莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [əˈdɪʃən(ə)l]play美 [əˈdɪʃən(ə)l]play

  • adj. 附加的,额外的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


additional /əˈdɪʃənəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 Additional things are extra things apart from the ones already present. 额外的

    The U.S. is sending additional troops to the region.




  • adj.

    additive 附加的;[数] 加法的

    addable 可增加的

    addible 可增加的,可添加的

  • adv.

    additionally 此外;又,加之

  • n.

    addition 添加;[数] 加法;增加物

    add 加法,加法运算

    additive 添加剂,添加物

    adder 蝰蛇(欧洲产的小毒蛇);加算器;猪鼻蛇(北美产无毒的)

  • vi.

    add 加;增加;加起来;做加法

  • vt.

    add 增加,添加;补充说;计算…总和



additional added extra 【导航词义:另外的,额外的】

additional adj. 额外的,附加的

〔辨析〕 指在原有基础上添加上去的。

例1: an additional charge


例2: Our factory will create an additional 120 jobs.


added adj. 额外的,附加的

〔辨析〕 指具体事物、数量等是额外加上的。

例1: Our apartment is small, and has the added disadvantage of facing west.


例2: The added wood is to increase the fire.


extra adj. 额外的,另外的

〔辨析〕 指不包括本身而额外加上去的,只作定语。

例1: Allow extra time for your review.


例2: He wanted an extra loaf of bread.



1. additional load 附加负载;附加载荷

2. Heavy-Lift Additional 超重附加费

3. additional charge 附加费;补充装料

4. additional requirement [化]附加要求;补充技术条件

5. additional insurance 附加保险

6. additional layer 附加层

7. additional order 追加订单 ; 追加 ; 追加订货 ; 追加定单

8. additional fee 附加费用

9. additional item 增列项目

10. additional investment 追加投资;额外投资

11. additional payment 追加付款

12. additional condition 附加条件

13. additional information 附加信息;其他信息

14. additional premium 附加保险费;追加保费

15. additional cost 额外费用,追加成本

16. additional services 追加供给,附加服务

17. additional security 追加保证金;额外的安全性

18. Direct Additional 贸易 直航附加费 ; 直航附带加之费 ; 附加费 ; 曲航附加费

19. Additional information 附加信息 ; 附加说明 ; 其他信息 ; 附加消息

20. additional tax 附加税,追加税

21. additional benefit 附加利益;额外利益;附加利益(人身保险)

22. additional equipment 辅助设备;附加设备

23. additional expense 追加 ; 追加费用

24. Long Length Additional 超长附加费 ; 附加费 ; 超少附加费 ; 超长

25. additional pressure 附加压力

26. additional product 附加产品;副产品


1. It will take an additional two weeks to finish the work.


2. The thriving obsidian operation, for example, would necessitate more miners, additional manufacturers of obsidian tools, and additional traders to carry the goods to new markets.


