莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈvæli]play美 [ˈvæli]play

  • n. 山谷;流域;溪谷
  • n. (Valley)人名;(英)瓦利;(法)瓦莱

复数 valleys

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


valley /ˈvælɪ/

  • 1.
    A valley is a low stretch of land between hills, especially one that has a river flowing through it. 山谷

    ...a wooded valley set against the backdrop of Monte Rosa.




1. sun valley 太阳谷(美国爱达荷州中南部一座村庄)

2. Barossa Valley 巴罗莎谷 ; 巴罗萨谷 ; 布诺萨山谷

3. river valley 河谷;山涧

4. Death Valley 死亡谷 ; 死谷 ; 死亡之谷 ; 死亡峡谷

5. rift valley 裂谷;地堑

6. Central Valley 中央山谷 ; 中央河谷 ; 中央山谷产区

7. optical valley 光谷

8. the nile valley 尼罗河流域

9. Happy Valley 欢乐谷 ; 快乐谷

10. mountain valley 山谷

11. central valley n. [地质学]中央谷,裂谷

12. dry valley 干谷;涸谷

13. Red River Valley 红河谷 ; 加拿大民歌 ; 红河小村庄

14. loire valley 卢瓦尔河谷

15. napa valley 纳帕谷(美国加州葡萄酒的主要产地)

16. valley floor 谷底

17. Rift Valley fever 内科,兽医 裂谷热 ; 里夫特裂谷热 ; 第十九节 ; 立夫特谷热

18. lily of the valley 铃兰

19. valley water 河谷水

20. death valley 死谷(美国西南部一地区,是世界最低和最干旱的地区之一)

21. Monument Valley 纪念碑谷 ; 纪念碑山谷 ; 纪念谷 ; 纪念碑峡谷

22. Sun Valley 太阳谷 ; 森瓦利 ; 阳光谷 ; 太阳谷峰会

23. Silicon Valley 硅谷 ; 美国硅谷 ; 硅谷黑历史 ; 加州硅谷

24. happy valley 欢乐谷(游乐场);跑马地(香港一高级住宅区)


1. the valley floor


2. On the sloping hillside of a quiet valley in Galilee stood the village of Nazareth.


3. Every spring the river floods the valley.


4. The regiments debouched from the valley.


5. Perched on today's range of river valley.


6. Mount Taishan aBounds in lofty peaks , deep valleys and rare cultural relics of the ancient times.


7. The valley is watered by a stream.


8. Central California is a long valley formed by two rivers.


9. In California, the fertile valleys and coastal plain produced great crops of fruit and vegetables.

在加利福尼亚州, 肥沃的谷地和大洋沿岸的平原盛产水果和蔬菜.《期刊摘选》

10. Till alll valleys of the world have been withered away.


11. The hotel commands a fine view of the valley.


12. They found a live bomb in the valley.


13. The valley of Hinnom – Hell is a real place earth.


14. Following the synchronous valleys, the additive synchronous approach was adopted to locate the usable watermarks.


15. This paper analyses the main characteristic of natural calamities of the Yangtze River valley.


16. In Red Rock Valley the road is bordered by gigantic rocks.


17. Hong Kong Ocean Park building located in the mountains Nam Long Valley and Chuk Hang.


18. At that point the road dips into a valley.


19. The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.


20. A few carefully chosen men went ahead while main body remained concealed in the valley.


21. From the path there was a vertiginous drop to the valley below.


22. The valley spread out beneath us.


23. Our voices echoed in the empty valley.


24. The metals used to make these things are not found in the Indus Valley.


25. Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man.


26. Heavy mists hung in the valley and obscured the mountains.


27. The stream raced down the valley.


28. At the other side of the valley was a steep ascent to the top of the hill.


29. Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched lowlands of the Mekong River valley.

富庶的湄公河谷地, 一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息.《期刊摘选》

30. The valley that we are trying to reach lies behind the next hill.


31. Programs for comprehensive management of the Tarim and Heihe river valleys were launched.


32. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, travelling across western Yunnan Province.

