莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [heɪ]play美 [heɪ]play

  • int. (非正式)(引起注意等)喂;(表示不在意)嘿;(用于陈述句末尾,表示已说完)就这样,你说呢;(表示问候)你好
  • n. (Hey)(美、德、英)埃(人名)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


hey /heɪ/

  • 1.
    习惯表达 In informal situations, you say or shout "hey" to attract someone's attention, or to show surprise, interest, or annoyance. 嘿 (用在非正式场合以引起注意或表示惊讶、感兴趣或恼怒等)情感

    "Hey! Look out!" shouted Patty.


  • 2.
    习惯表达 In informal situations, you can say "hey" to greet someone. 嘿 (非正式场合中用于打招呼)

    She watched as he smiled, opened his mouth, and said, "Hey, Kate."



  • int.喂!(引起注意等);你好!(表示问候)

    here   /   G'Day

  • n.干草(等于hay)

    stover   /   hay


1. hey boy 黄宗泽 ; 对你来说越夜越黑 ; 别再说是你犯了错

2. Hey Diddle Diddle 稀奇 ; 嘿 ; 嗨 ; 滴嘟滴嘟

3. Hey Girl 黑Girl ; 李孝利 ; 给少女

4. Hey jude 嘿 ; 孙燕姿 ; 嘿朱迪 ; 黑猪

5. Hey Whatever 随心所欲 ; 无论如何 ; 夜先生 ; 不管如何

6. hey say jump 山田凉介 ; 高木雄也 ; 中岛裕翔 ; 知念侑李

7. Hey Juliet 奥林巴斯 ; 奥林巴斯广告 ; 你好朱丽叶 ; 奥林巴斯相机广告歌

8. HEY OH 嘿奥 ; 法国慢摇 ; 悲剧演唱组 ; 法语慢摇

9. hey hey hey 已开始想念 ; 奇迹 ; 现场版 ; 是不是你其实忘记了


1. "Hey you," Tom greeted.


2. 'Hey, you're gorgeous,' he slurred.


3. Hey, hands off! That's my drink!


4. Hey! You mustn't drive here.


5. Hey, I know it's crazy.


6. Hey, look at the time! We'll talk about it tonight. All right?


7. Hey, leave my things alone!


8. My new bike's nice, hey?


9. Hey Fatty, my friend! Hello!

嘿,胖子朋友, 你好!《期刊摘选》

10. Hey, what a beautiful smash!

嘿, 这球扣得真漂亮!《现代汉英综合大词典》

11. Hey you wanna dare me ? play chicken.


12. Hey, what's up? Did you see the Liverpool game on TV last night?

怎么样,昨晚看到利物浦队的比赛了吗?《provided by jukuu》

13. Hey! What are you doing?


14. 'Hey! Look out!' shouted Patty...


15. Hey, what about your breakfast?


16. Hey, that's an idea! And we could get a band, as well.


17. Ross : Hey, how are you holding up?

你好 啊 宝贝!《期刊摘选》

18. There followed an assortment of praise for the coffee along the lines of 'Hey, this coffee is fantastic!'


19. Hey ! Paul ! Hi ! The Wine Guy! Hey!

嗨! 保罗,你好,调酒师.《期刊摘选》

20. Hey there, fetching young lady. May I be of any assistance in getting this party started?

你好啊, 迷人的女士. 我能有幸成为你狂欢的起点 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

21. Hey, watch where you're going!


22. That's the third time I've been late this week—but hey!—who's counting?


23. Hey! Please stop the car for a minute.

喂! 停一下车.《现代汉英综合大词典》

24. There were a lot of people and much noise there. But all this nothing to him.

那里(街上)人很多,嘈杂声很大. 但是这一切对他来说都无所谓.《期刊摘选》

25. Hey, cut him some slack! He's doing his best!


26. Hey! Baby loves me! Hey! Yeah.


27. Hey, Tom. You're smoker, do you know anything about cigars?

你好, 汤姆. 你喜欢吸烟, 那你对雪茄了解 多少 ?《期刊摘选》

28. Hey, can I ask you a question?


29. Thanks for your help, hey.


30. Molly: Hey, what's up? I heard you may leave the company, is that true?

莫莉: 嗨, 你好 吗 ?我听说你可能要离开公司, 是真的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

