莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [dɪˈlɪbərətli]play美 [dɪˈlɪbərətli]play

  • adv. 故意地;从容不迫地,小心翼翼地

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1. Living Deliberately 故意生活

2. Deliberately engineered pandemic 人为策划的流行病

3. be deliberately mystifying 故弄玄虚 ; 故意施弄狡猾的手段

4. Deliberately taste your food 有意识地品尝你的食物

5. deliberately ad 审慎地 ; 蓄意地 ; 深思熟虑地 ; 故意

6. say deliberately 故意说

7. deliberately dishonest 使用无赖手段

8. deliberately create such problems 节外生枝

9. deliberately plan 处心积虑 ; 英译


1. He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately.


2. They were deliberately misinformed about their rights.


3. You deliberately went in the other direction


4. She was deliberately mismatching articles of clothing.


5. She has been deliberately left off the guest list.


6. Deliberately she shrouded the light in her eyes.


7. Harry wondered if Potts had deliberately sent him on a wild goose chase.


8. He deliberately made things difficult for me.


9. The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators


10. Of course she can do it. She's just being deliberately obstructive.


11. Are you being deliberately obtuse?


12. The government has deliberately frustrated his efforts to gain work permits for his foreign staff.


13. The girl gave the show away deliberately.


14. The letter was deliberately couched in very vague terms.


15. The police deliberately kept a low profile in most places.


16. He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship.


17. A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies.


18. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences.


19. He was accused of being deliberately vague.


20. These movies deliberately set out to shock.


21. A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements.


22. A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements


23. They have been accused of deliberately causing interference to transmissions.


24. You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you I did not.


25. His sister said he had deliberately given the hospital a false name and address.


26. It looks as if the blaze was started deliberately.


27. The wording was deliberately ambiguous.


28. The government chooses deliberately to understate the increase in prices


29. I don't think we do anything deliberately to upset our customers.


30. I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate.


31. He seemed to circumvent the girls deliberately.


32. I was deliberately trying to annoy him.


33. She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament.


34. Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse?


35. Deep breaths can help, as can speaking more slowly and deliberately.


36. They have deliberately locked us out.


37. True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.


38. I intend to use these terms in a deliberately non-specific and all-embracing way.


39. Her account was deliberately ambiguous.


40. He doesn't really mean that ─ he's just being deliberately provocative.


41. She's been deliberately ignoring him all day.


42. The government chooses deliberately to understate the increase in prices.


43. She had deliberately shifted our relations.


44. He spoke slowly and deliberately.


45. With almost evangelical fervour, Marks warns against deliberately seeking a tan.


46. You're deliberately unconventional. Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your non-conformity


47. She has been deliberately left off the guest list


48. He had deliberately misdirected the reporters.


49. She was working deliberately.


50. The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house.


51. Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse ?


52. He has deliberately deceived us.


53. The programme was deliberately slanted to make the home team look good.


54. The speech was deliberately designed to embarrass the prime minister.


55. The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President.


56. My ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children.


57. He doesn't really mean that—he's just being deliberately provocative.


58. You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not.


59. You deliberately went in the other direction.


60. I was deliberately trying to annoy him.; I got him angry on purpose.


61. They are deliberately flouting the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.


62. His other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose.

他的另一条手臂横放在胸前, 很不自然, 看上去好像是故意地 、 有所企图地放在那儿一样.《期刊摘选》

63. He breathed in the water deeply, deliberately, after the manner of a man taking an anaesthetic.

他故意地吸着海水, 以一个瘾君子吸大麻的方式深深地吸着.《期刊摘选》

64. I firmly believe our strategy is being deliberately, cynically manipulated.


65. You're deliberately unconventional. Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your nonconformity.


66. The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house


67. The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press.


68. She was, quite deliberately, making him feel unwelcome.



1. The statement describes the South's alleged actions as "premeditated moves to deliberately escalate tension in the waters."

