莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

at the utmost是什么意思_at the utmost怎么读_at the utmost的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


at the utmost

at the utmost


英 [æt ðə ˈʌtməʊst]play 美 [æt ðə ˈʌtmoʊst]play

词典扩展 权威例句 实用例句



1. This watch is worth 100 yuan at the utmost.


2. Clearing the trees off the tee will be of utmost importance to get a clear look at this kidney-shaped green.


3. When Carrie returned home, there was Hurstwood, reading as usual. He seemed to take his condition with the utmost nonchalance. His beard was at least four days old.


4. You'll see to that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost orderliness and decorum, I'm placing you in command.


5. I too but signify at the utmost a little wash'd-up drift.


6. and stared at Sherlock Holmes with the utmost amazement upon his features.


7. At under make to the utmost the method make them unanimously be partly to a north dynasty, if childe doesn't stuff this warfare immediately take away, greatly don't this surrenders a book.


8. The curve which represents the friction coefficient of better wear resistance metal exists at the utmost right-handed side. 3.


9. “All efforts should aim at preserving the utmost goal of freeing humanity from the scourge of hunger,” he stressed.


10. According to the Law of Urban Development, if not take into consideration of changes of policy and household registration system, the urbanization standard in Hexi corridor can reach 47 percent at the utmost.


11. At under make to the utmost the method make them unanimously be partly to a north dynasty, if childe doesn't stuff this warfare immediately take away, greatly don't this surrenders a book.


12. This watch is worth 10 pounds at the utmost .


13. "All efforts should aim at preserving the utmost goal of freeing humanity from the scourge of hunger," he stressed.


14. A precarious job market has led us to believe our presence at the office (or wherever your workplace happens to be) is of the utmost importance.


15. At under make to the utmost the means make them unanimously be partial to a north dynasty, if childe doesn't matter this warfare now take away, greatly don't this surrenders a book.


16. Captain: You'll see to that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost orderliness and decorum, I'm placing you in command.


17. At the utmost their minds reached out to alliances and leagues.


18. Building City to the utmost at your control in, your target is the biggest that big house, see you how long can buy it under.


19. There were 80 people present at the utmost.


20. Robust control can be enjoyed through adaptive methodology by to the utmost overwhelming disturbances even though occurrences of unexpected circumstance changes at user plant.


21. " All efforts should aim at preserving the utmost goal of freeing humanity from the scourge of hunger," he stressed.


22. In this dissertation, aiming at the multi-fractals, the utmost international subject, integrating the question of seismic techniques and the detecting oil gas, fulfill idiographic algorithmic of forecast of oil gas of multi-fractals-grey pattern identification after researching general algorithmic of the multi-fractals.


23. I have the utmost respect for the civic duty that you are now performing at A.I.G..


24. Sometimes I also a little bit rejoice and I arrived at the joys and sorrows which lets me taste to the utmost human life!


25. Creating a social agenda for the G20 is now of utmost importance, " said the Nobel laureate at the summit that took place from Monday to Wednesday."

为G20峰会设立社会问题的议程是如今的当务之急。” 这位诺贝尔奖获得者在周一至周三召开的峰会如是说。

26. Isn't the idea to perform at your utmost?


27. Archival compilation can be applied in mining the holding at the utmost extent in order to serve various industries in the society.


28. At the same time teachers also hope that our his utmost to achieve a greater honor.


29. At the same time, teachers also hope that our his utmost to achieve a greater honor.


30. She was standing at the utmost edge of the cliff to kill herself.


31. Untilwe can compute rates at an ab initio level (and with an accurate ab initio theory at that), we must treat any predictions of absolute nucleation rates with the utmost caution.


32. This pen is worth ten dollars at the utmost.


33. C. Do you agree to do the utmost for the hotel you serve in and help you colleagues throughout the profession both at home and abroad?


34. I began last week to permit my wife to sit at dinner with me, at the farthest end of a long table; and to answer (but with the utmost brevity) the few questions I asked her.


35. Archival compilation can be applied in mining the holding at the utmost extent in order to serve various industries in the society.


36. Captain: you'll see to that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost orderliness and decorum, I'm placing you in command.


37. Through the way of numerical simulation and locale measurement, we found the safety utmost bedrock ply at the condition of thin bedrock and thick coal seam in Sima coal Mine.


38. This article is aiming at demonstrating the content of "utmost good faith" in marine insurance of china accurately according to the provisions of the effective laws.



1. Choosing the right ingredients at the market is of utmost importance to Ms. Rogers.

WSJ: Ruth Rogers's Pappardelle With Stewed Pancetta and Creamy Tomato Sauce | Slow Food Fast

2. Such lofty ambitions have now been drastically readjusted but the lowest- ranked team still standing in the FA Cup at the time of kick-off did their utmost to capitalise on a rare chance to test themselves against Premier League opposition.

BBC: Fulham 4-0 Notts County

3. At last I have to say that the club owner Zhu Jun did his utmost to bring Drogba to Shenhua.


4. You are dealing with the utmost urgent problems but at the expense of what's going to happen later.

ECONOMIST: Youth work

5. After years of dependency on oil-rich dictators in the Middle East, the United Statesshould do its utmost to avoid replicating this scenario in Russia, lest its citizens be held hostage at the gas-pump indefinitely.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Tsar is Born: The Consolidation of Power in Putins Russia

6. Energy and Climate Change Minister David Kidney said the government would do its utmost to ensure Britain is at the forefront of developments.

