


  • 2.
    副词 智力地

    I think you are mentally tired.


  • 3.
    形容词 Mental means relating to the state or the health of a person's mind. 心理上的

    The mental state that had created her psychosis was no longer present.


  • 4.
    副词 心理上地

    ...an inmate who is mentally disturbed.


  • 5.
    形容词 A mental act is one that involves only thinking and not physical action. 在头脑中进行的

    Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping.


  • 6.
    副词 在头脑中进行地

    This technique will help people mentally organize information.





  • adv.

    mentally 精神上,智力上;心理上

  • n.

    mentality 心态;[心理] 智力;精神力;头脑作用

    mentation 心理状态;精神作用;精神活动



1. mental work n. 脑力工作

2. mental health 心理健康

3. mental status 精神状态;心理状态

4. mental energy 心理能量;心智能量

5. mental age 心智年龄 ; 心理 心理年龄 ; 心理 智力年龄 ; 精神年龄

6. Mental Health 心理 心理健康 ; 精神健康 ; 心理卫生 ; 精神卫生

7. mental retardation 智力迟钝;智能缺陷(等于mental deficiency)

8. Mental illness 精神病 ; 精神疾病 ; 心理疾病 ; 心理障碍

9. mental stress 精神紧张,心理压力

10. mental hospital 精神病院

11. mental model 心智模式,心智模型;心理模型

12. mental process 心理过程

13. mental illness 精神病

14. mental outlook n. 精神境界,精神面貌

15. mental disorder 精神病;心理失常

16. mental disease [医]精神病

17. mental pressure 心理压力

18. mental breakdown 精神崩溃

19. mental activity 心理活动,智力活动

20. mental ability 心智能力;智能;心理能力

21. mental lexicon 心理词汇库

22. mental power 心智力量;心理能力

23. mental calculation 心算 ; 逻辑计算

24. mental state 精神状态

25. mental development 心智发展;心理发展过程


1. The drug improved mental alertness.


2. He has a complete mental block when it comes to physics.


3. Mental exercise is particulatly important for young children.


4. Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years


5. She was suffering from physical and mental exhaustion.


6. Mental illness as agony, weakness, timidity, irresolution, nervousness and other bad habit can be corrected.

心理的疾病,像是极大的痛苦 、 弱点 、 胆小 、 忧柔寡断, 紧张和其他的坏习惯能被修正.《期刊摘选》

7. With good posture, you will experience improved physical, emotional, and mental health.

拥有好的体态, 你能感受到自己的身体 、 情感 、 心理的健康程度有所提高.《期刊摘选》

8. The hospital cares for some fifty mental patients.


9. Although he's ninety, his mental faculties remain unimpaired.


10. Overcrowding imposes mental strains.


11. It does harm to one's mental health.


12. A mental hospital has just been set up here.


13. Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives.


14. Anxiety has a mental and a physical side.


15. physical and mental fatigue


16. People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day


17. This event tests both physical and mental endurance.


18. That is, a cheap distraction from reality that ultimately undermines physical health and mental stability.

也就是说, 一种逃避现实的廉价的安慰,最终将腐蚀人们身体的健康和精神的安宁.《期刊摘选》

19. The term 'mental illness' is difficult to define.


20. You can only guess at what mental suffering they endure.


21. The mental state that had created her psychosis was no longer present.


22. They are explainable as a species of mental atavism.


23. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.


24. Without proper purification, physical or mental disorders can result from raising our creative forces prematurely.

不进行适当的净化, 过早地提升我们的创造力会导致生理的或心理的紊乱.《期刊摘选》

25. the mental process of remembering


26. She retained her mental faculties until the day she died.


27. Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.


28. Drop these womans, would can make oneself free, < mental illness'> is the best instance.

掉这些女人, 才会使自己得以解脱, 《精神病患者》就是最好的例证.《期刊摘选》

29. A sharp voice answered her mental interrogation, driving away all immediate fears on that score.

一个严厉的声音,回答了她内心的疑向, 消除了她对此的一切担忧.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

30. The physical reflects his being; the mental — his knowing and the causal — his joyous creativity.

物理反映他的存在; 心理的--知性及精神的--创造性的喜悦.《期刊摘选》

31. In transitional period, elites are generally faced with body and mental crises in China.


32. Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping...


33. At the mention of Aileen, Berenice experienced a mental chill.

在提到爱玲时, 白丽莱茜感到内心的战栗.《辞典例句》

34. I enjoy a mental challenge.


35. Sexual health bound to both physical and mental health.


36. ...the mental development of children.