VOA : standard.2009.10.15

2. The slave trade revolving around tobacco or cotton or coffee or sugar would tend to mix slaves and laborers from different language backgrounds, in part deliberately, so as to avoid the possibility of revolt.

为了获得烟草,棉花,咖啡,或糖块的奴隶交易,会将来自不同语言背景的奴隶,和劳动者们混在一起,这也在某种程度上,谨慎地避免了可能的造反心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Monletsgolia are one of 340 teams taking part in the deliberately eccentric Mongol Rally.

BBC: Customs row puts charity fire engine into reverse

4. She was deliberately mismatching articles of clothing.


5. I mean, it's a pity we can't kill people in experiments deliberately anymore, because we need to see how this works, but I can't do it.

我的意思是,很可惜我们不能在试验中故意杀人,只为了搞清其中的原理,我们不能那么做古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Now this is what Derrida is deliberately struggling with in this first paragraph: an "event" , if this loaded word did not entail a meaning thought to reduce or to suspect.

这就是德里达,在第一段着力解决的问题:,一个事件,加引号的,…,如果这个词的意思没有,减少或怀疑的意图。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. They accuse the Tamil Tiger rebels of deliberately firing on civilians and blaming the military.

VOA : standard.2009.05.11

8. He points out that Facebook uses a deliberately broad definition to come up with that number.

FORBES: All Social Media Companies are Addicted to Fudging their User Numbers

9. If I do this, which is kind of a mistake we made last time, if deliberately.

如果我故意这样做,这有点像,上次我们犯的一个错误。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

10. these are at least among the questions that Socrates or Plato, the author of the book, deliberately poses for us to consider.

就是这些问题,这些至少就是苏格拉底或柏拉图,本书作者,所特意提出让我们思考的问题。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Alwani, a Sunni, thinks the Shiite-led government is deliberately shafting Fallujah for sectarian reasons.

NPR: Long-Awaited Fallujah Rebuilding Shows Promise

12. It also accuses the defeated rebels of deliberately firing upon or using as human shields terrified civilians who tried to flee the fighting during the government's final offensive.

VOA : standard.2009.11.09

13. He's taken it from somebody else, ; and in doing so I think he's doing this deliberately; he's exposing some of the darker ironies behind his own literary ambition.

但他从别人那里借用了这个说法,他的做法让我认为他是故意这么做的;,他这是在他自己自由意志的背后,表现一些尖刻的讽刺。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Now I use the word "evolve" deliberately.

我特别提到了进化这个词。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Every tiny mistake led to him asking if I was deliberately trying to get fired.

FORBES: How I Walked Out On My Job And Why I Don't Regret It

16. It called the property Firebag East, deliberately aping Suncor Energy's well-known Firebag project, 30 miles away.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. Moving from within a 6, 000 year history China moves far more deliberately than the impetuous West.

FORBES: To The Shores Of Tripoli: Empires Fell; Dictators Arose; Republicanism Prevails

18. Even for these new, deliberately small sites, a paucity of deals is a red flag, however.

FORBES: Groupon Said To Spawn More Than 180 Clones In U.S. Already

19. If somebody does plagiarise or deliberately try to mislead they will be treated very seriously.

BBC: Medical students 'under pressure to cheat'

20. They are the ones who think we should be investigated." The Goldstone Report accuses Israel of deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians and using excessive force in heavily-populated areas.

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

21. Some North Korea analysts in Seoul suspect the North deliberately released the water to cause damage in the South.

VOA : standard.2009.09.09

22. For Mr. Bolle, Beliaev is a challenge because he does not disrupt the peace deliberately.

WSJ: Drama Seizes the Stage, Without a Word

23. Perhaps deliberately, perhaps as a side effect of the high interest rates required to extinguish inflation.

FORBES: Margaret Thatcher Did Not Devastate Or Destroy British Industry.

24. It's not that the evil scientist is just deliberately deceiving you so as to conduct his nefarious experiments.

没有邪恶的科学家,在故意欺骗你,好进行他的邪恶实验。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. He also accidentally (read: deliberately) tipped a tray of drinks over Fernandes during the flight.

