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Christian Religion是什么意思_Christian Religion怎么读_Christian Religion的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


Christian Religion

Christian Religion

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  • 基督教:一种源于公元1世纪的宗教,信仰耶稣基督是上帝的儿子,世界的救世主。

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1. the christian church faith religion 基督教教堂

2. christian religion civilization 基督教文明

3. rationalization of christian religion 基督教的理性化


1. Out of them the Christian religion generates.


2. The great thinker who interprets the Christian religion in terms of eros is St. Augustine.


3. An elementary book summarizing the principles of a Christian religion; written as questions and answers.


4. The Change of Preaching Tactics of Christian Religion during the Last of Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of the Republic of China


5. According to the Christian religion Christmas represents the day Jesus, the son of God, was bron.


6. The Russian Orthodox Church is the dominant Christian religion in the Federation.


7. On the basis of reason analysis, the focus on farmers after the Christian religion impact on rural social order, rural culture, personal and family discussed.


8. Formerly the crime of ridicule or deny god or the christian religion in a scandalous way


9. Really, I mean the analysis of the origin of19th century romanticism out of Christian religion.


10. I fully trust that the Christian religion like all others is also working towards sowing the seed of benefit and happiness towards the humanity.


11. The next influence came with the spread of the new Christian religion throughout Europe and Britain.


12. The simple meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God in the Christian religion.


13. According to the Christian religion, jesus Christ resurrected from death.


14. That is the uniqueness of the Christian religion that no other religion offers.

这是基督教的独特之处,是别的宗教没有的。《provided by jukuu》

15. Most people in England have been baptised into the Church of England, but this is only one of the branches of the Christian religion.


16. Through the exposition of these four aspects, the author makes every effort to indicate that Greek philosophy is the founder of the thought of the Christian religion.


17. Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion.

耶稣是基督教的创始人。《provided by jukuu》

18. Investigation and Study on Architecture of the Christian Religion Culture in Inner Mongolia


19. Most people know that the simple meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God in the Christian religion.


20. She has traced the history of the Christian religion from biblical times to the present day.

她已经追溯了基督教从《圣经》时代到现在的历史。《provided by jukuu》

21. The whole point was to get away from a Christian-centered view of religion.


22. Second, the good theory offers the ethical metaphysics original version for theory of God of the Christian religion.


23. It is difficult to live up to the principles of the Christian religion.

实行基督教的教条是困难的。《provided by jukuu》

24. If there were no Greek culture, the emergence of the Christian religion could not be imagined.


25. It is concerned to establish the truth of the Christian religion by arguments addressed to a reader supposed to be not already a Christian;


26. The Ethic of Christian Religion and Wang Anyi's Fiction


27. On the other hand, America has been influenced by the Christian religion more than any major nation in recent history.


28. It was used primarily as a vehicle for teaching religion and was generally presented in Latin, the language of the Christian Church which had considerable influence in Italy at that time.


29. He converted to the Christian religion and began attending church.


30. Ok, I tell you, they are two missionaries of the christian religion.


31. In the Middle Ages, the Christian religion with theology took the control across the land with rationality and science being in the position like servant girls.


32. They all believed firmly in the Christian religion and the important place of the church in directing society.


33. The best friend the Christian religion has ever had, and who has kept them in business for two thousand years.

基督教最好的朋友,已经和他们做了2000多年的买卖了。《provided by jukuu》


1. It's about the fact that he is an Evangelical Christian and those polls were mainly taken before Romney's speech about religion.

NPR: Huckabee Gets Momentum; Oprah Helps Obama

2. Lorraine Barrett, a former Welsh assembly member who now works as a humanist celebrant, said it was interesting that people had the confidence to declare themselves of no religion or non-Christian.

BBC: Census 2011: One third in Wales have no religion

3. What of those who are neither Catholic, nor Christian, nor believers in any religion?

ECONOMIST: After Pope John Paul II

4. The most compelling evidence came from the Kenyan study, where circumcised men could be compared with men of the same Luo group and Christian religion who were not circumcised but who had similar numbers of sexual partners and rates of condom use.

ECONOMIST: To snip or not to snip?

5. And then he talked about the murder of George Tiller and failed to mention the religion of the man who shot George Tiller, which was Christian.

NPR: The Tipping Point: When Hate Turns To Violence

6. Research carried out in the same month by a secularist foundation suggested three-quarters of people who describe themselves as Christian in Britain displayed only a low level of belief and practice of the religion.


7. But this is meaningless since the constitution has already, in its text, broken good faith with organised religion by deliberately failing to mention Europe's Christian roots and identity.

