莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [jes]play美 [jes]play

  • adv. 是,是的
  • n. 是(表示肯定)

复数 yesses或yeses 第三人称单数 yesses或yeses 现在分词 yessing 过去式 yessed 过去分词 yessed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


yes /jɛs/

  • 1.
    习惯表达 You use yes to give a positive response to a question. 是的 (用以对问题作肯定回答)

    "Are you a friend of Nick's?"—"Yes."



    "You actually wrote it down, didn't you?"—"Yes."


  • 2.
    习惯表达 You use yes to accept an offer or request, or to give permission. 好的 (用以接受提议、要求或给予许可)

    "More wine?"—"Yes please."



    "Will you take me there?"—"Yes, I will."


  • 3.
    习惯表达 You use yes to tell someone that what they have said is correct. 对 (用以告诉某人他所说的是正确的)

    "Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months, isn't it?"—"Yes, that's right."


  • 4.
    习惯表达 You use yes to show that you are ready or willing to speak to the person who wants to speak to you, for example when you are answering a telephone or a knock at your door. 请讲; 请进 (用于表示准备好或愿意跟想跟自己说话的人说话)

    He pushed a button on the intercom. "Yes?" came a voice.


  • 5.
    习惯表达 You use yes to indicate that you agree with, accept, or understand what the previous speaker has said. (用以表示同意、接受或理解前一说话者的话) 是的

    "A lot of people find it very difficult indeed to give up smoking."—"Oh yes. I used to smoke three packs a day."

    “许多人发现戒烟确实很难。”— “噢,是的。我过去1天抽3包。”

  • 6.
    习惯表达 You use yes to encourage someone to continue speaking. (用以鼓励某人继续说) 嗯哼

    "I remembered something funny today."—"Yes?"


  • 7.
    习惯表达 You use yes, usually followed by "but," as a polite way of introducing what you want to say when you disagree with something the previous speaker has just said. 不错 (后接)(but)(,礼貌地引出反对意见)礼貌

    "She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand dollars of income."—"Yes, but she doesn't earn any money."


  • 8.
    习惯表达 You use yes to say that a negative statement or question that the previous speaker has made is wrong or untrue. 不 (用以说明前一说话人的否定陈述或问题是不正确或不真实的)

    "That is not possible," she said.—"Oh, yes, it is!" Mrs. Gruen insisted.


  • 9.
    习惯表达 You can use yes to suggest that you do not believe or agree with what the previous speaker has said, especially when you want to express your annoyance about it. 是吗 (用以暗示不相信或不同意前一说话人的话,尤用于想表达厌烦时)情感

    "There was no way to stop it."—"Oh yeah? Well, here's something else you won't be able to stop."


  • 10.
    习惯表达 You use yes to indicate that you had forgotten something and have just remembered it. (表示忘了某事又刚想起来) 对了

    What was I going to say. Oh yeah, we've finally got our second computer.


  • 11.
    习惯表达 You use yes to emphasize and confirm a statement that you are making. 没错 (用以强调并确认所作的陈述)强调

    He collected the $10,000 first prize. Yes, $10,000.


  • 12.
    习惯表达 You say yes and no in reply to a question when you cannot give a definite answer, because in some ways the answer is yes and in other ways the answer is no. 说不好 (用以作不可断言是或不是的回答)含糊

    "Was it strange for you, going back after such a long absence?"—"Yes and no."




1. yes-man 唯唯诺诺的人 ; 应声虫 ; 唯命是从的人 ; 好好先生

2. yes or no 或否;是或不是

3. Yes I do 我愿意 ; 听我说着爱你 ; 你愿意这样做吗

4. yes and no 既肯定又否定

5. Yes Man 没问题先生 ; 好好先生 ; 应声虫

6. Yes i Will 高清版 ; 无论多难熬

7. yes i do 是的我做到了

8. Yes we can 是的 ; 我们能 ; 我们可以 ; 我们做得到

9. Yes Club 夜色酒吧

10. oh yes 哦是的

11. Say Yes 次求婚 ; 向我走来 ; 同意 ; 片

12. Yes or No 想爱就爱 ; 李海娜 ; 泰国电视剧 ; 是或不是

13. Yes And No 张敬轩 ; 是和不是 ; 也不是 ; 是与不是

14. if yes 如果是


1. Smith: Yes, we finished the evaluation of it.

史密斯: 收到了, 我们已进行了评估.《期刊摘选》

2. Yes, they quite support me.

答:同意, 而且非常支持.《期刊摘选》

3. He gave an unhesitating ‘ yes ’ when asked if he would go through the experience again.


4. Yes, but other colleagues get to leave early, and they don’t have such a lot of work to do

是啊,但是其他同事可以早下班,而且他们也不用做这么多的工作。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