它快速流经深谷, 穿越云南省西部.《期刊摘选》

33. The river loops around the valley.


34. We submarine down into deep undersea valley.


35. The river valley is intensively cropped.


36. I'll take you back down to the valley.


37. The valley was hidden from view in the mist.


38. The cable system is ideal for spanning natural barriers of wide rivers, deep valleys, or ravines.

这种钢索体系是跨越宽河道 、 深丘谷或深山谷天然障碍物的理想体系.《辞典例句》

39. It would provide other valley s pollution treatment reference.


40. Messina: Most combat is centered in the central valley, with small forests, farms and a harbour.

墨西拿(意大利西西里一港口): 大部分战斗发生在中央峡谷, 有一些小树林 、 农场和一个海港.《期刊摘选》

41. Though I was walking in the valley shadowed by death, I was not afraid.

尽管我当时正走在死亡笼罩的峡谷之中, 但我并害怕.《期刊摘选》

42. The porch opens out onto the Kidron valley through three curved archways.


43. Longtan Valley is located 15 kilometers north city is the county seat.


44. A clearly defined track now leads down to the valley


45. So Isaac moved away from there and encamped in the Valley of Gerar and settled there.


46. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.


47. Since 1999, water resources in all major river valleys have been brought under unified management.

从1999年起, 对重点江河全流域实行水资源统一调度.《期刊摘选》

48. His eyes rested on the peaceful valley below.


49. The wind have cut out a valley.


50. The floods surged over the valley.


51. a small town set in a valley


52. The valley is carpeted with cherry blossoms.


53. How could there be a valley in a desert?

沙漠里怎么可能有峡谷 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

54. Blight is usually not very serious on young trees in the interior valley of California.


55. Some of the lakes are hidden in the valleys, and others inlay the virgin forest.

这些湖泊有的隐匿在峡谷中, 有的镶嵌在原始森林中.《期刊摘选》

56. The East, abandoning its secular magnificence was descending into a valley.

这就是东方, 失去了世世代代享有的荣华,落入了一条深谷的东方.《辞典例句》

57. A viewing platform gave stunning views over the valley.


58. In the history, the mountain area of the Haihe River valley was a dense forest.


59. More than 4000 meters level snow peaks, mountain valley is 3500 meters level between 3000 ~.

海拔4000米以上的山峰终年积雪, 山间谷地也在海拔3000~3500米之间.《期刊摘选》

60. Potatoes and tobacco are grown in Andorra’s steep mountain valleys.

人们在安道尔陡峭的峡谷之间种植着土豆和烟草。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

61. They and went the hill country and came to the Valley of Eshcol and explored it.


62. The bourgeoisie in Shanghai and in the Yangtse valley are trying to establish contacts with us.


63. Sewerage cutting project of Shenzhen reservoir valley was appraised'shenzhen High Quality Structure Engineer Prize

深圳水库流域污水截排工程荣获 “ 深圳市优质结构工程奖 ”《期刊摘选》

64. Physical Features: Tableland and alpine valleys make up the main landform of the prefecture.

地理特点: 阿坝地形以高原和高山峡谷为主.《期刊摘选》

65. The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley.


66. A vast panorama of the valley lay before us.


67. The characteristics of flood disaster evolution in the Weihe River valley are analyzed.


68. Surrounded by gigantic rocks and sparsely populated deep valleys, the paintings look dignified and awesome.

这里巨石兀立,深谷苍凉, 容易使人产生敬畏感.《期刊摘选》

69. Cape becomes bar, and plain shoal, and valley and gorge deep water and channel.

岬角成了沙洲和浅滩, 溪谷和山峡成了深水与湖峡.《期刊摘选》

70. Yangtze River shipping has contributed a lot to the economical and social development of River valley.


71. When and how shall we emerge from the valley of depression?

什么时候,采取何种方法,我们才能从危机的深谷中解脱出来 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

72. A quiet orchid in the deep valley represents a exclusive character.


73. A small brook glides through the valley with a murmur.


74. As they breasted the ridge, they saw the valley and lake before them.


75. We pitched camp in a river valley.


76. Being grown in northern part of China and River ( Yangtse River ) valley.


77. The valley echoed back his voice.


78. Characteristic discussing the primitive society period like the Huanghe River valley coloured pottery model decorating lines?


