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英 [ˌlaɪf ɔː ˈdeθ]play美 [ˌlaɪf ɔːr ˈdeθ]play

  • adj. 生死攸关的

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  • adj.生死攸关的



1. A Life-or-death Struggle 你死我活

2. life or death 死活

3. life-or-death crisis 生死危机

4. life-or-death situation 生命或死亡情况 ; 生活 ; 生死情况

5. regardless of life or death 死活不顾

6. T life or death 乡土摇滚

7. it's life or death 生死攸关

8. LIFE OR DEATH II 末日传说 ; 生死之间


1. Treat recruiting as life or death for your company because it is.


2. In life-or-death situations, it's so important to set yourself a structure to work within, you know, like a discipline and goals to have.


3. Heini waits Wednesday for the operation which would mean life or death for him.


4. It is only a hobby, not a life or death struggle.


5. Speak frankly, I pray you, be it for life or death.

我请你坦率地讲出来, 不管我是该活还是该死. ”《英汉文学 - 红字》

6. Things eventually become life-or-death, and Aron does something that most of us probably don't have the fortitude to do.


7. Bavelier chalks up the change to "neural plasticity"--the ability of our brains to rewire themselves to more efficiently visually process the life-or-death scenes in action video games.


8. I also liked it when after I sent you my first novel - Life or Death, and you said you were a bit "squeamish" that is a common reply to my novel.


9. For many online businesses, their position in its search ranking—the workings of which are a closely guarded secret—is a matter of life or death.


10. A few months can mean life or death.


11. It had become a matter of life or death for him.


12. So they will accept his main premise: "The greatest single scientific question —and for our society, a question of life or death —is how far and how fast the seas will rise ...

“因此,他们会接受他的主要前提:“最主要的单一科学问题 - 对我们的社会来说,一个生死攸关的问题 - 是海洋上升的程度有多大,速度有多快...

13. Thankfully, most new skills that we acquire in our daily lives don’t start with life or death skills training.


14. Such organizations should be ready all the time to make life-or-death choices and have the organizational capability of self-sacrifice.


15. Of course, the doctors at Seattle's Grace Hospital deal with life-or-death situations on a daily basis-it's in one another that they find comfort, friendship and, at times, more than friendship.


16. And too many Americans are really in a life-or-death situation, they desperately need the coverage.


17. We have to make a decision when we face life or death.


18. Michael Keaton, in a widely expected win, was named best actor in a film comedy or musical for "Birdman." With the award, he seemed well on the way toward an Oscar for a bravura performance as a stage actor locked in a life-or-death struggle with his own potential.

迈克尔·基顿(Michael Keaton)不负众望,凭借《鸟人》(Birdman)获得了喜剧/音乐剧类影片最佳男主角奖。他似乎很有希望进而获得奥斯卡奖。他在片中饰演一位跟自己的潜力做生死斗争的舞台演员,表演十分大胆。

19. This is a life-or-death matter.


20. Whether the consumer recognition of your products and services, deciding the life or death.


21. One can not put back the clock. Efficiency means life or death.


22. That getting into Princeton isn't a life-or-death matter hit home years ago for Loren Pope, then the education editor of The New York Times.


23. CANCER patients across Britain are facing a life-or-death postcode lottery which decides whether they get vital drugs and treatment.


24. For humans in primitive times, slowness in distinguishing whether the person in front of them is a member of their own tribe or a member of an enemy tribe was a life-or-death issue.


25. When I was first starting out, more decisions than I care to admit seemed like life-or-death situations, when in reality, each choice has brought TaskRabbit closer to building the strongest business and community possible.


26. Leo: I know this is important to you, but you've got to keep it in perspective. It's not a life-or-death situation.


27. The American College of Emergency Physicians opposes "the filming for public viewing of emergency department patients or staff members except when they can give full informed consent prior to their participation," yet show after show returns to the emergency room, drawn by the life-or-death stakes.

美国急诊医师学会(American College of Emergency Physicians)反对“在急诊科的伤患和工作人员充分知情同意参与前就对他们进行拍摄并提供给公众观看”,然而,生死关头扣人心弦,驱使着一部又一部节目在急诊室里诞生。

28. There may be some matters of life and death or highest principle, which might justify such a risk, but there aren't many things that fall in this category.


29. That getting into Princeton isn't a life-or-death matter hit home years ago for Loren Pope, then the education editor of The New York Times.


30. Dads, this is your number one responsibility as a father.You need to help your children get to know God because eternity hangs in the balance: life or death, heaven or hell.