CNN: Richard Branson does drag after losing bet

26. "As is often the case, some of the international press either misunderstood or deliberately misconstrued what was a civilian and military response both of them necessary to be able to deliver aid to the Haitians who desperately needed it,".

VOA : standard.2010.01.26

27. Now we will never know, and don't let anyone ever suggest to you that you will ever know, what Milton could possibly mean by this deliberately perplexing image of the two-handed engine at the door.

我们永远不会知道,弥尔顿在这句描写门边的双手引擎的,刻意的意象叠加里想要表达什么。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. As we'll see, some of the later arguments seem to be deliberately aimed at answering objections that we can raise to some of the earlier arguments.

因为我们将看到,一些后期的观点似乎是专门用来,回答那些反驳,尤其是针对我们之前讲的那些观点的意见死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. 0 >> David: Yeah, so I very deliberately changed this 9 to a 9.0 so that my math would actually be floating point math involving real numbers and not just integers.

>,大卫:是的,我故意地把9改成9,那样我的数学实际上就是浮点数的了,包括实数,不只是整数。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

30. Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona says that the Tamil Tigers are deliberately not allowing civilians to leave the war zone and are using them as a buffer against attacks by the military.

VOA : standard.2009.03.17

31. McCrum shows how disgruntled North American subjects of British rule deliberately forged a distinctively American English.

NEWYORKER: Globish For Beginners

32. These are lousy. Deliberately. OK?

这很令人烦躁,故意的对不对?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. Interviewed on the BBC, Mr.Major refused to be drawn on whether he thought that Mr.Blair deliberately misled the country when he took Britain to war.

VOA : standard.2010.01.02

34. "This is the usual lie, deliberately fabricated by this terrorist group."

VOA : standard.2009.11.16

35. And very deliberately has that memory been laid out as such.

谨慎地,内存被这样陈列出来。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

36. Mysteriously, the pillars appear to have been buried, deliberately and all at once, around 8200 B.

NEWYORKER: The Sanctuary

37. Some Pakistani politicians, however, accuse the U.S. of using drones to deliberately wreck such agreements.

WSJ: Pakistani Taliban Call Off Peace Talks

38. In those periods it was deliberately investing in the future at the expense of current profits.

FORBES: Analytic myopia

39. "And so therefore we have taken a deliberately hardline approach to this regime because we do not want this coup culture to spread elsewhere in the Pacific."

VOA : standard.2009.11.04

40. It says some of these groups are deliberately spreading misinformation.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

41. Brazilian Piquet was asked to deliberately crash to help team-mate Fernando Alonso to win the race.

BBC: Briatore attempts to overturn lifetime F1 ban

42. Some fires are thought to have been started deliberately with children currently on the Easter holiday.

BBC: Grass fire threat to overhead wires near Pontycymer

43. 's iPhone, for example, include the HiPhone, the SciPhone and the deliberately misspelled citrus-themed iOrgane.

WSJ: Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Rebellion in China

44. The plaintiffs, who worked as Audit Associates, alleged that they were deliberately denied overtime wages.

FORBES: Federal Court Orders KPMG To Preserve 2,500 Hard Drives

45. Keynes deliberately misrepresented the views of his opponents.


46. The town of Marysville, which was almost obliterated in the disaster, remains a crime scene as investigators search the charred debris of buildings for more victims of a fire that was thought to have been started deliberately.

VOA : standard.2009.03.14

47. He goes as far as to say that the Journal is deliberately misleading investors.

FORBES: What Problems? Bank Of America Is Fine, Bove Says

48. When we live with greater attention and presence we act more deliberately, prudently, and effectively.

FORBES: How To Focus In A World Of Multitasking Distraction

49. He sets out to give a deliberately and thoroughly materialistic and non-teleological physics of human nature.

他阐明了一种,谨慎而彻底的唯物主义的,非目的论的人性的物理。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. First, we deliberately have people from radically different backgrounds on our modeling team.

