莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





我的梦想英语作文300字 第一篇


I used to get sick when I was a child. When you are sick, you can't eat delicious food or go out to play. When you are serious, you can't even sleep. Mom took me to see a lot of doctors and didn't take good care of it.


I want to be a good doctor, like a real angel in white, to save lives and injuries, cure everyone's diseases, and make everyone healthy and happy

我的梦想英语作文300字 第二篇

If my dream comes true,I will be very successful.I will get good marks in all subjets.I will study in a senior high school. I will also be a top student.If my dream comes true,I will scucced in business.I will have a big company.

My family will live in America.I will buy a very big house for my parents,and a house for my teachers,a modern car for my friends.But I must study harder to make the dream come true.If I don,t work hard,l think nothing will come true.

我的梦想英语作文300字 第三篇

I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future. Therefore, I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream come true, I must work hard now. So I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can come true one day.

Thank you everyone. That is all my speech. Please don't forget me!

我的梦想英语作文300字 第四篇

A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. Same for me, I have a dream career.

There are many careers, such as engineer, designer, doctor, nurse, manager, boss, accountant, singer and so on. But I only like to be an actress.

Actress is always beautiful and active. They are good at acting, singing, dancing. For example Fan Bingbing is pretty and tall. I hope my dream can come true.

In 20 years’ time, you will see me on TV. My dream will come true. Do my best.

“No pains, no gains.” I will practice singing and dancing every day.

At last, I want to say : “Work hard everyday. I am the best! ”

我的梦想英语作文300字 第五篇

My dreamEveryone has a different dream. My dream is to become a teacher, because the teacher is a great career. Teachers use their knowledge to train students, and the students will use the knowledgeto make contributions to the country in the future what they learn from their teachers. My dream is great and beautiful. In order to finish my dream, I well try my best to work hard.


我的梦想英语作文300字 第六篇

My dream is to become a doctorEver since I was little, I've had a secret desire inside of me that I've been almost ashamed of: I want to be a doctor. I don't know why, and I've always known it's ridiculous, since my worst subjects are math and science. I'm not altogether terrible at them, but I'm more of a literature person.

I'm also pretty lazy, which makes me think there's no way I could survive medical school. Should I make myself stop? Is there any chance of me being somethign I've always wanted to be?

我的梦想英语作文300字 第七篇

Since I was young I like to draw beautiful lines color can turn everything into eternity.

At the age of six my mother gave me a box of color lead they are lovely and naughty was deeply loved by me. To bear in the mind of the excited take them in some simple pencil on the paper. Can I draw a lovely big rooster for it the beauty of the colorful wings; I can draw upon a rank grass for their colors.

And now I found a simple black and white ash is enough to make me move. The straight and curved lines with a pencil point is dancing on the paper! My pen in the hand on the paper draw my future to make my dreams.

我的梦想英语作文300字 第八篇

Since I was a little child, I had a dream that I wanted to be a doctor. When I was little, I watched many TV series and movies about doctors.

I thought they were so great. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a doctor. In my opinion, doctor is the people who can help patience get out of sickness and pain.

I want to be the person who can help others. However, being a doctor needs so much professional knowledge and there is a long way to go.

So I have to try my best on my study and go to a good college.





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