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horn in是什么意思_horn in怎么读_horn in的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


horn in

horn in

网络 闯入;打断讲话

英 [hɔːn ɪn]play 美 [hɔːrn ɪn]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


horn in

  • 1.
    动词 to interrupt or intrude 打断; 侵入

    don't horn in on our conversation



1. Latin in the Horn 唱片名

2. draw in one's horn 古时官吏退堂时要击鼓

3. Horn in FF 调圆号

4. bends in horn 折迭式号筒

5. Horn in F F 调圆号

6. horn &in the morningp 蹄角粉

7. New Horn in Town 唱片名

8. horn in my new friengs 打扰我朋友


1. He likes to blow the horn in the morning.


2. "He told me it had a golden horn in the middle of its forehead," she said.


3. Only use your horn in case of an emergency.


4. Although he was not invited, Henry managed to horn in on Myra's wedding.


5. Protective Effect of Snake Venom Nerve Growth Factor on Ultrastructure of Motor Neuron of Anterior Horn in Spinal Cord Following Nerve Injury


6. We develop a special design and analysis software of horn in order to provide convenience for the people who design acoustic horn.


7. Elephant Leon is learning blowing a horn in the school.


8. A deer casts its horn in autumn.


9. He whistled and sounded his horn in vain ; the straggler paid no attention to the summons.


10. Effects of Electroacupuncture of Close and Distal Segment Points on WDR Neurons of Spinal Dorsal Horn in Rats


11. Another example of mutualism would be the bull's horn acacia tree, which grows in Central and South America.


12. On the back of the left hand, she made out the post horn tattooed in old ink now beginning to blur and spread.


13. Detection of Certain Physical Properties of Hoof Horn in Horses and Mules


14. Effects of Electroacupuncture on Long-term Potentiation of Synaptic Transmission in Spinal Dorsal Horn in Rats with Neuropathic Pain


15. Triceratops, had little room in its horn-covered head for smelling equipment.


16. Wounds characterise Ms Horn in another way.


17. Objective To elucidate the pathogenic change of spinal anterior horn in rats treated with methylmercury (MeHg).


18. I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and defiled my horn in the dust.

15我缝麻布在我皮肤上, 把我的角放在尘土中.《互联网》

19. I have sewed sackcloth over my skin And thrust my horn in the dust.


20. Another company's trying to horn in on our export markets, which will be bad for our profits.

另外有家公司想插手我们的出口市场,这会损害我们的利益。《provided by jukuu》

21. Dynamic Analysis of the Horn in Ultrasonic Machining Design of the Management Information System of Dynamic Ultrasonic Images


22. The localized projections from PVH to spinal dorsal horn in the rat with HRP technique


23. Quantitative Electron Microscopy of Spinal Ventral Horn in Rats after Endurance Training


24. She was horn in Shanghai.


25. Today, the horn in my car decided to malfunction. It honked continuously for an hour as I drove down the highway.


26. Immunoelectron microscopic localization of δ opioid receptor in primary afferent C fiber in the spinal dorsal horn in the rat


27. Alarm horn in place of solid state audible device.


28. He tried to horn in on our card game but we refused to let him join us.


29. We develop a special design and analysis software of horn in order to provide convenience for the people who design acoustic horn.


30. Most exciting of all, the rajah described a beast in his possession, a horse with a single horn in the middle of its forehead.


31. The designed water-cooled device could reduce temperature of ultrasonic horn in welding and prolong working hours.


32. A Broadband Mechanically Scanned Disk Reflector Antenna with a Fed Horn in the Near-Field Region


33. Could Stanley's beast have a single horn in the middle of its forehead?


34. She was horn in Shanghai.


35. Featuring a well-designed cone diaphragm, the unit may be used for studio monitoring as is, or loaded with a horn in a sound reinforcement system.


36. South Africa is witnessing a massive surge in rhino poaching, an activity blamed on criminal syndicates striving to meet an "insatiable appetite" for rhinoceros horn in east Asia.


