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英 [ɪnˈventə(r)]play美 [ɪnˈventər]play

  • n. 发明者,发明家

复数 inventors

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


inventor /ɪnˈvɛntə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 An inventor is a person who has invented something, or whose job is to invent things. 发明者

    ...Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone.




  • adj.

    inventive 发明的;有发明才能的;独出心裁的

  • adv.

    inventively 有创造力地;率先的

  • n.

    invention 发明;发明物;虚构;发明才能

    inventiveness 创造性;发明的才能

  • vt.

    invent 发明;创造;虚构



1. THE PLASTICS INVENTOR 塑料发明者 ; 塑料创造者

2. Inventor Bylaws 发明人法规

3. American inventor 美国发明家 ; 发明家

4. App Inventor 应用程序发明家 ; 应用发明家 ; 发明家 ; 编程

5. Inventor Name 发明人姓名 ; 发明人 ; 发明人名字

6. Emma and the Inventor 爱玛和发明家 ; 艾玛和发明家

7. Master Inventor 发明大师 ; 首席发明家

8. Gnomish Inventor 侏儒发明家 ; 小个发明家


1. Do you want to be an inventor?


2. He becomes an inventor and sells his inventions in order to attend the university.


3. His guiding hands, together with my interest in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor.

他的指导加上我对发明的兴趣使我成为一名工程师和发明家。《中考真题- 2019 河北 完形填空》

4. The inventor is trying to market his new product.


5. Chance is often the best inventor.


6. He will now be known all over the world as the telephone's inventor.

他将作为电话发明者而闻名于世。《中考真题- 2018 广州 七选五》

7. So inventors are coming up with creative ideas to try to reduce the pollution and noise.

因此,发明家们提出了一些创造性的想法,试图减少污染和噪音。《中考真题- 2017 江西 完形填空》

8. People laughed at the inventor's extravagant praise of his invention.


9. Inventor is a 3D entity modeling software based on features.


10. Thomas Edison was a famous inventor.


11. Inventor is a person who invents things.


12. The inventor of the machine claims that it will reduce labor costs by virtually eliminating the need for manual weeding.


13. He decided to become an inventor.


14. He has invented many things. He is a great inventor.


15. The inventor went broke because nobody would buy his machine.


16. Inventing is interesting and exciting and everyone can be an inventor. Do you want to be an inventor?


17. The American inventor plans to sell Below Zero ice cream machines to bars and breweries reports that machines will sell for about$ 6000.


18. Did that means I was meant to be an inventor?


19. Evarts, a 20-year-old inventor, has come up with a novel solution that could easily put texting drivers on notice.


20. The Nobel Medal bears the image of the great Swedish inventor.


21. The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.


22. Study Methods of Virtual Liver Surgery Cutting Based on Open Inventor

基于Open inventor的虚拟肝脏手术切割方法研究

23. Its inventor died in World War I.


24. Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor.


25. Patent right is a kind of monopolized or special right approved by law for inventors or alienee in definite term.


26. As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself.


27. The machine takes its name from its inventor.


28. He had been mistaken for the inventor of the machine gun.


29. The designer and the inventor are able to assemble and manipulate in their minds devices that as yet do not exist.


30. Digital-health industry leaders such as Daniel Kraft, a Harvard-trained physician and medical-device inventor, predict that in the future, "trackaholism" will be the norm.


31. Part Virtual Design and Research Based on Inventor


32. He dreamed of being a inventor.

他梦想成为发明家。《中考真题- 2018 福州 短文填空》

33. I keep thinking that if I were an inventor, or better still, a very rich inventor, it would be fantastic!


34. He was later to be a great inventor.


35. French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.


36. He is a famous inventor.


37. In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.


38. Development of virtual numerical control training system based on open inventor

基于Open inventor的虚拟数控培训系统开发

39. The dream of personalised flight is still vivid in the minds of many inventors, some developing cycle-powered craft, others pouring money into jetpacks.

许多发明家的脑海中仍有鲜活生动的个人化飞行梦想,一些人开发循环动力飞行器,另一些人则把大量资金投入喷气背包。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 短文填空》

40. In American history, Benjamin Franklin was a scientist, inventor and writer as well as a leader of the American Revolution.

在美国历史上,本杰明·富兰克林不仅是一位科学家、发明家和作家,同时也是美国革命的领导者。《中考真题- 2019 河南 七选五》

41. She is a noted inventor.


42. The inventor had an original mind.


43. The Using of INVENTOR in the Scheme of Machine Tool Design


44. However, he wasn' t the first person to think of the idea fact, an Italian named Antonio Meucci was officially recognised as the inventor a few years ago.

