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外研版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters单元知识综合练习(含答案)



Unit 3 Family Matters 单元知识大清单

1. n.(书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色
2. v.走近,靠近
3. v.(把……)集中(于)
4. n.一系列
5. n.作用,影响
6. v.包含,含有
7. n.总结,概要
8. prep.尽管,虽然
9.throughout prep.
10.positive adj.
11.assume v.假定,假设,认为→ n.假定,假设→ conj.假设,假如 12.respect v.尊敬,敬重→ adj.值得尊敬的;体面的→ adj.尊敬的 13.ignore v.忽视,不理→ n.忽视,不理→ adj.无知的;愚昧的
14.suit v.适合→ adj.合适的
15.talent n.天赋,才能→ adj.有天赋的
16.option n.选择,可选择的东西→ adj.可选择的
17.responsible adj.负有责任的,应承担责任的→ n.责任
18.memory n.记忆,回忆→ v.记住,背熟;记忆
19.observe v.观察;庆祝;过(节日、生日等) → n.观察
20.apologise v.道歉→ n.道歉
21.stress n.重音,重读→ adj.有压力的
22.strong adj.强壮的→ n.强烈程度;力量;长处→ v.加强
23.admire v.钦佩,赞美,羡慕→ adj.令人钦佩的→ n.钦佩,羡慕
24.settle v.和解,结束(争论) → n.移民;殖民者→ n.解决
25.power n.权力;能力→ adj.强有力的,有影响(感染)力的
1.character n. 2.approach v. 3.focus v. 4.range n. 5.impact n. 6.contain v.
7.summary n. 8.despite 9.throughout 10.positive 11.assumption n. assuming conj.
12. respectable adj. respectful adj. 13.ignorance n. ignorant adj. 14.suitable adj.
15.talented adj. 16.optional adj.可选择的 17. responsibility n 18.memorize v.
19.observation n.观察 20.apology n. 21. stressful 22.strength n. strengthen v.
23.admirable adj. admiration n. 24.settler n. settlement n. 25.powerful
1. 求助于;转向;变成
2. 集中注意力于……
3. 听从某人的建议
4. 丢下;遗忘
5. 结束
6. 代沟
7.jump in with both feet
8.make up for
9.have an impact on
10.in the lead
1. (做)某事的方法/途径
2. 适合于……
3. 目的是……
4.build up one’s strength
5.in summary
1.turn to 2.focus on 3.take one’s advice 4.leave...behind 5.end up
6.a generation gap 7. 踊跃参加,全心全意投入 8.补偿,弥补 9.对……有影响
10 领先 11.an approach to (doing) sth 12.be suitable for...
13.with the aim of 14.强身健体 15. 总的来说
1 .At yesterday’s meeting, Jane (summary)the contents of the new policy in several sentences.
2 .I observed my father (chat) with a stranger.
3 . (obvious), most people are content with the new policy.
4 .Light is a (power)biological force, and on many species it acts as a magnet(磁铁) .
5 .The amount of sleep we need (vary) from person to person.
6 .Within a (generate), the flight has become the method used by many travellers.
7 .Three robbers (frighten)the bank clerks into opening the safe(保险箱) 熟词生义.
8 .It seems as though he (have) a conflict with his friend.
9 .The woman’s illness (puzzle) the doctor; he couldn’t find the cause.
10 .The astronaut (respect)by all his followers.
11 .We used to see each other (regular), but I haven’t heard from him since last year.
12 .She is always (find)fault with others.
13 .Scientists once figured that the theory was based on a wrong (assume).
14 .At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up (apologise).
15.Meanwhile, I will spare some time to participate in sports activities, (aim) to build up my body and
free myself from the heavy work of studies.
16 .As is well-known/as we all know, a white pigeon (represent) peace.
17 .Jack was working in the lab when the power cut (occur ).
18 .Jogging(慢跑) is generally assumed (be)one of the best ways to keep fit.
19 .The little boy showed his great talent music. We all believed he would become a musician.
20 .Choose a pair of shoes that you best. We’ll cycle(骑自行车) 熟词生义 to a
place for a picnic. (suit)
21 .The education nowadays should focus confidence of kids.
22 .He was proud what he had achieved.
23 .He (ignore) by the host at the party, so he was upset.
24 .The Smiths are a couple and they are always of other people's opinions.(respect)
25 .The writer was so absorbed her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room.
26 .Upon (approach)the house, I noticed my dad and mom standing beside the house, looking forward to
my arrival .
27.I’d like to have a chat with the (profession)lawyer about some confusing behavior.
28.Mike was a policeman profession.
29. It’s stupid of him to be (ignore)of his parents’ warning.
30. Please send my (respect) to them when you write.
31.Knowing your (strength) and weaknesses will help you achieve your dreams.
32.He regretted the lost opportunity (apologize)to her.
33.False fire alarms are illegal (违法的) and may lead imprisonment (监禁).
34.It’s hoped that the industry will respond (positive)to this new project.
35.I’m full of (admire)for those space heroes.
36.With a lot of difficult problems (settle), the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
37.The moment I saw my favourite singer, words failed to express my .(admire)
38 .Scar is a cruel and dangerous (角色) in The Lion King.
39 .She had always been honest with me, and I (尊敬) her for that.
40 .It is reasonable(合情理的) to (假定) that the economy will continue to improve next year.
41 .You should be aware that (事业)success is no guarantee of happiness.
42 .I can no longer (忽视) my problems in English study.
43 .There is a (一代) gap between my parents and me.
44 .I am looking forward to (闲聊) with you on the Internet.
45 .London Eye, the largest observation wheel in the world, --- (吸引) a large number of visitors every year.47 .Life in the ocean (范围) from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and
48 .He (承认) that he did make mistakes.
1. summrized 2.chatting 3.Obviously 4. powerful 5. varies 6. generation 7. frightened 8. has
9.puzzled 10. is respected 11.regularly 12.finding 13.assumption 14. apologizing 15. aiming
16. represents 17. occurred 18. to be 19. in talented 20. suits suitable 21.on 22.of


外研版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters单元知识综合练习(含答案)

外研版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters单元知识综合练习(含答案)

外研版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters单元知识综合练习(含答案)



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