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most outrageous是什么意思_most outrageous怎么读_most outrageous的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


most outrageous

most outrageous

adj. 无法容忍的;令人惊讶的;骇人的;反常的


英 [məʊst aʊtˈreɪdʒəs]play 美 [moʊst aʊtˈreɪdʒəs]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Most Outrageous Tweet 最突出微博语言奖

2. Most Outrageous Liar 又名

3. most outrageous game 最无法容忍的游戏

4. World's most outrageous bras 怪异文胸让人无语


1. A hacker can get away with the most outrageous stupid plays merely because he is doing what everyone expects of him.


2. She says the most outrageous things sometimes.


3. You know that angel in the gate custody fight is the most outrageous of?


4. Having debunked the most outrageous claims of..., author shows the reader the other side of his argument —...


5. I remembered it showed some of the most creative (some would say outrageous) data correlations I had ever seen.


6. The idea of world power players gathering together behind closed doors to discuss how to run the world is perhaps considered the most outrageous of all conspiracy theories.


7. Sometimes in order to spread the most outrageous rumors, we look over the very thing that even more scandalous.


8. Because the ideas behind most of the songs in Forum are so outrageous and funny, its is less obvious how musically adventurous many of them are.


9. The best marketing documents show the product in the very best light, which means using whatever most outrageous tactics possible to make you look good.


10. Perhaps the most outrageous example of a listing turned up earlier this month when someone put a baby for sale for 1 yuan.


11. However, most taxpayers, especially the middle and low income workers, considers the rule outrageous, and there has been a wave of criticism on the Internet.


12. So try the most outrageous things you can-shock yourself.


13. The most outrageous of the seven, the drunkard Liu Ling, hired a man to follow him everywhere with a shovel and gave him standing instructions: If I suddenly drop dead, bury me on the spot.


14. The most outrageous club you can find.

你能找到的最疯狂的酒吧。《provided by jukuu》

15. By far the priciest of the bunch is also unequivocally the most outrageous.


16. Whenever you are trying to associate anything with anything else, think up the most extraordinary and outrageous combination you can, and you will find it will last much longer.


17. He adds, however, that 'I don't think in bad times men are going to buy the most outrageous, colorful items.


18. The most expensive item on the whole street is a Pagani sports car that sells at 26 million yuan. Other products with outrageous price tags include


19. Calling that his "most outrageous fan encounter", the band leader of SS501 (also known as leader Kim) even allowed her to cook him a bowl of porridge at his place.


20. Calling that his" most outrageous fan encounter", the band leader of SS501 ( also known as leader Kim) even allowed her to cook him a bowl of porridge at his place.


21. Possibly after coordinated world domination, mind control may be considered one of the most outrageous conspiracy theories.


22. Jacquelyn Love the costumes and the story. Chinese dramas seem to always have the most outrageous and beautiful costumes.


23. Users can give the future King and Queen of England wedding tips and marriage advice via a guestbook, go on a virtual tour of London sites associated with the royals and find out about the most outrageous and extravagant royal wedding souvenirs.


24. He explains, I mean, I don't sit calculating, 'Now what is the most outrageous thing I can say?


25. Some days I feel like a contestant on a reality TV show where Whoever makes the most outrageous comment wins.


26. OK!--Gossip girl: Sometimes in order to spread the most outrageous rumors, we look over the very thing that even more scandalous. The truth.


27. Having heart surgery, that's the most outrageous for me.


28. The best marketing documents show the product in the very best light, which means using whatever most outrageous tactics possible to make you look good.


29. Who also has been one of Britains most consistently original, outrageous, eccentric and controversial designers.


30. Having heart surgery, that's the most outrageous for me.

我的心脏有问题,这是对我最大的打击。《provided by jukuu》

31. The first and most important indicator is the outrageous use of credit that has created a crisis in the United States.


32. Their forcible annexation into the Soviet Union in 1940 was one of the clearest and most outrageous consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.


33. This has to be the most outrageous and annoying truism ever stated.


34. Having debunked the most outrageous claims of..., author shows the reader the other side of his argument -...


35. In its survey, which included 2201 respondents, CareerBuilder asked hiring managers and human resource professionals about the most outrageous mistakes they've ever seen candidates make during job interviews.Below, they reveal the worst job interview blunders of all time:


36. They have done the most outrageous acts against the nationals of Iran.


37. In keeping with his new-found status, it emerged that the 49-year-old plans to build possibly the most outrageous home in the world.


38. It's not a problem most are likely to encounter, but for those who do, shuffling fortunes through trusts and accounts across borders can help hide outrageous amounts of money.