3. Should we offer any additional promotions or pricing options, they would be announced on our website.

如果我们提供任何额外的宣传或价格优惠, 我们将在我们的网站上宣布.《期刊摘选》

4. To make sure this wasn't by chance, Wang conducted additional tests using different performance measures.


5. That's just if there's no additional force being applied.


6. Brace yourself: it's because the economy needs additional stimulus, they say.

振作起来: 那是因为经济需要额外的刺激, 他们说.《期刊摘选》

7. The odd man added an additional riddle to the middles f the saddle.


8. Hazardous Ingestion No additional information.


9. Many enzymes will not work without the presence of an additional nonprotein substance called a cofactor.


10. Additionally, the bus service will run on Sundays, every two hours.


11. When it is dragged over pliant areas, an additional percussive tap could indicate this collision.

当它被拖到受范区域时, 一个附加的敲击声提示这种碰触.《About Face 3交互设计精髓》

12. We will reimburse you ( for ) the additional premium.


13. The filming imposed an additional strain on her.


14. Arbitration Commission or the parties have the right to request additional evidence.


15. The new counting cell positions are used to generate additional pole counts.


16. The government provided an additional £ 25 million to expand the service.


17. This additional work is relative to the current project.


18. I want additional information on this.


19. The measles viruses used in the research were engineered by inserting additional genes into the strain.


20. Additional cream would make it too rich.


21. The checking procedure takes place without the need for an additional operation step during the process.


22. In additional simulations, the position of this thickness transition was varied.

在附加的模拟中, 厚度转变位置是变化的.《期刊摘选》

23. So a nickname is another name, or an additional name?

所以绰号就是另一个名字, 或附加的名字 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

24. Occupational therapists may obtain expertise in a particular area through additional training or experience.


25. Realizing that his retirement was near at hand, he looked for some additional income.


26. The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service.

政府另拨2 500万英镑用于扩展该服务项目。《牛津词典》

27. Why are you offering yourself for additional work?

你为什么要给自己找额外的活儿干 呢 ?《简明英汉词典》

28. Students showed no additional learning in achievement tests.


29. This is sth. additional.


30. But Unicode also provides additional implementation guidelines, such as character properties, rendering, editing, string collation, etc.

但Unicode也提供了附加的实现导则, 例如字符属性 、 渲染 、 编辑 、 字符排序, 等等.《期刊摘选》

31. And then reflect on whether additional authorities you know then would merited.


32. The present article will provide some introduction and additional perspective.


33. Select alarm mode, display too, minutes, seconds, plus an additional alarm.

选择闹钟模式, 显示为时 、 分 、 秒, 另外加一个闹铃.《期刊摘选》

34. We also need to create new additional principles that address today's new animation styles and techniques.


35. The US is sending additional troops to the region...


36. You could then apply any additional effects to the fonts using your graphics editor.


37. What additional information would help you better evaluate the progress of the Superfund program?


38. Expansion board , may provide the user with additional memory, graphics, colour, communications features, etc.

它可以给与使用者额外的存贮量 、 美术 、 颜色 、 通信竺特色.《期刊摘选》

39. Let me know if I can provide additional assistance.


40. Additional beauty treatments can be booked in advance.


41. If a person uses a gun in the commission of a crime, then he should be given an additional penalty.


42. They only support some TCP applications and no additional protocols.


43. These additional ions are called interstitial ions.


44. We usually deal on a # % trade discount additional quantity discount for orders over units.

我们通常给予#%的商业折扣,外加订货 # 件以上的数量折扣.《期刊摘选》

45. He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment.


46. Simply by adding an additional gas such as acetylene ( C 2 H 2 ), you can create chromium carbonitride.

简单地加入另外的气体例如 乙炔, 就能形成铬的碳氮化合物.《期刊摘选》

47. Passengers have to pay additional charges for their extra luggages.


48. Shares and bonds can bring one quite a considerable additional income.


49. A few additional explanations may carry him back in imagination to the precise condition of society.


50. The government will direct the additional taxes to the educational reform.


51. Your podiatric physician may make additional recommendations examination.


52. Delegation The assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate.


53. Is there any additional AV system or other equipment installed in the vehicle?


54. Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.