31. Automakers and Silicon Valley companies like Tesla and Google are pushing to perfect automated vehicles and speed their introduction, but the big question has been whether the technology is reliable in a life-or-death situation.


32. At such a life-or-death moment, I would only consider sacrificing my life for my daughter.


33. AIDS helped make one point crystal clear: equity in health really is a matter of life or death.


34. There are several points at which you make life or death decisions between key cast members.


35. Because you wouldn't believe me anyway In fact, for too many people around the world money is literally a life-or-death proposition


36. There was a life-or-death struggle for a pair of African elephants when they were ambushed by a hungry Nile crocodile in Zambia's South Luangwa National Park this summer.


37. This means that your words have power to finally cause things to happen, even life or death.


38. Amit Kumar's debut feature is a philosophical tale about a cop who ─ on first day on the job ─ confronts a life-or-death decision, with three separate outcomes playing out as he chases a criminal on the rain-swept streets of Mumbai.

阿米特•库马尔(Amit Kumar)的处女作是一个哲学故事,讲的是头天上任的一个警察在暴雨过后的孟买街道上追逐罪犯。警察面临一个生死抉择。影片给出了三种不同选择,每种选择都会带来不同的结局。

39. Dads, this is your number one responsibility as a father. You need to help your children get to know God because eternity hangs in the balance: life or death, heaven or hell.


40. Its successor, on the other hand, appeared to pit key socioeconomic groups in a life-or-death struggle and was widely seen by contemporary observers as marking a historical departure.


41. Struggles for the emperor's favor could become life-or-death situations.


42. That nonsense deals with the most crucial, the life-or-death issues of man's existence.


43. Someone like Peter, who is trying to break a lifelong control habit, might choose to delegate a task that isn't life-or-death to the most capable member of his staff and see what happens.


44. The pain of beingrejected by one’s peer group can be a matter of life or death, asrecent cyber-bullying cases in the news demonstrate.


45. Every single second could mean life or death for a person trapped the debris.


46. For these animals, coordinating their movements with one another can be a matter of life or death.


47. Things eventually become life-or-death, and Aron does something that most of us probably don't have the fortitude to do.


48. Your words have power to finally cause things to happen, even life or death.


49. Life or death, has entered insolvency proceedings SST Suntek the most critical questions facing.

重生还是死亡, 已是进入破产程序的SST新太面临的最关键问题.《期刊摘选》

50. Much as they love you, it's easy for our friends to forget our day-to-day priorities, including a job search that feels like a life-or-death proposition to you.


51. I couldn't face another life-or-death situation after that.


52. Much as they love you, it's easy for our friends to forget our day-to-day priorities, including a job search that feels like a life-or-death proposition to you.


53. Stated as an English sentence, of course, this is just a banal platitude& but the fact is that, in the day-to-day trenches of adult existence, banal platitudes can have life-or-death importance.


54. Speak frankly, I pray you, be it for life or death.


55. Carlisle wasn't considering age too intently, as each of these decisions was spur-of-the-moment as well as life-or-death.


56. My life or death does not matter.


57. Life or death, I will do whatever I can for the benefits of the country.


58. If he hadn't been there, NASA would not have been able to make its last communications with the mission before splashdown, but Greg says "it wasn't life or death, [from] my understanding."


59. and caring for patients in life-or-death situations


60. And every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing a new home, honey bees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building.


61. For humans in primitive times, slowness in distinguishing whether the person in front of them is a member of their own tribe or a member of an enemy tribe was a life-or-death issue.


62. Locked in an ongoing life-or-death struggle with a humongous albino dinosaur, Buck is more than just a tad mad.



1. The unlimited Marital Deduction allows for transfers to US citizen spouses during life or at death to remain tax-free.

FORBES: 5 Reasons Why ATRA Is A Great Outcome For Estates

2. Most people may be willing to pay a few thousand to get a premium test that gives them peace of mind that they have a correct interpretation of their genetic data, especially in life-or-death matters such as deciding on cancer treatments.

FORBES: Do-It-Yourself Gene Testing Threatens Myriad's Monopoly

3. There's the room of this life, and there's the room of the next life and people who have near-death experiences either temporarily were in the second room or else at least they were glancing into the second room.

这里是今生的房间,那里有一个来世的房间,有濒死体验的人,或者短暂地进入到第二个房间,或者至少对第二个房间匆匆一瞥死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. The more realistic approach to life-or-death situations reflects "a different generation, and a different generation's approach, " says Jonathan Sehring, president of Sundance Selects, the film's U.S. distributor.

WSJ: 'Declaration of War': Snubbed by the Oscars, Loved by the French

5. The gameplay features a more Hollywood style of action, upping the ante with heavily armed (Russian and Chinese) enemies and tense life-or-death scenarios.