37. Intellectual activities such as reading books or listening to music can revitalize our mental processes.


38. They prove ineffective in helping mental patients.


39. Does the mental perpetuation exist?

存在心理的永恒 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

40. The mental patient was quietly discharged from the hospital.


41. When you fail to manage mental problems, they are likely to cause various mental illnesses.


42. mental health


43. The soccer is more of a mental thing than a physical thing.


44. Work setting can physical and mental stress too.


45. The Universe is immaterial — mental and spiritual. Live , and enjoy.


46. Talking money was a form of mental suspension for miles.

对迈尔斯说来,念念货币经可算是一种排遣思想的手段。《provided by jukuu》

47. Her mental anguish was beyond words.


48. I had a mental image of what she would look like.


49. We're worried about his mental state.


50. When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplied tremendously.

当每一份身体和精神的资源都集中在一起时, 一个人解决问题的力量就会急剧增加.《期刊摘选》

51. Use visual and mental imagery of yourself achieving and surpassingyour goals.


52. Watch him. He's mental.


53. Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.


54. I made a mental note to talk to her about it.


55. She is sixteen but has a mental age of five.


56. She made a mental note not to sit anywhere near him.


57. His answer showed a mental twist.


58. In crude terms, the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.


59. Talking money was a form of mental suspension for Miles.


60. The challenge is both physical that's where my fanatic training comes in and mental.


61. Metaphysicomentalanalysis is a kind of philosophy which mainly using intuition and introspection to analyse mental metaphysics.


62. I just said to him 'you must be mental'.


63. He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital.


64. Economy and psychological pressure are greater, does people search mental relaxation the more?

经济和心理压力越大, 人们越是寻找精神的放松?《期刊摘选》

65. Golf is a mental sport.


66. Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.


67. I was ill-suited to work in the mental health field.


68. No mental activities, life is nothing but a numb thing.

没有内心的活动, 生命就不过是麻木的东西.《期刊摘选》

69. In addition to staying in good physical, we try to enhance our mental and spiritual health.

除了保持身体健康外, 我们还尽力增进心智和精神的健康.《期刊摘选》

70. Remember, this is all mental, the body must stay dormant and relaxed throughout this.

请记住, 这些动作是精神的,在整个过程中, 身体必须保持静止和放松.《期刊摘选》

71. Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.


72. In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been neglected.


73. In crude terms , the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.


74. Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age.


75. ...mental health problems.


76. However, because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate according to mental effort. 

可是,由于这些连接需要通过努力和练习来形成,因此科学家相信,智力的拓展和波动取决于脑力活动。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

77. Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.


78. Exercise of the mental faculties is as important as bodily excercise.


79. I cannot do maths. I've got a mental block about it.


80. Insinuations about her mental state, about her capacity for delusion, were being made.


81. Poor housing and family stress can affect both physical and mental health.


82. We should attach importance to children's mental health.


83. Do you have a mental picture of what it will look like?


84. If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive mental attitude.


85. She made a mental note to ask Alan about it.


86. The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.


87. It involves lots of sophisticated mental activities.


88. Talking money was a form of mental suspension for Miles. Financial policy and monetary policy are two kinds of macroscopical means to control economy.


89. The trend began in the 1960's, with the mass closings of public mental hospitals.

随着大批公立精神病医院的关闭, 把精神病患者纷纷关进监狱开始于60年代.《期刊摘选》

90. She suffered years of mental torment after her son's death.


91. The layperson cannot really understand mental illness.


92. If physical diseases are awesome, then mental melees makes one despondent like a zombie.

要是说身体的疾病令人畏惧, 那么心理的骚乱则让人失魂落魄,仿佛行尸走肉.《期刊摘选》

93. Neurological: Mental status strength tendon reflexes sensory testing.

神经(精神)系统: 精神的状态,腱反射,感觉试验.《期刊摘选》

94. My dad will go mental when he finds out.


95. He's suffering from severe mental disorder.


96. His problem is mental, not physical.


97. Both the physical and mental instruments are material, they get tired and worn out.

生理及心理的工具都是物质性, 同样会疲累及磨损.《期刊摘选》

98. Graham made a quick mental calculation.


99. The mental vision by its action upon what body is being builded?


100. The error in evaluation produced by testers � � unsteady mental factor in PSC.


101. Head injuries delayed the child's mental progress.


102. a mental disorder/illness/hospital

精神紊乱 / 病 / 病院《牛津词典》

103. The Convention Against Torture defines torture as any act that inflicts severe pain or suffering, physical or mental.