39. In a written statement, Kennedy says President Bush wants Congress to pretend that his administration did not conduct what the Senator calls a "massive, illegal warrantless surveillance program that was one of the most outrageous abuses of executive power in American history."


40. For instance: Lady Gaga's outrageous outfits made her the most searched Halloween costume on Google in 2009, but she slipped to No. 5 in 2010 and disappeared from the list all together this year.

比如,Lady Gaga的奇装异服使她成为2009年万圣节装扮谷歌搜索点击率第一,但是到2010年跌到了第五位,今年则完全从排行榜中消失。

41. Old Nokia phones had some of the most outrageous designs the world has ever seen.


42. She says the most outrageous things sometimes.

她有时候尽说些耸人听闻的事。《provided by jukuu》


1. In a 2002 altercation that's ranked by FOX as one of the "most outrageous moments in sports, " a player with the Los Angeles Sparks hit Marciniak in the face with the ball, prompting Marciniak to charge toward the player, who then knocked her to the floor.

CNN: 'Fire and ice' coaches take on business world

2. The most outrageous fact of all is that the Pentagon can't even figure out how much of our money it is wasting.

CNN: There's plenty to cut at the Pentagon

3. Kenner has many outrageous things to tell us about industrial food, but the picture is perhaps most upsetting when we get a glimpse (largely from footage shot surreptitiously by workers) of the way animals are now raised.


4. Mr. Verwaayen takes credit for the most outrageous pair of predictions.

WSJ: Predicting the Tech Future is a Difficult Thing to Do

5. Mind you, he ascribes to authorial intention the most amazingly outrageous things that other critics threw up their hands in despair about, but nevertheless it is for him always still an appeal to authorial intention.

他认为写作意图,十分重要,但是被其他批评家忽视了,但是写作意图,十分吸引他。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Remarkably, I have witnessed pension boards accept assurances from their consultants that even the most outrageous self-dealing scenarios involving the consultant pose no danger to the fund.

FORBES: Failure to Heed Early Warnings Led to First Bankruptcy of U.S. Public Pension

7. They have forgiven foibles, such as his past drinking, outrageous remarks and angry outbursts, most recently flinging a Liberal policy book at a young legislative page.

ECONOMIST: Alberta's premier outstays his welcome

8. "All of these experiments are zeroing in on the outrageous idea that most of the matter in the universe is" made up of WIMPs, a new form of matter.

WSJ: Scientists Find Hint of Dark Matter

9. The author outlines their most famous pictures, but she's at her best conjuring up their personalities and often outrageous conduct.

ECONOMIST: Early film

10. But then again, most of the events surrounding Stern seem outrageous.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

11. The Most Outrageous Tax of the Year, notes that taxes on forgiven debt can be especially egregious.

FORBES: What's The Unkindest Tax Of All?

12. Emboldened by the failure of sufficient numbers of senators to object to these deeply problematic appointments, Mr. Obama has now presented them with what is, arguably, his most outrageous pick to date: the nomination of Thomas Perez to become the next Secretary of Labor.


13. However, one of Insulza's most outrageous decisions is to readmit the totalitarian Cuban regime as a member of the OAS. Cuba's membership was revoked by OAS member countries in 1962.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What's wrong with Insulza and the OAS

14. By contrast, there's little evidence that the IRS's efforts have similarly deterred promotion of the most outrageous individual schemes.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. With the help of Realtor.com and Trulia.com, we sorted through luxury home listings to find the most outrageous amenities currently gracing the sale block.

FORBES: The Most Opulent And Lavish Amenities Invading Luxury Homes

16. But for Toyota, for common sense, and for simple justice, the most egregious and outrageous lawsuits must be those solicited by class action lawyers to make Toyota compensate owners of Toyota vehicles who claim to have suffered losses on the trade-in or resale value of their cars due to the alleged quality issues and recalls in 2009-2010.

FORBES: The Toyota Class Action Settlement and Economic Justice in America's "Mixed" Economy

17. As well as producing and directing films, Winner carved himself a niche as a newspaper columnist, most notably with his often outrageous restaurant reviews in the UK's Sunday Times.

BBC: Obituary: Michael Winner

18. Vladimir Zhirinovsky is Russia's most eccentric and outrageous political leader, whose pronouncements now appear less as serious statements than a form of political theatre.

BBC: News | Russia at the polls

19. Jaw-droppingly outrageous conduct is rare, even the most ardent defenders of decorum agree.

WSJ: Lawyers Behaving Badly Get A Dressing Down From Civility Cops

20. The most outrageous action in Laud's crackdown was his move to ban -his attempt to ban preaching in churches.

他所做过的最骇人听闻的暴行,是企图在教堂里禁止布道训诫行为。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. The most outrageous aspect of the estate, however, is perhaps the stand alone sports plex located down a sign-studded path.