31. Hey brother what's up!

嗨,老兄,你好 啊 !《期刊摘选》

32. As she left the litter-strewn lot, an angry voice called out to her. 'Hey, lady!'


33. Hey , bud. How you been?

莱恩:伙计, 你好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

34. Hey, watch where you're going!


35. Hey, your scarf is slipping off.

喂, 你的围巾快掉了.《现代汉英综合大词典》

36. Hey, come earlier tomorrow!

哎, 明天早点儿来 啊 !《现代汉英综合大词典》

37. That's the third time I've been late this week ─ but hey! ─ who's counting?


38. Hey, Xiao Lu, what's up?

嘿, 小陆, 你好 啊 ?《辞典例句》

39. Hey, happy birthday to you.


40. Barney: oh. Hi, Fred. Hey, you you are going treating tonight?

噢. 弗瑞德,你好.嘿, 你今晚要去玩“不给糖就捣蛋” 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

41. Hey, look. He's watching us!


42. A : Hey John, nice skates. Are they new?

你好,约翰, 冰鞋真漂亮. 新的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

43. Hey! It's a beautiful day.


44. Hey, Ma. It's the old man.


45. Hey, dude, what's up?


46. So keep it simple: “Hi”, “Hey” or “Hello”—do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can, put on a big smile and say “Hi”.

因此要让第一句话简短“嗨”,“嘿”或者“你好”——尽你所能汇集所有的热情和能量,露出大大的微笑,然后说“嗨”《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. Hey, can I just ask you something?


48. Hey, don't muss up my hair!


49. Hey, you're gorgeous, he slurred.


50. Hey, Matthew. How are you?

爱迪:嗨, 马修, 你好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

51. There followed an assortment of praise for the coffee along the lines of "Hey, this coffee is fantastic!"


52. She watched as he smiled, opened his mouth, and said, "Hey, Kate."


53. Hey! Don't forget your jacket!


54. 'Hey, is there anything the matter with my sisters?' — 'Is that why you're phoning?'


55. Hey, just a minute!


56. Hey wow, man! Where d'you get those boots?


57. Hey, no way, buddy.


58. Hey, that's an idea! And we could get a band, as well.


59. Hey idiot. Took you long enough.


60. Hey, what are you doing? Push off!


61. Hey! It's gone again.

嗯, 怎么又不见了?《现代汉英综合大词典》

62. Hey, I'm going again tonight.


63. Hey! Let's learn shapes together!


64. Hey. Are you ready to order now?

你好. 准备好要点餐了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

65. "Hey, buddy," says the guard.


66. Hey ! Look ! How well the crops grow!


67. Hey can you do me a solid?

你好,能帮个忙 吗 ?(问路时用)《期刊摘选》

68. Hey, what a lovely lamb!


69. 'Hey! Look out!' shouted Patty


70. That's the third time I've been late this week─but hey!─who's counting?


71. Hey, I don't know what you're talking about, Russo objected.


72. This is probably a bad idea, but what the hey!


73. Hey, where are you going?

喂, 你去哪儿?《现代汉英综合大词典》

74. "Hey there! Stop!" he cried.


75. 'Hey, I don't know what you're talking about,' Russo objected.


76. Hey ! Come over here.

欸, 你 快来!《现代汉英综合大词典》

77. Hey, the kettle leaks!

哎哟, 壶漏啦!《现代汉英综合大词典》

78. 'Hey, Judith,' he resumed, 'tell me all about yourself.'