37. Objective To elucidate the pathogenic change of spinal anterior horn in rats treated with methylmercury ( MeHg).


38. Effects of morphine tolerance on astrocytes of spinal cord posterior horn in rats


39. Gap junction connexin 43 expression at spinal dorsal horn in a rat model of inflammatory mirror-image pain


40. He whistled and sounded his horn in vain; the straggler paid no attention to the summons.


41. The Role of Substance P in the Spinal Dorsal Horn in the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Diseases


42. A deer casts its horn in autumn.

鹿在秋天脱落的角。《provided by jukuu》

43. Trying to horn in on the conversation.

试着在我们谈话的时候插一杠子。《provided by jukuu》

44. Quantitative study on the protective effect of nerve growth factor ( NGF) on motor neurons of anterior horn in rabbits


45. Don't horn in on our conversation.


46. Effect of different incision stimulation on the expression of Fos in the spinal dorsal horn in the rat


47. The Analgesic Study of PKC γ Down-Regulated by RNA Interference in Spinal Dorsal Horn in a Rat Model of Bone Cancer Pain


48. He played the French horn in an orchestra.


49. The photo shows Norwegian musician Terje Isungset was playing an ice horn in London, UK.


50. He likes to blow the horn in the morning.


51. The objective is to observe the co-existence of calbindin-D28k (CB) with parvalbumin (PV) in neurons of the anterior horn of the spinal cord in rats.

目的是观察大鼠脊髓前角神经元内维生素 D 依赖性钙结合蛋白(CB)与小白蛋白(PV)的共存情况。

52. He'd been playing the baritone horn in his school band and couldn't wait to perform "the Star-Spangled Banner" to kick off the games.


53. Angle. ultrastructure of the lateral horn in the mid-thoracic cord


54. Making the dish, drinking liquor. It is very rare for horn in ancient crafts, in today's.


55. If we do not get some extra money from somewhere we shall have to draw our horn in pretty sharply.

要是我们不能从别的地方弄到钱,那就只好赶紧打退堂鼓了。《provided by jukuu》

56. When the scarf was taken off, the Star-Child found himself in a dungeon, which was lit by a lantern of horn.


57. Neuronal apoptosis in the spinal dorsal horn in formalin pain animal model


58. Effects of intrathecal morphine on changes of neuronal CGRP expression in spinal dorsal horn in rats with neuropathic pain


59. Peripheral afferent properties of dual projection neurons from the dorsal spinal horn in cats


60. I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and defiled my horn in the dust.


61. Never honk the car horn in the driveway.



1. Meanwhile, prosecutors say Mr Wang bought libation cups carved from rhino horn in the US and sent them to Mr Li in Hong Kong.

BBC: Three charged in rhino horn smuggling ring

2. On the back of the left hand she made out the post horn tattooed in old ink now beginning to blur and spread.

她发现老人的左手背上,刻有着译车号的刺青,不过已经变得模糊。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Mahecic says in the past five days, arrived in Yemen after crossing the Gulf of Aden from the Horn of Africa, a region beset by conflict, political instability, famine and drought.

VOA : standard.2009.09.01

4. Though unicorns are usually associated with purity and virginity, these girls took the horn in a different direction, using it in photo shoots that simulated various sexual positions.

FORBES: Court Upholds Teen Girls' Right To Post Racy Photos Of Themselves Online

5. Owen's "shrill demented choirs of wailing shells" are portrayed by flute and clarinet, with battlefield horn fanfares in the background.

WSJ: The Sounds of Sacrifice | Benjamin Britten | War Requiem | Masterpiece by Stuart Isacoff

6. In 1976 the global trade in rhino horn was banned under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

ECONOMIST: Rhinos at risk

7. The possible ascension of this "African Taliban, " moreover, threatens to engulf the entire Horn of Africa in war.


8. Bereket had harsh words for Ethiopia's Horn of Africa rival Eritrea, which the United States accuses of backing al-Shabab in Somalia.

