莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

2024届高考英语 二轮复习 写作 专题训练(含答案)



第二节 读后续写
Mama and Papa were like most parents. They wanted the best for their kids. Jeff and Jenna were like most kids. They wanted the best for themselves—the best place in front of the TV, the biggest piece of cake and the most candies.
One night, when the noisy kids were sound asleep, Mama lay awake worrying. She sighed a big sigh, thinking how to teach Jeff and Jenna to mend their selfish ways. Lecturing didn't work.
As Mama lay there, she thought about how kids learn. Kids learn by doing. They learn to walk by walking. That's the answer, thought Mama. The kids will learn to help others by helping others. But questions of who, when, and where went unanswered as she drifted off to sleep.
To her pleasure, those questions were soon answered. The next day, they happened to meet Mrs. Marie, the elderly widow who lived just down the road, at the checkout line at the supermarket.
Mama asked the kids to say hello to Mrs. Marie, about whom the kids were a little nervous. She was really old and kind of bent over. And there was that crooked cane she used when she walked. But the real reason they were nervous about her was that two days ago their ball had gone into her yard and knocked over some flowers in the garden and broke the glasses of the attic. They had never apologized.
When Mama and the kids were loading their groceries into the car, Mrs. Marie came out of the supermarket pushing her little collapsible shopping cart.
“Where are you going?” called Mama.
“To the bus stop,” she said, “The bus goes right by my house.” “So does our car,” said Mama.
注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Mama asked the kids to help Mrs. Marie into the car and put her things in the trunk (后备箱).
_________________________________________________________________As the car was approaching Mrs. Marie's house, Mama made a decision.
第二节 读后续写
I had been working in a game reserve (野生动物保护区) in South Africa for many years. Though a part of me longed for the busy familiarity of Paris, I knew my life was in South Africa.
One night there was a sharp knock on my door. I wasn't expecting a visitor. “Francoise It's me,” a woman whispered. I threw open the door. “Amanda What's wrong?”
Amanda, a thin young woman, was our chef. She motioned for me to come outside. “There's a baby Ellie here.”
“An elephant?”
“She's right over there, tiny and terrified.”
“It must be ET's baby daughter,” I said.
Amanda explained that she'd heard a noise outside her room. She'd taken her flashlight, opened the door and shined it across the garden. A tiny elephant stared back at her, eyes in terror. Not knowing what to do, Amanda had closed the door and climbed out of a back window to call me.
Elephants are fantastic mothers—ET would never leave her baby unattended. Apparently, the baby elephant had somehow slipped under the fence.
Amanda and I had to get her inside the house to keep her safe until we could get her back to her mother. Her frightened eyes stared at us through the leaves. I walked slowly toward the Ellie. She watched me but as soon as I was within touching distance, she ran behind the house. Amanda and I ran after her. Finally, we managed to corner the Ellie in the parking area. She stood completely still, head down and eyes flashing anxiously at any movement or sound. I tried approaching her again, and this time she didn't resist, allowing us to gently get her into my home.
I kept talking to her, telling her she was safe and that we would get her back to her mum. Then I called the reserve center for help and, to our relief, they promised to come right away.
Realizing the Ellie might be thirsty, I told Amanda to get her some milk.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Soon, we heard the sound of a truck on the dirt track.
_______________________ _________________
2023年5月19日是濒危物种日(Endangered Species Day 2023),为提高保护野生动植物的意识,你校学生会向全校师生发布了一条征文信息,请你按要求写一篇短文,内容包括:
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第二节 读后续写
I used to be the only child in the family. Everything changed when Tex was born, and I was ten at that time. It seemed to me that Tex got too much attention from Mom and Dad, and I constantly felt a sense of depression. However, my little six year old brother had no idea about that, sticking with me all day long, which sometimes really annoyed me.
Last week, I was creating a birthday book for Dad. I worked forever making each picture as perfect as possible. Every time I messed up, I started all over again, so the floor under the kitchen table was covered with half finished drawings.
“It's family chore time,” Mom announced. “And you're on laundry folding duty,” she told me.
“OK,” I said. “After that, I'll just put the finishing touches on Dad's present.”
“I can help, too!” said my little brother, Tex.
I felt a little uncomfortable. But Mom touched his head gently and said, “Of course, baby, you can.” Then she turned to me, “And, Anna, please always remember to move those papers from the floor to the recycling bin in the yard when you're done with your project.”
I folded the laundry as fast as possible. Just as I was about to get back to the birthday book, my friend showed up. After checking with Mom, we headed to the park. But as soon as we arrived there, the sky filled with giant gray clouds and rain started pouring down. I was upset as I headed back home, dripping wet. That's when my heart pretty much stopped. Right there, in front of the recycling bin, was a box full of wet through papers. And not just any papers ... I ran to rescue my birthday book drawings. But it was too late. As I picked up my once perfect pictures, they were totally ruined!
