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dining rooms是什么意思_dining rooms短语搭配_dining rooms权威例句


dining rooms

play play

  • 餐厅:用于进餐的房间。

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dining room

  • 1.
    可数名词 The dining room is the room in a house where people have their meals, or a room in a hotel where meals are served. 餐厅


1. college dining rooms 高校学生食堂

2. Ship dining rooms 船舶餐厅

3. Private dining rooms Waitress 包房服务员

4. Bernini & Donatello Dining Rooms 贝尼尼和多纳泰洛餐厅

5. Main Dining Rooms 主餐厅

6. The Dining Rooms 表演者 ; 专辑歌手

7. Dining rooms a 雅间一

8. Capri & Portofino Dining Rooms 卡布里和波多菲诺餐厅

9. dining-rooms 间餐室 ; 食堂 ; 饭厅


1. [ Methods] On-the-spot investigation was carried out on 32 dining rooms in corporations randomly.


2. A public restaurant, private dining rooms, and an organic food store are connected both visually and physically to this central space.


3. Some buy tall trees for living rooms or dining rooms.


4. I love the morning light in my bedroom and the warm afternoon light in my living and dining rooms.


5. Its Web site is eerily still online, with numerous photos of ocean views though the windows of baths and dining rooms;


6. Many clubs also have men-only dining rooms and prevent women from voting on club rules.


7. In addition to sharing their place of work, many employees share their bedrooms, bathrooms and dining rooms.


8. Girls and boys were segregated into different dining rooms for meals and not allowed to mix at break time.

吃饭的时候男孩和女孩被分进了不同的餐厅,休息的时候男女也不允许混合。《provided by jukuu》

9. Living and dining rooms flank the center hall;


10. They zoned the house into sleeping, sitting and dining rooms.

他们将房子区分成卧室 、 客厅和餐厅.《简明英汉词典》

11. In proportion to the number of students we should build 3 dining rooms.


12. Dining rooms are downstairs.


13. At both ends of each block we can find the common Spaces (restrooms and kitchens with the recovered dining rooms).


14. The girls earned spending money by waiting at table in the school dining rooms.


15. This design consists of the hall, corridors, lobby, dining rooms, reception room part of the space combination and into.


16. Main buildings are dormitories, dining rooms, activity center and auxiliary houses.

主要建筑物有宿舍、食堂、活动中心、辅助用房等。《provided by jukuu》

17. In interior design of dining rooms, light environment design occupies an important part in the whole design.


18. Clients are entertained within private dining rooms.


19. The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners.


20. There are no waiters in pubs traditionally, although now more pubs are starting to open small dining rooms which families can use too.


21. The Belshazzar and the Davis have dining rooms.


22. Here is the main hall again with the entrance to the dining rooms.


23. A study on air quality in 10 dining rooms in Urumqi city


24. Writing - rooms , smoking - rooms , dining - rooms , all the customary facilities, were improvised and primitive.

办公室 、 吸烟室 、 饭厅 以及 所用常用的设备都是因陋就简.《辞典例句》

25. And private dining rooms will proliferate.


26. Weinsinn is compact, with only 35 seats in two small dining rooms.


27. Dining rooms are modeled after spaceships and the red, rocky surface of Mars.


28. The vestibule is small, as are the two dining rooms on either side.


29. These trains had beautiful bedrooms, bathrooms, dining rooms, and sitting rooms. They were like little palaces, really fit for a king.


30. The utility model is suitable for restaurants and dining rooms to use, and is suitable for families to use.


31. Subordinate to the maitre d'hotel are hostesses and headwaiters, who supervise the dining rooms.

餐厅经理下设有引座员和领班, 他们负责视察餐厅.《互联网》

32. Warm and cosy private dining rooms are available-book early to avoid disappointment.


33. But even formal dining rooms are becoming less stuffy.


34. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals.


