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英 [prəˈhɪbətɪvli]play美 [proʊˈhɪbətɪvli]play

  • adv. 禁止地;过高地;过分地

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  • adj.

    prohibitive 禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的;(费用,价格等)过高的;类同禁止的

  • n.

    prohibition 禁止;禁令;禁酒;诉讼中止令

    prohibitionist 禁酒主义者

  • vt.

    prohibit 阻止,禁止



1. Good car comparison prohibitively priced 比较贵和好的车

2. Prohibitively Street 问津街

3. prohibitively expensive 极其昂贵 ; 价格高昂


1. Air travel is prohibitively expensive in Greenland and such a journey would cost several thousand pounds, a price very few can afford.


2. But the plants proved to be so prohibitively expensive to run that four of them were mothballed.


3. The most important factor for any LNG project is securing buyers. Without that, committing the billions of dollars needed would be prohibitively risky.


4. Real-estate prices in downtown Manhattan looked prohibitively expensive.


5. An ethical wardrobe isn't prohibitively expensive - it just lets common sense out of the closet.


6. You can more easily use the simpler form of that content in environments where parsing and properly processing the XML is prohibitively difficult.

在难于解析和正确处理 XML 的环境中,您可以更加轻松地使用这种更简单的内容形式。

7. In Brazil, fixed-line broadband is often prohibitively expensive; in Russia, where it can be much cheaper, it is often unavailable.


8. But the new policies setting higher rates for purchases of second homes made that prohibitively expensive.


9. This will make it even more necessary to scrap the seniority-based pay system, because keeping older workers on will be prohibitively expensive.


10. Giving every patient an annual anti - flu injection would be prohibitively expensive.

每年给每个病人注射 抗 流感针剂的花费是无法承受的.《简明英汉词典》

11. Car insurance can be prohibitively expensive for young drivers.


12. We will never know if he was right, since the idea was considered as unworkable as the night courts abandoned for being "prohibitively expensive".

这也许让他要重新考虚一下先前的想法了。” 但由于开办夜间法庭“代价过高”使得这一想法不可行,我们永远无法得知他正确与否。

13. While the upper end of this scale might be prohibitively expensive, it suggests at least some sites can be conserved.


14. When you add it all up it's prohibitively expensive.


15. Since the cost of return shipping is prohibitively expensive in this case, you do not need to return the original item.


16. And if they cannot find a job, they will find the cities prohibitively expensive.


17. The increasing complexity of modern computer systems makes fault detection and localization prohibitively expensive, therefore fast recovery from failures is becoming more and more important.


18. Some of these treatments are prohibitively expensive for developing countries, especially now as the number of patients is growing exponentially.


19. Much of the property owned by the government consists of large land plots close to the sea, which may be prohibitively expensive in an outright sale.


20. Even if refinancing were available for endangered firms, it would be prohibitively dear. It is only a matter of time before some go under.


21. So for most people it was prohibitively& We're talking in today's prices, roughly speaking.


22. Real - estate prices in downtown Manhattan looked prohibitively expensive.


23. While scholarships are available to most children from poor families, private school tuition fees can still be prohibitively high.


24. But winning such victories may be prohibitively costly.


25. It would be complicated but not prohibitively difficult to blend one or the other of these effects into the sandwich burner model.


26. Property in the area tends to be prohibitively expensive.

这个地区的地产有贵得使人负担不起的倾向。《provided by jukuu》

27. Existing dynamic access approaches make the first order statistical estimation based on the past sensing experiences and calculate the average reward, which would lead to prohibitively high complexity.


28. New drilling techniques, prohibitively expensive until recently, are making it easier to fracture dense rock thousands of feet below the surface to extract the gas.


29. Generating enough light could be prohibitively expensive, unless cheap, renewable energy is available, and this appears to be rather a future aspiration than a likelihood for the near future.


