莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)l]play美 [ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)l]play

  • adj. 开始的,最初的;(字母)位于词首的
  • n. (姓名的)首字母
  • v. 用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于

复数 initials 第三人称单数 initials 现在分词 initialling或initialing 过去式 initialled或initialed 过去分词 initialled或initialed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


initial /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ CET4 TEM4 [ initialling initialled initials ]

  • 1.
    形容词 You use initial to describe something that happens at the beginning of a process. 最初的

    The initial reaction has been excellent.


  • 2.
    可数名词 Initials are the capital letters that begin each word of a name. For example, if your full name is Michael Dennis Stocks, your initials are M.D.S. (姓名的) 大写首字母

    ...a silver Porsche with her initials JB on the side.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If someone initials an official document, they write their initials on it, to show that they have seen it or that they accept or agree with it. 签姓名的首字母于

    Would you mind initialling this voucher?






original initial primitive 【导航词义:原始的,最早的】

original adj. 最初的,原始的

〔辨析〕 指最早存在或出现的,只作定语。

例1: The original settlers here are the Indians.


例2: This house has been returned to the original owner.


例3: The original painting is now worth 800 dollars.


例4: The following are extracts from the original article.


initial adj. 开始的,最初的

〔辨析〕 指发生或出现于某过程的初始阶段的,只作定语。

例1: The initial talks formed the basis of the final agreement.


例2: After overcoming her initial shyness, Maria became very friendly.


primitive adj. 原始的,远古的

〔辨析〕 指生命或人类发展的初期阶段的。

例1: Primitive people usually lived in caves.


例2: This book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society.


例3: The living conditions there were pretty primitive.