35. Here is the main hall again with the entrance to the dining rooms.


36. Plans for rolling out remote dining rooms in other branches across the country also have been put on hold.


37. Warm colors are often used in eating areas, like breakfast or dining rooms.


38. My friends have all bought bigger homes featuring master bedroom suites, gourmet kitchens, formal dining rooms, and lots of bathrooms.


39. Further suggestions to improve the hygiene situation in collective dining rooms were made.


40. Prisons and reform-through-labour institutions have special dining rooms for minority nationality prisoners with special dietary customs.


41. It has three floors with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, two big dining rooms and two living rooms.


42. Million Dollar Red: Good for dining rooms and family rooms.


43. Restaurant with in more than 10 high-end dining rooms and size between the banquet hall can accommodate 300 people dining.


44. Warm colors are often used in eating areas, like breakfast or dining rooms.


45. These beautiful, intimate private dining rooms are available if you have a special occasion to celebrate or if you wish more privacy.


46. The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also cater to outside diners.


47. Areader was recently invited to lunch in the private dining rooms at UBS in London.


48. The restaurant is consist of19 private dining rooms designed in3 styles: suites, golf view and lake view.


49. There are separate dining rooms for staff, middle management, and senior management.

职员、中级管理人员和高级管理人员各有各的餐厅。《provided by jukuu》

50. Effect of graded management of food hygiene on hygienic situation of dining rooms in schools and kindergartens in Zhuhai


51. Clients are entertained within private dining rooms


52. In interior design of dining rooms, light environment design occupies an important part in the whole design.


53. On the architecture design aspect, take library, teaching building, dormitory, dining rooms and a campus subject building as example to explain.


54. Designed in an inconspicuous deluxe style, it has luxurious and elegant private dining rooms with complete supporting facilities.


55. Cedar columns support Douglas fir header logs that span across the ceremony and dining rooms.


56. The study suggests that mirrors be placed in dining rooms and other eating spaces so people will start eating more healthily


57. About 65.10% and 18.45% of food poisoning was from school dining rooms and booths, respectively.


58. The bright and airy restaurant features two connected dining rooms, a summer terrace, and a private lounge.


59. In addition, hotel food is often not especially good and hotel dining rooms are sometimes dull.


60. Clients are entertained within private dining rooms.



1. One of the dining rooms is inspired by the Marchesa Casati.

WSJ: Like Home, Only Better

2. It is opposite the Philharmonic Dining Rooms pub and between the city's two cathedrals.

BBC: Councillors defer decision on Hope Street flats plan

3. The 71 bedrooms (30 original and 41 new, decorated in some cases in a lighter, more modern style) are airconditioned, as are the dining rooms.

FORBES: All Around India

4. Buyers can still get formal dining rooms or living rooms if they prefer, although the new space can accommodate an 8-to-10 person table.

FORBES: PulteGroup CMO Fine Tunes Marketing, Research

5. In private dining rooms, Communist power brokers held clandestine meetings over endless carafes of vodka and Georgian wine.

WSJ: A Bribe-Worthy Chicken Dish | Mega Meal

6. Mr. Smith thinks bars that are 6 to 10 feet long work well for dining rooms as long as they're simple.

WSJ: Creating a Dining Room With Wow Factor

7. Mismatched tables fit into the multistoried dining rooms like jigsaw pieces, and traditional Turkish music drifts out through open windows.

BBC: Cultural encounters in Istanbul

8. Behind the clichs are some real friction points, and they go way beyond how people dress or what company dining rooms look like.

FORBES: The Race To Embrace

9. Totaling 30 rooms including eight bedrooms, 10 baths, two libraries, and formal and informal dining rooms, it was the most expensive co-op price ever paid in the U.S. at the time.

FORBES: Billionaire Howard Marks Sells $75 Million Malibu Mansion In Record-Breaking Deal

10. Their Western-style showrooms provide model bedrooms, dining rooms, and family rooms showing how to furnish them.

FORBES: Why Home Depot Struggles and IKEA Thrives in China?

