莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)]play美 [ˈdaɪnəsɔːr]play

  • n. 恐龙;守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西

复数 dinosaurs

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəˌsɔː/

  • 1.
    可数名词 Dinosaurs were large reptiles which lived in prehistoric times. 恐龙
  • 2.
    可数名词 If you refer to an organization as a dinosaur, you mean that it is large, inefficient, and out of date. 庞大、低效且落后的机构表不满

    ...industrial dinosaurs.



1. Dinosaur size 恐龙的体型

2. Dinosaur Provincial Park 省立恐龙公园 ; 艾伯塔省恐龙公园 ; 恐龙省立公园

3. Zigong Dinosaur Museum 自贡恐龙博物馆 ; 带你走进博物馆

4. The Good Dinosaur 恐龙当家 ; 好恐龙 ; 良好的恐龙 ; 美好的恐龙世界

5. Dinosaur Jr 恐龙二世 ; 小恐龙 ; 表演者

6. Dinosaur Discovery Museum 恐龙探索博物馆

7. dinosaur renaissance 恐龙文艺复兴

8. Dinosaur National Monument 恐龙国家保护区 ; 国家恐龙化石保护区 ; 公园 ; 恐龙国家纪念公园

9. feathered dinosaur 有羽毛恐龙


1. The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.


2. For some sauropod dinosaurs, this estimated blood pressure is very high indeed.

对于某些蜥脚类恐龙来说, 测量出来的血压确实是相当高的.《期刊摘选》

3. More dinosaur fossils, including footprints, bones or eggs, could be discovered in the future.


4. Research on the Distribution of Dinosaur Fossils by High Density Resistivity Method


5. Three dinosaurs have already been found on the excavated site.

在发掘地点已发现3只恐龙。《provided by jukuu》

6. But then the dinosaur story is really just beginning for us.


7. With the changes in the world's climate, dinosaurs died, but many smaller animals lived on. It was the survival of the fittest.


8. People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct.


9. Although de Ricqlès urged caution, arguing for an intermediate type of dinosaur physiology, a generation of paleontologists has come to believe that dinosaur bone is mammalian like.

尽管 de Ricqlès 极力主张谨慎对待,主张恐龙生理学的一种中间类型,但这一代古生物学家已经开始相信恐龙骨骼与哺乳动物相似。

10. Greatest Extinction Since the End of the Age of Dinosaurs?


11. Look, there is a group of dinosaurs running.


12. While digging in the Egyptian desert, huge fossil bones have been found by paleontologists, which appears to have been the second most massive dinosaur that ever lived.


13. Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth.


14. The first dinosaur eggs were found in the Gobi.


15. It might explain the scientific discoveries that allowed us the lives of the dinosaurs, for example.


16. Since adult dinosaur fossils have sometimes been discovered near or on top of nests, we've been looking at the dinosaur parenting behavior.


17. Archaeologists at the valley vinales found a large number of dinosaurs, apes, sea turtles fossils.

考古学家在比尼亚莱斯山谷中发现了大量恐龙 、 猿猴 、 海龟化石.《期刊摘选》

18. You can also visit Heyuan Museum, where you can see a number of fossilized dinosaur goodRiver!

你也可以去参观河源博物馆, 在那里你可以看到许多恐龙蛋化石.《期刊摘选》

19. Then a dinosaur appeared.


20. How did the dinosaurs die out?


21. As we've discussed, birds are apparently descendants of dinosaurs and shared many commonalities with some dinosaur species, like feathers and maybe even flight and of course egg laid.


22. Who Named the Dinosaur?


23. Does the dinosaur think that houses are rocks?

恐龙认为房子是石头 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

24. Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.


25. ‘ Dinosaur ’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots.


26. I think dinosaurs and people are the same.


27. Why did scientists want more information about the dinosaur extinctions?


28. Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth.


29. Do you have books about dinosaurs?

你们这儿有关于恐龙的书 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

30. We'll find Mr. Dinosaur.


31. A few astronomers thought they could see even more of a dinosaur-cosmos link, a pattern of mass extinctions occurring like clockwork in the geologic record.


32. Bear bark thickness, Danlian a good time, the next copy of either the dinosaurs, either leopard!

熊皮厚, 单练的时候不错, 下副本要么是恐龙, 要么是豹子!《期刊摘选》

33. The real interest is the early date, showing that we still know very little about the earliest stages of dinosaur and pterosaur evolution.


34. I imagine it was part of a dinosaur.


35. They're a robot, a plane, and a dinosaur.

它们是机器人, 飞机和恐龙.《期刊摘选》

36. The toxins associated with Dinosaur remains are known as fossil fuels in present time.


37. Elias : I lost my pet dinosaur.


38. 'Dinosaur' combines CGI animation with live-action location shots.