55. We also require an additional hypothesis about the topology of the metric space, the ultrametricity hypothesis.

我们还需要一个额外的关于度量空间的拓扑学的假设, 超度量空间假设.《期刊摘选》

56. Procedural documentation indicate when you must execute additional commands.


57. The ','character is used to specify additional values.


58. The dependent claim shall, by additional technical features , further define the claim which it refers to.

  从属权利要求应当用附加的技术特征, 对引用的权利要求作进一步限定.《期刊摘选》

59. He said the government will make additional loan loans to support the partnership.


60. The insurer will also have to pay the additional costs of the trial.


61. I can type the additional figures in at the bottom of the page.


62. Fourth, additional remarks paid attention to in team cooperative learning are also made.

第四部分, 对小组合作学习中还应注意的其他问题进行了补充阐述.《期刊摘选》

63. Classes are told if they show improved rates of attendance, they can win additional gifts.


64. Graphics that can be used for overhead transparencies, PowerPoint presentations, or as additional handout material.

图形能够用于投射幻灯机 、 简报图形软体报告 、 或者作为补充讲义材料之用.《期刊摘选》

65. The US is sending additional troops to the region


66. Additional special topics include illustrating the role of organic chemistry in biology, medicine, and industry.

特别补充了关于有机化学在生物, 医药和工业方面的作用等话题.《期刊摘选》

67. A Luton van has additional load space over the driver's cab.


68. It is about time that the U.N. considers logistically deploying additional military resources.


69. Two additional techniques of studying infant perception have come into vogue.


70. If you collect different objects, you will get additional arms and scores.

如果你搜集到了不同的道具, 就会获得额外的武器和积分.《期刊摘选》

71. For additional information, contact any of the above.


72. Yes , you can. But you need to pay an additional charge.

可以, 但是你要付额外的费用.《期刊摘选》

73. Theoretically, segmental fixation provides for additional fixation points that may in fracture reduction and kyphosis correction.

理论上来说, 节段性固定提供了附加的固定点,有利于骨折还原及驼背矫正.《期刊摘选》

74. An additional issue arose for those counties experiencing the greatest influx of new residents.


75. A few additional roads would come later.


76. To increase value and enjoyment, we plan some additional excursions en route.


77. As for emerging countries, they must pay up the capital to back additional votes.

至于新兴国家, 它们必须付清全部款项来支持其额外的投票权.《期刊摘选》

78. Manulife may request for additional identification documents for approving the Direct Debit Authorization.


79. The links below are online references for additional resources in the field of genetic neurobiology.


80. The scenery does not fill the space properly. We should set in an additional piece here.

这块布景不能把这一空间填置合适, 我们应在这里另外加一块.《期刊摘选》

81. An expansion will provide any additional information the consumer needs.


82. Additional meetings of the membership may be held if the Board of Directors so decides.


83. I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.


84. Where a duty payer considers it necessary, it may offer to file an additional declaration.

纳税义务人认为必要时, 也可以主动要求进行补充申报.《期刊摘选》

85. We've added additional reconnaissance aircraft patrols at our borders.


86. He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn't require additional money.


87. One concern is the possibility possible effect that additional of additional spending on the budget deficit.


88. Buy a pack for every pair of pants you own, additional packages ship FREE!

每购买你自己的裤子, 附加的软件包船舶自由!《期刊摘选》

89. A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top.


90. Index additional drives and networked folders Drive C: is indexed by default.


91. The following additional publications may be useful for reference purposes: ( available from Submersible Wastewater Pump Association )

如果需要参考资料,下列补充出版物可能有用: ( 可向美国污水泵协会购买 )《期刊摘选》

92. The U.S. is sending additional troops to the region.


93. There are additional bonuses for bringing net new assets under the firm's management.


94. If crutches areIt'should be that the patient received preoperative instruction. Additional instruction should be offered.