11. That way, he could keep his foot, literally, in his different dining rooms and kitchens.

FORBES: Not All Business Growth Is Good Growth

12. All this week select British and foreign collectors have been given private viewings of the sale and entertained to lunch in Sotheby's smart new dining rooms.

ECONOMIST: Damien Hirst

13. The 15, 000-square-foot home located in the Alvarado Estates community above Mission Valley has nine bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, two dining rooms and multiple balconies.

WSJ: Larry Ellison Lists Lake Tahoe CompoundWSJ Private Properties

14. Other well-known chefs now travel the world and use Pop Ups as a way to market their home restaurant in local popular restaurants or even resorts, which offer dining rooms and advertise food-driven events featuring these chefs.

FORBES: Brick And Mortar? Pop Up? How 'Bout A Truck?

15. CO-OWNER OF MANHATTAN'S iconic Four Seasons, Julian Niccolini presides over the restaurant's Philip Johnson- and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe-designed dining rooms like a circus ringmaster seating, and playfully teasing, some of the nation's most prominent entrepreneurs and entertainers.

WSJ: Julian Niccolini

16. Others head to the top-floor deck, where small private dining rooms offer views over the river to the neon lights of Pudong, punctuated by the two-globes-on-a-stick TV Tower, the symbol of modern Shanghai.

FORBES: Escapes

17. So it will be tonight at one of Westminster's most exclusive private dining rooms - in No 10, Downing Street - when David hosts Angela.

BBC: German chancellor Angela Merkel

18. He chose white linen floor-to-ceiling curtains that ride on a track between the kitchen and dining rooms that can close to create a more secluded, "formal" atmosphere for diners, Mr. Greenwald says.

WSJ: Airy, SleekAnd Really LoudHome

19. Meanwhile, in the conference halls and hotel dining rooms of Davos, the assault on globalization continues.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Davos 2000: Hail the New Economy

20. The restaurant underwent a major renovation in 2005 and there are now three floors of different dining rooms, an enormous wine selection and a comforting menu of surf and turf featuring their famous dish, lobster Thermidor.

BBC: Atlantic Citys fading boardwalk empire

21. The 1930 home measures 3, 800 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths and large living spaces, including formal living and dining rooms.

FORBES: What's On The Market For $600,000?

22. One of the dining rooms, painted blue with enormous swags and tassels, is inspired by the 19th-century Russian painter Leon Bakst.

WSJ: Like Home, Only Better

23. Also in the Unesco World Heritage-listed historic centre is old-school Kogel Mogel, where a red velvet curtain swings open to reveal intimate, wood-panelled dining rooms lit with candles and strung with heart-shaped wreaths.

BBC: A taste of Krakow

24. Many families set up their new homes on any available spaces inside the ship, in hallways or on the floors of the dining rooms and lobbies.

CNN: , Special to

25. Passengers on board the replica will dress in the fashion of that period and eat dishes from the original menu, in dining rooms copied from the ill-fated predecessor.

WSJ: Billionaire launches plans for Titanic replica

26. Piano and trumpet players infuse classic jazz into the bar and three dining rooms.

BBC: Romantic winters of New York

27. The living and dining rooms are wrapped in wood planks and have cedar beams stretching nearly 35 feet across the ceiling.

WSJ: A Taste of the Adirondacks in New Canaan

28. Last week, it broke ground on its new campus, with three residential colleges with their own dining rooms, common rooms and student-activity spaces.

WSJ: Yale-Singapore Venture to Forbid Political Protest

29. Michael Cortez, grandson of the founder, leads me to the kitchens through a warren of dining rooms, each more lavishly festooned with tinsel and fairy lights than the last, all patrolled by a restless army of flamenco-dressed waitresses.

BBC: The perfect chilli con carne in the heart of Texas

30. The Bank features nine dining rooms, including one called the "Mozart" featuring paintings of the composer, custom wall-to-wall carpeting and custom-designed chairs and tables.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | High Time To End High Living At The EBRD: Scandalous Gold-Plating Demands New Oversight

dining rooms是什么意思_dining rooms短语搭配_dining rooms权威例句




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