莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈpaʊə(r)]play美 [ˈpaʊər]play

  • n. 控制力,操控力;政权,统治;权力,职权;强国,大国;有影响力的人(或组织);能力,本领;支配力,实力;(某事物或社会集团的)影响力,势力;力量,体能;能量,电力;动力,功率;幂,乘方,指数;放大率;神灵,神力;(基督教)掌权天使(powers);(旨在提升某群体地位的)权力运动
  • v. 驱动,推动(机器或车辆);(使)迅猛移动,快速前进;猛力踢(或推、顶)(尤指球)
  • adj. 电力的,电动的;强大的;有重要人士参与的;(服装)礼服的,显示权势的

复数 powers 第三人称单数 powers 现在分词 powering 过去式 powered 过去分词 powered

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


power /ˈpaʊə/ CET4 TEM4 [ powering powered powers ]

  • 1.
    不可数名词 If someone has power, they have a lot of control over people and activities. 权力

    In a democracy, power must be divided.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Your power to do something is your ability to do it. 能力

    Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them.



    Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 If it is in or within your power to do something, you are able to do it or you have the resources to deal with it. 能力范围

    Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 If someone in authority has the power to do something, they have the legal right to do it. (法律赋予的) 权力

    The police have the power of arrest.


  • 5.
    不可数名词 If people take power or come to power, they take charge of a country's affairs. If a group of people are in power, they are in charge of a country's affairs. 政权

    Idi Amin came into power several years later.



    He first assumed power in 1970.


  • 6.
    可数名词 You can use power to refer to a country that is very rich or important, or has strong military forces. 强国

    ....the emergence of the new major economic power, Japan.


  • 7.
    不可数名词 The power of something is the ability that it has to move or affect things. 动力

    The vehicle had better power, better tyres, and better brakes.


  • 8.
    不可数名词 Power is energy, especially electricity, that is obtained in large quantities from a fuel source and used to operate lights, heating, and machinery. (尤指电) 能量

    Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.



    Power has been restored to most parts that were hit last night by high winds.


  • 9.
    及物动词 The device or fuel that powers a machine provides the energy that the machine needs in order to work. 为…提供动力

    The "flywheel" battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge.


  • 10.
    形容词 Power tools are operated by electricity. 电动的

    ...large power tools, such as chainsaws.






energy force power strength 【导航词义:能量,力量】

energy n. 能源,能量;精力

〔辨析〕 物理学中指能量、能源,用于人时则指体力和精力。

例1: Potential energy can be used to do work.


例2: We should devote our energy to the career.


force n. 力,力量

〔辨析〕 通常指外力,如物体相撞时产生的力量。

例1: The force of her fall was broken by the straw mats.


例2: The torrents of water rushed ahead with a terrifying force.


power n. 力,力量

〔辨析〕 普通用词,泛指一切力量、能力等。

例1: Adults know the power of love.


例2: The propelling power of trains is usually made of steam or electricity.


strength n. 力气,力量

〔辨析〕 通常指体力或人、事物等拥有的实力。

例1: He had hardly enough strength left to move his feet.


例2: Our national strength has increased since 1982.



1. Power Management 能源管理 ; 电 功率管理 ; 电源办理

2. rated power 电 额定功率 ; 功率 ; 感应距离 ; 额定输出

3. power system 电网,电力系统;动力系统

4. high power 大功率;高倍

5. Input Power 电 输入功率 ; 输入电源 ; 电源输入 ; 电压输入

6. in power adj. 执政的;掌权的;当权的

7. power grid 电力网;强信号栅极

8. power consumption 能量功耗

9. power set 数 幂集 ; 势集 ; 布尔值

10. power cord 电 电源线 ; 电源软线 ; 带线插头 ; 输电线

11. Power Forward 大前锋 ; 大先锋 ; 我国常称之为二中锋

12. power plant 发电厂;动力装置

13. power supply 电源;电源供应器

14. competitive power 竞争能力

15. great power n. 强国

16. purchasing power 经 购买力 ; 购买权 ; 购买能力 ; 采办力

17. power industry 电力工业

18. power factor 功率因数;功率系数

19. electric power 电力;电功率

20. wind power 风力,风能

21. power station 发电站;发电厂

22. thermal power 火力;火力发电;热功率;热电站

23. power source 电源,能源

24. reactive power [化]无功功率

25. nuclear power 核能;核动力

26. low power 低功率,小功率

27. power generation 发电,发电量;发电机设备




divine power 神力

political power 政治权力

real power 真正的权力(或能力)

