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out of contact是什么意思_out of contact短语搭配_out of contact权威例句


out of contact


英 [aʊt ɒv ˈkɒntækt]play 美 [aʊt əv ˈkɑːntækt]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. out of contact printing 无接触投影曝光

2. Out-of-contact mask 非接触式掩模

3. out of contact with 接触 ; 联系中断

4. out of contact exposure 无接触曝光

5. out-of-contact phenomenon 接触不良现象

6. out of contact imaging 无接触成象

7. out of contact imadverseg 无接触成象

8. be out of contact with 与 ; 脱离接触

9. out of contact press 无接触投影曝光


1. The first section of the content is mainly the analysis of the intrinsic logic relation between the two, aesthetic activists and consumer culture are not only out of contact with the needs of the market themselves, but also the permeation result between social unconsciousness.


2. In this article we define the theoretical location and the contact force by ADAMS software simulation, then figure out the dimension of contact deform using ANSYS software. Finally we can define the dimension and location of contact surface.


3. By this time, I'm running out of ideas, so contact the son of a friend who spends his days dealing with networks and communications in a large company.


4. I have been out of contact with her for three years.


5. Northwest flight 188 was out of contact, out of radio contact, any kind of communication in fact for more than an hour Wednesday night flying 150 miles beyond where it was supposed to land.


6. Zagel in May ruled that juror names would stay out of the public out of concern that bloggers and others would try to contact jurors during the trial.


7. Six patients are still achieve DFS, the other three patients relapsed, two of which were out of contact and one with acute basophilic leukemia obtained CR2 after further chemotherapy posttransplantation, and remains in CR2 for 14 months.


8. My father and his friend have been out of contact with each other for nearly 30 years.


9. Pearl looked as beautiful as the day, but was in one of those moods of perverse merriment which, whenever they occurred, seemed to remove her entirely out of the sphere of sympathy or human contact.


10. It is fear of being out of mobile contact.


11. I have tried to contact their lawyer many times. But every time I call, his secretary says he's in a meeting or out of the office or away on business.


12. They occur generally at the inner and outer contact zones and are controlled by ring explosion breccia, porphyry and contact zone and dolomite and limestone out of the contact zone.


13. In the heavy pollution environment, because of the trapping of the corrosion on the contact surface, the dust particle stay on the contact surface longer, and it will need hundreds of fretting cycle to push the dust particle out of the contact area.


14. Beyond a certain distance we are out of contact with our headquarters.


15. I have been out of contact with her for three years.


16. Once the student moves out of accommodation he should contact the centre and he will be advised further.


17. Second, you have the skill and competence to make it happen-or at least a really great contact list of smart and enthusiastic friends to help you figure it out.


18. He confessed himself out of contact with The Times.


19. I had trouble figuring out which side of a contact lens to stick onto my eye, so I never really gave contacts a chance.


20. We seemed to away out of contact with the outside world, but into each other's body.

我们似乎脱离了与外界的联系, 进入到对方的形体中.《互联网》

21. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist - but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.


22. For a long time, the education in teachers has been out of contact with the teaching practice in elementary schools and has been lagged behind the educational reform.


23. Currently, machine version technology has widely used in medical packaging and food processing industry due to its huge advantages such as out of contact inspection, no time limitation, high accuracy and speed and so on, having broad market prospects.


24. The copper ( molybdenum) ore bodies are mainly situated in or out of the contact zone between the mineralized porphyry bodies and the biotite granite porphyry.


25. How long we been out of contact?

我们失去联系多久了?《provided by jukuu》

26. Before initiating any kind of move, look for body language clues such as prolonged eye contact to help you work out whether you'll get a positive response.


27. He confessed himself out of contact with the times.


28. It is of importance to find out the point of contact in order to make honesty possible.


29. His father is in prison and his mother is out of contact.


30. This would allow emergency services to concentrate on looking for individuals who may be missing as opposed to simply out of contact, police said.


31. As such the realms of the crystalline minerals and humanity are intricately related, such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other.


32. Based on the feasible grasping plan, optimization is carried out on position of contact points and grasping gesture and finally a satisfying grasp planning scheme is reached.