ECONOMIST: Letters | The

8. The sharp decline in the number of people in England and Wales identifying themselves as Christian to 59% is a sign of the religion's weakening influence in society.

BBC: 2011 Census: Is Christianity shrinking or just changing?

9. Not surprisingly, Republicans were more likely to support Christianity as the official state and national religion with 55 percent supporting the idea for their state and 46 percent in favor of making their Christian faith the official religion of the United States.

FORBES: North Carolina Religion Bill Killed-But One Third Of Americans Want Christianity As Official Religion Of USA

10. The BBC's correspondent in Cairo, Heba Saleh, says the Egyptian authorities have always argued that a party based on religion would deepen sectarian divisions in a country with a sizeable Christian minority.

BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Egypt Islamists make record gains

11. In this excerpt, you frame religion and faith in uncompromising Christian terms.

NPR: Before Midterms, a Chat with Sen. Barack Obama

12. Huckabee is popular with Christian conservatives, who tend to like his positions on social issues and religion.

FORBES: No Stone Unturned

13. Despite a declaration by the Second Vatican Council three decades ago that all good-willed people could be "saved" regardless of their religion, the Christian notion of salvation still relies on evangelism.

CNN: Planting the Cross

14. How do you expect to help a pluralistic society where large groups of Americans do not frame their religion, faith or belief on the Christian religion?

NPR: Before Midterms, a Chat with Sen. Barack Obama

15. The Christian Church is now the official religion of the Roman Empire, many of its early doctrinal struggles were settled at the Council of Nicea, and the Church itself had a mighty philosopher in the form of Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo, who had successfully waged a theological battle against the Donatist heresy, among others.

FORBES: Why Some Christians Reject Evolution

16. The pontiff called on Christians in the Middle East to persevere, an acknowledgment that the Christian population has declined sharply in the past 50 years in the region where the religion was born.

CNN: Pope urges respect for women during Mass in Jordan

17. The church is run by a campaigning Christian online magazine, Ship of Fools, which takes a light-hearted approach to religion.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Online church blocks Satan visits

18. Of course, this tension between religion and science exists not only among Christian sects, but also between sects of many different religions.

FORBES: The Theology of Science and the Internet

19. He went on to suggest the patient might benefit from a Christian faith above his own religion.

BBC: Dr Richard Scott

20. Even non-Christian founders thought religion essential.

FORBES: Separation Of Church And State Limits Neither Churches Nor States

21. The action-packed tale of nonbelievers finding religion is the eighth Christian flick created by Peter Lalonde and his brother Paul .

FORBES: On a script and a prayer

22. Thus, while Christian teaching draws deeply on the mysticism in the religion of Israel, the modern expression of Judaism has been influenced by patterns of thought which come from the secular or post-Christian West.

ECONOMIST: Christians and Jews

23. Only about a third of all Americans say he is a Christian and 43% say they do not know what religion he practises.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

24. Thanks to the dominance of the Christian religion, Sunday, for the most part, remains a day off for school sports.

FORBES: Youth Sports Have Something to Atone For: Playing on Yom Kippur

25. But the Democrat, who is Christian, has made it a point to discuss his religion on the trail this year and launched an ambitious outreach effort targeting these voters, including private summits with pastors and a major campaign aimed at young evangelicals.

CNN: Pastor: Not going to play 'gotcha' with McCain, Obama

26. Ratzinger also argued Muslim Turkey did not belong in Christian Europe and issued a document saying that Catholicism was the only true religion -- questioning the validity of other religions, even Christian ones, even as his Pope John Paul II was trying to reach out to other faiths.

CNN: From police officer's son to pope: The life of Benedict XVI

27. Focusing on early 20th-century Britain, he describes in scholarly detail different strategies for harmonising faith and knowledge: the sought-after alliance between liberal theologians in the Church of England and religious-minded scientists, and the rather different efforts of science-minded writers such as Julian Huxley and George Bernard Shaw to foster a modern, non-Christian religion.

ECONOMIST: Religion and science

28. The Nongkrem dance is hosted by the Syiem of Khyrim, custodian of the original animistic religion in a society that is now mostly Catholic Christian.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | A Royal Tribe Under Threat

29. You see, leaders of the Christian Science movement realized that if they continue to resist vaccines, their very religion is at stake.

FORBES: The Pill, the Pox and the Limits of Religious Freedom

30. Religion is more diverse, unlike in the East, which is almost exclusively Christian Orthodox.

FORBES: Language As A Weapon of Mass Distraction

Christian Religion是什么意思_Christian Religion怎么读_Christian Religion的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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