1. initial condition 初始条件

2. initial velocity 初速度

3. INITIAL SAMPLE 原办 ; 初版 ; 首次样品 ; 初办

4. initial point 初始点

5. Initial D 头文字D ; 剧场版 ; 头文字D原声音乐 ; 片

6. initial public offerings 首次公募 ; 首次公开募股 ; 首次公开发行股票 ; 首次公开发行

7. initial concentration 起始浓度;初浓度

8. initial position 初始位置

9. initial public offering 初始公开发行;首次公募

10. initial investment 最初投资,期初投资

11. initial data n. 原始数据

12. initial temperature 初始温度

13. initial period 初始期

14. initial state 初态;起始状态,开始状态

15. initial design 原设计,初步设计;初始设计

16. initial value 初始值;原始价值;基础资料

17. initial margin 初始保证金 ; 贸易 原始保证金 ; 首期保证金 ; 基本按金

18. initial offerings 原始股

19. Initial Public Offering 首次公开募股 ; 首次公开发行 ; 首次公开招股 ; 新股首发

20. initial cost 最初成本,开办成本

21. initial population 起始粒子数反转;原始群体

22. initial stage 原始期

23. initial time 初始时间;出发时间

24. initial model 原始模型,初始模型

25. initial stress 初始应力

26. initial phase 初始阶段;初始相位




initial diagnosis 最初的诊断

initial estimate 最初的估计

initial investment 初始投资

initial phase 最初的阶段

initial reaction 最初的反应

initial results 最初的结果

initial stages 初期


1. There is no initial list of contents.


2. Being due to initial data errors, the result accuracy from the popular adjustment will decrease.

因起算数据误差的存在, 导致了用普通的平差方法求得的结果精度降低.《期刊摘选》

3. in the initial stages (= at the beginning) of the campaign


4. He tried hard to figure out what the initials N. E . stood for.

9他费力地想弄清楚名首字母N. E. 指的是什么.《期刊摘选》

5. a glass tankard with his initials etched on it


6. After the initial shock I began to accept the situation.


7. Andrew Bynum, L . A. Lakers: We go back to the initial question: Who would you rather have?

安德鲁拜纳姆, 洛杉矶湖人: 我们回到最初的话题上: 你更想拥有哪位球员?《期刊摘选》

8. An initial fee is payable to the franchiser.


9. I'm also not crazy about the initial terms of the deal.


10. He impressed his initials on the box.


11. For an initial service, a 10 megahertz-wide band of frequencies will be needed.


12. Interestingly, the team in the initial setting is all in the direction of inertia.

有趣的是, 团队在最初的设置是所有方向的惯性.《期刊摘选》

13. The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.


14. Total Trade Equity minus Initial Margin.


15. It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases.


16. It begins by, in a sense, rehearsing or taking us back to Frost's own initial move to the north of Boston.


17. It's very sporting of you to give me an initial advantage.


18. A prospective premium of about 30 percent on their initial investment is enticing.


19. I recall: Which classmate have these initial consonant following in being surnamed?

我回想: 哪些同学的姓里有下面这些声母?《期刊摘选》

20. First, let's take a brief look at its initial appearence.

首先, 让我们先来了解一下它最开始的样子.《期刊摘选》

21. After an initial surge of interest, there has been little call for our services.


22. The agreement was initialled in June.


23. Sign your name and initials, ie your surname and the initial letters of your other names.


24. After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity.


25. This energy here is very simply the energy of the initial state minus the energy of the final state.


26. The agreement has been initial ( l ) ed in Beijing.

协定已在北京 草签.《现代英汉综合大词典》

27. However, once you have agreed to the initial request, they would begin to ask for more.

然而, 一旦你同意了最初的请求, 他们就会开始向你要求更多的东西了.《期刊摘选》

28. The boy carved his initials into the bark of the tree in the garden.


29. Four initial public seminars ( Spring 2001 ) set the scene for the three year series of workshops.

四个最初的公众研讨会 ( 2001年春季课程 ) 为三年系列的研讨会做准备.《期刊摘选》

30. What was the author's initial purpose of collecting newspaper articles?


31. Initial & quot; l & quot ; in & quot ; little & quot ; is nonsyllabic.

“ little ”一词的首字母“l ” 是不成音节的.《期刊摘选》

32. The initial reaction of most participants is fear


33. Chinese syllable consists of three parts: the initial consonant a syllablea vowel and a tone.


34. This preoccupation also limited the scope of initial reform efforts in the area of general education.


35. D is the initial letter of the word day.


36. Based on initial impressions, what does this program do when you run in it?


37. The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues.


38. A decision will be taken at the culmination of the initial research.


39. After an initial burst of enthusiasm for jogging, I gradually lost interest.

一时的热情过去之后, 我对慢跑逐渐失去了兴趣.《简明英汉词典》

40. Both the initial laboratory assessment and the following OOS investigation should be documented fully.


41. It may help remove all their initial worries.


42. The initial pressing of the group's album has already sold out.


43. The initial reaction of most participants is fear.


44. In the initial results, assisted living residents did paint the most positive picture.


45. Learning is like mountain climbing, the initial starting point in the foot.

学习就像爬山, 最初的起点在山脚.《期刊摘选》

46. After she'd overcome her initial shyness she became friendly.


47. If this is the initial configuration, the server should not be running.


48. Actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you have very little time and in fact, we only asked for small changes.


49. Carving initials into trees is unacceptable.


50. The initial reaction has been excellent.


51. Ginny's initial rage at his treatment of Chris had simmered down to resentment.


52. There are two styles of setting : raised initial or dropped initial ( inset initial ).

有两种排法: 上升 起首 字母或下降起首字母.《期刊摘选》

53. After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.

她克服了起初的羞怯之后, 变得十分友善.《简明英汉词典》

54. He scratched his initials on the rock.


55. Initial orders will be limited to a minimum of one million units ( with appropriate financing ).


56. All the towels were personalized with their initials.


57. So integration be essential, and it'be as easy or inexpensive as the initial CRM project.

在最初的CRM项目中,整合最为关键, 但是要做起来却并不容易而且花费也异常昂贵.《期刊摘选》

58. Now that the initial shock was wearing off, he was in considerable pain


59. According to observations of young sunlike stars, our Sun may have lost as much as six percent of its initial mass.


60. Use of AEP Check Lists may alleviate initial confusion.


61. Can you spell out your middle name instead of just giving the initial?


62. A small number of syllables, however , have only finals and tones, but not initials , e . g.

少数音节只有韵母和声调, 没有声母.《期刊摘选》

63. Just write your initials.


64. ‘What initial is it, Mrs Owen? ’ ‘It's J, J for Jane. ’


65. G. B. S. are the initials for George Bernard Shaw.

萧伯纳的姓名的首字母是G. B. S..《辞典例句》

66. Initial recognition must be made.


67. The painter had initialled the picture at the bottom.


68. In phonetic system, there are 31 initials, 42 finals and 9 tones.

嘉兴话的声韵调系统中, 有声母31个, 韵母42个,声调9个.《期刊摘选》

69. You would have this initial response for chickenpox, and this initial response might be too slow to prevent you from getting chickenpox.