5. Yes. See you then.


6. Yes, that's basically correct.


7. Can't you give me a straight yes or no?


8. 'I remembered something funny today.' — 'Yeah?'


9. Show some respect for my feelings and say yes!


10. C : Yes , please, and call CCB Bank.

是的, 拜托了, 请打电话给CCB银行.《期刊摘选》

11. What was I going to say. Oh yeah, we've finally got our second computer.


12. Oh yes? Rilla said tiredly. “ But when? ”

“ 噢,真的 吗 ? ” 瑞拉疲惫地说,“可是什么时候 呢 ?”《简明英汉词典》

13. Pick up the phone and ask about rescheduling before saying yes to the second person.


14. He was sitting there saying, "Yes, the figures make sense."


15. Yes, I know who you mean. Yes, now I'm with you.


16. Yes, of course it will. thanks.

行, 当然行了, 谢谢.《期刊摘选》

17. You said if I'd quit bugging you about it, you'd say yes.

你说如果我不再烦你, 你就会答应我.《期刊摘选》

18. "Will you take me there?"—"Yes, I will."


19. Experts say a yes vote is still the likely outcome.


20. I could hardly believe my luck when he said yes.


21. Yes, sir. We must collection fee of $ 1.50 if you don't have an account with us.

是的, 先生. 如果您在我行没有帐户的话,你就需要支付1.5美元的取款费.《期刊摘选》

22. Ken: Yes, but they are as yet unwilling to agree to each term of the contract.

肯: 是的, 但是他们迄今不同意各项合同条款.《期刊摘选》

23. The answer may be a resounding “yes!”

答案或许是非常肯定的。 《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

24. I tell you, I can read anybody's face. — Yes ?

我告诉你, 我善于观察人们的脸色. —真的吗?《现代英汉综合大词典》

25. A year later he came home and proudly announced, Diane said yes!


26. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' ─ and stop hedging.


27. Yes, I agree with you absolutely.

是的, 我完全同意.《期刊摘选》

28. Yes, I know, but I'm younger than most of the students in my year

是的,我知道,但是我比同级的大多数学生都小。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

29. Yes, can I help you?


30. Yes, we pay the highest interest rate permitted for commercial banks.


31. 'Are you a friend of Nick's?' — 'Yes.'...


32. I'll put you down as a yes.


33. Yes. I've promised to go to a piano concert with Kate.


34. She said yes unhesitatingly.


35. M: Yes, perhaps not surprisingly, the higher people go in a company, the happier they are.

男:是的,员工在公司里的职位越高就越快乐,这也许并不令人意外。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

36. 'She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand pounds of income.' — 'Yes, but she doesn't earn any money.'...


37. He collected the £10,000 first prize. Yes, £10,000.


38. Yes, it was issued in Austria in 1992.


39. Yes. When he announces a plan, all of us fall line.

是的.他宣布的计划, 我们都同意.《期刊摘选》

40. I can't say yes either without our home office's consent.


41. He answered in the affirmative, ie said ` yes '.


42. W: Yes.

女:是的。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

43. Yes, we agreed to that.

是的, 我们同意了这条.《期刊摘选》

44. ‘It's an excellent hotel. ’ ‘ Yes, but (= I don't completely agree) it's too expensive. ’


45. M: Yes! Anyway, we didn’t know any better, so we had it and, ugh.

男:是的!总之,我们也不知道还有什么更好的了,所以我们就吃了这个,呀。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

46. They answered 'Yes,' to a man.


47. So, what did she say Yes


48. Yes, that's a good point.


49. Yes, there's plenty of room.


50. A & quot ; yes & quot ; vote is still the likely outcome.

结果仍很有可能是 赞成票.《期刊摘选》

51. They all had to say yes for his plan to go through.


52. Yes. He is just over there, the one in blue.

是的,他在那边, 就是那个穿蓝色服装的.《期刊摘选》

53. Expressing an affirmative answer ( yes ) but acknowledgeing that it is not good news.


54. Yes, our company will hold it before the Christmas.

是的, 我们公司在圣诞前举行.《期刊摘选》

55. Oh , yes, I promise you all.

好啊, 我都答应你.《期刊摘选》

56. The no-votes are leading the yeses...


57. "Yes," he muttered, his voice so muted I hardly heard his reply.