104. Some have a depressing and gloomy attitude toward the physical and mental strain.


105. My dad will go mental (= be very angry) when he finds out.


106. He registered a mental jolt.


107. Time to stop all physical and mental works, prepare to sleep and rest.

夜眠期-停止一切肉体或精神的消耗, 必须休息和睡觉.《期刊摘选》

108. She made a mental note to have his prescription refilled.


109. None acknowledges the peril, and the joy, of encountering those mental deeps Hopkins described.


110. It means that annotating ancient Chinese mental thoughts should not break away from ancient Chinese thoughts.


111. The emigrants have endured physical and mental pain.


112. Being too covetous for wealth is bad for one's health, particularly mental health.

对财富的过于贪心有碍身体健康, 尤其是精神的健康.《期刊摘选》

113. He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics.


114. How do you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?


115. ...intensive mental effort.


116. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.


117. The legal definition of 'know' often presumes mental control



1. It was probably the pivotal point of our friendship when he realized I had actually spent some hours thinking about him and his troubles and he was trying to place that in his tremendously involved and tormented mental categories.

这或许是我们之间友谊的关键时刻,他知道我的确用了许多时间考虑他和他的困境,在他陷入极其复杂的痛苦的精神危机时,他更是急于想了解这一点。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. In fact, almost everyone with a serious mental illness is legally responsible for their actions.

FORBES: Holmes Wants to Plead Insanity For Colorado Theater Shooting. What Does Insanity Mean?

3. You really deal with health, people's mental and spiritual health, you can see a correlation here, can't you?

你确实是在关注健康,人们的身心健康,你是否能从中看出一种关联呢?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

4. If abstainers try to be moderate, they spend a lot of mental energy battling their temptations.

FORBES: Are You Trying to Eat Better?

5. The National Institute of Mental Health and Kaiser Permanente Northern California also took part in the latest study.

VOA : special.2009.06.24

6. But I also have a weakness for the less common mental disorders that I think tell us something really interesting about mental life.

但我对那些不太常见的心理障碍,也并不是非常了解,不过我倒认为这些不常见的心理障碍,却向我们展示了心理活动有意思的一面心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Excerpted from The Kennedy Family and the Story of Mental Retardation by Edward Shorter.

NPR: Eunice Kennedy Shriver's Olympic Legacy

8. The general structure that we're looking at can be summarized as this, if this helps paint a nice mental picture.

我们一般看到的这个结构可以这样概括,如果这个帮助我们描绘出一个漂亮的记忆画面。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

9. Mr Dewani has been sectioned for a further 12 months under the Mental Health Act.

BBC: Honeymoon murder: Shrien Dewani 'mental health relapse'

10. The recently announced World Alzheimer Report places a shocking financial cost on care linked to dementia, or loss of mental abilities.

VOA : special.2010.10.05

11. Somebody with a severe and profound loss of mental faculties-- the deficit will be shown correspondingly in her brain.

对于严重丧失心理官能的人来说,我们可以看到她在大脑相应部位的损伤心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.


13. They look like they are sleeping. The suggestions they receive may be able to direct their whole mental energy against pain.

VOA : special.2010.03.30

14. Mrs.Shriver said that the Special Olympics proved a very important fact: that exceptional children with mental retardation can be exceptional athletes.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

15. The court has heard Mr Railton had been receiving mental health treatment since 2007.

BBC: Man denies 'planned poison attack on bus' in Surrey

16. The researchers also hope to learn from this Wellcome Trust-funded study, how mental disorders might develop.

BBC: Brain scan study to understand workings of teenage mind

17. He also chaired the Millan Committee, which proposed reforms to mental healthcare in Scotland.

BBC: Former Scottish Secretary Bruce Millan dies aged 85

18. But keeping track of who to groom and why demands quite a bit of mental computation.

ECONOMIST: Even online, the neocortex is the limit

19. MDMA. He is particularly concerned about research that shows long-term mental changes in Ecstasy users.

ECONOMIST: A scientific row has broken out over the effects of Ecstasy

20. Mild to moderate mental illness also nearly doubled, from 9.7 percent to 19.9 percent.

NPR: Mental Issues Surge, Suicide Rates Flat Post-Katrina

21. And when you lose a game, you kind of make a mental note to yourself, "That really screwed me up.

当你下输了一盘时,你也许会在心里记下,这次实在太糟糕了死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. However, in light of ongoing state budget and sequestration cuts, mental health services continue to erode.