70. The phonetic symbols of putonghua comprises 21 initials that are consonants beginning a syllable.


71. Using the figures given above, it can be seen that machine A pays back the initial investment in two years


72. His initials were engraved on the cigarette case.


73. Affection to initial from vowel is ont of them.


74. The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market.


75. The cigarette case was engraved with his initials.


76. Usually, the initial symptoms are puffiness of the face or grossly urine or headache and vomiting.


77. An initial is a consonant that begins a syllable. There are altogether 21 initials in Chinese.

声母就是音节开头的辅音. 汉语共有21个声母.《期刊摘选》

78. The initial, rhyme and tone in a syllable must belong to the same time level.

同一个词的音节内部的声母 、 韵母和声调应属同一层次.《期刊摘选》

79. The debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.


80. The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president.


81. His middle initial was L, but 1 never knew what the L represented.

他中间名字的首字母是 “ L ”,但是我从来不知道那“L”代表什么字.《英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦》

82. Unit of initial 3 cable will be offered by Russia.


83. Hesitation posisons your bravery, will and initial velocity.

踌躇将拖慢勇气 、 意志、初速.《期刊摘选》

84. an initial payment of £60 and ten instalments of £25


85. At present, China is still on the initial stage of socialism.

现在, 中国仍然处在社会主义的初级阶段.《现代汉英综合大词典》

86. One initial loss: jobs.

最初的损失就是: 失业.《期刊摘选》

87. The prime minister's initial ministerial appointments haven't pleased all his supporters.


88. He carried a leather briefcase embossed with his initials.


89. She scratched her initials on the glass.


90. Please initial each page and sign in the space provided.


91. The initial mobilisation was well organised.


92. The sum of the receipts is greater than the initial outlay.


93. Would you mind initialing this voucher?...


94. Can we persuade them that the results will justify the initial investment?

我们能说服他们相信以后的结果会证明这一开始的投资是值得的 吗 ?《企业管理英语口语(第二版)(1)》

95. After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity


96. The first warning signals came in March when the company defaulted on its initial payment of £ 30 million.


97. There are mainly two types of markers: the initial voiced consonant and the falling tone.

上古汉语部分被动句是有形式标记的,标记主要有两种: 一是浊辅音声母,二是去声.《期刊摘选》

98. Once you get beyond the initial learning curve, knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure.


99. Early on, our developers used RAD for the initial unit testing before we turned the application over to the customer.

在早期,我们将应用程序交给顾客之前,我们的开发人员就利用 RAD 进行了最初的单元测试。

100. They carved their initials on the desk.


101. ...a silver Porsche car with her initials JB on the side.


102. Chinese Pinyin consists of three parts: initials, finals and tones.

汉语的音节由三个部分组成: 声母 、 韵母和声调.《期刊摘选》

103. For individuals, the initial indication is that the rules are being enforced.

对于个人而言, 最初的迹象是这些规定正在得到实施.《期刊摘选》

104. But their initial enthusiasm quickly turned to frustration, as they encountered a bewildering variety of techniques.

但是他们最初的热情很快就变成沮丧, 因为他们碰到了各种使人眼花缭乱的技术.《期刊摘选》

105. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK.


106. The initial idea was to produce an aluminium bodied version of the car.


107. The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials.


108. Media Create also reports the company sold out of 85.3 % of its 200,000 unit initial shipment.


109. Nearly two octaves below the initial pitch , the piano makes several crescendo efforts to rise again.

在比开始的基调几乎低了两个八度的地方, 钢琴以几个渐强音再次出现.《期刊摘选》

110. And four first initial?


111. The virus can incubate for up to ten days after the initial infection.


112. Equipment calibration must be performed during initial acceptance testing.


113. We trust that your initial order will be placed with us without delay.


114. The initial reaction has been excellent


115. A prospective premium of about 30 per cent on their initial investment is enticing.


116. Its initial purpose was to.


117. After the initial greeting and welcoming drinks, there are always legal forms that must be signed.

在最开始的问候和欢迎酒之后, 通常会签署一些法定的条款.《期刊摘选》

118. Susan's stationery embossed with her initials.


119. When I lay down my initial vector paths I do what I call Rough Building.

最初的路径绘制,我管他叫 “ 粗模 ”.《期刊摘选》

120. However, the identity of the burglar changed after the first half of the film while the initial burglar was out of sight.


