莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈkænsə(r)]play美 [ˈkænsər]play

  • n. 癌症;痼疾,社会恶习;巨蟹宫,巨蟹座(Cancer);出生于巨蟹宫时段(即6月22日至7月22日)的人(Cancer)

复数 cancers

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


cancer /ˈkænsə/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Cancer is a serious disease in which cells in a person's body increase rapidly in an uncontrolled way, producing abnormal growths. 癌症

    Her mother died of breast cancer.



    Jane was just 25 when she learned she had cancer.




  • adj.

    cancerous 癌的;生癌的;像癌的



cancer canker growth tumour 【导航词义:癌,瘤】

cancer n. 癌,癌症

〔辨析〕 指人体内的恶性肿瘤。

例1: He died of liver cancer.


例2: A lot of cancers can now be cured.


canker n. 根瘤病;溃疡

〔辨析〕 指花木的枝枯病,也指人和动物的溃疡病。

例1: This tree suffers from canker.


例2: My dog has a canker sore in its mouth.


growth n. 赘生物

〔辨析〕 指人、动物或植物体表或体内因病变而长出的肿块。

例1: a cancerous/malignant growth


例2: He has a growth on his throat.


tumour n. 肿瘤,肿块

〔辨析〕 指人或动物身体某部位因病变而长出且迅速增大的肿块。

例1: The surgeon operated on her to remove the tumour.


例2: The doctor diagnosed the tumour as benign.



1. skin cancer 皮肤癌

2. esophageal cancer 食管癌;食道癌

3. colorectal cancer [医]结肠直肠癌

4. advanced cancer 晚期癌症

5. gastric cancer 胃癌

6. ovarian cancer 卵巢癌 ; 卵巢肿瘤 ; 觐陴骨 ; 卵巢恶性肿瘤

7. colon cancer 结肠癌;大肠癌;直肠癌

8. rectal cancer 直肠癌

9. breast cancer 乳腺癌

10. esophagus cancer 食道癌

11. rectum cancer 直肠癌

12. cervical cancer 宫颈癌

13. cancer research 癌症研究;肿瘤研究

14. lung cancer 肺癌

15. pancreatic cancer 胰腺癌;胰脏癌

16. prostate cancer 前列腺癌

17. cancer cell 癌细胞

18. Tropic of Cancer 北回归线 ; 北同归线 ; 北热带线

19. stomach cancer 胃癌

20. bladder cancer 膀胱癌

21. terminal cancer 癌症晚期

22. liver cancer 肝癌

23. Prostate Cancer 前列腺癌 ; 在前列腺癌 ; 火线腺癌


1. He has terminal lung cancer.


2. These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up.


3. This is a possible cure to fight off cancer.


4. Methods All 25 patients with cancer and bone metastases were received pamidronate combined with chemotherapy.


5. A cancer of bigotry spread through the community.


6. Chipper lovable semblance , sentimental, amiable and easy of access, rich sentiment, is a typical Cancer.

小仪,外表活泼可爱, 内心多愁善感, 平易近人, 感情丰富, 是典型的巨蟹座.《期刊摘选》

7. Cancer knits sweaters and makes fudge for the neighborhood.


8. I learned that he was suffering from cancer.


9. Her mother died of breast cancer.


10. In 2000, the top five causes of death for centenarians were heart disease, stroke, flu, cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease.

在2000年,百岁老人的五大主要死亡原 因是心脏病、中风、流感、癌症和阿尔茨海默病。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

11. The fourth sign of the Zodiac, Cancer the Crab is ruled by the restless Moon.


12. The most common malignant entities are lung cancer and mediastinal tumor.


13. Now, more evidence of the cancer genetics.

现在, 有关癌症遗传的证据较多.《期刊摘选》

14. He was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer.


15. Violence is a cancer in our society.


16. There the incidence of the cancer of the oesophagus was suspected to be pretty high.


17. If you a girl Ji Xingzi, then the pursuit of Cancer, may cause you some impatience.

如果你是个急性子的女孩, 那么巨蟹座的追求方式, 可能会让你有些不耐烦.《期刊摘选》

18. She died after a brave fight against cancer.


19. Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.


