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more outrageous是什么意思_more outrageous怎么读_more outrageous的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


more outrageous

more outrageous

adj. 无法容忍的;骇人的;反常的;令人惊讶的


英 [mɔː(r) aʊtˈreɪdʒəs]play 美 [mɔːr aʊtˈreɪdʒəs]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Just More Outrageous 刚才更离谱


1. But I just started taking the stage, the drugs are expensive too outrageous, business reasons are: to use the profits to develop new drugs to save more patients.


2. Be as daring or as subtle as you please with the theme, but remember - those in outrageous costume always have more fun!


3. But her VMA performance wasn't a matter of exhaustion or burnout. It was an attempt to slough off an outdated young brand with one that's much more outrageous.


4. But it meant that we could plod away unnoticed, plotting more outrageous things.

不过那正意味着我们可以不引人注意地变换, 增加更多疯狂荒谬的东西.《互联网》

5. More personal attacks on media members, more public sniping from league executives, more historic efficiency, more outrageous game-winners, and more drama that carries us right to the final week of the year.


6. Possibly, because I have an even more outrageous suggestion that will increase any perceived tedium.


7. Baidu is a problem, or Baidu more outrageous it?


8. LAUREN TODD: "It was enough to be posted on Facebook, but it was actually more outrageous than that, and I felt like I needed to do something about it."

Lauren Todd:“把图片发到网上就够离谱的,事实上要更离谱,我觉得自己必须做些什么来。”

9. Possibly, because I have an even more outrageous suggestion that will increase any perceived tedium.


10. Mr Robertson was even more given to outrageous statements, such as when he said Ariel Sharon's stroke was God's punishment for giving away Israeli land.


11. "Have you heard of anything more outrageous?"


12. Many more people had come to live, but they looked nice, even outrageous in a nice way.

很多人搬来住在这里。 他们看上去都很和善,甚至和善得有些令人发指。

13. The simple truth about how ordinary people accomplish outrageous feats of success is that they do the hard things that smarter, wealthier, more qualified people don't have the courage to do.


14. A more outrageous example is the Ministry of Finance which in the wake of five years of recession is widely considered too powerful for Japan's own good.


15. In fairness, some of the more outrageous messages appear to be gags (let's hope so). But others, unnervingly, are not.


16. Ourmoms and dads would always lie to us: "Oh, we picked you up out of a garbagecan!" or "You fell from heaven," and there's an even more outrageous one, "It was a gift from topping up your phone card!" Haha, that'shilarious.


17. Personally, I can talk about his buzzer beating over-time shots and outrageous dunks until i turn blue in the face, but there is so much more to his career than a few games and highlights.


18. It has been more than 10 months since the outrageous 2006 "Processor Swap" case happened in China, there is still not a satisfactory solution.


19. Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better!


20. Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools; the more outrageous the costume, the better.


21. You won't see many of them nowadays but in the1970s and1980s young people were rebelling and finding more and more outrageous ways of looking and thinking differently.


22. Thee simple truth about how ordinary people accomplish outrageous feats of success is that they do the hard things that smarter, wealthier, more qualified people don't have the courage to do.


23. And just when you thought Gaga couldn't get any more outrageous, she's going to make a down-home meal of deep-fried Turkey and waffles - with the help of chef Art Smith.


24. On the other hand, has been backing the same parents, children naturally do not want to do more and more hardship, and also feel that parents should act, not to help the parents instead of outrageous.


25. Mr Galliano produced ever more outrageous fashions as his fame grew.


26. In fairness, some of the more outrageous messages appear to be gags (let's hope so).


27. Judging from the hedges hiding it, the Sinatra house was probably extravagant, but the other houses hardly looked more outrageous than those of any other upscale suburb.


28. More broadly, citizens in the European Union know all about outrageous perks, because they all elect members of the European Parliament (MEPs).


29. Now the nail technician admits she has an addiction, but still plans to have her so-called trout pout made even more outrageous.


30. And just when you thought Gaga couldn't get any more outrageous, she's going to make a down-home meal of deep-fried turkey and waffles – with the help of chef Art Smith.


31. Sometimes in order to spread the most outrageous rumors, we look over the very thing that even more scandalous.


32. Must know that the Orde outstanding lion big aperture is more than one months ago, in that time section, is precisely the manager asks an outrageous price, many foreign aids ask a price nearly double!