58. 'Will you take me there?' — 'Yes, I will.'...


59. In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer.


60. Yes, stupid, it's you I'm talking to!


61. Mr Jones: Yes, I agree. It is a very interesting cassette.

琼斯先生: 是的, 我同意. 这是非常有趣的录音带.《期刊摘选》

62. Yes I did give it to her. What else could I do?


63. I've been roped into organizing the tour; I wish I hadn't said yes.

我被拉来组织这次旅游, 我真希望我当初没答应下来.《简明英汉词典》

64. M: Yes, that’s right.

男:是的,确实。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

65. M: Yes, I was on my way to apply ?for a maintenance position.

男:是的,我正要去申请一份维修工的工作。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

66. Our answer is, Yes, we do.


67. I'm not coming with you. Yes you bloody well are . ”

“ 我不跟你一块儿去. ” “不行,一定得跟我一起去!”《简明英汉词典》

68. Robin: Is that a yes?

罗宾: 你这是答应我了?《期刊摘选》

69. Good morning. Yes, this is ABC Company. May I help you?

早上好! 是的,这里是ABC公司,请问有什么可以帮您的吗?《期刊摘选》

70. Really? Yes. But I couldn't any photos because I forgot my camera.

真的 吗 ?是的.但是我没有照相,因为我忘记带我的照相机了.《期刊摘选》

71. Yes, we have an Indonesian restaurant right here on the second floor.

行李员:有, 就在二层.《期刊摘选》

72. Farley: Okay. I asked Sarah to go to the dance, and she said yes!

法利: 好吧, 就是我邀请莎拉一起参加舞会, 她答应了!《期刊摘选》

73. The noes have 50 percent, the yeses 35 percent and the rest are undecided.


74. I almost got her to say yes to a date.


75. Ah yes, but think of all the family life they're missing.


76. Yes, I've got all my luggage.


77. There will be two ballot boxes─one for yesses and one for noes.


78. 'Was it strange for you, going back after such a long absence?' — 'Yes and no.'


79. He will of course say yes to my proposal.


80. Yes, yes, I hear what you are saying and I am with you.

是的, 是的, 我知道你要说什么,我同意你的观点.《期刊摘选》

81. Fei Little Beard , his eyes still on the floor , replied with a string of deferential yeses.

费小胡子恭恭敬敬接连答应了几个“是”, 眼睛看在地下.《子夜部分》

82. Yes, you're right ─ I stand corrected.


83. Yes, I know it was an accident, but that's beside the point.


84. Jenny: Yes, It'says that the company can proceed without any legal or financial problems.

詹妮: 收到了, 它说公司可以如期进行,不会有任何法律或者金融方面的问题.《期刊摘选》

85. It's a love story, baby, just say yes.

这 就是 我们的爱情, 亲爱的, 请答应我.《期刊摘选》

86. My friends think I'm nuts for saying yes.


87. Mrs Smith has just won £ 2 million ─ yes! ─£ 2 million!


88. ‘I enjoyed her latest novel. ’ ‘Yes, me too. ’


89. Mr Wade answers both questions with a qualified yes.


90. Yes, I think so, for society would turn stagnant and stale if it were flawless.

回答应该是肯定的, 因为一个没有缺憾的社会也就失去了进步的动力.《期刊摘选》

91. That's a fine car you have. Yes sir!


92. Yes, she does . She sa id I was old enough to make dec is i ons.

不.妈妈会同意的. 她说我已经到了可以自己做决定的年龄了.《期刊摘选》

93. ‘Would you like a drink? ’ ‘ Yes, please/thanks . ’