39. No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur die out.


40. Danger! Wild dinosaur! Grrr!

危险! 野蛮的恐龙! 啊!《期刊摘选》

41. Paleontologists digging in Oklahoma have uncovered bones from the tallest dinosaur ever.


42. ...industrial dinosaurs.


43. The find helps cement the dinosaur-bird connection, but it also casts new light on the mystery of why nature invented feathers in the first place.


44. Collect dinosaur fossils and skeletons , paleontology, and geology.


45. Many dinosaurs had cancer, researchers have discovered.


46. This question remains unanswered; indeed, taking all the evidence into account, one cannot make a definitive statement about dinosaur physiology on the basis of dinosaur bone.


47. Besides the dinosaur raft, there have been race car a Snoopy raft and a Dumbo raft.

除了恐龙木筏之外, 也有赛车木笩、史奴比木筏及蠢蛋木笩.《期刊摘选》

48. Some scientists contend that many species of dinosaur had a metabolism more like a warm-blooded mammal's than a cold-blooded reptile's.


49. Dinosaurs were able to survive even at high latitudes.


50. Kamen Rider OOO's final form will be based around the Dinosaur Core Medals.

假面骑士 OOO 的最终形态将以恐龙核心勋章为基础。

51. Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass.


52. In the course of millennia, the dinosaurs died out.


53. Those who suspect they were warm-blooded point out that dinosaur bone is generally fibro-lamellar in nature.


54. Q: What makes more noise than a dinosaur?

问: 什么东西的噪音比一只恐龙大?《期刊摘选》

55. Behaving in this selfless and devoted manner, these little creatures have survived on Earth, for more than 140 million years, far longer than dinosaurs.

这些小生物以这种无私奉献的方式在地球上生存了1.4亿多年,比恐龙还长。《高考真题- 2015 安徽 阅读D》

56. The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man.


57. This was the biggest dinosaur in the world.


58. The scientists also plugged the numbers for Apatosaurus, another huge plant-eating dinosaur.


59. Dissatisfaction with conventional explanations for dinosaur extinctions led to a surprising observation that, in turn, has suggested a new hypothesis.


60. Is Mrs. Dinosaur in?

恐龙太太是 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

61. Iguanodon was a plant eater. Other meat eating dinosaurs would kill the Iguanodon to eat it.

禽龙是草食动物. 其它食肉恐龙会捕食禽龙.《期刊摘选》

62. They see different kinds of dinosaur models there.


63. The most popular destination within northeastern Utah is Dinosaur National Monument near Vernal.


64. Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.


65. Fine, no more dinosaur stuff. Can I talk about fossils?

好吧, 我不会再说恐龙的事我能谈谈化石 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

66. A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs.


67. He begins to read. Dinosaurs need the sun to warm them.

他开始读. 恐龙需要阳光去温暖他们.《期刊摘选》

68. Dinosaur fossils have been found in postures that we now believe to indicate brooding behavior, that is, sitting on the eggs until they hatch.


69. As for popular attitudes towards dinosaur, take the Oviraptor for instance.


70. He studies and photographs dinosaur remains in China, Mongolia, Argentina and Africa.

他研究并用照片记录了中国 、 蒙古 、 阿根廷和非洲的恐龙化石.《期刊摘选》

71. This dinosaur is green with darker shades and the egg is blue with purple spots.


72. Greatest Extinction Since the End of the Age Dinosaurs?


73. What's the connection between bird and dinosaur behavior?


74. Nanyang tens of thousands of pieces of dinosaur egg fossil discovery shocked the world.


75. The technology and the die design of cold extruding for the electric hammer drill is described.


76. You can visit the site of dinosaur eggs fossils at Mt . Qinglong in Yunxian County.


77. Also, they were an extremely successful kind of dinosaur.


78. Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in “ Walking With Dinosaurs ”.


79. The web found recently dates to the Cretaceous period . At that time, dinosaurs walked the earth.

最近发现的这张蜘蛛网是白垩纪的, 那时候, 地球上还有恐龙在行走.《期刊摘选》

80. It has been suggested that mammals took over from dinosaurs 65 million years ago.


81. One can readily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event.


82. The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstone.


83. The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstones.


84. Dinosaurs had armour to protect them from attacks.


85. The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs.


86. That question is like a dinosaur.


87. His mother looked over, You really think dinosaurs lived here?

小男孩的妈妈顺着他指的方向望去, “ 你真地以为这儿住过恐龙? ”《期刊摘选》

88. Paleontologists know plenty about the demise of the dinosaurs.


89. Based on compounding cycloid track, a leg mechanism of a bipedal dinosaur was designed.


90. Print is going the way of dinosaurs, many forecast.


91. The cause of dinosaur extinction is still unascertainable today.


92. Taxonomists renamed it Apatosaurus in 1903 when it was discovered that two different names referred to the same dinosaur.

