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economic stagnation


英 [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk stæɡ'neɪʃ(ə)n]play 美 [ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk stæɡ'neɪʃ(ə)n]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. But the speed of recovery differed dramatically; Japan endured a decade of economic stagnation, whereas South Korea returned to growth within two years of its 1997 banking disaster.


2. The Causes of Economic Stagnation and Counter Measures in Yancheng


3. Third, and most important, they worry that others, especially Ireland, Portugal and Spain, are in uncomfortably similar boats, facing a future of economic stagnation and spiralling debt.


4. Another was that the authorities would withdraw the stimulus too quickly, leading to the economic stagnation experienced by Japan during the 1990s.


5. After a period of economic stagnation caused by the United Nations'embargo on trade with China, Hong Kong began to industrialise.


6. Stagflation is the combination of high unemployment and economic stagnation with inflation.


7. However, even though unemployment rates will not be as severe, I still predict that we are in store for a miserable decade of economic stagnation.


8. The budget we are proposing will reverse economic stagnation and open the path to millions of new jobs for American workers.


9. Japan endured a decade of economic stagnation, whereas South Korea returned to growth within two years of its 1997 banking disaster.


10. Fed up with economic stagnation, the French were borrowing ideas from abroad.


11. The continent has just experienced a decade of rapid economic growth -a stark contrast to the stagnation and reversals of previous years.


12. It is not because of Germany that France is experiencing economic stagnation and Italy has suffered long-term recession.


13. Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.


14. The continent has just experienced a decade of rapid economic growth - a stark contrast to the stagnation and reversals of previous years.


15. That is a blueprint for economic stagnation.


16. Persistent economic stagnation has left our political leaders increasingly looking for national solutions to what have become deeply-entrenched international problems.


17. Some conclusions were obvious, such as the need to avoid economic stagnation and military adventures overseas.


18. Those losing freedom, on the other hand, risk economic stagnation, high unemployment and deteriorating social conditions.


19. Rising prices, economic stagnation, and fear of unemployment were the main worries.

物价高涨 、 经济发展停滞不前, 以及担心失业是德国人主要的烦恼.《互联网》

20. But what happens if collectivist societies snap out of their economic stagnation?


21. But beyond these dramatic ups and downs lies an even more sobering reality: long-term economic stagnation.


22. Economic growth of less than 1 % per year is considered to be economic stagnation.


23. If the economic stagnation in many countries is to be overcome, trade needs to be increased between industrial and developing nations.

如果要想克服许多国家的经济停滞,工业化国家和发展中国家之间的贸易必须发展。《provided by jukuu》

24. But despite economic stagnation, technological limitations and international sanctions, its conventional forces can't be discounted, if only because of their size.


25. The steady economic model adopted by these early leaders, however-including the nationalization of much of the industrial sector-resulted in inefficiency and economic stagnation.


26. He cited other consequences including political instability in the most affected countries, increased migration, higher global inflation and economic stagnation.


27. But beyond these dramatic ups and downs lies an even more sobering reality: long-term economic stagnation.


28. U. S. stocks plunged this week, extending a selloff to four days, as policymakers' failure to arrest global economic stagnation sent markets spiraling downward.


29. In the 1970s, inflation and economic stagnation were universally coexisting in the capitalism world.


30. A declining population would result in economic stagnation.


31. It is the reverse of what is needed during economic stagnation, however.


32. Skip over the two decades of economic stagnation of Japan Inc. that soon followed the hype and fast forward to the present.


33. For the bears, low rates are a sign of the desperation of central bankers, and an indication that economic growth will be subdued for some time to come. They predict Japanese-style stagnation.


34. In 1972 and 1974, the two world-record-breaking skyscrapers were completed in turn, in the wake of them a serious global economic stagnation.


35. The basic cause of economic stagnation is the depressed outlook for final demand.


36. Due to prolonged economic stagnation, Ito - Yokado lessened job openings from over 1 , 000 to some 680 this year.

由于经济持续不景气, 该集团今年把一千个职缺裁减为六百八十个.《互联网》

37. For years foreign observers gave warning that Japan's combination of economic stagnation and rising public debt was unsustainable.


38. Japan - diminished on the world stage by a lost decade of economic stagnation, an aging and contracting population, a once-mighty yen facing marginalization - has disappeared from the story.


39. His poll ratings are falling relentlessly, largely because of Italy's economic stagnation.


40. A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80% are mired in economic stagnation.


41. Japan's Continued Economic Stagnation and Its Prospects


42. A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80% are Mired in economic stagnation.


43. U. S. stocks plunged on Thursday, extending a selloff to four days, as policymakers' failure to arrest global economic stagnation sent markets spiraling downward.


44. The suicide rate which rose sharply when economic stagnation set in during the late 1990s is 60 per cent higher than the world average.


45. But the stodgy LDP old guard, which had presided over two decades of economic stagnation, bore as much of the blame as the reformist Mr Koizumi.


46. Tokyo that spring was a city mired in its ninth consecutive year of economic stagnation.


47. The Japanese have nearly exhausted all monetary and fiscal policies attempting to bring to an end to two decades of economic stagnation.


48. Economic stagnation was one of the main causes of the wave of frustration that finally swept Mr Mubarak from power.


49. Lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.


50. He says the economic outlook is uncertain and risks of falling back into stagnation are great.


51. The additional spending and tax hikes will come as Japan struggles to emerge from a long period of economic stagnation.