tremendous power 巨大的权力;极强的能力;极好的性能

absolute power 绝对权力

power hungry 渴望权力

economic power 经济权力;经济强国

military power 军事权力;军事强国

electric(al) power 电能

nuclear power 核能

solar power 太阳能


exercise power 行使权力(或职权)

wield power 使用权力(或职权)

come into power 上台(执政)

hold power 掌权

maintain power 保有政权

remain in power 仍然掌权

restore to power 重新掌权

rise to power 当权

seize power 夺取政权

share power 分掌权力

take power 执政

transfer power 移交政权


1. A single red LED shows that the power is switched on.


2. A : China will finally become a super power in my opinion. What do you say?

依我看中国最终会成为一个超级大国. 你看 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

3. Because the system is left fully running, power consumption is commensurate with system usage.

因为系统仍在全速运转, 电源消耗量依赖于系统的需求.《期刊摘选》

4. By the time a problem has been addressed and remedied it may have vanished in the marketplace, to be replaced by new abuses of power.

当一个问题得到解决和补救时,他可能已经不复存在于市场上,且已经被新的权力滥用所取代。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

5. Super powers plundered all kinds of commodities at low prices from a satellite country.


6. Nowadays, the industrial clusters have become an important driving power in national and regional economic development.

当前, 产业集群已经成为国家和区域经济发展的重要驱动力量.《期刊摘选》

7. To relinquish ( power or responsibility ) formally.

正式放弃正式放弃 ( 权力或责任 )《期刊摘选》

8. The arms race between the two great powers can lead to Armageddon.


9. More than 57 spectral lines have a power above 0.5 W at a single line.


10. Knives and scissors made By Zhang Xiaoquan stand wear and tear.


11. The machine is worked by wind power.


12. ...the emergence of the new major economic power, Japan.


13. The world is garden fast food restaurant, have the enough power, at 3 years.

全球花园快餐馆, 有足够力量, 在第3年.《期刊摘选》

14. Without external power source, Internal battery can ensure the time displays normally.

内置后配电池,保证无外接电源时, 时间可常运转.《期刊摘选》

15. Power plant is a power of 140 hp piston engine.


16. High efficiency, low costs: Power consumption of pool heat pump just spends on compressor and fan.

高效率, 花费低: 泳池热泵的电耗仅用于驱动压缩机和风扇电机的运转.《期刊摘选》

17. Inimitable ATC and APC circuit to ensure the stability of output power.


18. Increasing problems of all kinds with fossil fuel power plants turning power and utility companiesmoreandmore tOtheuseOfnuclearpoweredelectricgeneratingplants.


19. Used to test linear velocity and speed of all kinds of machine and power units.


20. Annie: What are the great powers at present?

安妮: 目前的强国有那些?《期刊摘选》

21. More power and higher speed result in this way.


22. Spain used to be a major colonial power.


23. Taylor is expected to step down Monday and hand over power to Vice President Moses Blah.


24. The stability of level country, it is the base with national stable political power.

基层农村的稳定, 是国家政权稳定的基础.《期刊摘选》

25. A power failure plunged everything into darkness.


26. It has formed a club of central Asian powers to deal with security threats.


27. The durable prime minister's greatest talent was his hold on power.


28. Sceptres are carried by kings as a sign of power.


29. Power steering system for Cherokee Jeep consists of a steering vane pump and power steering gear.


30. The grinder was powered by a windmill.


31. Except the power device, we design most of other blocks in minimum scale.

除了功率器件外, 其他的工作模块我们一般都采用最小尺寸设计.《期刊摘选》

32. France was once a colonial power.


33. 4 to the power of 3 is 4 ³.


34. He has the power to make things very unpleasant for us.


35. According the Marxist theory of the state the army is the chief component of state power.


36. Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.