I cried, “Tex, how did they get out here in the rain?”
Nervously, he came out and said, “Sorry, but I meant to help. I heard what Mom said, and I did it for you. But I had no idea why your birthday book was in those papers.”
注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Needless to say, I was going to explode.
We two decided to make one big present for Dad.
Dear all,
I'm honored to announce that this semester's “Most popular teacher” goes to Mike!
He gives our grade oral English, encouraging us to speak more. Besides, he is responsible for our Drama Club, where we rehearse together and present marvelous plays under his professional guidance.
Mike is worthy of this award. His exceptional teaching ability has greatly boosted our confidence in expressing ourselves. What's more, his passion for teaching and friendliness to students make learning with him a really enjoyable experience.
Now let's welcome our principal to present this award to Mike!
【语篇解读】 本文以事件发展为线索展开,讲述了妈妈着急不知道如何教给孩子要乐于助人,从帮助邻居老太太中得到了灵感,让孩子们从帮助邻居老太太做事中感受到了成长。
MamaaskedthekidstohelpMrs. Marieintothecarandputherthingsinthetrunk (后备箱). “My goodness, it must be wonderful to have such helpful kids.” Mrs. Marie exclaimed. When the kids realized they were being praised, they broke into a smile, leaning forward to hear better. Mama noticed their change. Here it was the chance. She asked Mrs. Marie, “Is it convenient for you to live alone?”, to which Mrs. Marie's answer was definitely not. Sometimes, it was really difficult for an old lady like her to get helpers.
AsthecarwasapproachingMrs. Marie'shouse, Mamamadeadecision. “Kids, shall we help Mrs. Marie do some chores?” Sensing Mrs. Marie was looking at them hopefully, the kids said yes though hesitant. Jenna helped Mrs. Marie into the room, while Jeff brought in all the items. Mama pitched in and helped. Under guidance, the two of them put the items in place. With Mama's company, they went upstairs to fix the broken attic window, and then downstairs to water the flowers in the garden. A smile flashing on her face, Mama felt relieved to see that kids had learnt to help others by helping.
Dear Australian friends,
On behalf of our school, I feel greatly privileged to convey warm welcome to you. We are delighted to have you with us.
To make your stay here memorable, various activities will be arranged to enhance our mutual understanding and experience different culture. As planned, we will hold a talent show where everyone can show their outstanding performances. Classes on traditional Chinese culture are also scheduled, such as paper cutting, Chinese opera, calligraphy, etc, followed by a gift exchanging activity. Additionally, you're invited to pay a visit to surrounding tourist attractions.
Finally, I sincerely hope that you can enjoy yourself and wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you!
Li Hua
【语篇解读】 本文以人物线索展开,讲述了一天夜里,阿曼达发现了走丢的小象惊恐地躲在花园的树叶丛里之后来找我帮忙。为了保证小象的安全并把她带回她妈妈身边,阿曼达和我经过了一番努力,终于把她带回家并打电话给了保护中心。
RealizingtheElliemightbethirsty, ItoldAmandatogethersomemilk. After Amanda poured the milk into a bowl and put it near Ellie, however, so nervous and frightened was Ellie that she stepped backward, hungrily looking at the milk. In order to relieve Ellie of her tense, we softly called her and drank some of the milk, signaling it was safe and tasty. When we placed the milk on the ground again and hid away, Ellie ate it up with caution. Knowing that we were safe and kind, Ellie gradually calm down when we approached her.
Soon, weheardthesoundofatruckonthedirttrack. Out came two men after the truck pulled off. They reminded us that if her mother couldn't find her, she would attack people and village around and the best way was to send Ellie back as soon as possible. After toughly searching for Ellie's mother, we finally caught the glimpse of her figure, who was extremely unsettled and upset. Meanwhile, Ellie had already run off for her mother joyfully. We all relieved, seeing Ellie went out of sight with her mother.
Wildlife plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of nature and preserving biodiversity. Wildlife is also an important part of human culture. We humans need to live in harmony with wild animals and plants.
To celebrate Endangered Species Day 2023, we'll put up posters, create short videos, and hold lectures and knowledge contests to raise our awareness of protecting endangered species, which will be welcomed by teachers and students.
I think we should reduce demands for wildlife products by not purchasing them. More importantly, severe laws must be carried out to punish whoever destorys endangered wildlife.
【语篇解读】 本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者从独子变成了有弟弟后的心路历程。故事展现了两个孩子如何一起为父亲制作一份特别的生日礼物,并且教会了女孩欣赏她的弟弟的善良和创造力。
Needlesstosay, Iwasgoingtoexplode. I couldn't help but feel frustrated when all my hard work on the birthday book was ruined in a matter of seconds. But as I looked at Tex's innocent face, I realized that he didn't mean any harm. I apologized to him for getting angry and explained why those papers were important to me. Tex smiled and suggested that we do something together for Dad's birthday.
WetwodecidedtomakeonebigpresentforDad.We began to prepare and discussed how we could make Dad feel surprised and touched. Tex was really creative and came up with some unique ideas that surprised me. Working with him made the process much more enjoyable. We gathered suitable materials and started to create the gift. Throughout the process, I was happy that Tex and I could work together and complete the special present. In the end, Dad really appreciated the thought and effort we put into his present. I learned that working together as a family can create some of the best memories.