121. Chinese phonetic transcriptions consist of initials, finals and tones.

汉语拼音是由声母 、 韵母和声调组成.《期刊摘选》

122. Trend trading means retaining your initial position through thick and thin.


123. The initial reaction has been excellent...


124. A small number of syllables, however , have only finals and tones , but not initials, eg.

少数音节只有韵母和声调, 没有声母.普通话的章节共有一千二百多个.《期刊摘选》

125. The word 'hour' is pronounced without an initial aspirate.


126. We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year.


127. At its initial stage, tea was used to relieve poison.

最初的时候, 茶被用来解毒.《期刊摘选》

128. The first few days can be rough, but, after that initial period, people find freedom.

最初几天你可能非常难受, 但是一旦过了开始的阶段, 你就会感觉自在多了.《期刊摘选》

129. This is a letter paper personalized with his initials.


130. Please write down your initials on each page of the paper.


131. Each time this initial memory trace is “replayed”, it becomes even stronger.

随着最初的记忆被一再“回放”,记忆变得越来越牢固。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

132. The experiments have given initial results eventually.


133. Meanwhile initial interest from some investment banks did not catch on elsewhere in the sector.


134. My initial reaction was to decline the offer.


135. Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up.


136. After they overcame their initial reserve , the two boys became useful to one another.

这两个男孩打破了最初的隔阂后, 成为互相的伙伴.《辞典例句》

137. But my initial read on it was that it is more of a class thing.


138. Here are my initial questions.


139. The initial images of the war, while disturbing, were not personal.

最初的战争报道虽然烦乱, 但内容并不那么鲜活.《期刊摘选》

140. It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirements because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases.


141. So, initial thoughts? Like what you see? Will developers take to writing WebOS applications? Fire away.

那么, 最初的想法? 喜欢你看到的 吗 ?开发者会开始写WebOS的应用 吗 ?你说吧.《期刊摘选》

142. Her initial confidence can seem brash and naive.


143. I had my initials carved on my pen.


144. Most Syllables in Chinese are composed of initials, finals and tones.

汉语里大多数音节是由声母 、 韵母和声调三部分构成的.《期刊摘选》

145. Because of this, Borlaug's initial projects were restricted to developed regions of the continent.


146. To write your initial on a document to show you have read it and approved.


147. It was launched last year in paperback with an initial print run of 7,000 copies.


148. His initial reaction was one of shock.


149. When you have attributes in a class, you need to be able to initialize these attributes with some initial values.


150. They learned a lot from the initial market testing exercise.



1. With proceeds from its initial offering, DryShips bought six ships that had recently been picked up by Kandylidis.

FORBES: Curious George

2. The curve includes points on it, which would represent the initial assets.

曲线上有许多点,这些点表示初始资产。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. And, when you consider these initial orders were placed between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

4. Back to our hypothetical, you know, our initial discussion of Flaming Hot Cheetos: by his definition that would not qualify as food.

再回过头来谈谈我们之前的假定,我们曾讨论过关于火焰辣奇多的问题,按照他的定义,奇多不能算作食物关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Then, you've got to say, "What do I have to know about this object at the initial time?

然后,也许你会问,我需要知道物体初始状态的哪些信息呢基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Aristophanes is the one who created the original or the initial prejudice against Socrates.

亚里斯多芬尼斯是原创或说,首创对苏格拉底持偏见态度的剧作家。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. when the initial romantic idyll fades


8. "There is the initial definition by the United Nations when they adopted the genocide convention, which is considered generally authoritative.

VOA : standard.2010.03.18

9. The company plans to pump in seawater and use that for cleaning the fish in the initial stages.

FORBES: Blue Waters Gray Areas

10. A passage in the initial draft of the letter was dropped.


11. And then,years ago when I first found out that I was HIV positive, my initial reason for doing glass was I wanted to leave one glass vase for my nephew and nieces to remember their uncle by.

VOA : special.2009.09.16

12. The initial purchase price of LED lights is expensive when compared to other types of bulbs.

FORBES: How To Spur Mass Market Consumer Adoption Of LEDs

13. Mumbai Police said Mr. Meiyappan was arrested on initial charges of cheating, conspiracy and forgery.

WSJ: Probe Into Illegal Bets on Indian Cricket Escalates

14. So this delta energy here is very simply the energy of the initial state minus the energy of the final state.

很简单的,这个能量差等于,初始能量减去末能量。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. He was the commander of the 101st airborne division during the initial invasion of Iraq.

NPR: Army Gen. Abizaid Will Retire in March

16. The results of initial tests on the drug are promising.


17. Then in the initial meeting, she may reflect on who did most of the talking?

FORBES: Dare To Be A Better Investor: Tips From Women About Trust

18. The relatively small sample had been narrowed down from an initial group of 217 people.

BBC: Music 'releases mood-enhancing chemical in the brain'

19. Most consumers are savvy enough to cut their services back after the initial, cheap, offer ends.

FORBES: Cable Deals Won't Stop Cord Cutting

20. The initial quake registered at magnitude 7 on the Richter Scale and was followed by several other shocks, including one that measured 5.9.