37. The powers of the courts are defined by law.


38. Pairs of hydraulic power wrench device and function console.


39. engine power


40. All power in China belongs to the people.

中国的一切权力属于人民.《汉英非文学 - 白皮书》

41. Any number to the power of nought is equal to one.


42. What's your point of view on nuclear power?


43. This New Nationalism regards the executive power as the steward of the public welfare.


44. Silent designing: built in high power cooling fan with tranquil motor, running noiseless.

独特超静音设计: 特殊冷却风扇马达设计, 运转安静无噪音.《期刊摘选》

45. Power nuclear reactor: the primary purpose of this reactor is producing power.

二动力用核子反应器: 以产生动力为主要目的而设计或运转之反应器.《期刊摘选》

46. Are you a member of a conspiracy controlled by a foreign power?

你是一个外国力量控制的阴谋集团的成员 么 ?《期刊摘选》

47. Because speechmaking is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ethical responsibilities.

因为演讲是力量的一种表现形态, 它承载着很重的道德责任.《期刊摘选》

48. We will not be able to project our power around the world.


49. Russia Puts Off Nuclear Power Plant Operation in Iran.


50. Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people...


51. We respect knowledge and personality cry up collective power, solidarity and cooperation all the more.

我们尊重知识、尊重个性,更推崇集体力量 、 团结协作.《期刊摘选》

52. Efficiency and power factor are two important parameter in electrical and electronic engineering.


53. Real power belongs to the few.


54. They're going to build on the site of the old power station.


55. When we are publicized as the next super power, we were called a threat.

当我们被宣传为下一个超级大国时, 我们又被当作“威胁”.《期刊摘选》

56. The power output is now sufficient for operation of hyperspace fold system.


57. He first assumed power in 1970.


58. Is America going to decline like other great powers ( nations ) in history?

美国是否会如同历史上其他强国一样走向 衰亡?《期刊摘选》

59. Speed, power and strike, this is ice hockey!

速度 、 力量、撞击, 这就是冰球!《期刊摘选》

60. 3 raised to the power of 3 is 27.


61. The kingdom's power declined.


62. In the days when gunboat diplomacy was tool of world powers ( Christian Science Monitor ).

在那些世界强国喜欢进行炮舰外交的时期 ( 基督教科学箴言报 ).《期刊摘选》

63. Without conscious decision all of her powers instantly concentrated on the possibility of escape.


64. They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.


65. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.


66. It also could clog railway lines and ports and trigger brown - outs as overloaded power grids collapse.


67. Political power depends upon economic strength.


68. She felt she was in a position of power.


69. Highway administration is the representation and extension of the power of the government.


70. Procuratorate ofright to exercise legal supervision of the principal determines the power of legal supervision.


71. Is the UN a tool of the big powers?

联合国是大国的工具 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

72. ...large power tools, such as chainsaws.


73. The division and confrontation between individual right and state's power is the very core of liberalism.


74. Using high power CO 2 laser a Ni - Cr - Al plasma coating on aluminum alloy surface a cladding layer.


75. The Oracle : What do all men with power want? More power.

圣谕师? 有权力的人想要什麽? 更多权力.《期刊摘选》

76. The system that consumes electronic area nowadays designs personnel take power problem seriously more and more.


77. It can reduce the power of driving mechanism effectively and make antenna rotate more steadily.


78. The powers that be, in this case the independent Television Association, banned the advertisement altogether...


79. The powers of the police must be clearly defined.


80. Advantages: Healing powers, extra damage vs Undead.

优点: 治疗力量, 对不死系的额外伤害.《期刊摘选》

81. His time was coming, he would move in the constellations of power.

他时来运转, 要进入权力中心了.《教父部分》

82. The party came to power at the last election.


83. You appreciate creativity and imagination that has the power to inspire , uplift, or amaze.

你欣赏具有精神鼓舞 、 提升力量的或让人惊奇的创造性和想象力.《期刊摘选》

84. Power space as an efficient power carrier is also a concentrated hot spot.


85. Liberia's President Charles Taylor says he will hand over power by August 11 th.


86. The small country allied itself to / with the stronger power.



毛细管力是油(气)初次运移的动力 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

88. They had pushed the agency to designate the bird as endangered, a status that gives federal officials greater regulatory power to crack down on threats .

他们曾敦促该机构将这一鸟类认定为“濒危物种”,这一定位会就打击威胁因 素给予联邦官员更大的监管权力。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

89. These teams are gaining more power to run their own affairs.

这些团队正获得越来越大的权力处理自身事务。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

90. Past crises, Mr James argues, show that this ferment can lead to changes in political power.

詹姆斯先生认为, 过去的危机显示,这种动乱可以导致政权的改变.《期刊摘选》

91. He emanates power and confidence.


92. Speciaty : Sole mini housing design , full power , high luminance , smooth lighting, save over 75 %, long lifetime.

特点: 独家小巧塑件设计, 功率足、亮度高 、 光色柔和, 节能达75%以上, 寿命更长.《期刊摘选》

93. Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.