33. It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more.



1. But there is no hiding the fact that the more outrageous the show, the more it pulls in viewers.

BBC: Denmark's 'naked lady' TV show causes furore

2. It's like your guest mentioned that, you know, we haven't have a Republican governor for a while, and that's not a good thing - had the same party and power for 32 years, but every governor that's been in or - you know, I mean, there's always some finagling going on with patronage jobs and that, but this is a little more outrageous, and it came from the governor's office itself.

NPR: Richardson's Candidacy and Goodling's Testimony

3. Even more outrageous: In the semifinals, Djokovic needed five sets and nearly five hours to defeat Andy Murray.

WSJ: With 'Outrageous' Australian Open Win, Novak Djokovic Sets Sights on Paris

4. The inclusion of CAIR representatives in such a proceeding would be all the more outrageous in light of the fact that CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood-associated organization.


5. She discovered the hard way that, while critics are more than happy to see successful sport stars pull outrageous publicity stunts, it all goes wrong when you're perceived to be a show-off who can't back it up with results.

BBC: High jumps and high jinx

6. With the possible exception of agriculture, the energy industry enjoys more outrageous subsidies, market distortions and other forms of disguised aid than any other.

ECONOMIST: Energy policy

7. Such practices are the more outrageous to the extent that Western taxpayers are liable to become, either knowingly or unknowingly, the underwriters of Soviet debt.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Can The United States Afford Not To Be Properly Defended?

8. "The design of the JS Roundhouse Mid is nothing more than the designer Jeremy Scott's outrageous and unique take on fashion and has nothing to do with slavery, " the statement said.

CNN: Adidas cancels 'shackle' shoes after outcry

9. The more outrageous the hypothetical, the easier it sometimes is for a wavering justice to get her head around a troubling aspect.


10. Yet those who hoped that the French president would swiftly dump his more outrageous campaign promises are in for a disappointment.

ECONOMIST: Frances president

11. It turned out that the Obama administration and its allies in Illinois' Democratic machine in Washington and Springfield state had in mind another, even more outrageous motivation: the Thompson prison could serve as the place to relocate terrorists currently held offshore at Guantanamo Bay, allowing Gitmo's closure.


12. By treating their feelings like a piece of priceless porcelain, Washington is just asking for ever more outrageous Chinese infringements of American sovereignty.

FORBES: As Barack Obama Faces His Cuban Missile Moment, Is He a Man or a Mouse?

13. More outrageous 401(k) cases are in the pipeline.

FORBES: An End to 401(k)s (February 1, 2002)

14. It was more than outrageous.

ECONOMIST: Advertising

15. "There's a TSA disaster every week, and the security meltdown gets more and more outrageous, " said Rep. John Mica, R-Florida, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, in a release put out by his office on Friday.

CNN: TSA proposes firing 7 Philadelphia airport employees

16. The more outrageous I could make the story, the more people wanted to talk with me.

NEWYORKER: The Science of Sex Abuse

17. However, his marriage in 1992 to a journalist and fellow Canadian, Barbara Amiel, and his own outrageous sense of entitlement were more than the finances of either the Telegraph or the rest of his shaky empire could bear.

ECONOMIST: Conrad Black's story

18. The more rules made, and the more outrageous in request they get, the more dissatisfied your employees will be.

FORBES: 5 Ways to Avoid Being a Lumbergh or Priestley

19. It gets even more outrageous when one compares Apple to Salesforce.com, a company that trades at a price-to-earnings ratio that is literally off the charts.

FORBES: Why Apple's Still the Cheapest Stock on the Market

20. Atop this top of this triumph-over-adversity tale, Lightning adds the more outrageous epic of exceptional bravery.

FORBES: Waiting For Lightning: A Deep Peek At A $658 Billion Dollar Market

21. The idea that a government may fall only if 55% or more of members of Parliament vote against it is outrageous.

ECONOMIST: Letters: On Montenegro, Indonesia, Canada, Arizona, Britain's electoral system, dams, rioting | The

22. Even more outrageous is that it was the government that spent all our hard earned tax dollars, 15 trillion dollars more, and counting.

FORBES: Guest Post: Tax Cut Extension la Robin Hood?

23. It was chiefly thanks to the brilliance of Iniesta once more as he clipped an outrageous diagonal pass into the path of Alves, who took a superb touch to take it round Pyatov and with the outside of his right foot flick the ball into the net.