94. L: Yes, you are right. That's cost centre services. And then, there's the Banking Division.

朗: 是的, 你说得对! 这正是成本项目服务, 接下来, 就是银行营业员.《期刊摘选》

95. I said yes. I can't very well say no.


96. Yes, I agree, I can't live without music either.

是的, 我同意, 我也无法过没有音乐的日子.《休闲英语会话》

97. From 2001 to the third quarter of 2005, the Shanghai composite index halved in value.

从2001年到2005年第三季度, 上证综合指数的价值跌去一半.《期刊摘选》

98. B : Yes , please. I'd like to open a bank account with you.

谢谢. 我想在你们这里开立一个银行账户.《期刊摘选》

99. Yes, I want to share my life with you


100. B : Yes , I agree, but you'll love the winter in Dallas.

是的, 我同意, 但你会喜欢达拉斯的冬天.《期刊摘选》

101. Yes. I'd like a salad, fish, and green beans.

行.我想要沙拉 、 鱼和豆角.《期刊摘选》

102. When they asked me if I wanted the job, I said yes.


103. Your silence is a signal that you trust that he Is stretching about to say yes.


104. 'More wine?' — 'Yes please.'...


105. Yes , I agreed. It is best not to start!

我完全同意, “ 最好别去翻看它! ”《期刊摘选》

106. 'That's a type of whitefly, is it?' — 'Yes, it is a whitefly.'


107. Yes, that’s a challenge.

没错,这是一个挑战。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

108. And you refused? — Well, not exactly. I couldn't say yes.


109. ‘Dad, can I borrow the car? ’ ‘Yes, but be careful. ’


110. After a moment's indecision, he said yes.


111. Pedestrian: Yes , of course. Carry straight on to the next set of lights turn left.

行人: 当然. 向前直走,走到一组红绿灯号前,就向左转.《期刊摘选》

112. The British Medical Association ( BMA ) , which represents doctors in Britain, says yes .

代表全英国医生的英国医学会 ( BMA ) 对这个问题做出了肯定的回答.《期刊摘选》

113. If yes, are hot water or steam, electricity and other utilities currently available?

若是, 热水或蒸汽 、 电力和其他设施都符合使用条件 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

114. Put her down for a yes vote.


115. Vote Yes on Proposition 136, but No on Propositions 129, 133 and 134.


116. Yes, I agree with you about that.

是的, 关于这一点我同意你的意见.《期刊摘选》

117. Yes, officer, I saw what happened.


118. M: Yes, very much.

男:是的,非常好。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

119. Yes, they let me go. Because I did not agree with their business philosophy.

是的, 他们让我走. 因为我不同意他们的经营理念.《辞典例句》

120. "I remembered something funny today."—"Yes?"


121. "Did I wake you?"—"Yes, but it doesn't matter."

“我把您吵醒了吗?” — “是的,不过没关系。”《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

122. 'It's a fabulous opportunity.' — 'Yeah. I know.'


123. He barked twice. For Jesse, that means yes!

它叫了两声. 这表示答应了.《期刊摘选》

124. 'Yes,' they said together.


125. Is Hysteria Real? Brain Images Say Yes!

癔症是真的 吗 ?脑成像技术告诉我们那时肯定的!《期刊摘选》

126. "Yes, Mom," replied Cheryl as she slowly put away her doll.


127. Yes, at the moment there is a tug of war between house buyers and property developers.

的确, 目前购房者与房地产开发商之间正在进行一场“拔河”比赛.《期刊摘选》

128. Yes? How can I help you?


129. Yes, but you get so angry when people does not agree with you.

是的, 可是如果别人不同意你的意见你就生气.《期刊摘选》

130. Yes, I want to share my life with you.


131. W: Yes, it should.

女:是的,应该能。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

132. Did she say yes to your proposal?

她同意你的求婚 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

133. Yes, I think tomorrow morning would be fine.

可以, 我看明天上午行.《期刊摘选》

134. Yes, that's a good point.


135. W: Yes, speed bumps, those speed bumps that force you to slow down.

女:是的,减速带,那些能强制你放慢速度的减速带。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

136. Yes, highballs, agreed Gatsby, and then to Mr. Wolfshiem: It's too hot over there.

“ 好的, 来几杯姜汁威士忌, ” 盖茨比同意, 然后对沃尔夫山姆先生说, “ 那边太热了. ”《英汉文学 - 盖茨比》

137. Yes? How can I help you?


138. J: Yes, laws in Both Greece and Rome recognized banks and many bank functions.

詹森: 是的, 希腊和罗马都在法律上承认了银行和银行的许多作用.《期刊摘选》

139. Yes. They have been working here for at least one year.


140. Often when a man grumbles he is in the process of saying yes to your request.


141. Yes, she's now able to walk all by herself.


142. 'There was no way to stop it.' — 'Oh yes? Well, here's something else you won't be able to stop.'