20. The illness was diagnosed as cancer.


21. to become cancerous


22. He made a research into the cause of cancer.


23. Can you help my analysis issue me is this circumstance tumor or cancer?

能帮我分析下我这个情况是肿瘤或者癌症 么 ?《期刊摘选》

24. However, asas he is a Cancer man, he must have a gentle and sensitive heart.

但是, 只要他是个巨蟹座的男子, 他必定有一颗温柔而敏感的心.《期刊摘选》

25. cancer of the bowel/stomach

肠 / 胃癌《牛津词典》

26. Cancer stem cells play important roles in the initiation and progression of malignancies.


27. Dark-skinned people rarely develop skin cancer.


28. Cervical cancer is the second most common form of cancer among women after breast cancer.


29. Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.


30. Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing.


31. Cancer enjoys antiques, sweaters, food and kitchen stuff.

巨蟹座的人喜爱古董 、 毛衣 、 食物和厨房用品.《期刊摘选》

32. But shouldn't doctors any cancer aggressively?

但是,医生难道不该对癌症采取更有力的措施 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

33. The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research.


34. They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer.


35. Cancer is not the way to pursue offensive in nature, his attitude always been very relaxed.

巨蟹座的追求方式是不具有攻击性的, 他的态度始终很和缓.《期刊摘选》

36. Cancer may also be called malignancy, a malignant tumor, or a neoplasm.

癌也可称为恶性 、 恶性肿瘤或异常新生物.《期刊摘选》

37. He contracted a rare form of cancer.


38. The adenovirus which are used in the cancer gene therapy replicatingformreplicating form.


39. Breast cancer has been the most malignant tumor for women.


40. There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.


41. The doctor thought the girl's illness should be kept back from her because it was cancer.


42. He had been undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer.


43. It wasn't cancer, only a benign tumour.


44. Uterine cancer: Malignant tumour of the uterus.

子宫癌: 子宫的恶性肿瘤.《期刊摘选》

45. One reason for the rise in deaths from Alzheimer’s disease in this group may be that developing this condition remains possible even after people beat the odds of dying from other diseases such as cancer

这一群体中因阿尔茨海默病死亡的比率增加的原因之一可能是,即使在人们战胜了如癌症等其他疾病带来的死亡风险后,仍有患该病的可能。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

46. Cancer expert Barrie Cassileth warns that alternative treatments may pose serious dangers.

癌症专家巴瑞-卡西莱斯警告,一些替代性的治疗方法可能导致严重的危险.《英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 癌症与艾滋病》

