莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




play play

  • adj. 大规模的;广泛的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Wide-scale use of worms 大规模使用蠕虫病毒

2. wide scale 大规模 ; 大型 ; 全领域

3. raft-board long-wide scale 筏板长宽比

4. world-wide scale 世界范围

5. large-scale economy-wide model 经 大规模总体经济模型

6. Wide-scale Trojan distribution 大规模发送木马

7. county-wide scale 县级尺度

8. On A Nation Wide Scale 在全国

9. wide range scale 宽量程


1. Undeniably, a wide scale application for such an educational mode is not accessible.


2. But, given their risks and limited effects, a wide-scale return to capital controls is highly unlikely.


3. But, given their risks and limited effects, a wide-scale return to capital controls is highly unlikely.


4. We must apply new achievements in modern science and technology on a wide scale.


5. This flexibility in designing fiber properties gives this new technology the potential for wide-scale use in future textile and technical applications.


6. In doing so, Fiege forms customised material management systems on a Europe - and world - wide scale.

因此, 飞格在欧洲以至全世界范围内形成客户为导向的管理体系.《互联网》

7. The key factor in wide-scale multicast deployments is the inter-domain multicast.


8. Wireless Access for the Wide-Scale Provision of Basic Telephone Services


9. Similar methods are being put into use on a wide scale.


10. Publish — Add new services through an approval process so they are available and managed on an enterprise-wide scale.


11. In recent years, with the routine use of platelet inhibitors and thrombin inhibitors and wide-scale availability of stents, the incidence of abrupt vessel closure had decreased to 1%-2%, and there was almost completely no-occlusive thrombus formation in the treated lesion.


12. To implement wide-scale HPV screening, they point out that regional, age-specific HPV prevalence patterns need to be defined;


13. The key to using XMLBeans on a wide scale is establishing open XML standards that are adopted across the entertainment industry.

广泛使用 XMLBeans 的关键在于建立整个娱乐业都接受的开放式 XML 标准。

14. CIMMYT sent out a first batch of 15 for development and nine have made it into production and distribution on a wide scale.


15. This paper presents an overview of wireless access requirements, radio/ cellular evolution, and the technical enablers and design challenges for wide-scale provisioning of telephone services using wireless access.


16. Now that they are thinking on this larger,continent-wide scale, Asia’s great powers are seeking to stress theirfriendships with one another as well as preparing for an adversarial powergame.


17. He also argues that both are non-modular as the caller and callee must know about each other and often a small change can require wide-scale code change.


18. Sixteen temporary labs for coronavirus testing are now ready for operation in Hong Kong to support its plan to conduct wide-scale tests scheduled for next month.


19. ICAgile has wide-scale ambitions, including the issuance of several levels of certification and at least one conference per year.


20. Coordinating research, with wide-scale application, that focuses on improving maternal health in pregnancy and during and after childbirth.


21. We must apply new achievements in modern science and technology a wide scale.


22. Imagine a world with levitating cars, MRIs the size of laptops, and wide scale efficient energy distribution.


23. These organizations are integrating their expertise and resources to deliver the manual's protocols for wide-scale drug use.


24. Wide-scale genetic testing requires the development of easy-to-use, fast, inexpensive, miniaturized devices.


25. Despite the importance of the honeybee, none of this is evidence of a wide-scale pollination crisis or a threat that is specific to pollinators.


26. but much worse was the wide-scale disenfranchisement of the Pushtuns, the country’s largest ethnic group, through fraud and poor security.


27. Concerns about a deadly new strain of bird flu intensified last week as the disease claimed a sixth life in eastern China and agricultural authorities in Shanghai ordered a wide-scale slaughter of poultry in an effort to stem its spread.


28. But resorting to wide-scale protectionism is only likely to displace job losses elsewhere.


29. Current economic pressures have led to wide - scale devaluations of assets such as commercial mortgage - backed securities.


30. Usefulness, however, is not always the primary factor that determines wide-scale adoption.


31. These organizations are integrating their expertise and resources to deliver the manual's protocols for wide-scale drug use.


32. They had felt so many tremors that did not produce a tsunami that they had become a bit cynical, and this proved fatal on a wide scale.


33. Strangely, though, only Argentina adopted it on a wide scale.


34. Nomadland displayed Zhao's eye for wide-scale images.


35. Usefulness, however, is not always the primary factor that determines wide-scale adoption.


36. The representative questioned why this was not done in a more systematic and more wide-scale manner, in parallel to trying to develop new schemes and use existing possibilities.

该代表质疑为何在试图制定新计划和使用现有设施的同时,不以更为系统和更加广泛的方式开展这项工作。《provided by jukuu》

37. Wide-scale exploration of space had begun: Luna, Venera, Mars, Zond and other automatic interplanetary stations were launched;


38. CIMMYT sent out a first batch of 15 for development and nine have madeit into production and distribution on a wide scale.