143. Yes, Friday will be fine. What time shall I come?

行, 星期五很好. 我几点钟来?《期刊摘选》

144. Yes, that's basically correct.


145. 'A lot of people find it very difficult indeed to give up smoking.' —'Oh yes. I used to smoke nearly sixty a day.'...


146. Clerk: Yes, you are allowed to take one small piece of hand baggage with you.

服务员: 可以.你可以随身带一小件手提行李.《期刊摘选》

147. Patient, yes. She agrees with me.

病人:是的, 她也同意.《期刊摘选》

148. ‘Is this your car? ’ ‘Yes, it is. ’


149. M:Yes, yes, I think it was.

男: 对, 对, 我认为是的。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

150. "Did he think there was anything suspicious going on?"—"Yes, he did."

“他认为有什么可疑的事情发生吗?”— “是的,他是这样认为的。”《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

151. Yes you read right, this bike can turn into a stationary exercise bike.

你没看错, 这种车可以变成一个固定式自行车健身器.《期刊摘选》

152. 'Yes and no,' she replied cryptically.


153. My crystal ball said that perhaps you are planning to rob the museum in Auldale, yes?

我的水晶球说或许你正计划抢劫奥戴尔博物馆, 是?《期刊摘选》

154. (Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.

(是的,即使在当前的经济形势下,人们也要退休。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

155. Yes, I wrote the article. What of it?


156. 'Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn't it.' — 'Yes that's right.'...


157. Yes, you promised me the money, the piper said to the mayor.

吹笛者对镇长说:“是的, 您答应要给我这笔钱的. ”《期刊摘选》

158. Yes, have to ask the oneself again, I this is fucking what, is this true?

是的, 不得不再一次的问自己, 我这是在干什么, 这都是真的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

159. CLIVE HARRIS: Oh yes. Is he good?

克莱夫.哈里斯: 哦. 他行 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

160. Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'.


161. Yes, that’s gross.

对,是总收入。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

162. When we say yes , we mean it.


163. Yes, I think it does.

是的,我认为包含。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

164. Yes, I agree. It's a good chance to cooperate with such a big company.

是的, 我同意. 跟这样的大公司合作是一次难得的机会.《期刊摘选》

165. Yes, I know it was an accident, but that's beside the point.


166. B : Yes. Two suitcases and a traveling bag.


167. Yes are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China.

是的,检查完毕. 希望您在中国过得愉快.《期刊摘选》

168. Yes. I understand. And China has a large number of bicycle, too.

是的,我明白. 而且中国还有大量的自行车呢.《期刊摘选》

169. When Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to marry him for the second time, she says Yes.

达西先生第二次向伊丽莎白求婚时, 她答应了.《期刊摘选》

170. The answer is yes, according to a new book The 10 Golden Rules: Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living a Good Life.

新近出版的《十条黄金法则:希腊哲学家开启美好人生的古老智慧》这本书给出的答案是肯定的。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

171. ‘I've never met her before. ’ ‘Yes, you have. ’


172. "You actually wrote it down, didn't you?"—"Yes."


173. Yes, there has been a budding economic recovery since the 2008 global crash, but in key indicators in areas such as health and education, major economies have continued to decline.

的确,2008年全球危机之后,经济复苏的萌芽就已显现,但是从健康、教育等领域的关键指标来看,主要经济体一直在持续下滑。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

174. Yes, there's plenty of room.


175. "Yes, I know that," Kelly said, screwing the silencer onto the pistol.


176. Daddy knew mountain climbing was good excise to keep fIt'so he said yes.


177. In some ways, the answer is yes.

在某些方面,答案是肯定的。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

178. Yes,'said Minnie;'she said she wasn't going to do it any more.

“ 是啊, "敏妮说, " 她答应以后不这样了. ”《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

179. "You're a widow?"—"Yes. My husband's been dead a year now."