CNN: America has to tackle its suicide problem

23. She says schools should treat bullying as a mental health problem to get bullies and victims the help they need.

VOA : special.2010.04.22

24. He's a mental case.


25. Still, among many psychiatrists, the notion persisted that the true causes of mental disorders were unconscious.

WSJ: DSM-5: A Manual Run Amok

26. In the mental construction of the Dutch and the English both involves one thing they don't want to be.

在心理层面上,荷兰人和英国人,都不希望这件事的发生欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Sounds eminently fair, especially for serious mental illness of the sort Minnesota cited in its suit.

FORBES: Asylum for The Insane

28. The hospital famously spearheaded progressive treatment for children with mental health issues in the late 19th century.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - A relic to a forgotten era: over a century of material documenting the medically incarcerated linked with Wellcome Trust in new project

29. But a lacking mental capacity or poor attitude might impede their progress towards maximization of potential.

FORBES: Terrell Sinkfield's 4.19 40-Yard Dash and The Role of Analytics in Assessing Physical, Cognitive, Mental Abilities of Aspiring Athletes

30. The pair are no longer employed by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust.

BBC: Edale House nurses struck off over patient death

31. In 1947, almost all 11-year-old children attending school in Scotland were given intelligence and mental-health tests.

WSJ: Exercise Might Beat Puzzles for Protecting the Aging Brain

32. Of course, that means you have the mental and physical stamina you need for the task.

FORBES: The Two Make-or-Break Traits Of An Entrepreneur

33. You're mental!


34. Mr.Loughner did not have a record of crimes or mental problems that would have prevented him from buying a gun.

VOA : special.2011.01.15

35. Instead,she said people with mental disabilities needed to be treated as useful citizens and given special education and training.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

36. The World Health Organization says hundreds of millions of people throughout the world are affected by mental,behavioral,neurological or substance use disorders.

VOA : special.2010.04.13

37. That she did so amid a rigorous stretch of training showed her mental fortitude, Kersee said.

WSJ: Allyson Felix's Olympic Hedge

38. The England fans went mental.


39. Now perhaps mental health facilities run by nuns are nicer to patients than government employees are.

FORBES: Eduard Porter Scribbles Non Sequiturs To Incorrectly Denigrate Profits

40. But there's clearly a side of our mental life, the emotional side, where we might really worry, could a robot feel love?

显然我们的某个精神方面,情绪方面,才我们最为担心的,机器人能感觉到爱吗死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. They're theories of everything, encompassing just about everything that matters, day-to-day life, child development, mental illness, religion, war, love.

它们试图对世间的一切做出解释,包括了日常生活,儿童发展,心理疾病,宗教,战争及爱情。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. At the end of the week, At the end of the week, both mental and biological age decreased.

在一周结束时,在一周结束时,心理和生理年纪都减小了。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

43. Trescothick is just the latest in a long line of cricketers crippled by mental demons.

BBC: Bitter-sweet sympathy

44. In fact,Science magazine recognized the discovery of "genes for mental illness" as the number two "Breakthrough of the Year."

VOA : special.2009.06.24

45. Shekhar Saxena is director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at the World Health Organization.

VOA : special.2011.02.16

46. She constantly emphasized growth: we grow as we help those with mental retardation grow.

NPR: Eunice Kennedy Shriver's Olympic Legacy

47. Homosexuality, once considered a mental illness, was eliminated from the DSM in 1973.

FORBES: The Mysterious California Case of a Bank Robber Turned Explosives Hoarder

48. You get the idea that everything arises from the extraordinary mental acuity or spiritual insight of an author and that what needs to be understood about literature is the genius of its production.

你发现一切,都源自这些作者的敏锐头脑和深刻见解,关于文学,你需要理解的,是这些天才的作品。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. He was one of the Army's mental health professionals working with soldiers to deal with the effects of war.

VOA : special.2009.11.14

50. He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams to search for the causes of mental and emotional problems.

VOA : special.2010.04.13

51. For that reason, the researchers designed a study that examined results from a mental-performance test of older Asian adults.

VOA : special.2009.05.19

52. I kept my mental faculties alive.


53. For this reason, the researchers designed a study that examined results from a mental-performance test of older Asian adults.

VOA : special.2010.06.01

54. Consciousness, if what we mean by consciousness is this qualitative aspect of our mental life, consciousness remains a pretty big mystery.

如果我们所说的意识,就是指我们心理活动定性的方面,那么意识还是一个很大的谜团死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Mr. Todd's friends and a neighbor were asked about his mental well-being before his death.