94. It was time to hand over the reins of power.


95. We resolutely oppose great power chauvinism.


96. The president has the power of veto over all new legislation.


97. He reached the apex of power in the early 1930 s.


98. AIP ( Air Independent Propulsion System ) system provides effective solutions for power system of conventional submarine.

不依赖空气的推进系统,即AIP ( AirIndependentPropulsionSystem ) 系统的出现为常规潜艇的动力系统提供了有效的解决方案.《期刊摘选》

99. Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

权力往往导致腐败; 绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败.《期刊摘选》

100. Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to chang the course of world history.


101. A emperor should never loosen the grasp of power.


102. Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it...


103. He also accused Western powers of stealing what he called Muslim oil.


104. Great art has the power to change lives.


105. Power is fed into the electricity line through an underground cable.


106. The SP Security Police, have almost unlimited power.

至于SP( 锦衣卫), 几乎把持着无限的权力.《期刊摘选》

107. The new power station has already come into operation.


108. Oil filled bushing should have plugs for test of power factor.


109. A scepter is the attribute of power.


110. A local authority derives its powers from statutory authority.


111. Contemporary Graphic Design is absolutely essential to anyone interested in the power of images.


112. The military lasted ( last ) sea's ( seized ) power in 1991.


113. The president sometimes has more power than the prime minister.


114. Michael's entry into Constantinople in 1261 marked the restoration of the empire as a major power.


115. He was corrupted by power and ambition.


116. The police have the power of arrest...


117. It is stuck because the euro zone’s dominant powers, France and Germany, agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone, but disagree about what to harmonies.

之所以陷入僵局,是因为在欧元区占主导地位的两个大国(法国和德国)虽然都认可有必要在欧元区内视线更大程度的一体化,但是关于如何进行一体化,两国的观点却存在分歧。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