95. In April 2005 China provided the required additional technical documents based on the initial risk analysis.


96. Additional articles were obtained from the reference lists of key articles and recent reviews.


97. You can also and drop additional text to add to the text already on your clipboard.


98. About the additional goods, all clauses are consistent with the last goods.

关于这批追加的货物, 所有的条款和上批货物的条款一致.《期刊摘选》

99. additional resources/funds/security


100. You can also manually create additional messaging engines on that cluster for that SI Bus.

您也可以在该集群上为 SI 总线手动创建附加的消息传递引擎。

101. We offer a comprehensive range of express delivery options for a small additional charge.


102. Blue font for the new additional part of today.


103. The rate is 10 yuan for the first three kms and 1.6 yuan for each additional km.


104. I think we can fit in an additional room.


105. Our factory will create an additional 120 jobs.


106. This feature enables automated front loading without the need for additional support.


107. See NCCA Technical Bulletin 2.1.5 for additional information about water stains.


108. A second need is to develop additional arguments for the genetic coupling of clouds and stars.

第二大任务就是提出星际云和恒星间 “ 遗传关系 ” 的补充证据.《辞典例句》

109. The stability of coal pillars depends upon additional load well as change of its internal characteristics.


110. Almost not any additional circuit needs to add in planer CNC system above two functions.


111. As an additional safeguard against weeds you can always use an underlay of heavy duty polyethylene.


112. During the recitations a Teaching Assistant reviews additional problems with the students.


113. Additional files related to the lectures available below the table.


114. Should your item be out of stock, please allow an additional ten business days for processing.

如果您的项目脱销, 请允许处理的另外的十个营业日.《期刊摘选》

115. This means refusing additional requests or demands on your time or emotions.


116. Additional, station of gas station, air entrainment is 20 years with the ground.

另外, 加油站 、 加气站用地为二十年.《期刊摘选》

117. The two equal winners had to play off an additional game to decide the winner of the whole competition.


118. Additional cream would make it too rich.


119. An additional $ 2.00 will be added for additional item purchased.


120. Additional loss of life will only compound the tragedy.


121. A further reaction produces an additional hydroxyl ion to maintain the attack on the network.


122. Can you type the additional figures in at the bottom of the page?

你能在这页下面再加上这些数字 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

123. Additional police have been ordered out to control the expected crowds.


124. The odd man added an additional riddle to the middle of the saddle.


125. A set menu has been arranged for your group, additional menu items will be charged.

您的团队已经替您们安排了套菜.如果想另外加菜的话, 需要另付费用.《期刊摘选》

126. Additional bloodshed and loss of life will only compound the tragedy


127. How all sorts of vitamins inside the additional system with the actualest and effective ability?


128. Quality conditions of BF gas washing water and additional water in Angang are analyzed in experiments.


129. If you elect to create a custom filter, you will need to complete several additional fields.

如果您选择创建自定义过滤器, 您将需要完成一些额外的领域.《期刊摘选》

130. Message Confirmation. Indicates that a complete message has been received and that additional messages may follow.

消息确认. 指的是收到一条完整的消息后会有一条附加的消息跟在后面.《期刊摘选》

131. In the s , the feminist movement , or women's liberation, produced additional economic and social changes.

在1970年代,男女平等主义的运动或女权运动, 生产了另外的经济又社会的变化.《期刊摘选》

132. Normal food, need additional and compensatory vitamin?

正常饮食, 需要另外补充维生素 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

133. Our price includes: Property Management, Heating, Satellite TV, Broadband Housekeeping Service Fee is Additional.

我们的价格包括: 物业管理 、 加热 、 卫星电视 、 宽带家政服务费用是额外的.《期刊摘选》