79. Hey? You think you like it here?


80. Hey, Sophie. How're you doing?


81. Hey, Bill, you old son of a gun! How are you?

嗨, 比尔, 你这个老坏蛋! 你好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

82. Hey, you kids! Don't all snatch!


83. Hey, Terry, come and meet my Dad.


84. Hey, look at the time! We'll talk about it tonight. All right?


85. Hey, your ship is sinking.


86. Hey, dude, what's up?


87. You just press the button and, hey presto, a perfect cup of coffee!


88. Hey, hands off! That's my drink!


89. Hey, cut him some slack! He's doing his best!


90. Hey, just a minute. Where do you think you're going with my handbag?

嗨, 等一下! 你拿着我的手提袋上哪儿去了?《简明英汉词典》

91. Hey, you kids! Don't all snatch!


92. Hey, Mum, knock something together for us to eat.

嗨, 妈, 搞点东西给我们吃吧.《简明英汉词典》

93. "Hey! Look out!" shouted Patty.


94. Hey, can I just ask you something?


95. Hey, Cathy. How are you?

嗨, 凯茜, 你好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》


1. Actually got an idea that, hey let's cooperate and try to get this thing right.

NPR: New Orleans Family Heads North

2. "Hey!" he shouted.

VOA : special.2010.03.20

3. "A player who hasn't been playing for very long, I try to keep them next to the section player, or leader as we call it, that has been playing a while so they can always ask questions say, 'Hey,I don't know what that means.'" Matt is now in college, studying music education.

VOA : special.2010.06.21

4. So we're constantly looking at, "Hey, if we were redoing this thing from the start, there's a whole bunch of things we would do differently.

所以我们不停地思考,如果从头来做这件事的话,很多事我们的方法会有所不同。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

5. "They're being told that, 'Hey you know what, I can send you a few dollars.

VOA : special.2010.04.12

6. And then after we get passed the warehouse a very long blocked, long warehouse I see a locomotive and I say hey look there's a train.

走过仓库以后,走过这个长长的,遮挡视线的仓库,我看到火车头,我说,嘿,有辆火车。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Hey, guys!


8. "It's about time the moderates stood up and said, 'Hey, we're in the majority here!'"


9. Hey, his prior start-up was Tribe.net, which was one of the first social networks.

FORBES: Moving at Zynga Speed

10. Hey, dude!


11. Hey, Schwab brokers promote Schwab index funds, when they could send you to cheaper alternatives from Vanguard.

FORBES: Ralph's Used Car Analysts

12. Mr. SUDARSAN RAGHAVAN (Baghdad Bureau Chief, Washington Post): Hey, good to be here, Luke and Alison.

NPR: The Week in Iraq

13. Maybe the official specs will hold a surprise once released... hey, we can dream can't we?

ENGADGET: Samsung's 50-inch PDP brings wireless HD

14. You don't want to be like "Hey, criminals, come and get my purse."

你不会想发出这样的信号: “喂,罪犯们,过来呀,来抢我的包吧。”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对纽约的印象

15. The likes of "Hey, Mickey" blared out from the speakers as Denmark prepared to party.

BBC: man Robin Chipperfield on Froch-Watch

16. Hey, if you head to the Apple store now, you can be first in line!

FORBES: Connect

17. Hey, one year ago right here we said the market was working fine.

FORBES: Welcome to the Stock Bazaar

18. Sure enough what you see very quickly emerging is new entrants entering the market to say, hey these firms are restricting their quantities, we can get in there and make money.

不久你就会发现有大量的新兴公司,进入了这个领域,他们发现先入公司在限制产量,就也进入行业来赚钱了博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Hey, Ben!


20. Mr. BILL PRESS (Host, The Bill Press Show): Hey, she's working for her mom.

NPR: Barack Obama's Big Weekend

21. But, hey, doesn't talent pop up all the time, with players developing and growing?

WSJ: Watching Local Jazz Flicker Back to Life

22. Rick James is going to be sitting on the--at--staring at the web two years from now saying, "Hey. That's my thing."

等瑞克·詹姆斯两年后上网,看到这个视频,会说,"嘿,这是我的歌"心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The Lumineers' track "Ho Hey" had already been featured in at least three TV programs.