118. Power has been restored to most parts that were hit last night by high winds...


119. After the seizure of power in 1917 it became imbued with the tradition of Russian autocracy.


120. It'should have capacity and will, and also be accepted by global powers and regional members.

成功的领导国家应该是有实力、有意愿, 而且能够为世界大国以及地区内国家所能接受的国家.《期刊摘选》

121. He had lost the power of speech.


122. China will not attach itself to any big power.


123. The government was determined to break the power of the trade unions.


124. The power will turn into disaster without restriction, just like the fire outside the stove.


125. We have to fight to wrest power from our rulers.


126. When more power is needed, the auxiliary motor cuts in.

需要更多的动力时, 辅助电动机便自动开始运转.《期刊摘选》

127. In traditional economy, people are graded to the amount of information, capital and power they possess.

传统经济中人们根据信息 、 资本和权力的多少划分成了等级.《期刊摘选》

128. Nothing would satisfy her greed for power.


129. Products: Low ohmic precision and power resistors, SMD and conventional technology.

产品包括: 低阻值精密电阻和功率电阻, SMD及传统技术产品.《期刊摘选》

130. Oil refrigeration power required ( approx. )

油冷却功率 ( 大约 )《期刊摘选》

131. Essentially, the United States was great sea power, he said, linking the two world oceans.

他说, 美国实质上是一个连接两个世界大洋的海上强国.《辞典例句》

132. It is not within my power to help you.


133. Delegates favour reforms that conform to national interests and promote national power.


134. Where love rules , there is will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking.

在爱统辖的领域, 不会有权力的要求; 在权力支配的领域, 不会有爱.《期刊摘选》

135. The nation declined as a world power.


136. Australia is a major energy power, coal and uranium ore is rich in resources.

澳大利亚是能源大国, 煤炭和铀矿资源丰富.《期刊摘选》

137. Small wonder that an Indian legend described Devils Tower as being formed by supernatural powers.

怪不得有印第安传说认为恶魔塔是借由超自然的力量形成的。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

138. Power can be intoxicating.


139. First, the major powers does not mean that power the Internet.

第一, 互联网大国不等于互联网强国.《期刊摘选》

140. In 1922, Mussolini coup to seize power in Italy to establish the world's first fascist dictatorship.

1922年, 墨索里尼发动政变,夺取政权,在意大利建立了世界上第一个法西斯专政.《期刊摘选》

141. The clumisiness of power spoils the key and uses the pickaxe.


142. I astonished by the great power a novel could contain.


143. The interaction between real and reactive powers is considered directly in MVA loss and flow components.


144. Mould chilling power required ( approx )

模具冷却功率 ( 大约 )《期刊摘选》

145. He ruled with absolute power.


146. The new device can generate more power to accelerate the speed of the train.


147. South Africa is energy and economy big country with rapid development of electic power.


148. While poor countries removed subsidies, industrialized powers maintained high subsidies.

当穷国去除补贴时, 已工业国大国仍维持高额补贴.《期刊摘选》

149. He first assumed power in 1970...


150. air/sea power (= military strength in the air/at sea)

空中 / 海上军事力量《牛津词典》

151. Her power over me is finished.


152. Yet the leaders of the region's main powers have stayed silent about these abuses.


153. Every employee has five sources of power to draw from.


154. There you are — like a knife through butter,'said the demonstrator as the powered shovel swung back with its load.

当动力铲带着铲起的东西转回来时,示范的人说, “ 你瞧是不是,多么容易. ”《简明英汉词典》

155. This makes we cannot hold upbeat mood to move of power of agricultural surplus labor.


156. They seized the power in a revolt.


157. This conference prepared the way for the establishment of the soviet power in Kiangsi.


158. He rose to power through cunning and deceipt.


159. System level power consumption is essential design consideration for current mobile devices.


160. Spain at this time was the world's first super power.


161. I have the power to ruin your life.


162. Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.


163. ASME Code Section I RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER BOILERS 1998 Edition has been implemented.


164. The coal is a good power fuel which is suitable for thermal power generation.


165. The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. ( Burke Edmund, British statesman )

权力越大, 滥用职权的危险就越大. ( 英国政治家埃德蒙 )《期刊摘选》

166. The transistor pulse generator power supply is now commonly employed as a UEDM power supplier.


167. The forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match

“ 自私和贪嗜权力的势力遇到了劲敌 ”《演讲部分》

168. Curing light power regulation with the operated for, the higher the speed, power side.

固化灯的功率可以随运转调量, 运转速率越矮, 水银灯的功率越不小.《期刊摘选》

169. The depth and width of quenching layer increases with the laser power increasing.


170. Cuba is a top Pan American power and has developed numerous world wrestling champions.


171. It is within my power.


172. The planes are powered by Rolls Royce engines.


173. And yet, John Hagel, author of The Power of Pull and other books, says Brynjolfsson and McAfee miss the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable to technology in the first place.

然而,著有《拉动力》以及其他著作的作者约翰·哈格尔认为布伦乔尔森与迈克菲二人忽视了这些工作会如此轻而易举地被技术所取代的根本原因。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

174. In previous eras rise and fall of great powers has almost always been accompanied by war.


175. They are hoping to return to power.


176. The electricity line is fed with power through an underground cable.


177. The powers that be may keep us from building a house just where we want to.


178. The social policy trend is linked to a revival of central government power.


179. The Church has no temporal power in the modern state.


180. Language structure is a prevalent dominating power. Discourse is the product of power.

语言结构是一种普遍化的支配力量, 话语即权力的产物.《期刊摘选》

181. It also raised uncomfortable questions about power and accountability.


182. Certain souls bemused with their own power and began to experiment with it.


183. In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance.


184. She knew the limits of her power.


185. That was how a small nation won the victory over a big power.


186. To strengthen practically supervision and restriction the administrative power in the high school.


187. The drug may affect your powers of concentration.


188. We can use the principle of virtual power to establish consistent boundary conditions.


189. The three powers combined to prevent Japan from reaping any fruits from the Chinese war.

这三个强国共同阻止日本从对华战争中获得好处.《英汉非文学 - 历史》

190. Motive power is, in quantity, invariable in nature, it is never either produced or destroyed.

原动力在数量上实质是不变的, 它绝不会产生也不会消失.《辞典例句》

191. Finally, be strong in the Lord in his mighty power.

最后的话, 你们要在主里、靠他力量的权能作刚强的人.《期刊摘选》

192. China wants to show that it has emerged as an independent space power.


193. In executing his functions he is not bound by any legal curbs on his power.


194. Idi Amin came into power several years later.


195. When women do break through to the summit of corporate power—as, for example, Sheryl Sandberg recently did at Facebook—they attract massive attention precisely because they remain the exception to the rule.