VOA : standard.2009.08.20

9. Ethiopia is not Somalia, but all of the countries in the Horn of Africa are being lumped together in the current headlines in a devastating manner, in part by association and in part because the very real drought does cut across national lines.

FORBES: Three Ways to Do Something About Famine in Africa

10. The greatest needs are in sub-Saharan Africa, where some 24 million people in the Horn of Africa are being affected by drought, chronic food insecurity and armed conflict.

VOA : standard.2010.02.04

11. Think of these poor French horn players in the orchestra.

想象一下管弦乐团中可怜的圆号手聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. We don't like the idea of wannabes trying to horn in on our institutional history.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Evil Can Only Wear Pinstripes

13. With his older brother, Frank Fertitta III, 46, and UFC President Dana White, 39, Lorenzo Fertitta has transformed UFC from a business once labeled by Senator John McCain as "human cockfighting" into a lucrative sports empire that competitors like Mark Cuban are now hoping to horn in on.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. Yes, with all the nonsense about homeopathic treatment for animals although most of them do stop short of having to bury a cow horn in the dung pile by moonlight (no, really, there is a wing of the movement which insists that this helps in some manner).

FORBES: Monsanto's GM Corn And Cancer In Rats: Real Scientists Deeply Unimpressed. Politics Not Science Perhaps?

15. First, the year from July 2010 to June 2011 was the driest in the eastern Horn of Africa in 60 years.

CNN: Somalia famine killed close to 260,000 people, report says

16. Ideally each vineyard would gather the ingredients for its Steiner preparations from its own soil. (Though it's probably rare that they can manage this 100 percent in practice--most wineries, for one thing, don't have their own cow herds.) There is, for example, the "501, " which specifies ground quartz mixed with rain water, packed into a cow's horn buried in spring and dug up in autumn.

FORBES: Witchy Wines

17. This, for me, has become the English horn solo in the opening section, strutting obliviously around the yard.

NPR: Getting Hooked on the 'Rite' Sound

18. Best known for helping defeat General Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876, Crazy Horse was by all accounts a courageous warrior who inspired his people and others alike.

CNN: Interactive - Views: y

19. Drought-related emergencies, particularly in the Horn of Africa and Sahel regions, were unlikely to go away in the future, projected scenarios showed.

BBC: Chatham House report: Famine risks are badly managed

20. The four often performed together while the horn players in the band rested.

VOA : special.2009.03.01

21. Horn supposedly clocks in around 10 hours, which is pretty long for a mobile game but pales in comparison to many console titles.

FORBES: Will Games Like 'Horn' Spell The End For Video Game Consoles?

22. The pan-African Great Green African Wall (GGW), a lush strips of vegetation capable of supporting birds and other animals, would stretch from Djibouti in the Horn of Africa in the east to Dakar, Senegal in the west on the southern edge of the Sahara.

FORBES: Great Green Wall Plans to Stop Sahara

23. Wounds characterise Ms Horn in another way.

ECONOMIST: Rebecca Horn

24. The trade in rhino horn has been banned by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) since 1980.

BBC: Rhino poaching: South Africa and Vietnam sign deal

25. Such numbers go far in explaining how it is that Groupon managed to overcome dashed investor expectations and suspicious prodding by regulatory authorities with its pretty amazing quarterly earnings report and why companies such as Google, Amazon and American Express, just to name three, are trying to horn in on the market that is widely believed to be oversaturated.

FORBES: It's a SoLoMo Ad World

26. "We need to scale up our efforts delivered in Haiti, but we also need to ensure that children all over the world in the Horn of Africa, in Afghanistan,in Pakistan, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Sudan,in Chad all these children actually deserve and have the right to the same assistance as children everywhere else,".