2024届高考英语 二轮复习 写作 专题训练(含答案)

2024届高考英语 二轮复习 写作 专题训练(含答案)

2024届高考英语 二轮复习 写作 专题训练(含答案)

2024届高考英语 二轮复习 写作 专题训练(含答案)

2024届高考英语 二轮复习 写作 专题训练(含答案)

2024届高考英语 二轮复习 写作 专题训练(含答案)



1.感受我们的呼吸 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年科学四年级上册教科版

教学课题 《感受我们的呼吸》课型 新授 授课时间教学目标 学生能够准确描述呼吸的过程是气体交换的过程,理解氧气对生命的重要意义。 认识参与呼吸的主要器官,包括鼻腔、口腔、气管、肺等,并了解它们在呼吸过程中的作用。 学会通过体验活动和模拟实验,感受呼吸时身体各部分的变化,掌握正确的呼吸方法。 能够
1.感受我们的呼吸 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年科学四年级上册教科版

专题01 数据与信息-2024-2025学年高中信息技术一轮复习(浙教版)

专题01 数据与信息【学习目标】理解数据与信息的概念及其发展历史:学生应能够描述数据和信息的区别,并了解从远古时代到现代,人类如何使用不同的工具和方法来记录、存储和处理数据。这包括对石器刻画图案、结绳记事法、文字与数字的出现、造纸术与印刷术的发明等关键历史节点的了解。掌握数据采集和数字化的基本
专题01 数据与信息-2024-2025学年高中信息技术一轮复习(浙教版)


2023一2024学年度上学期期末学业水平调研试题六年级英语(分值:100颗☆书写:A/B/C/D时间:40分钟)题号三四五六七九十书写等级折得☆听力部分(30☆)P一、听录音,选择恰当的答语。(10☆)()1.A.He likes going hiking.

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人教版数学七年级上册 2.2 有理数的乘法与除法一、单选题1.计算,正确的结果是( )A.6 B. C.5 D.2.有理数的倒数是( )A. B. C.或 D.3.下列运算正确的是( )A. B. C. D.4.下面乘积结果符号为正的是(  )A. B.C. D
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2023-2024学年甘肃省武威市凉州区和平镇教研联片六年级(上)期末数学模拟试卷(二)一、填空题(每空1分,共23分)1.(4分)   ÷40=40:   ==   %=0.625。2.(1分)一个三角形的一个内角的度数是60°,另两个内角的度数的比是1:2,这个

统编版二年级语文上学期期末测试题 含答案

统编版二年级语文上学期期末测试题 (二)含答案我会选,我会连。(22分)给加点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(3分)休息的时候他总是吃葡萄干【gān gàn】,干【gān gàn】活时他总是很卖力。那个门前新开的店铺【pū pù】门前铺【pū pù】着大红地毯。爱好【hǎo hào】读
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冀人版五年级上册科学期末综合测试卷(热传递)时间:45分钟 满分100分题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分得分一、填空题。(每空1分共23分1.空气是由 气体混合而成的,其中氧气大约占空气体积的 。2.燃烧是生活中一种常见的 。物

4.观察洋葱表皮细胞 教学设计-(表格式)2024-2025学年科学六年级上册教科版

教学内容 《观察洋葱表皮细胞》教学设计 课时教学目标 学生能够准确描述洋葱表皮细胞的结构特点,包括细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核、液泡等部分。 掌握制作洋葱表皮玻片标本的方法和步骤,能够独立制作出合格的玻片标本。 学会正确使用显微镜观察洋葱表皮细胞,能够用图画和文字准确记录观察到的细胞结构。 了
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