当女性确实打入公司权力高层时——例如,就像雪莉•桑德伯格最近在脸谱所做的那样——她们会备受瞩目,而这恰恰是因为她们仍然属于规则中的例外。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

196. New media provided mighty power for the rapid dilate of dimensions of Chinese medium industry.


197. He thirsted for power, which resulted in disgrace and fun upon him.


198. Perseverance gives power to weakness and opens to poverty the world's wealth.


199. Asia's main powers are building up their navies.


200. The United Kingdom devolves political power in Northern Ireland to the Northern Ireland Executive.


201. Yuan Shikai forced emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.


202. She interviewed six women who have reached positions of great power and influence...


203. Inflation is nibbling away at spending power.


204. Consequently a light total mass a small driving power a simple structure and a reliable operation.


205. Nonetheless, that was not how the other princes and states viewed mighty agglomeration of Habsburg power.

尽管如此, 其他王公和国家并不这样看待哈布斯堡政权的大规模兼并.《期刊摘选》

206. The company is a leading professionalized power semiconductor parts enterprise.


207. The power curve in a stirred tank simulated by means of computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) techniques.


208. However, the development strategy of space powers also differ.

但是, 航天大国的发展战略又各不相同.《期刊摘选》

209. In a democracy, power must be divided.


210. All past oligarchies have fallen from power either because they ossified or because they grew soft.


211. All these result in the uncontrollable state of abuse of power.


212. The government was returned to power with a thumping majority.


213. Although it is not in his power to do so, he said he would rebuild the Air Base...


214. Of all the major powers, the U.S. has the most experience in guerrilla warfare.

在所有的强国之中, 美国对游击战最富经验.《期刊摘选》

215. India has a sense of itself as a rising power.


216. If only tentatively so far, it is beginning to act like a big power.

假如只是暂时到目前为止, 它正开始表现得像是一个强国.《期刊摘选》

217. Those small countries should combine against the power of a larger one.


218. LINC Amplification using Nonlinear Components technique is one of power amplifier's linearization and efficiency enhancement methods.


219. We believe in the power of prayer.


220. When governments lose their control on power, law and order begin

to disintegrate.当政府失去对权力的控制时,法律和秩序就会开始瓦解《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

221. I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good.


222. First, the internal driving power of charity is analyzed from macroeconomics standpoint.


223. She rose to power in the 70s.


224. The power output of the machine is twice less than its input.


225. Power tends to corrupt.


226. Q. After coming to power will your party operate freely or will It'still remain underground?


227. ...massive computing power.


228. Experience the true power of multimedia computing with the Nokia N 95 multimedia computer.


229. He came to power in 1959.


230. The aim is to give people more power over their own lives.


231. Have you peace, the quiet urge that reveals your power?

你们可有安宁, 那显示你们力量的平静的冲动?《期刊摘选》

232. The country has sold out its principles in yielding to the demands of a military power.


233. Whether a machine runs efficiently or not is greatly dependent on its power system.


234. Sergeant Siler and a maintenance crew to the power room!


235. It is a global power whose decisions are central to virtually all the EU's pressing concerns.


236. She thirsted for power.


237. He does not intend to relinquish power.


238. Some have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil ( Samuel Johnson )

一个没有能力去做善事的人同样也没有力量抵制邪恶 ( 塞缪尔约翰逊 )《期刊摘选》

239. a power struggle between rival factions within the party


240. But they are essentially instruments of state power.


241. In 1964 Labour came into power...


242. A power - sharing deal gave the prime minister's job to Mr Tsvangirai.


243. War between big powers would once again become thinkable.


244. Water power turns the wheel.


245. The engine is being specially adapted to increase its power.


246. Seems an odd thing to ask on the eve of a huge anniversary of red power.


247. Scientists are working to devise a means of storing this type of power.


248. But an exercise of sovereign power on behalf of a single industry has consequences.


249. Power and influence is shifting to the East.


250. The small country succeeded in facing off a big power.


251. Purpose: Power amplifier, TV vertical deflection output.

用途: 用于功率放大, 电视帧偏转输出.《期刊摘选》

252. To be sure, China's actions on many fronts reflect the unsentimental policy of an emerging power.

勿庸置疑, 中国在诸多方面的所作所为折射出了一个正在崛起的大国那种非情绪化的政策.《期刊摘选》

253. Three armed groups were contending for power.


254. They set a new world record for the flying height of the powered paraglider.


255. Infringement of public power has two types: abusing public power and omission of public power.

公权力的侵权有两种类型: 滥用公权的侵权和公权缺位的侵权.《期刊摘选》

256. China will not enter into alliance with any big power.


257. The Roadrunner had better power, better tyres, and better brakes.


258. The question is how will all this new power be managed?

问题是如何控制所有这些新 强国.《期刊摘选》

259. As such, it needed to appreciate the economic realities, the social contexts and power relations in which each epoch stood.