134. The twin model offers an additional pair of mounting holes.


135. Ono is open source and does not demand the deployment of additional infrastructure.


136. A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top


137. Different short readings will give us additional material for discussion in our second meeting.


138. In most cases, foods require additional flavorings after processing to make them more palatable.

许多情况下, 食物需要外加调味料以使它们更加美味.《期刊摘选》

139. Yet students showed no additional learning in achievement tests.


140. Additional beauty treatments can be booked in advance.


141. How can I get additional information?


142. The van has additional load space over the driver's cab.


143. You will be responsible for any additional shipping costs over your original shipping charge.


144. Moreover, sacrectomy may cause pelvic instability that may necessitate additional surgery.

而且, 骶骨切除引起的骨盆失稳,可能需要另外的手术.《期刊摘选》

145. The blanket will provide additional warmth and comfort in bed.


146. As an additional pudding meal you can feed a milk free fruit pudding in the afternoon.


147. Herbal skin care contains all natural herbs, with no added preservatives and no additional oils.

中药皮肤护理包含了所有自然草药, 没有添加防腐剂,也没有额外的油.《期刊摘选》

148. She would need 3 mils to kill herself and additional six mils to servants.


149. We have received quotation from you for Filter. Here some additional questions to know.

我们已收到了滤光镜报价单. 这里有一些你应了解补充问题.《期刊摘选》

150. There are several additional prerequisite skills as defined in the Red Hat Exam Prep guide.


151. A little be that the five cereals, subsidiary food are vegetable, additional staple food creophagism.

主食是五谷, 辅食是蔬菜, 外加少量肉食.《期刊摘选》

152. The shop usually employs additional salespeople for the Christmas toy trade.


153. The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber.


154. If you receive additional emails within this time period, your request is still being processed.

如果您收到额外的电子邮件在这个时间内, 您的要求仍在处理中.《期刊摘选》

155. In order to turn up additional examples I read a lot of materials.


156. This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people.


157. Many of the additional features now cost extra.


158. It is an additional education thought and a series of tactics for present age system education.


159. The trains and the ships would carry these supplies for an additional price.


160. Where can I find additional folders if I need them?

如果我需要追加的档案夹,要到哪里找 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

161. Mr. Tupman did as he was and the additional stimulus the last glass settled his determination.


162. In this case it is desirable to incorporate additional oxidizer into the composition.


163. There are several additional advantages of processes using thermal energy to elevate product temperatures.


164. Final exam will include material from all reading lists, except additional reading list.


165. Additional powers will devolve to the regional governments.


166. The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.


167. It can encrypt or decrypt files, contents of folders and contains a lot of additional tools.

它可能加密或解码文件, 文件夹内容并且包含很多另外的工具.《期刊摘选》

168. The new policy places additional constraints on housing projects.


169. Regional names include additional information, suggesting that the territorial status of the regional players.

区域名称包括附加的信息, 提示玩家区域的领土状态.《期刊摘选》

170. Though some patients have explored additional, more behavioral methods.


171. However, nearly half of power of Gaixiao, additional damage has not in the past.

不过威力改小了近一半, 附加的伤害也没有以前多了.《期刊摘选》

172. Close to that time, the PLA is likely to publicize additional new weapons.

对那次的结束, PLA可能宣传另外的新武器.《期刊摘选》

173. Mr. Clarence was believed to be the victim in a violent episode that caused fourteen additional deaths.


174. The links below are online for additional the study of cognition and the organization of knowledge.


175. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September.