79. They decided to camp on the high table overlooking the valley.


80. Brewing industry is one of the main pollution sources in Huaihe River valley.


81. The valley is seamed with small streams of water.


82. I intend to push all karma and patterning that is future in nature into the future.


83. The valley was originally bridged by the Romans.


84. Way down in the valley to the west is the town of Freiburg.


85. We skirted along one side of the valley.


86. About 15 years ago, I spent a summer in France Loire Valley.

大约15年前, 我在法国卢瓦尔谷地住了一个夏天.《期刊摘选》

87. Massoud has 1,000 men under his command in the Panjshir Valley.


88. Subsurface infiltration system has been designed to treat rural domestic wastewater in Dianchi valley.


89. Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.


90. The castles of the Rhine Valley.


91. the Shenandoah Valley


92. a wooded valley


93. The valley lay below us.


94. The track plunged down into the valley.


95. Israeli jets Friday struck several areas in southern Lebanon, near Beirut and the eastern Bekaa Valley.


96. A rural single railway track meanders through the valley


97. His shout echoed across the valley.


98. A tour bus dropped in a deep valley and 3 people were killed in Fujian.

怎么用英语翻译这句话;福建旅游大巴坠下深谷,3人亡. 快点啊!《期刊摘选》

99. Efforts were concentrated on controlling pollution in key river valleys, regions, sea areas and cities.

集中力量对重点流域 、 区域 、 海域、城市的污染进行治理.《期刊摘选》

100. A roofer is repairing the leaking valley.


101. The city of Salt Lake has a big rubbish dump in Skull Valley.


102. We drove up a steep-sided valley.


103. Below a fertile valley spread, with barns and the orchards of summer.

富饶的溪谷在蔓延, 下自成蹊苍消暑园.《期刊摘选》

104. The valley echoed as she sang.


105. The valley bottomed out by the river.


106. We gazed down into the valley from on high.


107. He points out that one of the great features of the valley is its bewildering diversity.


108. Giant Pandas live in forests and mountain valleys niitakayamensis of rich.


109. The village is further up the valley.


110. Some of the country's richest grazing lands are in these valleys.


111. A clearly defined track now leads down to the valley.


112. Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country


113. The road weaves through the valley.


114. Afghan boys play cricket in the Pesh valley in Kunar Province August 14.


115. The river flooded the valley.


116. The village sprawled across the valley.


117. Across the river from the Valley of the Kings, the final resting place of many pharaohs.

从卢克索走过尼罗河,紧接着是帝王峡谷, 这是很多法老王最后归宿的地方.《期刊摘选》

118. Aqike valley is the east extended area of Lop Nur, Xinjiang.


119. He's staking out a bit of land at the top end of the valley.


120. Cooperation for the development of the Mekong River valley is about to unfold.


121. When the winds are light, the air in a valley becomes stagnant and stratified.

当微风时, 谷地的空气就会停滞和层化.《辞典例句》

122. The Yalu Zangbu River valley area is an important agricultural zone in Tibet.


123. The view of this valley is beautiful.


124. There are abundant wet land resources in the Yangtze valley.


125. Could you tell me where the plat books for the Northwest Valley are?


126. The sector dam broke and its water drowned the entire valley.


127. The children ranged the hills and valleys.


128. The hills above the valley are bare rock.


129. A curtain of rain swept over the valley.


130. A milky mist filled the valley.


131. You see strange fish and underwater mountains, cliffs, and valleys.

你看到奇形怪状的鱼、水下的山脉 、 悬崖和峡谷.《期刊摘选》

132. One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.

深谷观景,小亦显大; 高峰览物,大也变小.《期刊摘选》

133. Alpine valleys are mainly distributed in the southeastern part, while its northwestern land is plateau region.

高山峡谷主要分布在阿坝的东南部, 而它的西北部主要是高原地形.《期刊摘选》

134. Look down the valley, what a magnificent view!

往山谷下看看吧, 景色那么壮丽 啊 !《期刊摘选》

135. The farmer's family live ( s ) beyond the next valley.


136. There is a deep valley ahead. You can't be too careful!

再向前就是深谷了, 你们一定要加倍小心!《期刊摘选》

137. Visitors will have to tour the valley on foot.


138. One of the most scenic areas of central France is Loire Valley.


139. The valley was clothed in trees and shrubs.


140. The people , called the Mapuche, mostly lived in the central valley area of Chile.


141. ...the Loire valley.