47. He battled cancer for four years.


48. She won the admiration of many people in her battle against cancer.


49. The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.


50. He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients.


51. If I never had cancer, I never would have won.

如果我从未得过癌症, 我就不会取得成功.《期刊摘选》

52. Purpose : To evaluate therapeutic effect of Bonin in patients with cancer and bone metastases.

目的: 探讨博宁对恶性肿瘤骨转移的治疗作用及骨骼修复作用. 方法:35例患者接受博宁单独或联合化疗治疗.《期刊摘选》

53. His body was riddled with cancer.


54. Can western medicine cure cancer without surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy?

西医能不能不用做手术 、 化疗和电疗便能医到癌症?《期刊摘选》

55. The medicine is effective against cancer.


56. Many men Cancer is the mother of emotional attachment.


57. Liver Cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the digestive system.


58. Radium can be used to treat cancer.


59. It has been said that stress causes cancer.


60. To inquire into the relation between cancer and blood platelet count ( BPC ).

目的 探讨恶性肿瘤与血小板计数 ( BPC ) 的关系.《期刊摘选》

61. At month's end, Venus will move into Cancer on July 31.

在月底, 金星将在7月31号进入巨蟹座.《期刊摘选》

62. Her mother died of breast cancer...


63. Dietary guidelines to reduce cancer developed.


64. With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer.


65. The diagnosis was ovarian cancer.


66. Most, though, fear that this would simply open the door to cancer.


67. Ovarian cancer: Malignant tumour of the ovaries.

卵巢癌: 卵巢的恶性肿瘤.《期刊摘选》

68. His whole life has been devoted to studying the origin of cancer.


69. I would not have ever suspected to be cancer but it was.


70. But that isn’t why the government—under pressure from cancer

charities, health workers and the Labour party—has agreed to legislate for standardised packaging.但这并不是政府——迫于癌症慈善机构、医务人员和工党的压力——同意立法、采用标准化包装的原因。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

71. He is in the terminal stage of cancer.


72. Most skin cancers are curable if treated early.


73. Besides cancer, smoking can lead on to other diseases.

除了癌症外, 吸烟还可引起其他疾病.《简明英汉词典》

74. Oncogene: Gene that can cause cancer.

致癌基因: 能够导致恶性肿瘤的基因.《期刊摘选》

75. Method: Analysed 932 cases of patients of cancer nosocomial infection.

方法: 对932例恶性肿瘤患者发生院内感染进行回顾性分析.《期刊摘选》

76. The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern.


77. one of the most common forms of cancer


78. Early detection of cancers is vitally important.


79. Lung cancer deprived him of his life.


80. Lung cancer: Malignant tumour of the lung.

肺癌: 肺组织中的恶性肿瘤.《期刊摘选》

81. There are patent function preventing angiopathy of the heart and cerebral vessels, obesity and cancer.

对心脑血管病, 肥胖症及癌症有明显的预防作用.《期刊摘选》

82. Discovering cures for cancer would be major advances in medical.


83. To inquire into the relation between cancer and platelet count ( BPC ).

目的探讨恶性肿瘤与血小板计数 ( BPC ) 的关系.《期刊摘选》

84. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are cardinal signs, the ones that begin each season.

白羊座 、 巨蟹座 、 天秤座和摩羯座是本位型的星座, 就是每一季节初始的星座.《期刊摘选》

85. The blank picokeystone served a couple purposes.


86. Sadly, both he and my mother died of cancer.


87. Objective To investigate the value of TSGF on nasopharyngeal cancer diagnosis.


88. The incidence of breast cancer increases with age.


89. This is a specific for cancer.


90. There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.


91. Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer.


92. His career was cut short when he succumbed to cancer.


93. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic Value of TSGF ( Tumor Specific Growth Factor , TSGF ) for ovarian cancer.

目的探讨血清恶性肿瘤特异性生长因子(TSGF ) 对卵巢癌的诊断价值.《期刊摘选》

94. He struggled against cancer for two years.


95. Cancer kills thousands of people every year.


96. It is possible that in the course of time a cure for cancer will be found.


97. Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.


98. Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.


99. The test should identify which smokers are most prone to develop lung cancer.


100. A typical Cancer, always sentimental.

真是标准的巨蟹座, 总是那么多愁善感.《期刊摘选》

101. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in this country.