BBC: Barcelona 5-1 Shakhtar Donetsk

24. Mr Galliano produced ever more outrageous fashions as his fame grew.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

25. Sure, that's a good chunk of change in exchange for tales of poetry camp and vegan dinner parties, but it's no more outrageous than the deals offered to her A-list counterparts.

CNN: 2012: The highs and lows of women in Hollywood

26. Sidibe tested Carson with a superb 25-yard strike after some nifty footwork and Rory Delap showed there is more to his game than an outrageous long throw when he shot over the bar after an impressive run from midfield.

BBC: Stoke 1-0 West Brom

27. If you had to compare him to an outrageous foreigner, de Gaulle would be more acceptable, if improbable.

ECONOMIST: Enoch Powell

28. Florida Gulf Coast followed its first upset by burying No. 7 seed San Diego State, 81-71, under a pile of even more outrageous dunks and alley-oops.

WSJ: Florida Gulf Coast: The First 15-Seed in the Sweet 16

29. In the annals of unwarranted federal criminal prosecutions, it would be tough to find a more outrageous case than that of Idaho farmer Cory King, who stands convicted of felony violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

FORBES: U.S. v. King: Its Time for Some Prosecutorial Restraint

30. And although pawnshops' interest rates seem outrageous to more fortunate borrowers, they are cheaper than the alternatives available to the poor.

ECONOMIST: Why pawnshops' business is booming

more outrageous是什么意思_more outrageous怎么读_more outrageous的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




chill的意思是:n. 寒冷,寒意;着凉,受寒;害怕,担心;冷漠,敌意;冷模,冷模部件 v. (使)冷却,冰镇;使很冷;惊吓,使恐惧;<非正式>放松;(使)沮丧,(使)扫兴 adj. 冷飕飕的;令人紧张的,令人害怕的。学考宝为您提供chill是什么意思,chill的翻译,chill的用法,chill的短语搭配,chill的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chew的意思是:v. 咀嚼,嚼碎;(为了品尝或因紧张而)不停地嚼,咬;(人或动物)咬,啃 n. 咀嚼;口香糖;供嚼用的烟草;咀嚼物 【名】 (Chew)(美、新、马、英、加)丘(人名)。学考宝为您提供chew是什么意思,chew的翻译,chew的用法,chew的短语搭配,chew的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chest的意思是:n. 胸部,胸膛;箱子,盒子,柜子;<英>金库,钱库 v. 以胸部推(球)。学考宝为您提供chest是什么意思,chest的翻译,chest的用法,chest的短语搭配,chest的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


copiousness的意思是:n. 丰裕;旺盛。学考宝为您提供copiousness是什么意思,copiousness的翻译,copiousness的用法,copiousness的短语搭配,copiousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cherry的意思是:n. 樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃木;樱桃色,鲜红色;果实与樱桃相似的植物;<非正式>童贞 adj. 樱桃色的,鲜红色的 【名】 (Cherry)(法、阿拉伯)谢里,(英)彻丽(女子教名 Charity 的昵称)(人名)。学考宝为您提供cherry是什么意思,cherry的翻译,cherry的用法,cherry的短语搭配,cherry的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chartism的意思是:n. 人民宪章主义;人民宪章运动。学考宝为您提供chartism是什么意思,chartism的翻译,chartism的用法,chartism的短语搭配,chartism的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cheerful的意思是:adj. 欢快的,高兴的;令人高兴的,令人愉快的;乐观的,开朗的。学考宝为您提供cheerful是什么意思,cheerful的翻译,cheerful的用法,cheerful的短语搭配,cheerful的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


backspaces的意思是:v. 回退;回格;回删。backspace的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供backspaces是什么意思,backspaces的音标,backspaces怎么读,backspaces的翻译,backspaces的用法,backspaces的短语搭配,backspaces的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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    jump的意思是:v. 跳,跃;跨越;快速(突然)移动;猛地一动;激增,暴涨;突然转换;略过;突然袭击(某人);欢跃,雀跃;逃离,逃避;插(队);<非正式>马上照办;跳吃(对方的棋子);<非正式>与……性交;<美> 侵占(他人开采权或土地);(桥牌)跳叫;<美>跨接起动(汽车); <美>跨接起动(汽车) n. 跳,跃;惊跳;障碍物;激增;巨变;<非正式>心神不安;(桥牌)跳叫;<美,粗>性交 【名】 (Jump)(美)江普(人名)。学考宝为您提供jump是什么意思,jump翻译,jump短语搭配,jump权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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