VOA : standard.2010.02.04

27. Scientists and explorers in the United States have discovered two new species of horn-faced dinosaurs.

VOA : special.2010.10.05

28. In this case, the basic column of air is twelve and a half feet long and there are something called "Partials" or the "Harmonic series" That happens in anything, on a string instrument or whatever, but on the horn it's very distinct and that's what makes the different notes.

像这样,基本空气柱有十二个,每个半英尺长,圆号能发出分音,或泛音列,弦乐器或是,其他别的乐器中都有,但在圆号上,效果相当不同,这就是它能奏出不同音符的原因聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. When I wrote 'blue cathedral' there is a huge English horn solo in the middle of it, and that's actually the first idea I came up with."

VOA : special.2010.07.12

30. This is my friend, long-time colleague, music librarian extraordinaire and professional French horn player, Eva Heater, who will demonstrate here-- Come on over here right in the center.

这位是我的朋友,长期共事的同事,音乐图书管理员,了不起的专业法国圆号手,伊娃·夕瑟,她将在此演奏,过来,站到中间来聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. The price of rhino horn - used in traditional medicine in Asian countries - has soared.

BBC: Rhino poaching: South Africa and Vietnam sign deal

32. Musically, despite the mix, the band surrounds the singers with a dense tangle of jangling keys, angular guitar and a fantastic brass section, which crafts the sonorous horn line in the beginning of the song.

NPR: Theron And Darrell: Wichita Linemen

33. In June the Duke of Cambridge spoke out against the illegal trade in rhino horn, calling those who take part in it "ignorant, selfish and utterly wrong".

BBC: Black rhino threat: Poachers target Kent wildlife parks

34. Peter Pham, Associate Professor of Justice Studies, Political Science and Africana Studies at James Madison University, says conditions in Somalia threaten security and stability of the Horn of Africa: "Even without toppling the TFG, al-Shabaab has already achieved a major objective by securing a territorial base from which like-minded militants and terrorists can carry out attacks elsewhere, especially against targets in the Arabian Peninsula as well as participating in the current violence against Somalis,".

VOA : standard.2009.06.26

35. In terms of lives lost, this war in the Horn of Africa compares to that in Congo.

ECONOMIST: Scramble for Africa

36. Ms Shellam said she had booked the venue with her fiance Thomas Horn in August and said she had "never, ever thought" there would be any problems.

BBC: The Inn at Stonehall

37. Rhino horn is in huge demand in the Far East Chinese value it as a medicine and in Yemen, where it is used for the handle of the dagger that every man thinks he has to have.

ECONOMIST: Tusks and horns and conservationists | The

38. Since 1976, trade in rhinoceros horn has been regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, a treaty signed by more than 175 countries to protect fish, wildlife and plants that are or may become imperiled as a result of demand in international markets.

WSJ: 3 charged in smuggling horns of endangered rhinos

39. Perenchio recalls talking to Horn in a sauna and asking him why he should get the business development job.

FORBES: Magazine Article

40. With President Obama pushing legislative reforms that could cost it dearly, student loan giant Sallie Mae is looking to horn in on the lucrative online bank account business.

FORBES: Sallie Mae Jumps Into Online Banking

41. The report says the U.S.military's Djibouti-based Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa is currently installing a Maritime Security and Safety Information System in key positions along the Kenyan coast.

VOA : standard.2009.05.01

42. And, yet, a few streets down from the tourist icon of Galata Tower, ancient alleys tumble down to the Golden Horn in a decayed and unlit grandiosity, untouched, it would seem, since about 1840 such is Istanbul's gift for mad contradiction.

WSJ: Dreaming in Ottoman: Istanbul at a Crossroads

43. Nevertheless, today, more than 9 million people still remain in need of emergency assistance in Horn of Africa.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

44. The father honks the horn just as the boy crosses in front of their car.

VOA : special.2009.05.04

45. Two nations in the Horn of Africa - Somalia and Eritrea - did not send representatives.

VOA : standard.2009.04.28

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