莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




介绍我的朋友英语作文 第一篇

  My friend I have a good name is Huang Jiayan .She was twelve is very polite and has two big eyes,a small nose and long hair .

  Her hobby is singing ,dancing,read books and surfing the internet.

  This is my good friend.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第二篇

  Hello, everyone. My name is maggie. I am twelve years old. This is my best friend, her name is Cindy. She is twelve years old too. She most like subject is music, because music, she felt very interesting.

  She most loves food is ice cream. She most likes swimming. She is in No1 . Middle school, Grand One, Class Three. I m in hers class, so, we are classmates. She and I together every day, others will think we are twins!

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第三篇

  I have a good name is Tony 14 years is an English birthday is Maech his telephone number is 's study in Middle 's good at playing violin.iolin.

  He can also play drums and dance very hobby is singsing,too..

  His favorite song is Justing bieber's One favorite subject is music,because it's very he likes blue you like him?im?

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第四篇

  I have a specail friend, he has short stubby hair, his eyes are black as also has a mouth that says very good things about people..

  Evreyone likes him very much. but i am his best always play together after school, and talk about things that are personal, we always help each other out..

  So this is my friend.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第五篇

  Recently, I met a new friend, she is the daughter of mom colleague, called Xu Jia times. This year is 8 years old, she is very cute. She has a black head of hair, firm two small plait. With big eyes, very bright; She has a cute little nose, the nose there are a very good laugh, very will talk little mouth, what a lovely little girl!

  Times times are sometimes very naughty, just for today, times times in homework, halfway through, suddenly a tantrum, throw a pencil, just after the next to her, then her mother pencil is just stamp onto her mother palms, all blood out, the original times times no problem when you do your homework, came a tantrum. See mother palm bleeding, times times, wordlessly sat there, her mother harshly criticized her, times times pretended to cry, really let a person in distress situation. Said times times is very lively, because she is always jammed, kept talking. In the mother's unit, she and I play poker. I win every time her, but she sometimes play to depend on, all want to change a few CARDS, let me very angry, but I still forgive her, because I was when my sister. Later, we use poker guess Numbers, every time I can guess, all the CARDS to win back immediately, at this time, she can dance to show me, give me drawing, want me to return the card to her, was a lively and lovely.

  This is I met a new friend, lively, lovely, naughty a little girl, I like her very much, every time go to mother's unit is called her mother took her to, so that we can often meet two people, often play together.




介绍我的朋友英语作文 第六篇

  lily is a beautiful has two big eyes, a small mouth and round face..

  lily is helpful,because she loves help another example,when shelooks the old people across the road she will help the blind people across the street she also will help them.m.

  so lily is a good she is also my good friend..

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第七篇

  I have a good friend ,his name is Tom, he is 12 years old.he is also my classmate. hehas a big nose and too big eyes.his mouth is big ,too.he is an active boy,he likes playing basketball.we often play basketball together on weekend .he plays well.he is good at singing .he often sing songs for me.i think his voice is good.we have been good friends for 2 years and i think we will be good friends forever.I enjoy the time with Tom.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第八篇

  My name is Li BaoLing . I have a good friend . Her name is Chen ZiQing .

  I am 13 years old . She is as old as me. I am 155cm tall. She is 150cm tall . She is 5cm shorter than me . I am 36kg . She is 37kg . She is heavier than me .She often does homework with me .We always help each other. I am happy to have a good firend .

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第九篇

  I have many friends. but my best friends is tom.he is 12 years old.he has short black hair.he is talktive.he is in grade 6 class 6. we are in both class. he likes palying football.we often playing football after school.we are best friends.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第十篇

  My friend's name is is a very cute girl,who has big black eyes and long black is also a very helpful friend.d.

  Whenever I have math problems I can't solve myself,she will help me,even if she doesn't have too much time.

  We often go out together and have a lot hope we can be friends forever!!

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第十一篇

  I have a good friend ,his name is Tom, he is 12 years old.he is also my classmate. hehas a big nose and too big eyes.his mouth is big ,too.he is an active boy,he likes playing basketball.

  We often play basketball together on weekend .he plays well.he is good at singing .he often sing songs for me.i think his voice is good.we have been good friends for 2 years and i think we will be good friends forever.I enjoy the time with Tom.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第十二篇

  First, I want to tell you something about my best friend and me. I have a friend called Dick. In some ways, we are the same. Both Dick and I are good at sports. We always go to library together to read because of the same hobby. So, we also study well all subjects. Reading books is important in our life 。In some ways, we are different. Dick is a little taller and a lot stronger than me. I think it is because he does excise every day. For me, I just take excise three times a week. Dick likes going to concert, but I have no interest in it. In my free time, I always watch TV. That is really fun.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第十三篇

  First, I want to tell you something about my best friend and me. I have a friend called Dick. In some ways, we are the same. Both Dick and I are good at sports. We always go to library together to read because of the same hobby. So, we also study well all subjects.

  Reading books is important in our life .In some ways, we are different. Dick is a little taller and a lot stronger than me. I think it is because he does excise every day. For me, I just take excise three times a week. Dick likes going to concert, but I have no interest in it. In my free time, I always watch TV. That is really fun.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第十四篇

  My friend I have a good friend. Her name is comes from America. Now we are in the same class within Middle school. We often go to school and go home toghter,just like sisters.

  She likes English very much and actually she is good at it. So, If I have a question of English, I will turn to her for help.

  She is very helpful. She also does well in singing and dancing. Everytime there is a party,she will give us a wonderful show.

  This is my good friend, kind,excent and helpful.

介绍我的朋友英语作文 第十五篇

  I think a good friend is like a mirror.

  My best friend is such a 'm quieter and more serious than most 's why I like reading books and I study harder in best friend is quiet, we enjoy studying we are not in the same we don't often is popular in her is taller and thinner than eyes are bigger than her.

  We both like sports,but she plays football better than often helps to bring out the best in is good at math,but I'm Chinese grade is better than are like books一一you don't need a lot of them as long as they're good.





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