1903年,当发现有两个不同的名字指代这一恐龙时,分类学家们将它重新命名为 Apatosaurus。

93. Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs.


94. The first dinosaur they meet is a friendly wannanosaurus.


95. He assumed the dinosaur was stealing the eggs, so he named it Oviraptor that means egg thief in Latin, which fueled the generally negative public image of such dinosaurs.

他认为这只恐龙是在偷蛋,所以他将其命名为 Oviraptor,在拉丁语中表示“偷蛋贼”,这进一步恶化了这些恐龙在人们心目中的负面形象。

96. These could only have been made after the dinosaur was dead.


97. Temperature, air, disease, and plants are all different today than in the era of dinosaurs.

温度 、 空气 、 疾病和植被与恐龙时代都有很大的不同.《期刊摘选》

98. They say creatures existed for much of the age of the dinosaurs that looked half-bird, half-dinosaur.


99. Are you trying to tell me that David was attacked by a dinosaur?


100. This is a picture of us in China Dinosaur Park.


101. What kind of dinosaurs are we gonna see now?

我们要看那一种恐龙?《provided by jukuu》

102. Because its type of figure, structure and ancient dinosaur near to.

由于它的体型 、 构造和古代恐龙接近.《期刊摘选》

103. Because dinosaurs are extinct the scientists had very little to go on.


104. Even the dinosaurs had a hard time.

即使是恐龙很艰难的时候。《provided by jukuu》

105. They're basically living dinosaurs .

它们基本上是活恐龙。《中考真题- 2018 呼和浩特 阅读B》

106. Over 100 new levels are waiting to be completed by little dinosaur.


107. In the 1920s, a paleontologist discovered the fossil remains of a small dinosaur near a nest containing eggs.



1. There have been many new dinosaur discoveries in China and Mongolia.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

2. The U.S.state of Colorado is an ideal destination for anyone interested in hunting for dinosaur fossils.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

3. These small, color-producing structures formed as the dinosaur was developing.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

4. But it's a very,very rare dinosaur,". Though dinosaur researchers have made giant strides in recent years,they know they have much more to learn.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

5. The dinosaur had a very long tail, up to twice the length of its body.

BBC: News | Sci/Tech | New dinosaur discovered in England

6. Mongolia enacted laws in 1924 criminalizing the exportation of dinosaur fossils from the country.

CNN: U.S. seeks to return Tyrannosaurus skeleton to Mongolia

7. For information on Lago Barreales Paleontological Center and Patagonia's Dinosaur Route, see www.proyectodino.com.ar.

BBC: The dinosaur route of northwest Patagonia

8. But the professor says it is difficult to find enough feathers from a single dinosaur to recreate all its colors.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

9. Matthew Carrano is curator of dinosaur exhibitions at the Smithsonian.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

10. Mr. Horner also made some of the most spectacular dinosaur finds in the Western hemisphere.

WSJ: Dyslexia Workarounds: How Henry Winkler, Gov. Dan Malloy, Delos Cosgrove Got Creative to Get Ahead

11. The Eosinopteryx was a 30cm (11.8in) flightless dinosaur whose remains were found in north-eastern China.

BBC: Eosinopteryx

12. The speed with which we now go from bleeding edge to dinosaur continues to accelerate.

FORBES: New Study Predicts Ten Years of Staggering Change. Will Everything You Know About Marketing Soon Be Worthless?

13. But scientists examining the remains of a dinosaur say they have found evidence it had brightl -colored feathers.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

14. Tadpole Rex, a book about a frog who finds his inner dinosaur, caught Bird's attention.


15. Paleontologists digging in South Africa have uncovered the oldest known dinosaur nesting site.

FORBES: Paleontologists Find Oldest Dinosaur Nesting Site

16. The Colorado center restores about four to five dinosaur specimens every year.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

17. He says young dinosaur fossils are extremely rare, a possible sign that many of them had been eaten by attackers.

VOA : special.2009.09.01

18. They form the centrepiece of a display on mammoths at the Dinosaur Museum in Dorchester.

BBC: Tim Batty, curator of the Dinosaur Museum, with the tusks

19. The Mongolian government recently decided to turn an old Lenin museum into a new dinosaur museum.

NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention

20. Experts are restoring the bones of a 12ft (3.6m) dinosaur unearthed on the Isle of Wight.

BBC: Isle of Wight dinosaur bones being restored

21. Researchers believe they were about ninety percent successful in recreating the appearance of the dinosaur.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

22. We now know more about the diet of this species than any other dinosaur.

BBC: Small dinosaur 'hunted like cat'

23. At the Smithsonian museums, you will find everything from huge dinosaur bones to the Hope diamond, one of the largest in the world.