102. Doctors compiled thousands of case histories to prove the relationship between smoking and cancer.


103. Venus was about change signs from Cancer to Leo and was separating from, among others, Mars.

金星发生转向并变换了符号,从巨蟹座变换到狮子座并从那天开始分离, 恰好在它们之间又出现了火星.《期刊摘选》

104. cancer patients


105. Jane was just 25 when she learned she had cancer...


106. Leucocyte may be reduced or absent during chemotherapy treatment of cancer patients.


107. The cancer has spread to his stomach.


108. cancerous cells/growths/tumours


109. Blue berries have been shown to help protect against heart disease and cancer.


110. I'm a Cancer and my brother is a Leo.


111. The department led the world in cancer research.


112. Exploratory surgery revealed her liver cancer.


113. With the sensitive and emotional man with the Cancer, gentle to him is the only way.

跟敏感而且情绪化的巨蟹座男人相处, 温柔的对他是唯一的方式.《期刊摘选》

114. The cancer may re-emerge years later.


115. Folate, vitamin B 6, and vitamin B 12 are thought to play an important role in cancer prevention.

叶酸, 维生素B6和维生素B12一直被认为在癌症的预防上有重要作用.《期刊摘选》

116. It is the incompatibility of systems under such a circumstance that leads to the cancer.


117. You want important, work in a cancer ward with people puking from chemo.

你要重要, 工作在癌症监护区和那些化疗得呕吐的人.《电影对白》

118. Medical men are exploring every possibility for the treatment of cancer.


119. People with cancer have to endure lots of pain.


120. The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.


121. There is still a stigma attached to cancer.


122. Mortality from lung cancer is still increasing.


123. He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage.


124. Thyroid cancer is a disease cancer ( malignant ) cells are found in the tissues of thyroid gland.


125. Breast cancer: Malignant tumour in a Breast, usually in women after menopause.

乳癌: 亦称乳腺癌.乳腺的恶性肿瘤, 多见于停经期后的女性.《期刊摘选》

126. Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer.


127. There are three major types of skin cancer.


128. Cigarette smoking multiplies the risk of cancer.


129. Calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer.


130. Also contains selenium, selenium oxide to speed up the decomposition of the body and suppress cancer.

还含有微量元素硒, 硒能加速人体内氧化物分解,抑制恶性肿瘤.《期刊摘选》

131. Think of the AP as a 0 degree cardinal cross involving Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

我们可以把AP看作是与白羊座, 巨蟹座, 天秤座,摩羯座,有重要关系的点.《期刊摘选》

132. Its reason is certain azo dyes meeting generation guides aromatics amine, cause cancer thereby.


133. Colorectal cancer: Malignant tumour of the large intestine ( colon ) or rectum.

结肠直肠癌: 结肠 或直肠的恶性肿瘤.《期刊摘选》

134. Cancer kills thousands of people every year.


135. More and more young men are widowed by cancer.


136. cancer research


137. In this article, we reviewed the progress of zoledronic acid in treating cancer bone metastases.


138. Only about 10 % of abnormalities detected result from cancer.


139. Cervical cancer is one of malignant tumors harm to women health.


140. He's receiving treatment for cancer.


141. What was happening was a sickness, a cancer in society that could not be helped.

所发生的一切是种病态, 一种无可救药的社会弊病.《期刊摘选》

142. Most skin cancers are completely curable.


143. lung/breast cancer

肺 / 乳腺癌《牛津词典》

144. Heredity is not a factor in causing the cancer.



1. One chapter is headed `Beating Cancer'.


2. One of the hypotheses that was being tested in this particular study was that a low-fat diet would reduce a woman's risk for breast cancer.

其中一个,在研究中被检验的假设是,低脂膳食,有助于降低妇女患乳腺癌的风险关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Prof James said end-stage prostate cancer attacks the bones and could lead to spinal cord compression and paralysis.

BBC: Acid 'cuts prostate cancer patients' fractures'

4. With HPV it is even more difficult, because cervical cancer takes years to develop.

FORBES: Cornering A Killer

5. We are not talking about the cure for cancer, but it does have it within it to help us make sense of things.

虽然诗歌不能治愈癌症,但它确实能够帮助我们理解事物。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

6. penile cancer patients


7. It causes the gut to produce enzymes that can clear it of cancer-causing particles.

BBC: Researchers target garlic mystery

8. Pappas was relieved to be seen quickly, and by a renowned breast cancer specialist.

FORBES: Hired Guns

9. Fellow Scottish author, Ian Rankin, said the news of Banks' terminal cancer was "just awful".

BBC: Author Iain Banks has terminal cancer

10. It's called John Muir and I'm on the cancer floor, so

这家医院叫约翰·缪尔医院,我在肿瘤科,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在医院工作

11. She talked about the way her husband helped her deal with multiple sclerosis and breast cancer.

BBC: Ann Romney tells Republicans Mitt 'will not fail'

12. "It will be a significant progress for lung cancer, " says Herbst, also an Iressa trial investigator.