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

21. Initial results show Mr.Maliki's State of Law bloc with a slim overall lead over former prime minister Iyad Allawi and his secular Iraqiya faction.

VOA : standard.2010.03.12

22. He did a good job in preparing the initial studies to show that it was safe.

他在最初的实验中,做了很好的工作,以证明疫苗是安全的生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. For comparison purposes, 30 initial public offerings have been canceled this year because of the volatile markets.

FORBES: Deja Vu All Over Again

24. Lack of initial consumer engagement would ripple across support from CE manufactures and retailers.

FORBES: UltraViolet: Boom Or Bust For Studios And Consumers?

25. Downey is scheduled for an initial court appearance, at Westminster Magistrates' court, on Wednesday afternoon.

CNN: Suspect arrested in '82 London attack

26. Unemployment claims rose and an initial estimate of first-quarter economic growth was revised slightly lower.

NPR: Stocks Rise As Lackluster Reports Ease Fed Concern

27. When Millennium went public in 1996, an initial public offering was the main way biotechs went public.

FORBES: Biotech Battle Scars

28. "Four of the expelled NGOs have taken advantage of this latter flexibility and this week completed initial registration processes in Khartoum,".

VOA : standard.2009.06.11

29. After an initial doubt, he was relieved to see that Shepperton was still deserted.

NEWYORKER: The Autobiography of J.G.B.

30. And that usually gives one even greater comfort that the initial offering will be boffo.

FORBES: Venture Vetting

31. Those recommendations came from the Communities Committee's report on the initial stage of the Assembly's Official Languages Bill.

BBC: Mugshots and making headlines

32. Its stock is up 14% from first-day close after an initial offering in May.

FORBES: Gassing Up

33. London has seen a wave of "copycat criminal activity" since the initial disturbance, the Met Police said.

BBC: UK riots: Trouble erupts in English cities

34. Further examinations are taking place on the bodies of the children after initial tests proved inconclusive.

BBC: Lowestoft deaths: 'No other suspects sought'

35. It remains the largest initial player endorsement contract ever handed out to a Nike athlete.

FORBES: LeBron James Is The NBA's Leading Shoe Salesman

36. So, we really get-- So, really the focus of many of these experiments is on initial attraction.

因此,我们-,大多数实验的重点,在于开始阶段的吸引。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. My initial reaction was one of great relief.


38. On Thursday, initial jobless claims will be another data point the market will be watching.

FORBES: The Economy This Week: Hope For Improving U.S. Trade Data

39. From about 800 initial ideas, we then select according to criteria: New, Unique, and Not Feasible.

FORBES: Curiosity Didn't Kill The Cat, It Created The Mousetrap

40. The reader projects before himself a meaning for the text as a whole as soon as some initial meaning emerges in the text.

一旦文本开始构成意义读者,就会对整个文本,做出自己的解读。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. You can understand that initial hesitation when she asks, "Shall I go on? / Or have I said enough?"

你们可以理解当她发问时最初的犹豫,“我应该继续吗?还是我说的够多了?“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. This can make it difficult to find funding. Many entrepreneurs have to deal with a lot of initial rejection.

VOA : standard.2010.01.31

43. So kind of that strange cursive r, and our n final is 2, R so 1 over 2 squared minus n initial, so 1 over 3 squared.

因为我们可以在这里用到它,这个有点奇怪的花体。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. He steered the company through the initial stages of privatization.


45. But even after that, even after our first two records which came out in nineteen seventy, our only initial goal was to make one record which we thought would be a classic in a field.

VOA : special.2010.04.19

46. Last August West Yorkshire Probation Trust admitted failures in their initial risk assessment of Aziz.

BBC: Shabir Choudary murder: 'Missed chances' to stop killer

47. It begins by, in a sense, rehearsing or taking us back to Frost's own initial move north of Boston.

某种意义上来说,它以,重复或者带我们重返,最初弗罗斯特去波士顿北部的时候。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. "I made it clear today to my team that I want our initial reviews completed this week,"

VOA : standard.2010.01.05

49. He says the South Korean boat did not respond to initial communications from the South Korean navy.

VOA : standard.2009.07.30

50. His initial response to Sunday's dramatic events was delivered in the form of a written statement.

VOA : standard.2009.04.13

51. Skilling is indeed a very smart man, though, and he quickly recovered from these initial fumbles.

FORBES: Magazine Article

52. Mr McLean said the HLF was delighted to give its initial support to the refurbishment.

BBC: Dumfries Theatre Royal project secures further support

53. The initial quake registered at magnitude 7 on the Richter Scale and was followed by several other shocks, including one that measures 5.9.