142. One of the most acute problems in the Yellow River Valley an inadequate water supply.


143. At one time they used to mine coal in these valleys.


144. It found us in a prodigious valley, strewn with rocks and where ran a foaming river.

我们发现是处身在一个大得可怕的山谷中了, 东一堆西一堆的岩石,还有一条汹涌的河流.《辞典例句》

145. Archaeologists at the valley vinales found a large number of dinosaurs, apes, sea turtles fossils.

考古学家在比尼亚莱斯山谷中发现了大量恐龙 、 猿猴 、 海龟化石.《期刊摘选》

146. From the top of the hill there's a beautiful prospect over the valley.


147. Mountain Valley throughout the home zone.


148. The Tarim river downstream ecological environment declination and valley remedy gets great concern.


149. The house on the hill overlooks the valley.


150. We ranged over the hills and valleys.


151. Cities mountains area in Australia open valley floor . 760 meters above sea level.


152. Wear Valley water boat anchor line, singing the crisp sound of soft scull.

水穿峡谷,船靠山行, 歌声清脆橹声柔.《期刊摘选》

153. A path weaved through the valleys.


154. The hills lie about the valley like a protective wall.


155. After stocking up with water and food, the two men hurried back to the valley.

贮足水和食物, 两个人又急忙赶回原来的山谷.《辞典例句》

156. The valley bottoms out by the river.


157. The brook trickled through the valley.


158. This valley is one of the last strongholds of the Siberian tiger.


159. A broken blue line means the course of a waterless valley.


160. The soil has been washed down into the valley.


161. They plotted to make the whole Mississippi Valley secede from the United States.


162. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys , traveling across western Yunnan Province.


163. Chase Valley during the folder there, the Huangshui Valley basin and Qinghai.

其间夹有大通河谷地 、 湟水谷地和青海湖盆.《期刊摘选》

164. In China, studies valley management early, and takes some achievement, but occurs much misplay.

我国对流域管理研究的比较早, 取得了一定的成绩, 但也存在许多失误.《期刊摘选》

165. In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road.


166. The store in Valley Stream on Long Island closed for several hours before reopening.


167. Olduvai Gorge, an early hominid site in Tanzania, was found by a butterfly hunter who literally fell into its deep valley in 1911.

坦桑尼亚早期的原始人类遗址——奥杜威峡谷,就是于1911年被一个恰好落入这一深谷的蝴蝶猎手发现的。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

168. Or do they just visit these areas but they still live in Riverview or Sunset Valley?


169. A broad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land.


170. A curtain of swept over the valley.


171. But it is located in a valley poor access , difficult communication, poor living and working conditions.

但这里地处深谷,交通不便,信息不通, 生活与工作条件较差.《期刊摘选》

172. Between high mountains and deep valleys, traffic depends on iron or bamboo suspension bridges.

高山峡谷间, 凭铁索桥、竹索桥交通.《期刊摘选》

173. [B] In another case, American archaeologists Rene Million and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping the entire city of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City.

[B] 再举例来说,美国考古学家雷尼·米利和乔治·考吉尔花费数年时间,系统地绘制了整个特奥蒂瓦坎古城的地图。这座古城位于墨西哥山谷,临近今天的墨西哥城。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

174. From June to September the Nile rises and submerges the whole valley.


175. Our army sent two soldiers to spy out the land before they started for the valley.


176. The line deserted less pollution in the valley in the summer heat in water.


177. The plan has a sting intail: it means we lose one day's holiday.

这个计划是先甜后苦: 它意味着我们少一天的假期.《期刊摘选》

178. This area includes the Ohio Valley and parts of the Upper Midwest.


179. Geology A marked change in topography such as a fault or valley.


180. A long wide valley stretched below.


181. ...a wooded valley set against the backdrop of Monte Rosa.