33. The video and the article stress the importance of emptying the solution out of the contact lens case after each use and using the rub-and-rinse method for added effectiveness.


34. The trackers ran out of contact with Hope after she flew north to Russia, possibly dying or losing her tag.


35. Traditional methods carry out on the premise of contact, they have the advantages of simple operation and low cost but can not monitor the points' three-dimensional displacement around the tunnel.


36. This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats.


37. As such the realms of the crystalline minerals and humanity are intricately related, such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other.


38. Errors of modified spur gears results in meshing interference or meshing clearance at the position of mating teeth coming into or out of contact.


39. A total of 67 people who had been in close contact with the man in China had been quarantined, but another 10 had remained out of contact by Tuesday.


40. In the Chinese fishing boat active cut fishing nets, the two sides just out of contact.


41. Northwest flight 188 was out of contact, out of radio contact, any kind of communication in fact for more than an hour Wednesday night flying 150 miles beyond where it land.


42. I have is out of contact with her for three year.


43. In the Chinese fishing boat active cut fishing nets, the two sides just out of contact.


44. The opposing forces are now out of contact with each other.


45. Chao, however, had no romantic ideas about becoming a great author, nor did he want to devote all his time to writing. That would take him out of contact with people.


46. His father is in prison, and his mother is out of contact.


47. Phone voice services were out of order in much of the North-East, but data services allowed some people to contact friends and relatives.


48. And to fulfil the open trial system practically, the judicial body should forbid out of court single contact, establish ture trial independence system, and perfect witnesses and identifiers witnessing system, consequence fixing system and responsibility investigating system.


49. One of the keys came out of an extraterrestrial contact when the contactee asked how the craft operated.


50. US aviation regulators suspended two air traffic controllers this week for falling asleep on the job, including one who was out of radio contact while a medical flight was trying land.


51. This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats。 It all adds up.


52. Errors of modified spur gears results in meshing interference or meshing clearance at the position of mating teeth coming into or out of contact.


53. The moving companies contact you with their quotes instead of you having to seek them out.


54. They have been out of contact for days. Every time she logged on to MSN, she found him off-line.


55. Take both material pieces, lay them out together, apply some contact cement to one end of the strap and lay it glue up in the T. Fold the T ends to the glued center to make the pencil holders.

把剪裁好的布料叠在一起,在一端涂上一些接触胶合剂,让T的尾部粘起。 把T的两端折向中间可以做出放笔的地方。

56. What is your place is to take the control the other person has clearly relinquished, and making sure you get out of the contact what you need.


57. The company, stunned by the detentions and frozen out of contact with its employees, spent months with lawyers and forensic accountants conducting an investigation of contracts, money flows, staff e-mails and its computer systems.



1. "Many of the fans that I came in contact with, they were so mellowed out, you could feel there was real joy,"

VOA : standard.2009.08.15

2. Pick a name out of your Microsoft Outlook contact list, and dash off a quick hello.

FORBES: Career Management In 5 Minutes A Day

3. Out of those that will be in contact with the office, 61 percent plan to use e-mail or voicemail on a daily basis.

CNN: Staying in touch on vacation

4. Every family member should call the out of state contact in the event of a natural disaster.

FORBES: Are You Prepared for a Disaster?

5. Ashton said the Barkley injury, a strained hip flexor, was just another piece of bad luck for the team, coming after the injury that ruled Dave Strettle out of the tournament altogether, and Wilkinson out of the first two games - all three of them non-contact training incidents.

BBC: England face crisis at fly-half

6. Our next level of comfort comes with intimate contact sensors, a wireless health option which will soon break out of the research labs.

FORBES: Ingestible, Implantable, or Intimate contact; How Will You Take Your Micro-scale Body Sensors

7. Police are also appealing to anyone who uses the path at the back of Tooting Bec Athletics Track to contact them if they have recently seen anything there which was out of the ordinary.

BBC: 'Placenta' found by London dog walker

8. Balancing out the anonymity and lack of physical contact is the ability to mask a plethora of medical and psychological conditions that until now have proven serious handicaps to social interaction.

FORBES: How the Web Is Affecting Social Relations

9. Moments later, Cipriani burst through two tackles to score after a Waldouck half-break and Sackey's second try - after a great pass out of contact by Van Gisbergen - looked to have made the game safe for Wasps.