FORBES: If The Hunger Games Were Real This $7 Million Ranch Is Where You'd Train

22. And we would get video of these union people saying the most outrageous stuff.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: To the Rescue: The New Media & National Security

23. The most outrageous offenders are known as ko-gyaru -- girls who sport big socks, short skirts, orange-dyed coiffures and heavy blue eye shadow.


24. Vivian felt a little thrill at being able to carry off such sophisticated nonchalance, and she admired the way that Shelly slithered through her days and nights, shedding the most outrageous experiences as if they were simply the air she passed through.

NEWYORKER: Temporary

25. Click on the slidehshow to see some of the most outrageous watches from the show.

FORBES: The Most Outrageous Watches In Geneva

26. One of basketball's most outrageous personalities has written a book for kids.

WSJ: The Worm Turns: Rodman writes book for children

27. The biggest and most outrageous such issue is wholly unrelated: abortion.

ECONOMIST: Funds for the Fund

28. Although judges have reduced the most outrageous awards, the extent of reductions has been shrinking.

ECONOMIST: Bond markets

29. Nevertheless, most readers would be persuaded that Iraq's claim to have no weapons of mass destruction whatsoever is an outrageous lie.

ECONOMIST: Getting tough | The

30. Finally, Mr. Verwaayen takes credit for the most outrageous pair of predictions, outlandish almost to the point of folly.

WSJ: European Corporate Leaders Weigh In on 2012 Technology Trends

most outrageous是什么意思_most outrageous怎么读_most outrageous的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




chill的意思是:n. 寒冷,寒意;着凉,受寒;害怕,担心;冷漠,敌意;冷模,冷模部件 v. (使)冷却,冰镇;使很冷;惊吓,使恐惧;<非正式>放松;(使)沮丧,(使)扫兴 adj. 冷飕飕的;令人紧张的,令人害怕的。学考宝为您提供chill是什么意思,chill的翻译,chill的用法,chill的短语搭配,chill的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chew的意思是:v. 咀嚼,嚼碎;(为了品尝或因紧张而)不停地嚼,咬;(人或动物)咬,啃 n. 咀嚼;口香糖;供嚼用的烟草;咀嚼物 【名】 (Chew)(美、新、马、英、加)丘(人名)。学考宝为您提供chew是什么意思,chew的翻译,chew的用法,chew的短语搭配,chew的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chest的意思是:n. 胸部,胸膛;箱子,盒子,柜子;<英>金库,钱库 v. 以胸部推(球)。学考宝为您提供chest是什么意思,chest的翻译,chest的用法,chest的短语搭配,chest的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


copiousness的意思是:n. 丰裕;旺盛。学考宝为您提供copiousness是什么意思,copiousness的翻译,copiousness的用法,copiousness的短语搭配,copiousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cherry的意思是:n. 樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃木;樱桃色,鲜红色;果实与樱桃相似的植物;<非正式>童贞 adj. 樱桃色的,鲜红色的 【名】 (Cherry)(法、阿拉伯)谢里,(英)彻丽(女子教名 Charity 的昵称)(人名)。学考宝为您提供cherry是什么意思,cherry的翻译,cherry的用法,cherry的短语搭配,cherry的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chartism的意思是:n. 人民宪章主义;人民宪章运动。学考宝为您提供chartism是什么意思,chartism的翻译,chartism的用法,chartism的短语搭配,chartism的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cheerful的意思是:adj. 欢快的,高兴的;令人高兴的,令人愉快的;乐观的,开朗的。学考宝为您提供cheerful是什么意思,cheerful的翻译,cheerful的用法,cheerful的短语搭配,cheerful的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


backspaces的意思是:v. 回退;回格;回删。backspace的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供backspaces是什么意思,backspaces的音标,backspaces怎么读,backspaces的翻译,backspaces的用法,backspaces的短语搭配,backspaces的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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    jump的意思是:v. 跳,跃;跨越;快速(突然)移动;猛地一动;激增,暴涨;突然转换;略过;突然袭击(某人);欢跃,雀跃;逃离,逃避;插(队);<非正式>马上照办;跳吃(对方的棋子);<非正式>与……性交;<美> 侵占(他人开采权或土地);(桥牌)跳叫;<美>跨接起动(汽车); <美>跨接起动(汽车) n. 跳,跃;惊跳;障碍物;激增;巨变;<非正式>心神不安;(桥牌)跳叫;<美,粗>性交 【名】 (Jump)(美)江普(人名)。学考宝为您提供jump是什么意思,jump翻译,jump短语搭配,jump权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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