39. A growing number of scientists are warning that wide-scale deforestation-about 20 percent of the Amazon forest is gone already and nearly that much is degraded-may already be directing precipitation away from places long accustomed to it.


40. So when put into context, appreciating the continued importance and wide scale exploitation of black and white portraiture today, it's clear that the art is not lost and has survived the test of time.


41. There is an exception for personal copying of music, which is not a violation, though courts seem to have said that doesn't include wide-scale anonymous personal copying as napster.

个人的音乐拷贝是唯一的例外,不被列入侵权行为。不过法庭上似乎有这种说法,个人拷贝不包括像纳帕斯特那样的大规模匿名复制行为。《provided by jukuu》

42. This flexibility in designing fiber properties gives this new technology the potential for wide-scale use in future textile and technical applications.


43. Scientists say the ocean's floors contain rich deposits of a range of potentially valuable minerals, but the extreme depths pose technical difficulties in harvesting them on a wide scale.


44. Nationwide, the loss of livestock is part a wide - scale drowning of Pakistan's agricultural economy.

从全国范围来看, 牲畜损失是巴基斯坦农业经济大规模不景气的一部分.《互联网》

45. Current economic pressures have led to wide-scale devaluations of assets such as commercial mortgage-backed securities.


46. Implemented at a wide scale, WHO's new recommendations will improve the health of people living with HIV, reduce the number of new HIV infections and save lives.


47. This approach is unsustainable on an application-wide scale.


48. Health officials hope to begin dispensing anti-retroviral drugs on a wide scale at the beginning of next year.


49. Gates" foundation has committed roughly$ 200 million to the toilet project and expects to spend the same amount again before the toilets are viable for wide-scale distribution.


50. Improved wheats will be introduced a wide scale this year.


51. The company warned that Chrome's "user interface is under development", and said that there is no guarantee that design changes will be rolled out on a wide scale.


52. He also argues that both are non-modular as the caller and callee must know about each other and often a small change can require wide-scale code change.


53. the crucible that holds science and technology and wide-scale changes in behavior that improve health and well-being.


54. At the same time herds cause wide-scale land degradation, with about 20 percent of pastures considered as degraded through overgrazing, compaction and erosion.


55. Current economic pressures have led to wide-scale devaluations of assets such as commercial mortgage-backed securities.


56. A mutated “biotype B” insect emerged in Napa Valley in 1980 and did an estimated $6 billion of damage before wide-scale uprooting, burning and replanting was completed in 1995.

1980年,加州纳帕谷出现了一种基因突变的“同型小种B型”蚜虫。 这种蚜虫造成了估计60亿美元的损失,随后葡萄园开始了大规模连根拔除,烧毁并重新栽种于1995年完成。

57. Since the opening policy of China, especially in 1990s, public listed company has developed in wide-scale, with modern enterprise system reforming of plenty of SOEs ( state-owned enterprises), which generate a great deal of new-concept enterprises.


58. Experts also emphasised that technology transfer should be accompanied by appropriate policies to aid wide-scale deployment.


59. The key factor in wide-scale multicast deployments is the inter-domain multicast.


60. We need to act on a Europe-wide scale.



1. On a Scotland-wide scale bee farmers estimate that about 4, 000 colonies have been lost to the prolonged winter and there has been the promise from the Scottish government of help for commercial bee farmers to restock.

BBC: Making a bee-line for city roofs

2. Only by garnering wide-scale, popular, grassroots support for a strong US-Israel alliance will Netanyahu have a chance of maintaining strong ties with Washington under the Obama administration and beyond.


3. It also said that there would be a wide scale evaluation of the impact in the area, with post-mortem examinations of badgers, and detailed investigation of every cattle TB incident.

BBC: A badger

4. In support of the tour, an electric vehicle readiness toolkit is available on ecomagination.com to help municipalities, customers, and individuals prepare for wide-scale electric vehicle deployment.

ENGADGET: GE kicks off EV Experience Tour, promises WattStations for all

5. The wide-scale use of isolation is, almost exclusively, a phenomenon of the past twenty years.


6. One picture from that Greenpeace link in particular says it all: a region of tropical Sumatran forest cleared with as much wide-scale devastation as if a tsunami had taken out every last tree.

FORBES: Japan's Unknown Ecological Tragedy

7. This comes after weeks of spotty polling, in which wide-scale power outages and destruction made it difficult to find a truly random opinion sample.

CNN: Hurricanes complicate election projections

8. As with the run-up to those events (though on a larger scale), what we are witnessing now is simply the inflation of a world-wide bubble, which will sooner or later burst with agonizing consequences.

FORBES: Buy Now, Pay Later: How the Fed's Tinkering Created A Global Crisis

9. "The lies and misinformation was wide-scale to the extent that so many people believed what was said by those media organizations, " Aziz said.