然而,他并不是第一个产生这种想法的人。几年前,一位名叫安东尼奥·梅乌奇的意大利发明家被正式承认为了它的发明者。《中考真题- 2018 广州 七选五》

45. The Application Example of the Module of the Finite Element Analysis in Inventor


46. It was named after its inventor.


47. Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, "The business of America is business."


48. To be an inventor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very vivid imagination.


49. Edison won his spurs as an inventor while rather young.


50. But that won't stop inventors from dreaming up new ways to fly and trying to persuade investors to back their sometimes outrageous schemes.

但这也不能阻止发明家想出新的飞行方式,并试着说服投资者支持他们的想法,尽管那些想法有时很离谱。《六级真题- 2019年 6月 2卷 短文填空》

51. The inventor spent months in elaborating his plans for a new engine.


52. He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.


53. Later he became a great inventor.


54. Inventors are not mad scientists.


55. The third possible inventor of the hamburger was Charlie Nagreen, also known as "Hamburger Charlie," from Seymour.


56. Right. He was an inventor at your age, you know.

“正确. 你知道他和你一样大时,就是发明家了. ”《英语晨读30分(初三)》

57. The machine is named after its inventor.


58. Inventors everywhere were scrambling to build motorized vehicles.


59. Bell was the inventor of the telephone.


60. Young Addison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor.


61. He's an inventor. He invented my favourite food.


62. The inventor of the daguerreotype is a French artist.


63. The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts.


64. Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone.


65. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things.

我明白了不同的发明家经常发明相似的东西。《中考真题- 2019 河北 完形填空》

66. Takuoya, the inventor of the robot, said.

机器人的发明者Takuoya说。《中考真题- 2018 陕西 阅读A》


1. Ted was a dedicated engineer and inventor with a fierce pride in his company.


2. These include writer James Fenimore Cooper and inventor Samuel Morse.

VOA : special.2011.07.13

3. Others include fashion designer Michael Kors, Segway inventor Dean Kamen, and fictional character Pee-wee Herman.

FORBES: Steve Jobs Always Dressed Exactly the Same. Here's Who Else Does

4. Lucent An awfully close second for the owner of Bell Labs, inventor of the laser.

FORBES: Young guns...

5. Both paint Farnsworth as an extreme example of that peculiarly American species, the lone inventor.

FORBES: Channeling Philo

6. And Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi had sent the first wireless message across the Atlantic Ocean.

VOA : special.2010.08.05

7. The Dutch inventor says he is simply copying that system.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

8. Apple has come into possession of a number of patents owned by Canadian inventor Timothy R.

ENGADGET: Apple secures multitouch-related patent dating back to 1995 from inventor

9. The inventor said into the device, "Mister Watson,come here.

VOA : special.2010.05.14

10. The inventor of the classic toy Etch A Sketch has died at the age of 86.

BBC: Etch A Sketch inventor Andre Cassagnes dies at 86

11. He was also an inventor. The electric guitar and recording devices he created changed the sound of popular music and greatly influenced rock and roll.

VOA : special.2009.09.27

12. An American inventor,Lee De Forest, produced that broadcast.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

13. Take care not to confuse Veblen with his contemporary Max Weber, the inventor of the carburetor.

WSJ: 2012 BMW 335i Modern Review: Less Is More in BMW's Predictably Excellent 3 | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

14. Now, a self-taught inventor is once again eyeing the vast shale deposits of the Rocky Mountains.

NPR: Squeezing Oil Out of Stones in the Rocky Mountains

15. So the inventor of the chess game-- he was in India, and went to the local king.

象棋游戏的发明人-,他在印度,去见当地的国王。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

16. The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.


17. And the inventor said, "Yes."

发明人说“我确定“幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

18. He amassed a fortune as the inventor and mass producer of explosives including dynamite.

FORBES: Start With Your Obituary

19. Benjamin Franklin: statesman, author, postmaster, inventor of the bifocal, the lending library and the Franklin stove.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. Some plans succeed garnering profits for the inventor, employees and those providing the necessary capital.

FORBES: Why The Recession Recovery Remains Anemic

21. Machiavelli is the founder, the discoverer, the inventor of the modern state.

马奇亚维利是创始人,发明人,他发明了现代国家。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. PetsCell inventor Canadian Cameron Robb is now director of PetsMobility, the Arizona-based company producing the device.

CNN: Give a dog a cell phone

23. So the inventor of the chess game said, "Ok. What I like is on the first block, first square, I would like one grain of rice.

