莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




  Today, the 45th Anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake, recalling the earthquake mourning 45 years ago, paying tribute to the dead, paying tribute to the living, for the light of human nature shining in the disaster, for writing unique and magnificent family and country memories, and for living up to every day when the sun rises!

  At 3:42 a.m. on July 28, 1976, this is a "black" number engraved in Chinese memory. A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Tangshan City, Hebei Province, with heavy casualties. Hundreds of thousands of residents turned into refugees who lost their homes in the twinkling of an eye.

  45 years in a flash. The deep scar of the Tangshan earthquake has been engraved in the hearts of many people. We commemorate the disaster, we remember the disaster, all in order to stay away from the disaster. Today's Tangshan, it is difficult to see the traces of the earthquake. Standing on Fenghuang Mountain in the center of the city, looking around, there are rows of high-rise buildings and wide and tidy streets.

  After the earthquake, the people of Tangshan built a livable new city on the ruins and rubble in only 10 years. In 1990, the United Nations awarded Tangshan the "Habitat Honor Award", which is the first "Habitat Award" in Chinese history.

  Tangshan belongs to all mankind. The human tragedy 45 years ago tore the hearts of people from different regions, different skin colors and different faiths. It was very late that I found in the old newspaper that when the news of the Tangshan earthquake spread to the other side of the Strait, which was completely isolated from us, the people of Taiwan had launched a brotherly disaster relief fund-raising with tears in their eyes. For more than a decade, because the article "me and my Tangshan" has been incorporated into middle school textbooks, Hong Kong teenagers have always been full of special concerns about Tangshan. Some students are even familiar with the names of the dead children in the small mourning hall of PLA 255 hospital.

  This is the legend of life. People have never felt the value of "living" as strongly as at that moment. One survivor saved more than ten people, and more than ten survivors robbed hundreds of lives. When 100000 rescue people's Liberation Army and 10000 medical team members gathered from all directions, the blood of the living and the dead fused together and wrote a big word "man" in the black world.

  This is a record of human nature. In a cruel way, the great earthquake tore away all the decoration and shelter on the planet, exposing the most basic relationship between nature and man. People have never seen themselves as vividly as they did on the ruins of Tangshan 40 years ago: fragile and strong, humble and broad, evil and kind; Never like Tangshan in the past 40 years, it has stood up from the ruins and surprisingly demonstrated the great power of self rescue and his rescue, from the city to the soul

  This is 20xx, our Tangshan. We pay tribute to the dead. We salute the living. We remember yesterday firmly and look forward to tomorrow with hope. The hands that wipe away tears hold each other tightly. We are together and will never be separated.

  I think in addition to remembering and mourning, we should also publicize some common sense of earthquake risk avoidance, self rescue and mutual rescue, and strengthen the ability of earthquake prediction to minimize losses. It is hoped that earthquake prediction can develop as rapidly as aerospace technology.





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