BBC: Wasps 35-29 Northampton

10. Despite that, Razzaq looked out of sorts when he failed to make contact with four balls from Bond before lashing one high over mid-wicket which landed on the roof of the Sir Garfield Sobers pavilion.

BBC: New Zealand beat Pakistan in last-ball T20 thriller

11. It is completely out of character for him not to contact us, and we are completely at a loss and going crazy with worry.

CNN: British sailor missing in Dubai

12. Contrast the Mundugamor, whose babies are carried in baskets, out of contact.

ECONOMIST: The sense of touch

13. They are smarting at having been shut out of the Contact Group, and will be the surest net gainers from a pooling of international clout.

ECONOMIST: Europes elusive foreign minister

14. The eye doctor also went out of their way to contact my friend and let her know the restaurant was holding her misplaced wallet.

FORBES: Improve Customer Relationships Through Acts Of Kindness In 2013

15. When people withhold eye contact out of carelessness or disrespect, it speaks volumes.

WSJ: The Decline of Eye Contact

16. The CSRs and sales people who enter data and update or capture their contact histories rarely get more out of the system than they put in.

FORBES: From Customer Management To Customer Engagement

17. The Azzurri have been accused of illegal tactics in the contact area and flanker Mauro Bergamasco has been picked out as one of the main culprits.

BBC: Wales will not take bait - Gough

18. They competed to build out contact lists that consisted of dozens or even thousands of current and former business associates.

FORBES: How LinkedIn Has Turned Your Resume Into A Cash Machine

19. Gerrard publicly apologised for the tackle immediately after the game and insisted he had attempted to pull out of making any contact with Naysmith.

BBC: Gerrard gets three-game ban

20. White suffered a hamstring injury in contact, ruling him out of the autumn international series, adding more woe for England coach Martin Johnson who is already without Sale prop Andrew Sheridan and Wasps's Phil Vickery.

BBC: London Irish 18-12 Leicester

21. Out of contact with the rest of the world for so long, they knew nothing about the first world war that had engulfed Europe two years earlier.

ECONOMIST: Antarctic exploration

22. Some witnesses suggest that there were other reasons why he was out of contact.

FORBES: WikiLeaks' Assange Loses Extradition Hearing, Expected To Appeal

23. "Will be riding my bike in other countries and out of contact for 4 months!"


24. Being on the science team, however, out of contact with the people who are controlling the mission, it is tempting to consider how some of the science intended for the mission might be salvaged, in the event that the Roscosmos controllers succeed in recovering the spacecraft, but only partially.

MSN: Salvaging Science from Stricken Mars Moon Probe: A Scientist's View - Technology & science - Space - Space.com | NBC News

25. Have an out of state contact, which can be a family member or friend.

FORBES: Are You Prepared for a Disaster?

26. So those people who are difficult to contact are not simply left out of the poll, which can skew the result.

ECONOMIST: Why the polls got it wrong last time

27. In case of an evacuation, pick a family meeting spot and appoint someone who lives out of town as your contact person, says Richard Serino, deputy administrator for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

WSJ: Be Prepared for Winter Storms and Natural Disasters

28. So, again, I want to stress you have the option of staying anonymous in this class, but you also have the option of seeking out and making some sort of contact with us.

那么,我再强调一遍,你们可以选择在这门课上默默无闻,但是你们也可以选择站出来,跟我们多多接触心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Retailers with questions are urged to contact the BOE Out-of-State Office at 916-227-6600.

FORBES: CA's Amazon Tax Hits The Nation Sept. 15, 2012

30. Thus those who have been out of contact with the labour market for a year or more find it extremely difficult to get back into it.

FORBES: Why America's Unemployment Problem Is Becoming More Like The European Problem

31. For security reasons, the Indianapolis had been out of radio contact with the Navy.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

32. LaunchPad central shows great promise in terms of helping a startup team keep track of their business model canvas as it evolves based on your hypothesis, keeping track of customer contact as you get out of the building, and providing a way to engage mentors and advisors in the process.

FORBES: Getting Started With Your Startup In 2013

out of contact是什么意思_out of contact短语搭配_out of contact权威例句




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