52. The pricking of the bubble led to 20 years of economic stagnation.


53. In two decades of economic stagnation Japan's leaders have repeatedly failed to rescue their country's fortunes.


54. The Japanese are renowned gourmets, but two decades of economic stagnation and the worst recession since World War II have put the finest cuisine beyond the reach of many wallets and expense accounts.


55. It is very difficult to get a job in the current society of economic stagnation.


56. Indeed, the dangers of continuing economic stagnation are obvious.


57. Layer two is economic stagnation, the sense that set in early this century that the country's model is stuck.


58. Many countries suffered different degrees of economic stagnation or even recession, the world economy is facing a severe test.



1. Manufacturing remained the hardest hit by the economic stagnation, although there were signs decline is slowing.

BBC: Scottish bank notes

2. The Bank of Japan's role in fighting deflation and economic stagnation has hardly been impressive.

ECONOMIST: Too weak to work? | The

3. Economic stagnation plus Fed activism equals stagflation: we saw it all thirty-five years ago.

FORBES: Now We Know Where the Inflation Went

4. Europeans worry that the aging of their population means economic stagnation.

FORBES: Europe's real problem

5. Every Republican administration since Reagan has provided economic stagnation: GDP growth averaging around 2%.

FORBES: 5% Growth: Not Magical Unicorns, The Return of Gazelles

6. Firstly, bailouts do not work and the extended economic stagnation we are in is part of that.

FORBES: David Brooks And The Meaning Of Greece

7. Still, the empirical evidence 12 years of economic stagnation demonstrates that low tax rates are necessary but not sufficient to achieve prosperity.

FORBES: 2% Growth and the Presidential Election: Ideas 'Dangerous for Good or Evil'

8. The 1970s painfully demonstrated that you can simultaneously have rising prices and economic stagnation.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

9. Clearly the ongoing economic stagnation stems not from prohibitively high interest rates.

FORBES: Bernanke Plus Obama Equals $5 Gas Post Election

10. They seem unaware of the link between their votes and four years of economic stagnation.

FORBES: The Faux Morality of Big Government and Anti-Gouging Laws

11. The continuing economic stagnation coupled with the deep recession of 2008, and 2009, have exposed the very real dangers of misaligned executive compensation programs, i.e.

FORBES: Does Your Culture Value a Fair Deal?

12. Of course, all they got was inflation -- and continued economic stagnation.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

13. He correctly points to the private sector as the cause of the current Great Economic Stagnation.

FORBES: Why Can't The Private Sector Innovate Anymore?

14. But the fiscal cave will only worsen deficits by causing economic stagnation which is a long term deficit growth driver, while doing nothing about spending.

FORBES: The Republican Fiscal Cave Is Much Worse Than The Fiscal Cliff

15. Those efforts suffered a severe blow in 1998-2002, when the region suffered financial turmoil and economic stagnation.

ECONOMIST: A fight between democrats and populists

16. Low salaries and high tax rates would seem to be a formula for work disincentives and economic stagnation.

FORBES: The Scandinavian Model

17. The first is the tendency to see economic stagnation or decline everywhere, which, it is said, will only worsen.

FORBES: A Cheerful Welcome To The Robots, Our Future Work Overlords

18. Voters are beginning to sense that there is an underlying, systemic, problem causing our economic stagnation.

FORBES: Forget Howard Jarvis And A California Tax Revolt, Is A Money Revolt On The Way?

19. Or are we about to enter a long Japanese-style period of economic stagnation?

NPR: Listeners' Money Questions Answered

20. It is glaringly obvious that the lingering economic stagnation was a major factor in this.

FORBES: Everything Economics Turns On A Trifle

21. But Zimbabwe citizens had long since lost patience with chronic corruption, inflation, economic stagnation and shortages.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

22. Even so, the move could also be a belated acknowledgement of the need to break out of Syria's crippling political and economic stagnation.

ECONOMIST: Arab democratic reform

23. Perhaps economic stagnation (or worse) is an inevitable consequence of the 2008 financial crisis and - increasingly - events in the eurozone.

BBC: The Bank's push to ease credit

24. India, Brazil, and other developing nations have shaken off decades of economic stagnation to achieve remarkable growth.

FORBES: HBS Alumni In The Global Economy

25. But the construction of a new highway which bypassed the town caused economic stagnation, making life tough for local people.

BBC: Imani Green: Jamaican town hit hard by murder

26. They want more money in circulation, because their Keynesian models tell them that easy money is the answer to our economic stagnation.

FORBES: Where's The Hyperinflation?

27. Bad monetary policy correlates closely, over a dozen years under both Republican and Democratic administrations with economic stagnation.

FORBES: Forget Howard Jarvis And A California Tax Revolt, Is A Money Revolt On The Way?

28. One of these risks is the threat of economic stagnation driven by de-leverage and government-imposed austerity, as it was discussed in previous pieces.

FORBES: Can President Obama Save Globalization?

29. But as Japan amply demonstrates, in recent decades, such a policy of persistently-low interest rates and rank money-printing only brings long-term economic stagnation.

FORBES: The Lopsided Fiscal Cliff Deal: All Tax Hikes, No Spending Restraint

30. America must innovate its way out of economic stagnation and back to economic growth.

FORBES: Can Cloud Computing Save The American Economy?

economic stagnation翻译_economic stagnation短语搭配_economic stagnation权威例句




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