182. Napa Valley Villa is a California style residential community, built in 2004 in Beijing.

北京纳帕溪谷是体现美国加州风情的别墅居住区, 建成于2004年.《期刊摘选》

183. Mist ascended from the valley.


184. Is the ancient dinosaur scared facing the valley beneath the steep cliff?


185. The guerrillas were holding out in the Paghman valley.


186. The natural resources in Mekong river valley are abundant, especially water resource.

湄公河流域拥有丰富的自然资源, 特别是水能资源极为丰富.《期刊摘选》

187. The lives and labors of slave iron workers in the Great Valley of Virginia.


188. I ate with my hands, trekked on foot through mountain valleys, and slept wherever.

我用手取食, 徒步穿过狭长的山谷, 席地而睡.《期刊摘选》

189. The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley.


190. The fog soon encompassed the whole valley.


191. A gust of wind drove down the valley.


192. There was only snow in the valley for one week.


193. To the eastern end of the Yellow River valley, and Qinling Mountains, Liupanshan connected.

东端至黄河谷地, 与秦岭 、 六盘山相连.《期刊摘选》

194. Actually it is a 3 D rift valley doodle work.


195. A stream flowed gently down into the valley.


196. Urban areas in the Yangtze Valley will be a huge market for heat supply.


197. Well, we drove through a beautiful valley on our way there in the morning.

好, 那天早上我们沿着山谷开车去目的地.《期刊摘选》

198. A two - dimensionioal numerical model was set up to simulate circulation pattern in mountain valley.

建立了一个二 维 原始方程动力学模式,用于模拟山区谷地中几种典型的环流型式.《期刊摘选》

199. During the rainy season the river, swollen by mountain torrents, caused terrible floods in the valley.

在雨季, 山洪暴发,河水猛涨, 给河谷地区造成可怕的水灾.《期刊摘选》

200. The river runs a narrow course through the valley.


201. The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.


202. Deep valleys between high peaks hostrange of habitats, creating bastions for rare species.

高峰间的深谷里栖息着大量的生物, 成为很多稀有的物种的天然保护所.《期刊摘选》

203. The bell in the ancient temple rang throughout the valley.


204. Some of the lakes are hidden the valleys, and others inlay the virgin forest.

这些湖泊有的潜藏在峡谷中, 有的镶嵌在原始森林中.《期刊摘选》

205. Rainbows andandthundering sound of the Falls reverberates in the Valley and rattles windows at Yosemite Lodge.


206. Alpine Valley ravine, rolling peaks, plunging valleys, waterfalls and vegetation intact.

谷内高山深谷 、 群峰连绵 、 峡谷苍茫 、 瀑布飞流、植被完好.《期刊摘选》

207. The town is in a beautiful situation in a wide green valley.


208. Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May


209. I watched the climbers come down into the valley.



1. if you've got a hill or valley and there's a cart on wheels it's going to go down to the bottom.

如果我们有一座山或者山谷,并且,有一个有轮子的车,这辆车会自动滑到底部。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. Tejon Ranch owns a tumbleweed-strewn, 110, 000-hectare valley 100 kilometers north of downtown Los Angeles.

FORBES: Acreage plays

3. like Noe Valley or Castro, Pacific Heights, Laurel Hill, they're all like really prestigious neighborhoods.

诺伊谷、卡斯楚区、太平洋岗、劳勒希尔山区都是很有名的社区。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美国的不动产市场

4. In the case here, tha t I just illustrated with the little cart going down the valley, would be exactly the same with regular energy, the equilibrium state is one of lowest energy, right.

在现在所考虑的情况下,我刚才所描述的小车沿着山谷下行,结论会像能量判据一样,平衡态是能量最低的态。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. The wizards of Silicon Valley constantly invent new ways for people to communicate and connect.

FORBES: Welcome to Backslash

6. In the Willamette Valley we are on the edge of the climate limits for viticulture.

FORBES: Female Winemaker Series: Oregon's Luisa Ponzi

7. Many Americans who travelled West were especially struck by the reverence of the Yosemite Valley.

BBC: Birth and spread of the worlds national parks

8. Tut's final resting place is one of the smallest of the rulers' tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

9. Hampshire, Kent and Thames Valley will remain as stand alone forces but will reconfigure as "strategic forces".

BBC: NEWS | UK | Police merger plan given go-ahead

10. The earliest process of making paper was done almost five thousand years ago in Egypt and the Nile Valley.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

11. He reported about the huge rock formations and said there was no way to reach the valley below.

VOA : special.2009.01.07

12. Again, I want to say it's the because in Egypt the whole Nile Valley-- because I think of the nature of the Nile Valley-- became totally centralized, under the rule of one man, the Pharaoh, and he commanded the whole thing.