于是象棋发明者说,“好吧,我希望,在第一个方格上,我想要一粒大米。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

24. But there were precursors, such as the facsimile gizmo Scottish inventor Alexander Bain devised in 1842.

FORBES: Eerily Prescient

25. The bike's inventor, John Iavarone, acknowledges he has made "some money, " but not millions of dollars.

FORBES: Inside InventionLand

26. Hungarian inventor Erno Rubik's famous mechanical puzzle has gained a second wind in recent years.

WSJ: One Rubik's Cube, Many Knockoffs, Quintillions of Possibilities

27. Co-inventor Ingo Potrykus says rice with two added genes will be available in twenty-thirteen.

VOA : special.2011.03.01

28. Bored at home, Marty finds a surrogate father in the town's nutty inventor, Dr. Emmett Brown.

FORBES: You Can Predict the Future

29. This one's named after Robert Metcalfe , the inventor of the computer networking protocol Ethernet.

FORBES: Ten Laws Of The Modern World

30. Fellow billionaire John Simplot, inventor of the frozen French fry, never even finished high school.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. He was inspired to document the live event after meeting with its founder, inventor Dean Kamen.

FORBES: Rapper will.i.am Wants Better Scitech Funding

32. The American inventor,Samuel F.Morse, is largely responsible for the birth of the expression.

VOA : special.2009.02.22

33. He too was a naturalist, as well as a farmer,inventor,historian, writer and politician.

VOA : special.2010.08.08

34. It might sound far-fetched but young English inventor Giles Cardoso has already made it a reality.

CNN: Flying 'Parajet' takes off

35. Kamen is the inventor of the Segway personal transporter, an insulin pump, and many other breakthroughs.

FORBES: Forget The Sequester: Entrepreneurs Are Saving The Future

36. "So the idea was to recognize these great inventors, hold them up as role models for young people, and help young people see that aspiring to be an inventor is a great thing."

VOA : standard.2009.12.18

37. Now two new books give Philo his due: The Last Lone Inventor, by Evan I.

FORBES: Channeling Philo

38. American inventor Thomas Edison began making short motion pictures at the turn of the century.

VOA : special.2010.12.02

39. The movement espouses the DIY inventor or developer and promotes the sharing of free technology.

CNN: Robot bartender takes orders via smartphone

40. Well, and sometimes that "O America" Meant the tinkerer, it meant the inventor, it meant the guy who invented a new kind of sewing machine and took it in for a patent.

有时候这个《啊,美国》,意味着工艺师,意味着发明者,意味着 发明新型缝纫机,并将它申请专利的人美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Norman Joseph Woodland, the co-inventor of the bar code, died this week at 91.

FORBES: Big Data News of the Week: The Business of Organizing the World's Data

42. And we answer a question about the inventor of the telephone.

VOA : special.2010.05.14

43. He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.


44. The inventor was born in Edinburgh,Scotland in eighteen forty-seven.

VOA : special.2010.05.14

45. He was an inventor and a filmmaker.

VOA : special.2009.01.14

46. One of its ongoing projects at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology honors a different inventor every year.

VOA : standard.2009.12.18

47. Bogle: founder of Vanguard, champion of the little guy, inventor of the retail index fund.

FORBES: Betting Against Market Fads

48. Anders Wilhelmson is the Swedish inventor of the idea.

VOA : special.2010.03.15

49. Just about everyone who considers themselves a maker, inventor, artisan has heard of Make.

FORBES: Kitmakers say Make It Yourself

50. Inventor David Kotkin announced today that his Delta Six project is getting a make-over.

ENGADGET: Delta Six controller gets redesigned, Kickstarted

51. In fact,no one person can be called the inventor of radio.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

52. Once, Casey met a promising inventor who had recently won a contract with the Army.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | CIA Director William Casey: His Analysis And Plain Speech Help Him Lead The Agency to the Top

53. In 1903, Richard Gatling, American inventor of the cylinder gun that bears his name, died.

CNN: Thursday,

54. He was part inventor, part businessman and part educator.

VOA : special.2011.02.15

55. Engineer.Inventor.Thinker.Poet.

VOA : special.2010.05.30

56. Toys "R" Us, the inventor of chain-store toy discounting, is being run ragged by Wal-Mart.

FORBES: Breaking Up Is Good to Do

57. American inventor Dean Kamen started FIRST in nineteen eighty-nine to increase young people's interest in science and technology.

VOA : special.2009.04.24

58. The pastoral genre in fact even for Theocritus, its inventor, was always highly artificial.

甚至对于忒奥克里托斯,它的创始者来说,田园诗,也一直都是人工雕凿的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Another inventor, Prasad Rangaraju,is an engineer at Clemson University in South Carolina.

VOA : special.2009.12.01





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