BBC: Debate on carbon capture and storage

7. Public pensions are a political minefield and before aggressively pursuing these cases it is understandable that regulators and law enforcement might choose to proceed with the utmost of caution, or not at all.

FORBES: The Growing Scrutiny of Pensions ( August 22, 2005)

8. Ryan Jones, wing Williams, Bowe and Collins all did their utmost to make further inroads into the Blues lead, prompting and probing at every opportunity.

BBC: Blues 20-12 Ospreys

9. "It's a disgrace that at times of utmost distress in illness and death, gay partners find that families can use the law to exclude them from hospital visits, the graveside and inheritance, " she said.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Gay Italians defy Vatican power

10. At a preliminary hearing at Northampton Crown Court days later, Judge Rupert Mayo told the suspect he faced charges of the "utmost gravity".

BBC: Ding murder case judge's anger over interpreter no-show

11. This latest North Korean provocation should cause critics of Mr. Bush's missile defense initiatives to recognize that we must now as a matter of the utmost urgency develop and deploy missile defenses in the places where they can do the most good at the least cost - namely, at sea and in space.


12. Expressing utmost concern at the spiralling deadly violence and destruction in Lebanon, the Security Council today called for a full cessation of hostilities in the month-long war between Israel and Hizbollah, mapping out a formula for the phased withdrawal of the Israel Defence Forces from southern Lebanon, while up to 15, 000 United Nations peacekeepers help Lebanese troops take control of the area.

UN: Security Council

13. Williams says he has the utmost sympathy for Peel, who is replaced at number nine by Mike Phillips, but is sure he will bounce back.

BBC: Williams backs Jones as captain

14. We know that the vast majority of drivers work safely with the utmost respect for passengers and their fellow workers at all times.

BBC: More Tube strikes: RMT or TfL, who will blink first?

15. If successful, at its utmost the business could change not just the way companies sell products and services, but also their creation and production, and servicing in effect, a new type of enterprise software platform.

FORBES: IBM Moves into Social Commerce -is this the Next ERP?

16. It is my hope that we will soon start a conversation on this topic, which I think is of utmost importance, and that should be at the center of our public debate.

FORBES: Machines Will Outsmart Humans. We Better Be Ready

17. The move was orchestrated by President Dilma Rousseff, who wanted a woman of her utmost confidence at the top job, while Gabrielli is expected to move into the public sphere, eyeing a governorship for 2014.

FORBES: The Politics Of Oil: Brazil's Dilma Changes Petrobras' CEO

18. But Tindall, speaking at an EDF Energy National Schools Rugby Programme event in Gloucestershire, said Corry was a player the rest of the England squad looked at with the utmost respect.

BBC: Tindall lauds 'unsung hero' Corry

19. Mr. President, I commit today to you and to the American people that, if confirmed by the Senate, I will work to the utmost of my abilities -- with my colleagues at the Federal Reserve and alongside the Congress and the administration -- to help provide a solid foundation for growth and prosperity in an environment of price stability.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Ben Bernanke for Chairman of the Federal Reserve | The White House

20. "Whilst the company has announced it's intention to leave the UK market - and sell its operations in Wales, they have confirmed that the interests of employees at the affected sites will be of the utmost importance, " they said.

BBC: Vion announces UK sell-off leading to job fears

at the utmost是什么意思_at the utmost怎么读_at the utmost的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




bee的意思是:n. 蜜蜂;<美>聚会,联谊赛;工作忙碌的人(busy bee) 【名】 (Bee)(英)比,(赤几)贝埃(人名)。学考宝为您提供bee是什么意思,bee的翻译,bee的用法,bee的短语搭配,bee的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


flame-out的意思是:n. 熄灭;(发动机)熄火;疲劳过度。学考宝为您提供flame-out是什么意思,flame-out的翻译,flame-out的用法,flame-out的短语搭配,flame-out的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


dousing的意思是:v. 浇灭(火);向……泼液体;急降(桅帆)(douse 的现在分词)。学考宝为您提供dousing是什么意思,dousing的翻译,dousing的用法,dousing的短语搭配,dousing的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beast的意思是:n. 野兽,猛兽,牲畜;凶暴残忍的人,道德败坏的人;(具有某种特性的)东西,货色。学考宝为您提供beast是什么意思,beast的翻译,beast的用法,beast的短语搭配,beast的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


dowse的意思是:v. 把……浸入水(或其他液体)中;熄灭(灯、火);急降(桅帆)(等于douse);用探测杆探寻(地下水或矿藏);用魔叉探杆探寻 n. (Dowse)(美)道丝(人名)。学考宝为您提供dowse是什么意思,dowse的翻译,dowse的用法,dowse的短语搭配,dowse的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beard的意思是:n. 胡须,络腮胡子;(动物的)颔毛,须;(植物的)芒,髯毛;替身;<非正式>名义女伴 v. 对抗(令人畏惧的人),顶撞;抓……的胡须;提供胡须 【名】 (Beard)(英、美、加、法)比尔德(人名)。学考宝为您提供beard是什么意思,beard的翻译,beard的用法,beard的短语搭配,beard的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


dowsing的意思是:n. (探寻地下水、矿物等)魔叉探测术;瓦解 v. 使浸透;急松(绳子等);探寻(douse 的现在分词)。学考宝为您提供dowsing是什么意思,dowsing的翻译,dowsing的用法,dowsing的短语搭配,dowsing的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


satirically的意思是:adv. 讽刺地。学考宝为您提供satirically是什么意思,satirically的翻译,satirically的用法,satirically的短语搭配,satirically的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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