WSJ: The New Promise of South by Southwest | By Jim Fusilli

24. But there is no final bill. And the Democrats have a new problem hey had not expected.

VOA : special.2010.01.23

25. You need to pin down an object of study, a first principle from which other principles can emerge, and part of the process is to say, "Hey, it's not literature we're talking about.

首要原则是,需要锁定要谈论,即学习的目标,可是,谁知道什么是文学。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. But, hey, at least Mitt Romney is thoughtful on the issue of health care reform.

FORBES: Michele Bachmann: the ugly

27. Michael made a couple of dunks. But hey,Manute stood his ground."

VOA : special.2010.07.05

28. "Hey,Michaelson",someone yelled, after the next words I knew it was Naufmann,the tailor.

VOA : special.2011.03.05

29. Business is good he says. "Hey,it's been very good.

VOA : special.2009.08.21

30. Hey, Isabelle…


31. But the band does want its listeners to keep reliving the heartbreak of Hey Eugene!

NPR: The Broken Romances of Pink Martini's 'Eugene'

32. Hey, if you can get anything built when nobody else is building, it goes even faster.

FORBES: Inbound Traffic

33. To find the force, what you will do is, suppose somebody says, "Hey, I've got a new force.

为了找出这些力,你们要做的是,假设有人说,"嘿,我发现了一种力基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. - BOY 2: How you guys doing?- Look who we just found. What's up, girl? Hey... Where you going?

VOA : standard.other

35. "I would pass them in the hallway and they would say,'Hey, the next time you go back to India, here is twenty dollars, here is fifty dollars, here is ten dollars for the children.'" Today,Baal Dan has other financial supporters in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.08.10

36. Novak now says, hey, here are my sources on this - two out of the three.

NPR: Novak Reveals Details of CIA Identity Leak

37. hey reach a certain equilibrium.

从而达到一种平衡状态。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. "Hey, this is a game, " Freeman said, according to recordings made by an FBI informant.

NPR: Informant: Haslam Aggressive Sales Tone At Pilot

39. Well,I got them saddles built, and then somebody would say 'Hey,why don't you build me a saddle?'" That was how Nancy Martiny got into the saddle making business twenty years ago.

VOA : special.2011.01.31

40. We constantly over the years kept telling them, 'Hey, we need more help back here.

CNN: Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast

41. But, you know, a lot of the critics of this essay yesterday said, hey.

NPR: Apple's Jobs Argues Against Song Protections

42. They are just encouraging each other and I stop doing before work in morning, the paper pencil kind of activity because I saw them going right to the computer, and I say,hey, they're learning more from than when they are just from the revision.

他们在相互鼓励,我现在不用在早上,做那些纸和铅笔的活动了,因为我看到他们径直走到电脑那,我想,他们能从那学到的,比从复习中学到的要多。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. Hey, it's our first birthday today and to celebrate we're having our biggest giveaway ever.

ENGADGET: It's our birthday, and we're giving you the presents

44. "But hey, we're all still living and it's not like we're starving, " she said cheerfully.

CNN: U.S. drought biggest since 1956, climate agency says

45. Hey, check out that chick. She's really hot. Let me go talk to her."

嗨,看看那个女孩,她真的很火辣。我要过去和她说说话。”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 体验男女初次会面

46. And I was trying to make a final call on the summer job and Bill called and said "Hey look Steve. Geez, how are you doing? Gosh, things get complicated here we need a business person. What about you?"