176. This additional information is often grid coordinate information, units, missing values, etc.

这些额外的信息通常是格点坐标信息, 单位, 遗漏值(估计类似于 GrADS 中的undefine的 值)等等.《期刊摘选》

177. If you want to develop additional films, you have to pay more.

你若想加洗照片, 可要另外加钱的.《期刊摘选》

178. Typically I add an $ 1.00 for each additional item won.


179. He wrote in an additional paragraph at the editor's request.


180. An additional, unstated reason for his resignation may have been a lawsuit filed against him.


181. But don't give yourself the additional burden of trying to deal with this alone.


182. Where would the additional nitrogen come from?

那么该从其它什么地方获取额外的硝酸盐 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

183. Additional points to be covered in the workshop: Detection of microwaves and protection against attacks.

另外的一些方面被工厂掩盖的: 微波的探测和反攻击的保护.《期刊摘选》

184. I'm not sure there might be additional things that international students have to do like additional tests.


185. It is necessary to set down these additional rules.


186. You can insert additional pages into that book.


187. With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts


188. With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts.


189. These bacteria can be thought of as an additional digestive organ.


190. Therefore, additional explanations are needed.


191. I have one lock but I bought another as an additional insurance against thieves.


192. A set of additional adjustments related to safety, system capacity and user preferences.

一套附加的调整联系了安全, 系统能力和用户偏爱.《期刊摘选》

193. Additional shipping rates apply for all shipments to Hawaii or Alaska.


194. This is something additional that we have.


195. They may need some additional inputs and advice on how to improve the management of their farms.


196. Of course, these additional surface treatment must as far as possible the economy.

当然, 这些附加的表面处理必须尽可能经济.《期刊摘选》

197. What to eat B 12 of can additional folic acid, vitamin, iron?

吃什么能补充叶酸 、 维生素B12 、 铁?《期刊摘选》

198. He adds that landfills can easily accommodate the unexpected additional waste.


199. In addition there will be any additional costs of the.


200. You have to insert an additional piece of material into the waistline of the dress to make it large enough for her.


201. There are additional publications of special relevance to new graduates.


202. The process of instructing the program to seek additional instructions from a given storage location.


203. Our staff produces deletions around the clock at no additional cost.


204. Additional courses may be taken if desired


205. But these additional peacekeepers will send a positive signal to the rest of the Middle East.


206. Many tags can contain additional information as attributes.

许多标签能包含即是的另外的数据 “ 属性. ”《期刊摘选》

207. You asked that SCCM provide additional opportunities to view popular sessions. The Society listened.


208. Customers will only incur additional call charges if the call is diverted outside the UK.


209. And they will exchange your ticket and recalculate the fare. There might be an additional charge.

同时他们还将换开您的客票,并重新计算票价, 可能会有额外的收费.《期刊摘选》

210. There was additional work to be done before all the troops would be ready.



1. Many of the additional features now cost extra.


2. Israel authorised the 3, 000 additional housing units a day after the UN voted to upgrade Palestinian status.

BBC: UK and France summon Israeli envoys in settlements row

3. There's also a 5% chance that the graft will slip, requiring an additional operation.

FORBES: By the Numbers

4. Having now used this pseudo code to line things up, I can start putting some additional structure on this.

用伪代码把这些事情串起来后,我可以开始进行,一些结构方面的优化了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. During the fourth year, students begin contacting hospital programs for the additional training they will need after medical school.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

6. But, it showed additional information that you won't find on Treasury Direct; it showed bid and ask for dealers.

但是,那里还有,"国库指南"上没有的内容,对于中间商的买入价和卖出价金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Lipper gets its numbers from the "Statement of Additional Information" that funds file with the SEC.

FORBES: Hidden Expenses

8. His plan: to go to Cuba, where he hoped to receive additional boxing training.

CNN: The radicalization of an all-American kid

9. There has been some concern from analysts about the amount of additional debt being taken on.

BBC: Softbank to take control of Sprint Nextel for $20bn

10. It can be driven three hundred kilometers on the hydrogen cell and an additional fifty kilometers on its batteries.

VOA : special.2009.09.07

11. This places additional strains on an economy with the youth unemployment just below 30%.

CNN: The Arab World's lost generation

12. The central bank said it would buy up to an additional seven hundred fifty billion dollars in mortgage-related securities.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

13. We want to do that because we have too many variables here. We've already got dV p we'll get rid of p as an additional variable and replace it with V which is already in here.

我们之所以要那么做,是因为这儿有太多变量了,我们已经有了dV,我们要把,作为额外的变量消去,用已存在的V代换它。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. Daily Show I think. Additional third this year did it because Tal was on the Jon Stewart Daily Show.

我想,今年还有三分之一的人选这门课是因为Tal上了Jon,Stewart的。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

15. It is about time that the U.N. considers logistically deploying additional military resources.


16. Well,what I'd like to do now is move here to a couple of additional pieces, and we're going to use an example of pop music now with a three-chord chord progression.

那么,我们现在要做的是再看其他一些音乐,然后我们会用流行音乐的例子来看看三和弦进行。聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Krispy Kreme now has 4 million fans on Facebook, and 4, 000 additional ones join every day.

FORBES: Krispy Kreme Gives New Meaning To Word-Of-Mouth Advertising

18. Hocking told us that this particular unit also does additional software processing to reduce ghosting.

ENGADGET: Sony's 24-inch PlayStation 3D 'dual-view' monitor: here's how it works

19. But the Republican governor angered some Democrats when he vetoed several additional spending items before he signed the budget.

VOA : special.2009.07.31

20. The American Academy of Pediatrics says some poisons can cause additional damage when they come back up the throat.

VOA : special.2009.08.11

21. But the F.A.O. representative in Liberia warned about spraying pesticides from airplanes because of the risk of additional water pollution.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

22. Then they test you to make sure that you have adequate protection, and some people need an additional shot after that.

然后医生会检测以确定你已获得了保护,有些人在测试完后需要再打一针生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. That's an additional theme that's associated regularly with the covenant.

