莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英文老舍茶馆的作文(通用5篇) 第一篇

  The long cry of "selling a big bowl of tea, two points for one bowl" echoed in the streets of Qingshiban for a long time.

  Today, the plaque in front of Lao Shes teahouse is still bright red, and the money for a bowl of tea with two cents has not risen, but the traffic in front of the street has changed again and again. The teahouse is still standing here, staring at the people submerged by the long river of history.

  Walking into this antique teahouse is like finding the floodgate of old Beijing memory. The third floor is a place for drinking tea and watching plays, with rows of tables and chairs in the middle, painted in mahogany, and soft cushions on each chair; There is a blue-and-white porcelain teacup in the middle of the table, which reflects the attention of old Beijingers to drinking tea: there is a cover and a support. When drinking, cover it on the tea surface for a few days before you can drink tea with the saucer. Soon, several waiters filled everyones teacups and served several plates of exquisite Beijing snacks.

  The laughter of the students was interrupted by the bright lights on the stage. If this stage used to be dedicated to acting, now the programs performed here are quite "a combination of Chinese and Western". The program spans a large span, ranging from drums with lights and crosstalk to hand shadow and clown performances, among which the long-billed pot tea art impressed me the most.

  The performer dressed in Hanfu, holding a long-mouthed pot, put on many actions like flying dragons to pour tea, which was very fancy. Perhaps it was because the actions looked simple and many students thought it was boring, but when a classmate dared to try it, we were all surprised. Obviously, it was quite simple to pour tea, but this classmate simply didnt grasp the direction and spilled the tea all over the floor. I suddenly admire the performer. He must have practiced for a long time before the movements of tea art reached the extreme.

  Walking into Laoshe Teahouse and the street life in old Beijing, I really realized the breath of the integration of life and culture and the joy of life.

英文老舍茶馆的作文(通用5篇) 第二篇

  Today is Saturday. Early in the morning, my parents decided to take me for a walk. I chose to go to the "Laoshe Teahouse" at the front door.

  My parents and I walked along the busy street, through the bustling crowd, and strolled to the front of the "Laoshe Teahouse". What you see is the golden signboard hanging on the hanging flower door, and a pair of mighty stone lions are guarded on both sides. On the right side of the gate, there is a square table, and the plaque of "Lao Er Fen" stands aside. A big thermos bucket is filled with tea for tourists, who are drinking a big bowl of tea and laughing happily, showing a pleasant smile from time to time.

  On the second floor of the restaurant, I saw that the interior decoration was antique and the environment was beautiful and elegant. The flower wall partitions on the cloisters on both sides of the stairs were strewn with pictures reflecting the past life of old Beijing. In a spacious place, there are a dazzling array of counters with national characteristics, giant purple teapot and various exquisite tea sets, which highlight the characteristics of tea culture. In the glass pavilion, there are ancient ladies, carved clay figurines, kites, paper-cuts, bamboo chopsticks, folding fans and other handicrafts. I stopped by the counter to watch, and I couldnt put it down. Finally, I chose a beautiful clay "Rabbit" with full Beijing flavor. Watching my aunt carefully wrap it up and put it in a unique paper box with the words "Laoshe Teahouse", my heart is full of longing for the folk life in old Beijing ...

  Climb to the third floor and sit in the quaint teahouse. The noisy voice is isolated from the teahouse. Here, you can enjoy tea and listen to books, and you can also learn the tea ceremony culture in China after drinking tea. When the sound of bamboo and silk is playing, it adds a cultural atmosphere to this elegant room full of calligraphy and painting, famous tea brands and simulated Peking Opera masks. Sitting here, you will forget the noise, forget your troubles and forget it. The teahouse operates authentic Beijing roast duck and Beijing, Shanxi and Shandong cuisines, which can accommodate 150 people at the same time. Home-made palace snacks and flavor snacks are superior in materials and full of Beijing flavor. When you are tasting such things as: Aiwowo, snowballing, pea yellow, inby and sugar ears, you may recall some childhood memories ...

  According to the waiter in the teahouse, the predecessor of the big bowl of tea restaurant in Beijing started with a big bowl of tea placed on the street, which provided great convenience for tourists visiting Beijing. At that time, the social economy was underdeveloped, peoples living conditions were limited, and big bowls of tea became a drinking product for people to quench their thirst in the past. With the rapid development of economy, the Big Bowl Tea Restaurant was established in 1992 to commemorate Mr. Lao She. It has become the only "teahouse" in Beijing that deals in traditional famous old Beijing teas, court pastries, local snacks, Quyi and Peking Opera programs, providing a window for guests at home and abroad to learn about Beijing folk culture. The name of "Laoshe Teahouse" is famous all over the world together with Beijing, and it has become a corner of the middle ancient simplicity and elegance in the bustling city of Beijing.