180. Just say yes or no.


181. Where did I put the keys? Oh, yes ─ in my pocket!


182. Oh yes, I see what you mean.


183. I need a simple yes or no to my questions.


184. Someone twisted my arm and forced me to say yes.


185. "Are you a friend of Nick's?"—"Yes."


186. We're hoping that they will say yes to our proposals.


187. Nancy took satisfaction in recording Irwin Saunders is one of those who voted yes .

南希非常满意地记录下来: 欧文·桑德斯 是投赞成票的人之一.《辞典例句》

188. ‘Are you coming? Yes or no? ’


189. 'That is not possible,' she said. 'Oh, yes, it is!' Mrs Gruen insisted...


190. 'I don't know what you're talking about.' — 'Yes, you do.'


191. 'Yes and no,' she replied cryptically.


192. All she had to do was yes him when he wes talking.


193. I cannot say yes to your view here.


194. Tick 'yes' or 'no' to each question.


195. He pushed a button on the intercom. 'Yes?' came a voice...


196. Mr. Green: Yes, that's one type of bank charge, but there are others.

格林先生: 是的, 那是银行费率的一种, 但还有别的.《期刊摘选》

197. Either a college major is worth its cost or it isn’t. If yes, taxpayer financing isn’t needed. If not, taxpayer financing isn’t desirable. Either way, taxpayers have no business paying for students’ college education.

攻读一个大学专业的费用要么值得支付,要么不值得。如果值得,就不需要纳税人承担学费。如 果不值得,纳税人承担学费是不合理的。无论是否值得,纳税人都没有理由为大学生的大学教育费用买单。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

198. If you ask her nicely she might say yes.


199. Yes, the Maestro assented.

是的, 艺术大师同意了.《期刊摘选》

200. Yes, I have. Ok, let's do it this way!

董永:是的, 我有办法. 行, 就这么办吧!《期刊摘选》

201. And dress, yes, that was the revolution.

还有着装,没错,那可是天翻地覆的改变。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

202. Yes, I agree with this point.


203. Yes, I love comedies. You need to practise a lot with the actors before.

是的, 我喜欢导演喜剧. 上演前你得同演员一道进行大量的排练.《期刊摘选》

204. B Yes. You enjoy it more. It's more interesting.

B是的.你会更喜欢它. 它会更有趣.《期刊摘选》

205. Will she say yes when I ask her out?


206. After changing the jersey number to 24, Kobe answered this question emphatically : yes.

在穿上24号战衣以后, 科比可以肯定的回答: 那不是个问题.《期刊摘选》

207. Yes, stupid, it's you I'm talking to!


208. 'You actually wrote it down, didn't you?' — 'Yes.'...


209. New York .'Yes, sir.'Jennifer was so stunned that the sanswer just popped out.

“ 好的, 老师. ” 詹妮弗脱口而出,毫无思想准备就答应了.《期刊摘选》

210. The Court votes first on the writ, requiring four yes votes to hear the case.

法庭首先会就移送令投票, 审理案件需要四个赞成票.《期刊摘选》

211. Yes, officer, I saw what happened.


212. Seriously? She actually said that ? Yes.

真的 吗 ?她真的那样说?《期刊摘选》


1. It slows us down, yes, but this slowing down is a means of enriching what we finally grasp to be the meaning of a text.

它阻碍了我们的阅读,它阻碍了我们的阅读,但是同时也丰富了文本意义。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Yes. Most of our clients are people who have been living in an apartment or in a house for a while

好的。绝大多数委托人都是在公寓或者住所内居住有一段时间了,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我帮助过的人们

3. Only the booming forex traders(and yes, the gold bulls) are making hay of it.

FORBES: What To Do About A Falling Dollar And A Rising Yuan

4. At least give us a chance, Mister Rockford." BENNY: " Yes,all we need is one good break,you know."

VOA : special.2009.03.09

5. "It's very uncool to admit it, but yes, I would pay money to come back, " he said.

BBC: Dome alone: Is it fun for adults?