FORBES: Modesty ablaze

13. Farrakhan also talks about his personal life, including his recent battle with prostate cancer.

NPR: Minister Louis Farrakhan

14. One area of interest to the scientists is the way that paediatric cancer discriminates by race and gender.

ECONOMIST: Children and cancer

15. He was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer.


16. Rates of breast cancer in Japan, Singapore and South Korea are now three times what they were forty years ago.

VOA : special.2009.03.02

17. If our estimates are off then the hypothesis makes no sense, so maybe there's no relationship between dietary fat and breast cancer.

如果评估是无关联的,那这个假说也就没有意义,那么在膳食脂肪和乳腺癌之间,也许没有任何关系关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. The drug emerged from a Ciba-Geigy lab in Switzerland after a decade of research into various cancer-causing genes.

FORBES: The Race for a Cure

19. You wanted to be finding the cure for cancer, but you're not actually finding the cure for cancer.

你想找到治疗癌症的方法,但你实际上没有在找治疗癌症的方法。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Drug giants such as Pfizer and Merck actually may be reticent to test their drugs in cancer.

FORBES: Can Cholesterol Drugs Prevent Cancer?

21. The American Cancer Society says governments can do things to help prevent the increase in cancer cases and deaths.

VOA : special.2009.03.02

22. He says it is important to educate people about the link between the alcohol flushing effect and esophageal cancer.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

23. Early on Merck ambitiously pursued an antiviral cocktail containing four vaccines: two against cancer, two against genital warts.

FORBES: Cornering A Killer

24. He and another researcher at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia,Irving Millman, invented the vaccine in nineteen sixty-nine.

VOA : special.2011.05.25

25. There, Richard Peto, an Oxford University statistician, quieted the cancer scare before it really began.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. In clinical trials these substances have killed germs and showed potential in preventing cancer and fighting heart disease.

FORBES: Next Step For Garlic Lovers? Connoisseurship

27. In 1976, Anita Roberts joined the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

28. Depressingly, treatments do not seem to be advancing as they have done with adult cancer.

ECONOMIST: Children and cancer

29. Without it, symptoms can range from digestive disorders to very serious illnesses including osteoporosis and bowel cancer.

BBC: NHS 'paid ?17 for gluten-free pizza base'

30. There are many fears and misconceptions about cancer.


31. And I think the cancer center in particular is made entirely kind of glass.

尤其是癌症中心,完全是用玻璃建成的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 活泼的校园氛围

32. Cancer is higher among the local population that lived in the area during the meltdown.

FORBES: Goldfish In A Nuclear Reactor -- The Simpson's Or Thoreau?

33. Her father Michael is battling cancer.


34. Why would there have been so many fewer cases of cancer?

为什么当时的癌症比现在少那么多呢关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. The numbers work out differently when one looks at cancer deaths, as opposed to just cancer.

FORBES: Magazine Article

36. You wanted to know your place in the universe, but you don't even have that kind of knowledge either, because you think you're writing novels, finding the cure for cancer, climbing Mount Everest.

你想知道自己在宇宙里的位置,但是你连那种知识都没有,因为你以为自己是在写小说,在寻找治疗癌症的办法,在攀登珠穆朗玛峰。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. The Cancer 2020 campaign calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to introduce such a cancer plan.

BBC: Cancer 'ambassadors' Senedd lobby

38. Husband and former Divinyls drummer Charley Drayton said the singer died after battling breast cancer and multiple sclerosis.

BBC: Divinyls singer Chrissy Amphlett dies aged 53

39. The task force says the new recommendations are not meant for women who have an increased risk of breast cancer.

VOA : special.2009.11.18

40. So you could have--be consuming fat that is in itself good for heart health let's say, or maybe protective against cancer in some ways, but it's also adding calories to the diet, so you want to have the optimal amount of fat and not over-consume it because of the calories.