这是额外的一个主题,经常与契约联系在一起。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. And going to like some, an additional school with other professionals

此外,像是去别的专业人士的学校,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : MBA 的优点

25. Additional details will be disclosed when the company reports full financial results next week.

FORBES: Focus On The Forbes 500s: I2 Technologies

26. He says the testing campaign may put additional stress on the health system, but that will show where the weaknesses are.

VOA : special.2010.04.28

27. In the coming months, four additional brigades and two Marine battalions will follow suit.

NPR: Text of Bush's State of the Union Address

28. And as those assessments evolved and became more detailed and clear, we provided additional information.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

29. The women needed to meet additional legal requirements because they were seeking payment for harm they say was done.

VOA : special.2011.06.24

30. At the end of the loan upon your payment of the principal and of sufficient additional interest, John Milton, Sr., the goldsmith, would return to you the gold that you had entrusted to him.

在贷款期限到期时,在你支付了本金,和额外的利息后,金匠约翰弥尔顿会把你托付,给他的金币还给你。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. However, upon analysis they realized that ATRA had dribbled in additional taxes through various provisions.

FORBES: Will Your Taxes Go Up?

32. And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake with additional reporting by Brian Padden in Bangkok.

VOA : special.2010.05.22

33. If I consume Bud Light, then I have to pay for the Bud Light, I think it typically costs less, the price, the raw price is less than Guinness but I also pay an additional cost from the fact that Bud Light, when I drink it, causes me "disutility": we'll put it politely like that.

如过我买百威淡啤酒,我必须要支付百威淡啤酒的价格,我想它会便宜点,原材料的价格比吉尼斯低,但我同样要支付附加成本因为百威淡啤酒,当我喝它的时候,味道一般,我表达得委婉一点博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Users get additional space in their Dropbox each time they get a friend to sign up.

FORBES: Dropbox Hits 25M Users, Expanding Internationally

35. Greenstein says that change alone could extend Medicare's solvency by an additional two years.

NPR: Medicare Money Problems Trigger Warning

36. But it's also possible-- actually compatible with accepting that fact-- there are two additional possibilities, that there might be some negative interaction effects.

但同样也有可能-,事实上与接受这个事实一致-,有另外两种可能性,可能会产生负面的相互影响。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. But he also said additional research is needed to better understand how the vaccine reduced the risk in those individuals.

VOA : special.2009.10.13

38. Bob will onboard the new leader and will also complete additional projects for me.

FORBES: Microsoft: Muglia Out As Server Chief

39. Germany is also prepared to provide an additional 3bn euros of loan guarantees to the new owner.

BBC: Germany affirms Magna preference

40. And today I'm going to suggest two--actually, well, yes two additional contexts that we can look to, to read the novel.

今天我想为你们提供两种参考方案,事实上是,两种额外理解小说语境的方法。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. It takes another hour to overcome the Carrasqueira and then an additional 45 minutes to reach the peak.

BBC: Trekking in Rio de Janeiro

42. Then you'll get a page that looks like this that will talk about-- given that you've had that particular food how many additional calories you have for the day, given an average person, and it gives you the breakdown of what you've eaten so far.

之后你会看到一个类似这样的页面,根据你的某种食物摄入量,根据一般人的情况,告诉你当天额外摄入了多少卡路里,它会给出当前所有的统计数据关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. If a person uses a gun in the commission of a crime, then he should be given an additional penalty.


44. Now the White House says there will be no additional drilling while the spill in the Gulf of Mexico is investigated.

VOA : special.2010.05.01

45. Is there any additional advice you would give some one making the entrepreneurial leap?

FORBES: 5 Steps to Build a Business on a Budget

46. After each year, the employee receives an additional half a percentage point increase of the pretax profits.

FORBES: Create Loyalty By Sharing The Wealth

47. Additional factors are low unemployment, great social standards and a growing economy in the global recession.

FORBES: Japan: Land Of The Rising Sum

48. There are many additional bonus inclusions for those booking the pricier Prestige Suite at Palazzo packages.

FORBES: Best Last-Minute New Year's Eve Destinations

49. This was not a -- this was an additional meeting to the routine meetings.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