  I love Beijing, and I prefer the rich cultural atmosphere in Laoshe Teahouse …

英文老舍茶馆的作文(通用5篇) 第三篇

  LaoShe Teahouse is a famous play named after the peoples artist and his LaoShe Teahouse. It is built in a large multi-functional comprehensive teahouse with a business area of more than square meters, which integrates Book tea, meal tea and teahouse. In the nostalgic and refined environment, you can enjoy a comprehensive Grand Theater integrating opera and opera, acrobatics and magic arts At the same time, you can use a variety of commodities, tea, palace boutiques, Beijing traditional snacks and Jingwei dishes.

  Since the opening of the tea party, Laoshe Tea House has received several foreign heads of state, many celebrities and more than 10000 Chinese and foreign tourists. It is a window of fine products showing national cultural characteristics and a "bridge" connecting domestic and foreign friendship.

英文老舍茶馆的作文(通用5篇) 第四篇

  I like Mr. Lao Shes works very much, especially Teahouse. When I come to Beijing, I will certainly go to the famous Laoshe Teahouse.

  Before I came to the teahouse, I smelled the fragrance of tea. A waiter in a long coat walked over to meet him and shouted happily, "Come, guest, please go upstairs."

  When I came to the second floor, I saw an antique scene. There are tea sets used by Mr. Lao She before his death and an introduction about his life. There are all kinds of Beijing-style artworks in the middle, including teacups, toothpick boxes for Peking Opera masks, teapots and blessing stickers ... On the teacups, there is a picture of a shop assistant working hard with a wooden bucket, while another person is all smiles, with a towel on his shoulder and warmly greeting guests. The picture is vivid and lifelike. As a treasure, I cant wait to buy it.

  Laoshe Teahouse is full of tourists, especially foreign friends. The third floor is the performance hall. As soon as you sit in your seat, the waiter will come and pour tea. The performances are full of China elements, including folk dance, traditional cross talk, jokes of Peking Opera, long-billed tea performance, China Kung Fu, face changing and so on. But because of the time, I cant watch it.

  So we went to the first floor, ordered a pot of peach tea, savored it carefully and watched the shadow play. Shoutao tea is a kind of jasmine tea that is sewn into the shape of a peach with fine threads. Soaking in water is like proud as a peacock, which slowly stretches out and is pleasing to the eye. Tea is not only beautiful, but also very delicious and fragrant. I cant take my eyes off the shadow play. Its simply wonderful. The hand and body of the actor who performed the hand shadow presented us with a splendid scene on a curtain through the light. Various animals appeared on the screen, such as ferocious crocodiles, ferocious wolves, enthusiastic cranes and witty hunters ... The audience applauded constantly.

  I bought back artworks, drank Shoutao tea and enjoyed the shadow play. I left Laoshe Teahouse contentedly.

英文老舍茶馆的作文(通用5篇) 第五篇

  I have heard for a long time that there is a famous Laoshe Teahouse in Beijing. The performance every night attracts many foreign friends. This time I went to Beijing, my mother specially arranged for me to go there to watch the performance.

  Pushing open the door of the teahouse, I saw a waiter in a gown walked over and greeted us in the performance hall on the third floor. Just across the hall was a stage. There were eight rows of square tables under the stage, with six people at each table, and all kinds of refreshments were placed on the table. As soon as you sat down, the waiter came to pour tea. The performance began, including folk dance, traditional belief, Peking Opera jokes, long-billed tea performance, China Kung Fu ...

  My favorite things are hand shadow and changing face. The hand and body of the actor who performed the hand shadow presented us with a wonderful "concert" on a curtain through the light. One moment he was a European rock star on the screen, and then he became an African female singer and an American cowboy singer. It was wonderful, and the audience below applauded constantly. Then all kinds of animals appeared on the screen, such as ferocious crocodiles, screaming wolves, pugs wagging their tails, naughty and clever monkeys, and eagles soaring in the sky.

  I cant forget the magical face change. With the sound of gongs and drums, an actor wearing a golden robe, two long antelope and a red face stepped onto the stage. Its amazing how she changes her face. She doesnt have to turn around or hide. I saw that with the tinkling of gongs and drums, the facial makeup on her face stopped turning into Guan Yu, and when she shook hands with the audience, it turned into Zhang Fei. In the blink of an eye, she became Qin Qiong again. Whats even more amazing is that when she showed her true colors and greeted us, her head suddenly turned into Cao Cao. I cant see any flaw with my eyes wide open.

  How time flies! In the blink of an eye, an hour and a half passed, and I reluctantly left the performance hall.





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