6. Aetna, Humana and, yes, UnitedHealth Group have recently launched similar plans or are about to.

FORBES: Give Them A Stake

7. Yes. I'm glad you actually asked me about that because, as I said it, I realized it wasn't quite right.

很好,非常高兴你能问我这个问题,因为我之前说过这话,但我认识到这话是不对的心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Yes,it was this! He had the eye of a bird, a vulture -- a pale blue eye, with a film over it.

VOA : special.2009.05.16

9. And yes, she shows you how to get out of debt and stay out of debt.

FORBES: Financial Recovery: Developing a Healthy Relationship With Money

10. It's usually best to respond in a complete sentence rather than saying yes or no which can be ambiguous.

一般来说,回答最好是完整的句子,而不是简单的模棱两可的“是”或“不是”。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Do you mind 课堂

11. Yes, Excellency.


12. "Consumer confidence is yes, somewhat shaken I would say amongst some of the Singapore populace, but that can't be helped,I think."

VOA : special.2011.03.29

13. And yes, you'll argue the GDP figures are much more significant - but you'll read about those elsewhere.

BBC: Six of the best from the Chief Whip

14. Tennessee said yes to women's basketball long before it was a popular thing to do.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

15. ABBOTT: "That's the man's name." COSTELLO: "That's who's name?" ABBOTT: "Yes." COSTELLO: "Well, go ahead and tell me." ABBOTT: "That's it." COSTELLO: "That's who?"

VOA : special.2009.03.09

16. Lyse answers: Yes Timothy hard to see people suffering, in hardship, waiting for change.

BBC: Live the story: Your questions to Lyse Doucet

17. And today I'm going to suggest two--actually, well, yes two additional contexts that we can look to, to read the novel.

今天我想为你们提供两种参考方案,事实上是,两种额外理解小说语境的方法。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. you think back on your childhood, you say "Yes, it was very inspiring to see all of this natural beauty."

回顾你的童年,你会说“是的,欣赏这样的自然美真的很有启发性。”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美国的博物馆教育

19. And, yes, they may have a ways to go, but so does the rest of society.

FORBES: If NFL Players Say They're Gay, Youth Coaches Will Have To Rethink 'Manliness'

20. So yes, I present kind of tips and tricks of how to grow your flowers, how to grow your foods.

我提供关于如何种花、如何种植食物方面的建议和窍门。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 兴趣成为了职业

21. And I noticed you had your, yes why do you believe ? he was guilty and got what he deserved?

我注意到你想发言,为何你相信,他有罪且接受应得惩罚?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Yes, to take advantage of these new possibilities new management protocols will be required.

FORBES: Ending Dunder Mifflin: A 21st-Century Way To Save America $250 Billion A Year

23. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), one of the senators the TV ad says is a potential yes vote.

NPR: Public Option's Proponents Seek To Resurrect It

24. Yes, multi-path is the result of your receiver seeing the same signal more than once.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

25. With Google and soon Apple adding frisson to the debate, many say yes.

FORBES: Why NFC Alone Won't Change Mobile Payments

26. Yes,I do.


27. This is sadly one of our favorite iOS 4 features -- yes, we're mega-nerds from Planet Dorkatron.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

28. From shows such as Pawn Stars, Cake Boss, American Chopper and yes, even Celebrity Apprentice.

FORBES: This Advertising Is Completely Fake And It's Brilliant

29. "Yes, it's redistribution, but it's redistribution based on energy profligacy and dependence, " says Kaiser.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. And so in some parts, yes, there's sort of off-and-on implementation then blocking progress.

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

31. Yes, sahib.


32. So I could get to that object either through this path or through that path, it didn't matter which path I use to modify it, I would see it when I looked at the other. Yes.

另外一条绑定获得这个对象,无论我通过哪个绑定来修改它,我都能在两个绑定中都看到做的改变,是这样的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. There's this deep religious tradition that came out of Slave Religion, but there is also a deep anger. -Yes. Yes.

在《奴隶宗教》这本书中,既有深深的宗教传统,又有一种怒火,-的确如此。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

34. Gen McKiernan did not look or sound like a man of the "Yes We Can" school.

BBC: When generals become unstuck

35. So would you expect, therefore, as we go across a row for the atomic radius, to increase or to decrease? Good. OK, yes.

那么大家觉得,原子半径沿着某一行向右走,是会增大还是会减小呢?很好,不错,是的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. And I'm inclined to think, "Yes." In fact, I already suggested as much when I talked about the chess-playing computers.