50. I'm not sure there might be additional things that international students have to do like additional tests.

我不确定留学生录取是不是还有其他要求,比如说还要加试什么的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 被学问的自由所迷住

51. With additional funding, it hopes to be able to answer at least another 10, 000.

BBC: NSPCC's ?8m bid to boost services

52. An additional 550 units are to be built in other settlements in the West Bank.

CNN: Evacuation of 150 West Bank settlers begins

53. For an additional subscription fee, users can also access many thousands more customizable recipes.

FORBES: Best Food Innovations Of 2012

54. Additional information about the Divest Terror and Divest Sudan campaigns is also available at www.


55. The President said the government will provide about eight billion dollars in additional loans to the company during this period.

VOA : special.2009.05.01

56. Candidates must complete an application form not longer than 10 pages plus an additional 10 pages of annexes.

UNESCO: Apply for UNESCO Prizes

57. They also rake in an additional several hundred million dollars a year in kidnappings and extortion.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

58. Therefore, the benefit of display ads needs to be adjusted against this additional search cost.

FORBES: Search vs. Display Advertising: Which Promises More Bang for the Buck?

59. The report estimates that there may be an additional one hundred million people with asthma by the year two thousand twenty-five.

VOA : special.2009.07.28

60. Additional bloodshed will only compound the tragedy.


61. If there are additional ideas from either party, I'm happy to consider them, as well.

WHITEHOUSE: Creating Jobs Through New Small Business Initiatives

62. The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber.


63. It also bars additional forms of pay except for stock that can only be received after government loans have been repaid.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

64. So it does that for us so that you can get away with just knowing the address of the first byte and it will make sure that you know when to stop by including the special value so, in fact, get the string if you type in a three-letter word, we allocate four bytes no matter what because we need an additional byte 0 for this special sentinel value back slash zero at the very end.

它为我们做了这些事情,这样我们就可以,通过第一个字节的地址,它还可以通过包含一个特殊的值,来保证在哪里停止,如果你输入了一个三个字母的单词,就可以获得那个字符串,不管怎样,我们分配四个字节,因为我们在末端需要一个额外的字节,来保存这个特殊的标志值--反斜杠。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

65. Well, sometimes you divide up the land equally, but if that land continues to get smaller and smaller, it will not sustain an additional person, not to mention additional family.

一种做法是,平分耕地,但是如果人口越来越多呢,那平分的田地就不够一人所需,更不必说整个家庭了古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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assumedly的意思是:adv. 大概;多半。学考宝为您提供assumedly是什么意思,assumedly的翻译,assumedly的用法,assumedly的短语搭配,assumedly的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


assume的意思是:v. 假定,假设,认为;装出,做出;承担,就职;呈现,具有;夺取,篡夺。学考宝为您提供assume是什么意思,assume的翻译,assume的用法,assume的短语搭配,assume的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


fathoming的意思是:v. 彻底弄清(难题或神秘的人);测量(水)的深度;(用手或仪器)检查;探查(fathom 的现在分词)。学考宝为您提供fathoming是什么意思,fathoming的翻译,fathoming的用法,fathoming的短语搭配,fathoming的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


piercingly的意思是:adv. 刺透地;感动地;尖锐地。学考宝为您提供piercingly是什么意思,piercingly的翻译,piercingly的用法,piercingly的短语搭配,piercingly的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


association的意思是:n. 协会,社团,联盟;交往,联合;联系,因果关系;联想。学考宝为您提供association是什么意思,association的翻译,association的用法,association的短语搭配,association的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unrighteously的意思是:adv. 邪恶地;不公正地;不正当地。学考宝为您提供unrighteously是什么意思,unrighteously的翻译,unrighteously的用法,unrighteously的短语搭配,unrighteously的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


associateship的意思是:网络 精算师;中级会士;会士;初级会士;沙龙影艺会会士。学考宝为您提供associateship是什么意思,associateship的音标,associateship怎么读,associateship的翻译,associateship的用法,associateship的短语搭配,associateship的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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