所以你可能是在食用,有益于你心脏健康的脂肪,打个比方,又或是在某种程度上可以抗癌,但它也给你的饮食增加了热量,因此为了减少热量应该食用适量,而非过量的脂肪关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. In an interview, Peto argued that the cancer death issue is not statistically valid.

FORBES: Magazine Article

42. Both drugs have proven to be effective in treating younger women with advanced cancer.

BBC: Cancer care 'ageist'

43. In 1665, they weren't diagnosing cancer.

在一六六五年,人们还诊断不出癌症生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. With epothilone, her cancer disappeared entirely after three months and remained in remission for another two months.

FORBES: Taxol's Next Stand

45. This is not the first time a study has shown a benefit in preventing the risk of cancer.

FORBES: Can Cholesterol Drugs Prevent Cancer?

46. Scientists at the University of Minnesota and the National Cancer Institute in the United States tested the gel on female monkeys.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

47. So 9% less cardiovascular disease, 13% less Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, 6% less cancer, 9% less mortality from all causes.

心血管类疾病患病率降低9%,帕金森病和老年痴呆症降低13%,癌症降低6%,由各种原因导致的死亡率降低9%关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. If the program works right here's what people said, 81% said pneumonia, 15% malaria, 2% cancer, and 2% heart disease.

如果程序没出错,你们的选择是这样的,81%选了肺炎,15%疟疾,2%癌症和2%心脏病关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. In nineteen seventy-six, Anita Roberts joined the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.05.18

50. You may say that what's missing here is something that the utilitarian can easily incorporate, namely the value to the person and to the families of those who die from lung cancer.

你也许会说,这里无疑忽略了,功利主义者认为应当包含的部分,即那些死于肺癌的患者本身,加上其家属的价值。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. Eighty percent of those questioned said they were concerned about skin cancer and believed it was important to protect themselves.

VOA : special.2010.07.06

52. Anderson Cancer Centre in Texas, has produced some data implying that lack of health insurance plays a role.

ECONOMIST: Children and cancer

53. Without new treatments, the WHO said, the number of new cancer patients could increase to 27 million a year by 2030.

VOA : special.2009.01.13

54. She finally got what she had wanted the whole time: to be free and not defined by cancer.

BBC: The bloom of cancer

55. It protected us from thalidomide, but its slow and careful ways may be killing cancer patients.

FORBES: The Privatized Policeman

56. An important idea, to be sure, breast cancer a major killer, a major concern to women.

不过可以肯定这样一个重要的理念,乳腺癌是妇女的主要健康杀手和关注焦点关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Hugh Gunn, 67, was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer seven years ago, but has not broken a bone.

BBC: Acid 'cuts prostate cancer patients' fractures'

58. An example of a drug that works like that is the anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen which binds to estrogen receptors and blocks estrogen signaling.

这种药物的一个例子就是他莫昔芬,这是一种抗癌药,能够与雌激素受体结合,阻断雌激素信号通路生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. But the fact that reducing cholesterol is considered good for you in the first place, depends on these kinds of studies on population intake to know how much cholesterol people are eating and then link it to reports of heart disease, or cancer, or whatever the health outcome is.

但减少胆固醇这个事实,首先对你来说是好的,依据这些关于总体摄入量的研究可以知道,人们摄入胆固醇的多少,关系到心脏疾病,或癌症或其他健康问题关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Eva Duarte de Peron, wife of the president of the Argentine Republic, has died from cancer, aged 33.

BBC: This is Buenos Aires week

61. The Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center in New York City has been a leader in pain research and treatments linked to cancer.

VOA : special.2009.02.10

62. In two thousand seven she established the Kay Yow/WBCA Cancer Fund in partnership with the V Foundation for Cancer Research.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

63. And it noted that the cancer research agency has given the same finding to things like coffee and pickled vegetables.

VOA : special.2011.06.06

64. Caldas at the Cambridge Research Institute, where they utilise genomic tools to study RNA in breast cancer.

UNESCO: 2007 UK and Ireland Fellows

65. (Music) Those were comments from people who took part in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk held in Washington,D.C.,last month.

VOA : special.2009.11.02





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