WSJ: Singapore: Experts Agree U.S. Man's Apparent Suicide

56. Once you know what pieces to look for, what mental constructs to reach for, can you realize all right I want to make some dancing figures go back and forth, I need to loop this way and loop this way and check if I'm on the edge and so forth.

一旦确定需要查找的部分,想要达到那种层次,你是否意识到,我想做出一些可以来回走动跳舞的人,我需要按这种方式那种方式让它转圈,并检查我是否,到了屏幕的边缘等等。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

57. .. So, we have to frame things as-- put things in the mental categories-- presentation matters-- so that people can manage their risks right.

因此由于框架效应-,我们会把事物按照心理类别分类-,所以得注意使用正确的表述方式-,以便去恰当的进行风险管理。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Many experts say mental health services in the region have not recovered since Hurricane Katrina.

NPR: Mental Issues Surge, Suicide Rates Flat Post-Katrina

59. Royall, 38, "has experienced mental anguish and loss of business reputation, " says his attorney Patrick Zummo.

FORBES: Magazine Article

60. Fish don't have any of that, so no offense to fish but it's— fish don't have much of a mental life.

鱼类并没有大脑皮层,无意冒犯鱼类,只不过,鱼类并没有什么心理活动心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Mental Floss, one of my favorite sites, has a namesake that conjures brain cleansing.

ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Digital junk food

62. So this suggests that these tests ain't just for economic funding games that they can actually be useful as probes of symptom profiles in mental health issues.

所以这些试验并不仅仅适用于经济,它们也可以在精神健康领域,作为病情监测的手段。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

63. Nourishing the mind through reading, writing and other mental stimulation keeps one mentally fit.

FORBES: The 7th Habit

64. Its editors focused on codifying symptoms that seemed to distinguish one mental disorder from another.

WSJ: DSM-5: A Manual Run Amok

65. It looks at how schools can best work with the children to promote positive mental health.

BBC: 'Too stressed to go to school'





chartist的意思是:n. 宪章派;图解专家;宪章运动者。学考宝为您提供chartist是什么意思,chartist的翻译,chartist的用法,chartist的短语搭配,chartist的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chart的意思是:n. 图表,曲线图;海图,星位图;排行榜 v. 绘制;记录,跟踪;制定(行动计划);进榜,上榜 【名】 (Chart)(泰)察(人名)。学考宝为您提供chart是什么意思,chart的翻译,chart的用法,chart的短语搭配,chart的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


copiously的意思是:adv. 充裕地;丰富地。学考宝为您提供copiously是什么意思,copiously的翻译,copiously的用法,copiously的短语搭配,copiously的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

reserved words是什么意思_reserved words怎么读_reserved words的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

reserved words的意思是:网络 保留字;关键字。学考宝为您提供reserved words是什么意思,reserved words的音标,reserved words怎么读,reserved words的翻译,reserved words的用法,reserved words的短语搭配,reserved words的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
reserved words是什么意思_reserved words怎么读_reserved words的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


charming的意思是:adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的;(表示不赞成)讨厌的,真够可以的 v. 吸引,迷住;哄诱;向……施魔法(charm 的现在分词形式)。学考宝为您提供charming是什么意思,charming的翻译,charming的用法,charming的短语搭配,charming的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


characteristic的意思是:n. 特征,特点,特色 adj. 独特的,典型的。学考宝为您提供characteristic是什么意思,characteristic的翻译,characteristic的用法,characteristic的短语搭配,characteristic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chapter的意思是:n. 章,回,篇;阶段,时期;分会,分部;议会法案;一系列,一连串(a chapter of);全体教士;宗教团体理事会 v. 把……分成章节。学考宝为您提供chapter是什么意思,chapter的翻译,chapter的用法,chapter的短语搭配,chapter的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

the outdoors是什么意思_the outdoors怎么读_the outdoors的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

the outdoors的意思是:网络 户外。学考宝为您提供the outdoors是什么意思,the outdoors的音标,the outdoors怎么读,the outdoors的翻译,the outdoors的用法,the outdoors的短语搭配,the outdoors的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
the outdoors是什么意思_the outdoors怎么读_the outdoors的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


  • anticyclonic是什么意思_anticyclonic的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句
    anticyclonic的意思是:adj. [气象] 反气旋的。学考宝为您提供anticyclonic是什么意思,anticyclonic的翻译,anticyclonic的用法,anticyclonic的短语搭配,anticyclonic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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