30. It would be prohibitively expensive to haul away the material, they say, and there are no waste sites in the area.


31. That makes the cost of raising new capital prohibitively expensive.


32. The idea never took off because it was prohibitively expensive.


33. There's just one snag-harvesting the oil from algae-filled water is prohibitively expensive.


34. Traditional synchronization techniques result in prohibitively long acquisition time and a suboptimum performance.


35. While action is justified and probably not prohibitively expensive, it is going to be a huge challenge.


36. Unfortunately, doing this manually is almost prohibitively expensive and time-consuming.


37. Meat and butter were prohibitively expensive.


38. Use instead of tabs when it would be prohibitively expensive to track and display the current location of the user as a state in the navigation control.


39. Now, new technology makes it easier, faster, and cheaper to identify and serve targeted micro-markets in ways that were physically impossible or prohibitively expensive in the past.


40. Sayuki is keen to revive this tradition, with the aim of funding the training of new geisha, otherwise prohibitively expensive for many.


41. At one extreme, the storage could all be on electronic valves, giving access within a microsecond, but this would be prohibitively expensive.


42. Without that, committing the billions of dollars needed would be prohibitively risky.


43. It is prohibitively expensive.


44. Why not the iPad 2? Hopefully, the accompanying data plan wouldn't be prohibitively expensive.

为什么IPAD 2 不是这样? 我们希望,随附的数据计划不会非常昂贵。

45. In the past, they have used state franchise laws to make any such action prohibitively expensive.


46. The company may simply be assessing the measure to prove it would be prohibitively expensive, rather than seriously considering the matter.


47. Yet new debt has become almost impossible to arrange and is, in most cases, prohibitively expensive.


48. The transport of heavy goods over long distances will soon become prohibitively expensive.

粗重物品的长途运费不久将贵得令人难以负担。《provided by jukuu》

49. Shipping our television to the UK was out of the question—not only would it have been prohibitively expensive, it was unlikely to work here anyway.


50. Storing conversational state in the database can be prohibitively expensive.


51. A key aim of the project is to develop a solution that is very reliable but not prohibitively expensive.


52. Privacy and integrity: When the messaging network or volume of message data is large, encrypting all traffic can be prohibitively expensive.


53. Now, the costs of devaluing appear prohibitively high.

现在, 贬值货币的代价看起来高得让人望而怯步.《互联网》

54. The technology required can also be prohibitively expensive.


55. Giving every patient an annual anti-flu injection would be prohibitively expensive.


56. Rare earths, says tomcyzk, "will become prohibitively scarce and expensive or possibly unavailable by 2030."



1. The bid and ask spreads on corporates are prohibitively wide and offerings in size are practically nonexistent.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. As with all technologies that become more affordable as the technology spreads, high-quality performance is no longer prohibitively expensive.

FORBES: Consumer Electronics Deliver Music the Way the Artists Intended

3. To some, this amount is prohibitively high when added to a defense budget they already claim must be reduced.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Army and its Future Combat Systems in Jeopardy

4. Doing those same kinds of studies with each cholesterol medicine would seem prohibitively expensive.

FORBES: Pfizer's $13 Billion Bind

5. The extra cost of producing two versions each day has been prohibitively high.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Death of the broadsheet?

6. In other words, the barriers to entry in many market segments are prohibitively high.

FORBES: Wave Of Consolidation May Be Coming In Military Electronics

7. The problem is the cost of energy it is prohibitively expensive to do this in quantity.

FORBES: Forget The Sequester: Entrepreneurs Are Saving The Future

8. By the 1980s land to the east of the airport had become prohibitively expensive.

ECONOMIST: Rising cities

9. Overall, just 7% of nonelderly Americans are covered by individual plans, which can be prohibitively expensive.

FORBES: More Choices, More Confusion

10. Shipping and transportation costs alone can make outsourcing prohibitively expensive, particularly if a company has a high-volume, lower-price product.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. Until now, suitable alternatives have been either unavailable in this area or prohibitively expensive.

ENGADGET: Excluded by the UK's fiber rollout, Oxfordshire villages roll their own 1Gbps broadband service

12. And they would be unable to impose prohibitively high costs on patients with chronic health problems.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

13. The route, they said, is prohibitively expensive due to China's high permit and guide fees.

BBC: The ethics of asking strangers to pay

14. They will win, but the price - especially for Seoul -- will be prohibitively high.

CNN: North Korea manufactured this crisis

15. Some weaker Japanese banks are finding it prohibitively expensive to borrow even in yen.

ECONOMIST: And it finally came to tears

16. As with civilian infrastructure, hardening America's entire military apparatus against EMP is prohibitively expensive.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Old threat with a new face

17. While cool winter skies are less obscured by haze and humidity, temperatures can be prohibitively cold.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. Meat and butter were prohibitively expensive.


