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sexual desire是什么意思_sexual desire短语搭配_sexual desire权威例句


sexual desire


英 [ˈsekʃuəl dɪˈzaɪə(r)]play 美 [ˈsekʃuəl dɪˈzaɪər]play

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1. Thirdly, it is the influence of view of confining sexual desire from different religious sects;


2. Many women in this stage haven't felt any sexual desire for a long time.


3. Self-indulgent sexual desire ( personified as one of the deadly sins).


4. Wildness is not only the source of evils and dangers, but also the Eden of sexual desire where the flowers of civilization bloom.


5. The life theme in the Folk Songs of The BOOK OF SONGS is embodied in three respects: outlook on life and death based on life itself, materialism and pursuit of sexual desire, and fatalism.


6. ( psychoanalysis) a Freudian term for sexual urge or desire.


7. To use endocrine to induce sexual desire or labour.


8. Eros-love between man and woman, sexual desire, never used in NT.


9. On Consumption Tendency and Marketing Implications of Latent Needs; tending to diminish sexual desire.


10. While lust is a temporary passionate sexual desire involving the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and oestrogen, in true love, or attachment and bonding, the brain can release a whole set of chemicals: pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin and vasopressin.


11. In addition, conscious choice truly have the problem solving strategy of variety of sexual desire, encourage students learning tasks to explore, guess, conjecture and demonstration own solution, also need teacher have found and actively building knowledge teaching.


12. The novel Bailu Plain exposes the natural sexual desire of different people behind the traditional ethics and morality of Chinese sexual culture which are so serious and turbid.


13. This condition decreases sexual desire and responsiveness.


14. Last year the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug, flibanserin, making it the first drug available to treat low sexual desire in women.

该药物名叫氟班色林(flibanserin),去年获得了美国食品和药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration,F.D.A.)的批准,从而成为了第一种用于治疗女性性欲低下的药物。

15. The logistic regression analysis showed that semen quality and sexual desire of exposed group significantly reduced.


16. In her works vanity, selfishness, jealousy, sexual passion and desire for wealth are profoundly revealed.


17. Ideologues blame it on fickleness that comes from social-climbing, gold-digging, unsatisfied sexual or romantic desire.


18. Low but constant sexual desire, good sexual energy, devoted, many children.

低但是有持续的性需求,很好的性能力,很投入,有很多孩子。《provided by jukuu》

19. In real life, it manifests itself as an attitude toward women, treating them as objects of sexual desire instead of thinking individuals.


20. Illegal activities designed to stimulate sexual desire.

刺激性渴望的非法行为。《provided by jukuu》

21. A deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction.

两性之间互相吸引的一种深厚的感情。《provided by jukuu》

22. Its body narration which conducted in three dimensions of the secret female physiological psychological experience, the sexual desire and the consciousness of death gave a shock to the traditional rational literature and found its own spiritual space at the same time.


23. I used to be very ashamed of my own sexual desire, but now I no longer am.


24. The desire in the thesis refers to sexual passion or desire.


25. And medical experts say it can affect the mental health of women by interfering with normal sexual desire.


26. It's common to lose your sexual desire when you have your first child.


27. Among 228 polyps patients in sexual maturity without desire of fertility, 53 cases underwent polypectomy with electrosurgical vaporization, and 175 cases did polypectomy with endometrial resection.


28. The feature of human is not abstract form any more but the living body filled with sexual desire and modern feelings.


29. If a woman is forward and aggressive about sexual desire she is pooled into the bad girl category automatically.


30. Tending to diminish sexual desire.

倾向于减少性的需求。《provided by jukuu》

31. This part mainly discusses four aspects as the following: revelries on material desire and sexual desire, poetic narrative of common customs, aesthetic consideration on modern city life, dialectical interaction between elite thoughts and civilian ideas.


32. I have endless sexual desire just like the drug addicted, always unable to control themselves.

我对性的无休止的渴望就跟吸毒上了瘾一样, 始终控制不住自己.《互联网》

33. It's colloquial wisdom that an air of mystery increases sexual desire, and research bears that notion out.


34. But no matter what a love story, a topic of the past are not around in depicting the love, how to write for both men and women on sexual desire.



1. Kellogg who promoted eating roughage as a way of curbing sexual desire through cannibalism.

ECONOMIST: Books-in-brief

2. In their desire to be rich and powerful, politicians tend toward alcohol and drug abuse and sexual addictions, often despite a sham moral posturing for the voters.

FORBES: The Lord Mayor Would Have Spoiled "A Christmas Carol"

3. After seven pages of analysis by counter-example and refinement, he defines it as an enthusiastic desire, which infuses the body, for sexual activity and its pleasures for their own sake.

ECONOMIST: The deadly sins

4. The book was shown in a published study of 45 women to significantly increase sexual desire, arousal, satisfaction and overall sexual functioning in those who followed the book's program.

CNN: Are you too tired for sex?

5. According to a 2008 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, between one-third and one-half of all women will find themselves coping with low sexual desire at some point in their lives.

CNN: Are you too tired for sex?

6. What shocked me most was her remark that she would exile her controversial husband if she became president, then visit him occasionally as her sexual desire necessitated.

CNN: Philippine Contenders

7. " (93) Thus, the President denied engaging in or causing contact with the genitalia, breasts, or anus of "any person" with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of "any person.

CNN: There is Substantial and Credible Information that

8. Pheromones have been popularized as a factor in sexual desire -- namely, that certain odors that people give off attract potential mates -- but their role in humans is still controversial.

CNN: Sweat may give off stress signals, study says

9. With successful conclusion of this Phase III clinical program, LibiGel could be the first product approved by the FDA for women with low sexual desire, HSDD, a significant unmet medical need.

FORBES: BioSante's Pollyannish Press Release

10. Fifth, by denying at his civil deposition that he had engaged in any acts falling within the specific definition of "sexual relations, " the President denied engaging in or causing contact with the breasts or genitalia of Ms. Lewinsky with an intent to arouse or gratify one's sexual desire.

CNN: There is Substantial and Credible Information that

11. People spread rumours about him, even twice accused him of sexual abuse, but he was never proved guilty of anything: except love, and desire for lost childhood, and a longing to be Peter Pan.

ECONOMIST: Michael Jackson, pop star, died on June 25th, aged 50

12. Fans of romantica say they like the heroines educated, professionally successful, morally centered characters who are swept up by unexpected, intense sexual desire.

WSJ: How Kindle, Nook and iPad Fuel Sales of Erotica for Women

13. They are not yet, as these struggles show, fully free to define the meanings of their bodies and their desire, to assert their sexual wishes without punishment -- including punishment by the state.


14. More speculatively, classical conditioning has been argued to be implicated in the formation of sexual desire, including fetishes.

更大胆的推测则是,经典条件作用,涉及了性欲形式的形成,包括了恋物癖的形成。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. LibiGel is in development for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction (FSD), specifically, hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in menopausal women, for which there is no FDA-approved product.

FORBES: BioSante's Pollyannish Press Release

sexual desire是什么意思_sexual desire短语搭配_sexual desire权威例句




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