FORBES: Art and Science, Intertwined

51. Depending on how your partner treated you before, you could either be courteous or deliberately mean.

FORBES: 3 Bad Team-Building Exercises For Businesses

52. So here I've hardcoded the word true which is actually deliberately inducing what we called what last week.

所以在这里我们可以把条件写死,也就是我们上周提到过的,故意让循环条件,一直为真。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

53. Halfway down this block, he reappears at the other end, coming deliberately toward me.

ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: When tech can't save us from road rage

54. It was suggested the vice-captain deliberately played badly for financial gain in Saturday's defeat by Pakistan.

BBC: Cricket World Cup: Network apologises to Jayawardene

55. I get fire insurance on my house and so I behave badly: I deliberately burn the house down to collect on my insurance.

我为我的房子投了火险,于是我就:,我故意烧毁房屋,以便领走保险金。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. He writes deliberately titillating lyrics.


57. Others have noted well the paper's falling circulation and wondered aloud whether it is being deliberately provocative.

BBC: Mugshots and making headlines

58. When paying a vendor, Tim would deliberately mar the routing strip on his check.

FORBES: "The Internet doesn't know borders"

59. No,no,we deliberately coordinated with one another so as to together produce this music.

不,我们是有意合作一起演奏这音乐的。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. And recently, a different group of extremists deliberately provoked a terrible conflict in Lebanon.

NPR: Bush, Ahmadinejad Air Competing Views at U.N.

61. Christopher's answer was deliberately vague.


62. The Constitution deliberately was written to be a firewall to prevent power grabs just like this.

FORBES: The Supreme Court: Obamacare's Death Panel?

63. Mourdoukoutas is quite shameless to deliberately mislead readers by misquoting what Xinhua actually said.

FORBES: If America's Good Days Are Over, So Are China's

64. The fire was started deliberately.


65. Rather than discuss how to better stop terrorist groups who deliberately target civilians, this body launches yet another campaign against the victims of terrorism the people of Israel,"

VOA : standard.2009.11.04





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bootlegging的意思是:n. 穿靴筒;非法制造私酒 v. 非法制造;秘密得到(bootleg 的 ing 形式)。学考宝为您提供bootlegging是什么意思,bootlegging的翻译,bootlegging的用法,bootlegging的短语搭配,bootlegging的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


boot的意思是:n. 靴子;猛踢;(汽车的)行李箱,后备箱;车轮固定夹;解雇;再者,除此之外(to boot) v. 猛踢;锁住(非法停车的轮子);启动(电脑);在车轮上装制动装置;解雇;(使)穿靴 【名】 (Boot)(英、美、荷、加、德、意、俄)布特(人名)。学考宝为您提供boot是什么意思,boot的翻译,boot的用法,boot的短语搭配,boot的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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bone的意思是:n. 骨,骨头;骨质;基本结构,基本(bones) v. 挑刺,剔骨头;施骨肥于;(与某人)性交;(为应付考试)临时突击 adv. 非常,完全地 【名】 (Bone)(英)博恩,(法、西、罗、塞)博内,(老)奔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bone是什么意思,bone的翻译,bone的用法,bone的短语搭配,bone的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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petrol engine的意思是:汽油发动机:一种使用汽油作为燃料的内燃机,通过燃烧汽油产生动力来驱动车辆或机械设备。。学考宝为您提供petrol engine是什么意思,petrol engine的翻译,petrol engine的用法,petrol engine的短语搭配,petrol engine的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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diesel engines的意思是:n. 柴油机;内燃机。diesel engine的复数。学考宝为您提供diesel engines是什么意思,diesel engines的音标,diesel engines怎么读,diesel engines的翻译,diesel engines的用法,diesel engines的短语搭配,diesel engines的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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bond的意思是:n. 纽带,联系;公债,债券;结合,黏合;承诺,契约;枷锁,桎梏 v. (使)建立亲密关系;与……黏合(或连接) 【名】 (Bond)(英、德、西、瑞典)邦德(人名)。学考宝为您提供bond是什么意思,bond的翻译,bond的用法,bond的短语搭配,bond的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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