19. One of our biggest problems at the time was a prohibitively high upfront cost.

FORBES: Teespring: Is This Rhode Island Based Startup The Future Of Custom Apparel?

20. Unless your the size of a Fidelity or Putnam or Schwab, for example, advertising can be prohibitively expensive.

FORBES: Yes - Your Brand Does Matter - As Does Your Website

21. Anyone who has a large media collection (legitimate or not) will find the all-encompassing iCloud solution prohibitively expensive.

FORBES: The iPhone 5 Is The Next Apple Screen Built To Consume Paid Media

22. At present, it seems likely the rest will soon follow as they become prohibitively costly to maintain and operate.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Disastrously 'transforming' defense

23. In a conventional fossil-fuel plant that's prohibitively expensive, since the CO2 is mixed in with nitrogen.


24. But DNA chip technology for scanning these so-called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs ("snips"), was prohibitively expensive in 2000.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

25. Braille displays connected to computers largely solve this literacy issue but are sometimes prohibitively expensive.

BBC: Braille is spreading but who's using it?

26. But if markets explode in size, such manipulation would quickly become prohibitively expensive.

FORBES: Can Intrade Win After The Election?

27. .. So for most people it was prohibitively-- We're talking in today's prices, roughly speaking.

所以这会使大多数人望而却步-,我以现在的物价水平做参照,大概而已。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. And if they cannot find a job, they will find the cities prohibitively expensive.

ECONOMIST: But only for a select few

29. Spain, though, faces exclusion from international debt markets thanks to prohibitively high borrowing costs.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

30. Of course these movements can be hedged, but at points of high volatility hedges can be prohibitively expensive.

FORBES: Sit Tight, A Rally Could Be On The Way

31. One is to find female artists whose works, backgrounds or artistic movements mirror those of prohibitively expensive male artists.

WSJ: In the Art World, Women on the Verge

32. But cleanup missions to pick up all the trash cast off by a launch are prohibitively expensive.

WSJ: A Cosmic Question: How to Get Rid Of All That Orbiting Space Junk?




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meticulousness的意思是:n. 谨小慎微。学考宝为您提供meticulousness是什么意思,meticulousness的翻译,meticulousness的用法,meticulousness的短语搭配,meticulousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctilio的意思是:n. 拘泥形式;细节;拘束。学考宝为您提供punctilio是什么意思,punctilio的翻译,punctilio的用法,punctilio的短语搭配,punctilio的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bull的意思是:n. 公牛;雄性大型动物;买空者,多头;教皇诏书,教皇训谕;<非正式>废话,胡说八道;靶心 v. <非正式>用力推,猛推;(母牛)发情 【名】 (Bull)(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bull是什么意思,bull的翻译,bull的用法,bull的短语搭配,bull的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliously的意思是:adv. 谨小慎微地;拘泥细节地;一丝不苟地。学考宝为您提供punctiliously是什么意思,punctiliously的翻译,punctiliously的用法,punctiliously的短语搭配,punctiliously的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


fastidiousness的意思是:n. 一丝不苟;严格。学考宝为您提供fastidiousness是什么意思,fastidiousness的翻译,fastidiousness的用法,fastidiousness的短语搭配,fastidiousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bulk的意思是:n. 主体,大部分;庞大的身躯,肥硕的体形;(巨大的)容积,体积 adj. 大批的,大宗的 v. 使(产品)数量显得很大;结合(待售的股票或商品) 【名】 (Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)。学考宝为您提供bulk是什么意思,bulk的翻译,bulk的用法,bulk的短语搭配,bulk的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliousness的意思是:n. 一丝不苟;小心翼翼;谨小慎微。学考宝为您提供punctiliousness是什么意思,punctiliousness的翻译,punctiliousness的用法,punctiliousness的短语搭配,punctiliousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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