我想强调的是,由于在埃及的整个尼罗河流域,当然,我认为尼罗河流域的政权性质,是完全集权化的,法老是唯一的统治者,并且他控制着所有事物古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Vallombrosa literally means "shady valley," and I think it recalls Galileo's shady place, Valdarno, another valley.

瓦隆布罗萨字面上的意思是“成荫的村庄“,我认为这使人想起了伽利略阴暗的处所,另一个村子,瓦尔达诺。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. They walk along the Frijoles stream lined with green trees that once was the only water supply for the valley.

VOA : special.2010.07.05

15. But,basically,the news was always given by people with a northern accent, either a Loire Valley accent, and they're very proud, they think they speak the best French, but a Parisian accent.

但基本上,新闻往往是由,有着北方口音的人播报的,这些人要么来自卢瓦尔河谷,他们对自己的出身引以为荣,认为自己法语说的最棒,而不是巴黎人1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Among the cottages, the three-bedroom Columbine has spectacular panoramas over the Elk River valley.

FORBES: Home Ranch Clark, Colorado

17. Thanks to its elevated location above the valley, the hotel itself suffered relatively minor damage.

BBC: Stephen Kings hotel of horrors

18. Soil was being eroded and wasted along the Eastern seaboard, and they were using up the great soils of the Mississippi Valley and over time that slave system just somehow wasn't going to work out.

东部沿海地区的土地因被侵蚀而荒废掉,密西西比河谷地区的土地资源即将被耗尽,但就在这种情况下,奴隶制依然能维持南方的经济美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. His eighteen sixty-six painting "Yosemite Valley" gave many people on the East Coast their first introduction to California's beautiful mountain area.

VOA : special.2009.05.01

20. Google has spent considerable effort building an electric car fleet at its Silicon Valley headquarters.

FORBES: Google Pushes Electric Planes In Green Flight Challenge

21. Ghosal said he decided to go with Gilbert over more traditional Silicon Valley angels and investors.

FORBES: Personalized News Reader FLUD Funded By Cleveland Cavaliers Owner

22. The valley was soon embraced in an inky darkness.


23. From Jyluu-Suu we travelled east up the Burhan Valley, feeling ever closer to the sky.

BBC: The way of the shepherd: Horse trekking through Kyrgyzstan

24. His tomb is in the Valley of the Kings on the west side of the Nile River at Luxor.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

25. In 2010, the group opened its Kopila Valley School, which today educates more than 350 students.

CNN: Hero Maggie Doyne

26. He ran for about two hours, always heading downhill, until he entered a mountain valley.

WSJ: Escape From a North Korean Prison

27. My dad's in Pasadena and my mom's in the Valley.

父亲在帕萨迪纳,母亲在硅谷。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 选择美术的原因

28. And President Lincoln sent thousands of troops to chase Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley, instead of helping McClellan at Richmond.

VOA : special.2009.09.17

29. In the last ten years the Valley lost 47, 800 manufacturing jobs, most of them in nontech industries.

FORBES: Made In Silicon Valley

30. She worked for two years with the local community to build the Kopila Valley Children's Home.

CNN: Hero Maggie Doyne

31. But a yodel from the broad summit of Ebenalp into the steep narrow valley is the real deal.

BBC: There is a dark side to this bucolic Swiss bliss

32. I mean,this romantic notion of what goes on in Silicon Valley actually still holds true in a lot of cases but there's absolutely no way, as a venture capital investor, you could index the venture capital market.

比如,硅谷崛起的故事,实际上许多其他地方也有类似的例子,但是对于风险投资者来说,指数化风险资本市场,是绝对不可能的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Such variety might be difficult to arrange in London, New York, Silicon Valley, or Mumbai.