CNN: 5 video games to watch from GDC 2013

6. Perhaps it should establish a fund to pluck some of its less adept patrons from life-or-death circumstances.

ECONOMIST: Points of viewers

7. New York is a fishbowl too, he acknowledged, but he expects it to be a different, less-intense environment than the talk-radio fueled Boston scene perhaps, he said, owing to the fact that there are two teams in every sport in New York, making each individual team's struggles less a matter of life-or-death.

WSJ: Kevin Youkilis: Here, It's Different

8. The jury had two choices -- death by injection or life in prison.

CNN: Jury spares 9/11 plotter Moussaoui

9. Even a relatively developed democracy such as Mexico now finds itself in a life-or-death struggle against gangsters.

ECONOMIST: Failed states and failed policies

10. The sentences of Saddam and those of his co-defendants receiving death or life-in-prison will automatically be appealed.

NPR: Saddam Ordered to Hang for Deaths in Iraqi Village

11. Larger companies rarely face life-or-death opportunities or threats.

FORBES: 7 Reasons Big-Company Executives Fail in a Startup

12. If convicted, the 42-year-old faces the death penalty or life without parole.

NPR: Fort Hood Suspect To Represent Himself At Trial

13. Water, something we take for granted here in the U.S., is a life-or-death necessity in some disadvantaged countries in the world.

FORBES: Tapping the Well of Philanthropy: Scott Harrison and Charity Water

14. These people are especially likely to be targeted if they have any money, so the ability to invest their assets offshore and keep that information hidden from venal governments can, in some cases, be a life-or-death matter.

FORBES: Why Tax Havens Are A Force For Good

15. For them, even a few million in settlements or licensing fees could mean life-or-death.

FORBES: At CES, Companies Large and Small Bash Broken Patent System

16. Cutting down on shopping or television may make sense for plenty of people, but it's probably not a life-or-death decision.

FORBES: The Most Expensive Addictions

17. Given that healthcare involves life-or-death decisions, it is all the more important that this indispensable factor be present.

FORBES: Why Are Profits In the Healthcare Sector So Demonized?

18. As they become smarter and more widespread, autonomous machines are bound to end up making life-or-death decisions in unpredictable situations, thus assuming or at least appearing to assume moral agency.

ECONOMIST: Robot ethics

19. For the cow, this is a life-or-death moment.

BBC: Mexico City weighs bullfighting ban

20. Some have blamed K-27's Capt Pavel Leonov over the accident, but CWO Mazurenko says the captain faced a life-or-death choice.

BBC: Eyewitness: Tragedy of Soviet nuclear submarine K-27

21. He doesn't remember going through six rolls of film that day, but he remembers being shot at and is all too aware that a mere feet -- even inches -- separated him from life or death.

CNN: Neda: Latest iconic image to inspire

22. She is also known for an ability to block out the noise of high-profile cases and make life-or-death decisions for her clients under intense pressure, those who know her said.

WSJ: Tsarnaev's Lawyer Has Background Of Capital Cases

23. Incidentally, the president's being involved in making these life-or-death decisions about the fates of many hundreds of people in any given year is desirable.

CNN: Obama leak 'scandal' is wildly overblown

24. Pretty slow decision-making in a life-or-death situation.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama dithered for nearly three days on pirates

25. People in the path of a tornado often have just minutes to make life-or-death decisions.

VOA : special.2010.05.11

26. We won't second guess his decision, since we don't know the exact terms of the deal (though apparently they were pretty bad), but you know what, TiVo is sort of in a life-or-death situation right now and might have to take what it can get if it wants to stick around.

ENGADGET: TiVo backed out of deal with Comcast

27. The top-tier investment banks have one talent that still commands huge fees: their brilliance at the life-or-death deal, such as a hostile takeover, a landmark privatisation or a public offering.

ECONOMIST: Investment banks

28. Perrin occasionally arranges his material in quasi-fictional ways in order to flesh out a life-or-death situation or to illustrate an ecological point without endangering his animals.

NEWYORKER: Winged Migration

29. "We've tightened the screws and had each member in a critical life-or-death situation, " he said.

CNN: 2011 is bringing a death to the 'Fantastic Four' family

30. Whether the cause was childhood infection, difficult childbirth, heart attack, or pneumonia, the interval between recognizing that you had a life-threatening ailment and death was often just a matter of days or weeks.


31. But we will all fare less well with less medical care (rationing is a fact of life--or death--in nationalized systems) and little pharmaceutical innovation.

FORBES: Ireland Gets It





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