VOA : standard.2010.01.12

54. Their lawyers said Tuesday that police have added criminal breach of trust to the initial charges.

WSJ: India Court Extends Police Custody of Cricketers

55. And so it might well be that Plato himself recognized that the initial arguments aren't as strong as they need to be.

所以说不定柏拉图认识到,最初的论点,并不是他所需要的那样强有力死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. The White House consulted with Pakistani leaders leading up to the announcement of its new strategy, and the initial response has been positive.

VOA : standard.2009.03.29

57. As I keep moving down, that part gets smaller, it's not always the initial length of the list, and you're right. But if you do the sums, or if you want to think of it this way, if you think about this more generally, it's always on average at least the length of the list.

等等,随着移动,剩下的部分越来越小,并不是初始那么长了,如果你算一算,或者你这么想,你考虑更一般的情况,平均下来至少是列表的长度。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. Strickland says it will have the capacity to double the initial once the nation's power grid is improved.

VOA : standard.2009.09.13

59. We want to integrate. So let's take the integral of both sides, going from the initial point to the final point.

分别从初态,到末态做积分,消去微分。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. Within 20 degrees of separation from you initial smile to the three people, the entire world will be smiling.

只需要20度的分隔,从你用笑容感染三个人开始,全世界就会笑起来。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

61. The initial success brought Reep to the attention of Stan Cullis, manager of Wolves.

FORBES: The Most Important Soccer Performance Analyst You Have Never Heard Of

62. The movie's...Well, this initial version of The Magnificent Ambersons didn't have a happy ending.

安巴逊家族》的原始版,并没有一个圆满的结局。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. Over 1, 000 lodgings in the U.S. are participating in the initial launch of Green Leaders.

FORBES: Survey: Two-Thirds Of Travelers Want Green Hotels. Here's How To Book Them.

64. In addition,she says the U.N.agency is providing an initial two-week supply of food to 41,000 people in Niger.

VOA : standard.2009.09.13

65. Senators, including some Republicans, have also questioned Gonzales' credibility after his initial explanations for the firings.

CNN: Story Highlights





Americanized的意思是:adj. 美国化的 v. 美国化(Americanize 的过去式和过去分词)。学考宝为您提供Americanized是什么意思,Americanized的翻译,Americanized的用法,Americanized的短语搭配,Americanized的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanness的意思是:网络 美国特色;美国性;美国特质。学考宝为您提供Americanness是什么意思,Americanness的音标,Americanness怎么读,Americanness的翻译,Americanness的用法,Americanness的短语搭配,Americanness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


apart的意思是:adv. (空间或时间)相隔,相距;拆开,成碎片;解体,崩溃;分开,分离;与众不同地,独特地;除了……外;远远地 adj. 意见不一致的,有分歧的;分开的;与众不同的。学考宝为您提供apart是什么意思,apart的翻译,apart的用法,apart的短语搭配,apart的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yankeeland的意思是:n. 新英格兰;美国。学考宝为您提供Yankeeland是什么意思,Yankeeland的翻译,Yankeeland的用法,Yankeeland的短语搭配,Yankeeland的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yankeefy的意思是:vt. 使美国化。学考宝为您提供Yankeefy是什么意思,Yankeefy的翻译,Yankeefy的用法,Yankeefy的短语搭配,Yankeefy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anyway的意思是:adv. 不管怎样,无论如何;而且,加之;尽管,即使这样;对了,好吧(用于转换话题或回到前一个话题);(用于表明某事不重要)反正;至少;总之;(表示有意结束谈话)那么;究竟,到底;噢,啊(用于结束谈话或离开)。学考宝为您提供anyway是什么意思,anyway的翻译,anyway的用法,anyway的短语搭配,anyway的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanize的意思是:vt. 使美国化 vi. 美国化。学考宝为您提供Americanize是什么意思,Americanize的翻译,Americanize的用法,Americanize的短语搭配,Americanize的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anyone的意思是:pron. 任何人;某个人;任何……的人;重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人。学考宝为您提供anyone是什么意思,anyone的翻译,anyone的用法,anyone的短语搭配,anyone的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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