VOA : special.2010.07.09

24. He had just half a day, so he began right away in the Dinosaur Halls.


25. The small dinosaur is thought to have lived about one hundred twenty-five million years ago.

VOA : special.2009.10.13

26. They determined that seventy-five per cent of the dinosaur was composed of original bone, as advertised.

NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention

27. Chewing takes time and energy which a dinosaur could not waste.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

28. He says the dinosaur would be a beautiful creature if it were still alive.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

29. Scott Sampson says it is one of the last great dinosaur bone-yards in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.10.05

30. Lucrative offers came his way: One novelty manufacturer proposed dinosaur-egg paperweights signed by Andrews.

FORBES: Raider Of the Lost Egg

31. Dinosaur tourism, as yet only a concept in Mongolia, now fell within her jurisdiction.

NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention

32. The dinosaur dwelled in what is now southeast Wyoming, where it was unearthed in 1993.

FORBES: On The Block

33. Pittsburgh even has a well-known dinosaur collection.

VOA : special.2009.07.13

34. fossilized dinosaur bones


35. For more than a hundred years, it was the only specimen ever discovered of this dinosaur.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

36. The fossils are the oldest collection of dinosaur embryos ever found, the researchers said.

WSJ: Dinosaur Embryos Point to Rapid Growth

37. We want to save ourselves from that toothy dinosaur bearing down on our little huts.

FORBES: Good News, Bad News On The Obama 'Conspiracy'

38. Paleontologists at Drexel University are using 3-D printing to turn fossilized bones into dinosaur robots.

FORBES: Scientists Are Building Robot Dinosaurs Out Of 3-D Printed Fossils

39. a flightless dinosaur


40. the dinosaur bones, and the animals and all of these like stuffed, these images behind glass of,

恐龙的骨头,以及这些被做成标本的动物,这些玻璃背后的形象,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 自然历史博物馆

41. They were then able to identify the colors of the dinosaur feathers.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

42. His latest study is this skull bone of ceratosaurus , a large predatory dinosaur.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

43. But that muppet-like dinosaur or blue horse roaming the stands will draw his attention immediately.

FORBES: America's Top Sports Mascots

44. However, the new fossils come from a very different part of the dinosaur family tree.

BBC: Dinosaur feathers 'developed for courtship'

45. He is in the process of starting a company, Dinosaur Robots , to commercialize such robots.

FORBES: Dinosaur Robots For Sale

46. The researchers used the fossils of a dinosaur that lived one hundred twenty-five million years ago.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

47. "It's a meat-eating dinosaur. It would have lived in the Late Jurassic period about a 140,150 million years ago.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

48. In other words, a dinosaur can be easy to kill if you are nimble enough.

FORBES: Azul Systems: How to Take On Oracle

49. and it's got the dinosaur section,

那儿有恐龙区域,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美术馆很多

50. The scientists say this belief is further supported by the fact that past discoveries from dinosaur areas show they contained large numbers of dinosaur eggs.

VOA : special.2009.09.01

51. Increasingly, Florida Fossils got into triple digits, especially when Prokopi started selling dinosaur parts.

NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention

52. The company, sporting a dinosaur logo, sells gasoline through 2, 700 stations in the West and Midwest.

WSJ: Robert Earl Holding, Billionaire Owner of Sinclair Oil, Dies at 86

53. When the dinosaur failed to sell, he turned to auction houses that handled natural-history specimens.

NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention

54. She wants to know the latest dinosaur news.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

55. Now,try to imagine a dinosaur that looked like T.Rex.

VOA : special.2009.10.13

56. After all,they believe that the vast majority of dinosaur specimens have yet to be discovered.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

57. Then they added clay to create a model of the dinosaur.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

58. It struck him when he saw a box of dinosaur chicken nuggets at a grocery store.

WSJ: T. rex not a stand-up guy? Test your dino skills

59. That day, the articulated toe and claw of a Moroccan dinosaur sold for sixty-three hundred dollars.

NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention

60. American and Chinese researchers rebuilt the feathers of a flightless dinosaur called Anchiornis huxleyi.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

61. It was a bunch of bones from a fairly rare dinosaur called a thescelosaurus.


62. Like Wyoming, its neighbor to the north, Colorado has its own facility devoted to restoring dinosaurs to their original form, the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08





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anticipate的意思是:v. 预期,预料;预见(并做准备);期望,盼望;先于……做,早于……行动;提前使用;在期限内履行(义务),偿还(债务)。学考宝为您提供anticipate是什么意思,anticipate的翻译,anticipate的用法,anticipate的短语搭配,anticipate的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。






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