CNN: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein speaks on anniversary of Persian Gulf War

10. New Orleans clearly has a rich history of hosting a wide variety of large-scale sporting and cultural events.

FORBES: Superdome Faces Stiffer Competiton and Blackout Black-Eye When Bidding Upon Future Super Bowls

11. Although the gap narrowed slightly between 1992 and 2007 -- about 7 points on a 500-point scale -- the disparity remains wide, with black students still scoring about 28 points behind whites.

CNN: Obama: We must fix education in black communities

12. And, in terms of scale alone, a department-wide IT initiative in government can dwarf those in the private sector.

FORBES: Technology Adoption Slower, But Certain In Government -- And For Good Reason

13. Prosecutors say Mr. Smith and Mr. Halloran tried to bribe Republican officials into giving Mr. Smith a spot on the party's ticket for mayor, in a wide-ranging plot that eventually ensnared half a dozen New York politicians and has raised questions about the scale of corruption in Albany.

WSJ: Politicians Plead Not Guilty

14. There are separate questions as to whether these technologies are ready for such a wide-scale deployment.

FORBES: Why Your Next Phone Will Include Fingerprint, Facial, and Voice Recognition

15. Since Hamas seized control of Gaza in June, Abbas has opposed any wide-scale IDF counter-terror offensive on the area.


16. It is much more likely that he was assassinated for more wide-scale political reasons.

BBC: Punjab governor shot dead: Your reaction

17. The Angolan Government has in the past been accused of wide-scale corruption.

BBC: IMF: Angola's 'missing millions'

18. The majority of Alawites believe their physical survival is at stake, because they are convinced al-Assad's demise will engender wide-scale revenge killings on them.

CNN: A game changer for Syria?

19. They point to the wide-scale detainment of hundreds of foreign nationals after September 11, many of whom have never been criminally charged, and they're following the cases of so-called "enemy combatants" -- which includes two Americans.

CNN: Attacks alter government's mission, makeup

20. Other highlights include a promise that HSDPA will factor into the company's 2007 plans, a wide-scale migration of the FastPort connector to the sides of the handsets, and a shortening of the span from announcement to release of UIQ-based models (a move we applaud).

ENGADGET: Sony Ericsson rumors aplenty Mobile

21. By collaborating with other organizations, OceanElders can provide advice, guidance, and potentially, the tipping point needed to gain media attention and wide-scale awareness.

FORBES: Richard Branson, Ted Turner Launch OceanElders

22. Their goal is to create small-scale and modular GTL systems both on- and offshore to take advantage of a wide range of gas resources that are by themselves too small for larger multibillion GTL plants.

FORBES: Gas-to-Liquids Plants: No Longer Exclusive to Larger Players

23. It may sound like a crazy idea, but Singapore, a tiny island country whose population would have no place to go in the event of a wide-scale evacuation, is giving buried nukes a closer look.

FORBES: Singapore Considers Underground Nuclear Reactors

24. Add in an increasingly cumbersome regulatory regime and such is not an environment conducive to wide-scale bank-initiated monetary inflation.

FORBES: Connect

25. People will naturally now wonder whether this problem is continent-wide but I don't think it is, at least not on the same scale.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | The referee's view

26. Government agencies, such as the FBI and the Troubled Asset Relief Programme (TARP), however, are simply not set up to deal with wide-scale MBA recruiting, meaning that careers officers are having to work harder to build relationships.

ECONOMIST: Where will business students find work?

27. Sectarian and ethnic clashes have proved the biggest challenge to Mr. Thein Sein's administration since wide-scale violence erupted last year in the southwestern state of Rakhine, targeting Muslims from the ethnic Rohingya group.

WSJ: Muslims Sentenced After Myanmar Clashes

28. The government is writing into the legislation itself a requirement for it to carry out a wide-scale publicity campaign to ensure that every member of the public and everyone coming to live in Wales is aware that unless they opt out, they will have deemed their consent for their organs to be donated.

BBC: Real life and law making collide





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appliance的意思是:n. 家用电器,装置;<英>应用;消防车。学考宝为您提供appliance是什么意思,appliance的翻译,appliance的用法,appliance的短语搭配,appliance的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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appearance的意思是:n. 露面,演出;出庭,到场;外表,外观;表面现象,假象;出现;起源,问世;表现;出版,广播。学考宝为您提供appearance是什么意思,appearance的翻译,appearance的用法,appearance的短语搭配,appearance的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


incipiency的意思是:n. 起初;发端(等于 incipience)。学考宝为您提供incipiency是什么意思,incipiency的翻译,incipiency的用法,incipiency的短语搭配,incipiency的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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appeal的意思是:n. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;吸引力,感染力;(为慈善或正义事业的)募捐;启发,打动 v. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;有吸引力,引起兴趣;启发,打动。学考宝为您提供appeal是什么意思,appeal的翻译,appeal的用法,appeal的短语搭配,appeal的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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