那时我正试图把暑假打工的事,一锤定音,比尔打电话给我,说,“嘿史蒂夫,最近怎么样?,天呐我们这儿越来越复杂了,需要个,搞商的人,你来怎么样?“微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

47. Hey, when Fusion-io launched, Facebook was a small operation, with its focus on the college market.

FORBES: Fusion-io IPO: Finding Billions in Market Holes

48. I've gottten no confirmation - and hey - I'd really like to see this published.

FORBES: Magazine Article

49. Because so often, especially with guys,you'll say, 'Hey,we had Valentine's Day.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

50. Paul said that, throughout the entire process, the staff at Alder Hey were fantastic.

BBC: NEWS | Health | 'We wanted our child's post-mortem'

51. So I like to share things about what's going on. And we like to go out to dinner to different places, for example,and I like to share 'Hey we're at this place and this is what we had and it was good.'

VOA : special.2009.09.14

52. Hey, maybe someday the nine-year old version of me can grow up to become a superhero after all.

CNN: Where are the black superheroes?

53. "Hey Jude" is a song that eases pain.

VOA : special.2010.06.18

54. But then once they get over, "Hey, what are you doing to me?"

但一旦他们明白过来,他们会说:“喂,你想要我怎样啊?”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 纽约的人们

55. Did you ever see somebody across the room and you kind of think, hey, nice looking?

NPR: McCain Keeps Home Fires Burning

56. Hey, thank you so much for checking out THE BRYANT PARK PROJECT from NPR News.

NPR: Libraries Woo Kids with Video Games

57. Right, because then everyone knows that there's going to be a death, whereas the cabin boy didn't know that this discussion was even happening, there was no forewarning for him to know that "Hey, I may be the one that's dying."

对,因为这样所有人都知道会有人死,而不是像之前派克被完全蒙在鼓里,根本没有人预先警告他,可能抽到是我死“公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. "Some people were saying, Hey, I thought this was a takeover, '" Anderson recalls.

FORBES: Trading Places

59. You can tell I have an opinion here, but hey, I could change my mind.

FORBES: Jeff Bezos On How To Change Your Mind

60. It may be the case that he can go to the peoples of Europe and say, 'Hey,this is what we need,'".

VOA : standard.2009.03.31

61. Hey, Mary, what's up?


62. y Hey, try using it to store the number 13 13 through the other pointer Y.

嘿,通过另外一个指针3,试着让它存储数字。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

63. All right. So jumping in to having established that, yes, particles have wave-like behavior, even though no, hey're not actually photons, we can't use that equation.

好的,我们已经承认了,粒子有波动性,虽然它们不是光子,我们不能用这个方程。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

64. At the time four NHS staff, including the chief executive of Alder Hey, Hilary Rowlands, were suspended.

BBC: Alder Hey doctors reported to GMC

65. I can touch it, I'm not controlling it, it doesn't recognize me and say, "Hey Steve, stop beating on me."

我能够摸它,却不能控制它,它不可能认识我,还说“别打我了史蒂夫“微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课




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bull的意思是:n. 公牛;雄性大型动物;买空者,多头;教皇诏书,教皇训谕;<非正式>废话,胡说八道;靶心 v. <非正式>用力推,猛推;(母牛)发情 【名】 (Bull)(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bull是什么意思,bull的翻译,bull的用法,bull的短语搭配,bull的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliously的意思是:adv. 谨小慎微地;拘泥细节地;一丝不苟地。学考宝为您提供punctiliously是什么意思,punctiliously的翻译,punctiliously的用法,punctiliously的短语搭配,punctiliously的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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bulk的意思是:n. 主体,大部分;庞大的身躯,肥硕的体形;(巨大的)容积,体积 adj. 大批的,大宗的 v. 使(产品)数量显得很大;结合(待售的股票或商品) 【名】 (Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)。学考宝为您提供bulk是什么意思,bulk的翻译,bulk的用法,bulk的短语搭配,bulk的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliousness的意思是:n. 一丝不苟;小心翼翼;谨小慎微。学考宝为您提供punctiliousness是什么意思,punctiliousness的翻译,punctiliousness的用法,punctiliousness的短语搭配,punctiliousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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