FORBES: Where Do Bankers Smile? On The Davos Party Circuit

34. Her parents were featured in photographs with Ernest Hemingway on the walls of the Sun Valley Lodge.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Killer Weekend'

35. They told Brigham Young about a great salt lake in a wide valley on the western side of the Rocky Mountains.

VOA : special.2009.06.04

36. all local, which are from the upstate area like Saugerties, Woodstock, Rhinebeck and just all Hudson Valley area artists.

他们都是当地的艺术家,来自索格蒂斯、伍德斯托克、莱茵贝克。都是来自哈德逊谷地的艺术家。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 纽约的美术馆

37. The show, he says, would have focused on the day-to-day travails of a Valley startup.

FORBES: Quixey Raises $3.8M Round; Searching The Functional Web

38. The first stage was 117km based on a 13km circuit around Chew Valley Lake.

BBC: Juniors struggle in second round of British road series

39. Can you explain to us about Silicon Valley?

能跟我们聊聊硅谷吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于硅谷

40. I don't know what it takes to replicate that in China, but I certainly hope one day there will be a place in China that looks like Silicon Valley.


41. As we drive back through the valley to our motel, the nothing-something paradox prods at me.

BBC: Missing pieces in Utah

42. The Santa Cruz River valley and its environs is one of the areas that has been most affected.

BBC: Trekking Perus Santa Cruz trail

43. Then Moses the servant of God died there, in the land of Moab, as God had said, and he buried him in the valley, in the land of Moab...but no man knows the place of his burial, to this day.

上帝的仆人摩西死在哪里,在摩押地,正如上帝所说的,并且上帝将他埋在那里,在摩押地,只是到今日没有人知道他的坟墓。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Lake Champlain lies in a valley between the Green Mountains of Vermont and the Adirondack Mountains of New York.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

45. Off in the distance you see a valley way below and lines of bluish gray mountains that seem to reach forever.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

46. "People are also looking in North Hollywood and south Pasadena, and in the valley, " she said.

BBC: Living in: Los Angeles

47. In the 1700s, the Champlain Valley became a battleground in the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years' War.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

48. We have hard evidence of that in Egypt, in Asia Minor, and in the Tigris Euphrates Valley.

而在埃及,小亚细亚,和两河流域却找不到类似的证据古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. In Silicon Valley, paranoia around maintaining fervent control is even higher than other industries.

FORBES: Zuckerberg Wants An Open Society; Just Not Within His Own Company

50. Couldn't tell you that I've ever thought about Ramona Valley or could even find it on the map.

NPR: Ramona Valley: New American Viticultural Area

51. They lift their eyes to the tall rock walls that rise hundreds of meters up from the floor of the valley.

VOA : special.2010.07.05

52. The winds came from the north, across the plains, funnelling down the valley.


53. Silicon Valley cartographers held their first mash-up camp in February in Mountain View, Calif.

FORBES: Magazine Article

54. He landed in California. He left a hole so deep that to this day it is known as Death Valley.

VOA : special.2009.11.28

55. At the northern extreme of the Rift Valley, is Mount Hermon, which is the highest point. It is snow covered, Mount Hermon.

在大裂谷的最北端是黑门山,那是最高点,黑门山被冰雪覆盖。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly was Grand Valley's coach during the 2003 national championship season.

NPR: Sheriff Says No Immediate Cause Of Death For Ex-QB

57. The wind sighed through the valley.


58. "It's no coincidence that many of the most successful companies today are in Silicon Valley, " Mr Fasol says.

BBC: What happened to Japan's electronic giants?

59. Especially technology employees spoiled by a Silicon Valley mentality that considers stock options a divine right.

FORBES: Private matters

60. Behind the trees, the sides of the valley shear up towards a blue sky.

BBC: Qubec's wood runners

61. Steep rocks sided the valley.


62. The yawning valley was gulfed in blackness.


63. In the early years of the war, Confederate forces had moved through the valley to strike northern territory.

VOA : special.2009.12.03

64. These low mountains are cut by some valleys that sort of run east-west ; you will see one there, the Valley of Jezreel, in particular; that was a particularly fertile valley.

那些矮小的山丘被东西走向的山谷截断,你在这里会看到一个耶斯列山谷;,这是一个富饶肥沃的山谷。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. An outdoor jacuzzi in the desert valley is the perfect place to sip champagne and watch the sunset.

BBC: The Negev desert wine route





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