正因为此,需要对每个时代的经济现实、社会环境以及权力关系作出正确评估。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

260. High speed driver, speed, high power.

高速驱动器, 速度快, 力量大.《期刊摘选》

261. The power type pump is also called impeller type pump or blade type pump.


262. Anew Power appeared in the struggle of the Great Powers, Japan.

列强纷争中出现了一个新的强国——日本.《英汉非文学 - 历史》

263. Meanwhile the great world outside went on to wider visions and new powers.

与此同时,外面的广阔世界还在不停运转,人们的幻想更加自由,新的强国正在出现.《英汉非文学 - 历史》

264. Move the body into a straight line to reduce drag and increase core power.


265. This helps send power to the batteries, while maintaining a translucent appearance.

这有助于发送功率的电池, 同时保持半透明的外观.《期刊摘选》

266. Cooking time: This very much depends on the power output of your mobile phone.

烹调时间: 这很大程度上将依赖于你的手机的输出功率.《期刊摘选》

267. His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruined upon himself.


268. Thirdly, one will understand the correctness of the slogan of workers'and peasants'democratic political power.

三, 就会明白工农民主政权这个口号的正确.《期刊摘选》

269. Western powers seem unfussed by this shortage.


270. The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers...


271. In the United States, the governor of a state has the power to change a sentence from the death penalty to life in prison.

在美国,州长拥有将判刑由死刑改为终身监禁的权力。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

272. No new power stations have been built, principally because of the cost.


273. In just the past few weeks, the world has witnessed the destructive power of earthquakes in Indonesia, typhoons in the Philippines, and the destructive sea waves that struck Samoa and neighboring islands

就在过去的几周里,世界见证了印度尼西亚地震、菲律宾台风和袭击了萨摩亚群岛及邻近岛屿的破坏性海浪的毁灭性力量。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

274. Capable of fitting motor power to cooperate with feed device.


275. They came into power in 2003.


276. Load flow analysis is the most fundamental work for power system operation and planning.


277. Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to function normally.


278. Third, the virtual expansion of government power.

第三, 政府权力的虚胀.《期刊摘选》

279. They've switched off the power.


280. However in this regime, GMD's power and political resource are systematically limited and far from monopolization.

然而在这个政权中, 国民党的权力、所掌握的政治资源却受到有意的制度性限制,远不能达到垄断政权的程度.《期刊摘选》

281. No nation rose to world power on free trade.


282. It'said the implosion had the power of the atom bomb the US dropped on Nagasaki.


283. Each power has a unique set of interests and relationships that It'seeks to protect.


284. Together , the companies can save money by sharing platforms, power trains and engineering.

双方通过共享汽车平台 、 动力链、发动机等可以节约资金.《期刊摘选》

285. This is an ascension based on moral power.


286. The very hubris of French claims alarmed the other powers.


287. Improve carburetor function, Upgrade atomization function , Fully burining, Increase power performance.

增加溶氧量、高燃点,加快汽油和空气的结合作用, 燃烧迅速,爆发动力加倍,使引擎运转更加顺畅.《期刊摘选》

288. I seemed to have lost the power of speech.


289. You also keep in mind the 1.09 destructive power of the Tiberium Vapor Bomb.


290. Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.


291. to have sb in your power (= to be able to do what you like with sb)


292. In practice no one power ever controls the whole of the disputed area.


293. Republican strategists were consumed by heady visions of power without end.


294. He has obstructed Administration of Justice , by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

他拒绝批准建立司法权力的法律, 以阻挠司法机构的设置.《期刊摘选》

295. Both parties are hungry for power.


296. to take/seize/lose power

掌握 / 夺取 / 失掉政权《牛津词典》

297. So Afghanistan has been the competed target and stage of great powers.


298. When starting engine running or reactive conditions, power is connected to the pump.

当发动机运转或起动功况下, 油泵电源是接通的.《期刊摘选》

299. The sniff of power went to his head.


300. They wish to limit the power of the State.


301. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal...