我倾向于认为,有,实际上,当我在谈会下象棋计算机时,我已经暗示过很多次了死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. The answer is yes. However, you first must take the steps necessary to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of the sun.

VOA : special.2010.07.06

38. The experts I have been talking to say that, yes, in a close election the debates can matter.

BBC: Do the US presidential debates matter?

39. But are these a direct result? Two recent studies suggest that the answer is yes.

VOA : special.2010.03.04

40. Yet somehow it was transformed into, what it's turned into, a beautiful thing, although not without pain. -Yes.

但您的一生却,得以转化成另外一种美,尽管伴随着苦痛,-是的。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

41. "You said you saw 'Iron Man?'" "Yes. I saw 'Iron Man.'" "What did you think of it?"

VOA : special.2010.06.14

42. Yes, are you?


43. But he said yes to companies that wanted to trade equipment and supplies for publicity.

FORBES: Raider Of the Lost Egg

44. Yes Cyprus was to be bailed out, but its financial sector would be broken.

BBC: Cyprus: Bailed out or broken

45. And, yes, trust that personal data used to facilitate a relevant conversation will not be shared.

FORBES: Are Email Marketing Security Issues Undermining Your Brand?

46. Yes,that's true.


47. "You look like you are willing to accept responsibility for that." "Yes,I am,and I want to finish."

VOA : special.2010.05.13

48. A historian at Ohio State University argues yes in a new book called "American Homicide."

VOA : special.2009.12.19

49. We're talking about the soft-touch lid, yes, but also the smooth, glassy trackpad and textured, leather-inspired palm rest.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

50. Anybody have any questions on that, because when we voted, the majority of the class thought it was reversible Yes.

上节课我们投票时,多数人都认为它是一个可逆过程,而现在大家应该都知道了,它其实是不可逆过程,有问题吗?热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. Yes, this, too, is an utterly regular iambic pentameter line: unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, five in a row.

是的,这是个典型的抑扬格五步格诗:,不重读的音节后面一个重读的音,五个成一行。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. So I'm going to give, Yes, I'm going to give, I'm going to give you a try.

NPR: 'BPP' Jukebox: Peter, Bjorn and John Soloist

53. Yes, as you may have, okay, maybe I could have, I see the smiles that there's something interesting in the comment.

是的,你可能有,好的,我也可以有,我在评论中看到了“笑脸“,说明这是有用的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

54. So, yes, there are still a lot of people there who are going through enormous hardship.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire

55. "Ahh,yes." The old man said and he looked at the violin player and gave him all the respect of great man.

VOA : special.2010.05.08

56. Ms. HARDY: Yes, I do - I was delighted to be with you last Friday.

NPR: A Local Perspective on the South Carolina Vote

57. ALLEN: "Well, we are still in show business." BENNY: "Yes,and we thought you could book us."

VOA : special.2009.03.09

58. And yes, I know some women feel like they have no choice, they have to work.

FORBES: The Right to Choose: Work and Motherhood

59. Yes, Kate had wanted to say, but Ben was my husband and they were like, well...

ECONOMIST: New fiction

60. Yes, he does because the Streets of Toronto race in July suits his road-racing preference.

NPR: Conway Wins 1st Of 2 Races At Detroit Grand Prix

61. If your answer is yes,you are like many millions of people worldwide who experience pain in the head.

VOA : special.2010.03.30

62. COSTELLO: "You gonna be the coach,too?" ABBOTT: "Yes." COSTELLO: "And you don't know the fellows' names?" ABBOTT: " Well,I should." COSTELLO: "Well,then, who's on first?"

VOA : special.2009.03.09

63. Earth warming: Yes, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is considered a cause of earth warming.

FORBES: The Holy War on SUVs

64. Yes, you can have too much welfare and too much dependency on the state.

FORBES: Jobs, Welfare, and the Human Economy

65. If 50 of those 100 issuers are the States, yes, we have a problem.

FORBES: Municipal Bond Closed-End Funds Attractive





communist的意思是:n. 共产主义者,共产党党员 adj. 共产主义的,共产党党员的;共产党的(Communist)。学考宝为您提供communist是什么意思,communist的翻译,communist的用法,communist的短语搭配,communist的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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