302. Larger output power of engine is ensured, and reliable operation achieved.

而且保证了发动机有较大的输出功率, 能够非常可靠地运行.《期刊摘选》

303. This method has an advantage in improving the optical power efficiency and simplifying the system structure.


304. Results show that the power limit with PSS is higher than that without PSS.

试验结果表明:投PSS时功率极限要比不投PSS时 功率极限有所提高.《期刊摘选》

305. She's completely power-mad.


306. The present regime has been in power for two years.


307. As long recognized, some values are enjoyed under implied limitation and must yield to the power.

正如长期以来所公认的那样, 财产的一些价值,在法律隐含的时效内是可以享用的,但必须服从于行政权力.《期刊摘选》

308. Others, however, remain reluctant to strengthen supervisory powers at the European level.

然而, 还有一些国家仍不愿强化欧盟层面的监管权力.《期刊摘选》

309. What kind of world power would it wish to be?


310. The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers.


311. In Athens there was no supreme official with executive power.

在雅典没有总揽执行权力的最高官员.《英汉非文学 - 家庭、私有制和国家的起源》

312. The 'flywheel' battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge...


313. Even under a crippled credIt'system the things that credit itself has power.


314. Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them...


315. Use wattmeter or similar instrument, can undertake power is measured.

使用3193电力计或类似仪器, 可进行功率测量.《期刊摘选》

316. Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006 legislation, and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues.

现在,安特吉公司突然声称,因为2006年制定的法案,所以2002年的协议无效,而且只有联邦政府才对核电问题具有监管权力。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

317. The move is seen as an acknowledgement of China's growing status an economic and military power.


318. Firstly, both are major world powers.

首先, 两个都是世界主要强国.《期刊摘选》

319. In most states the power of the bipartisan machines had been shattered or at least curtailed.


320. Deputies to the NPC have increased their enthusiasm for participating in the exercise of state power.


321. When you turn the ignition key, it activates the solenoid to power the motor.

当你转动车钥匙时, 实际启动的是螺线管,以使启动马达运转.《期刊摘选》

322. Mitochondria is power station of cell, its respiratory chain systems being preferential targets of many xenobiotics.

线粒体作为细胞“动力站”, 其呼吸链系统是许多外源性物质的优先作用靶标.《期刊摘选》

323. They are the power houses which drive analytics and insights.


324. Any aspirant can mimic the style, but without passion the movements will lack true power.

任何修习者都可以模仿这一招式, 但若没有激情,便会缺乏真正的力量.《期刊摘选》

325. The Hindus were much impressed by the military power and political acumen of the new rulers.


326. There are several shortcomings in the allocation of Chinese fiscal powers.


327. Hypersonic technology is the direction of weapon developing that many military great powers pay attention to.


328. Learning can not corrupt of itself without power and lure.


329. ...a power drill.



1. Now the gamblers are becoming long-term investors, and the balance of power is shifting.

FORBES: Off with their perks!

2. As one of his first hires, Power took a poacher on as a guide.

FORBES: Catch and Release

3. In the U.S., industry uses more water than agriculture thanks to its use in power generation.

FORBES: The Water-Industrial Complex

4. To build a set of alliances and institutions that guarantee that we're still the power we need to be.

建立一系列联盟和机构,能够保证我们,所需要的国际地位。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

5. Beijing was built to show off the power of the emperor and leave visitors in awe.

BBC: Peddling in the old kingdom of bicycles

6. Tsutsumi is a living demonstration of how money and political power intersect in present day Japan.

FORBES: The winner: Tsutsumi

7. The real agenda in Jakarta is simple: The IMF wants strongman Suharto removed from power.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

8. The wind struck with an icy, penetrative power.


9. So, taming of steel. The beginning of generating power by burning fossil fuels.

人们能够驾驭钢铁,开始通过燃烧化石燃料发电。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. He also claims that he can solve the power problem that rendered Iridium phones useless inside buildings.

FORBES: "We're On A Collision Course"

11. The rebels dynamited power lines.


12. There were no plans, he said, to extend the life of old coal power stations.

BBC: Cheap coal 'threatens UK pollution targets'

13. He wrote inflation had "persisted even as demand has moderated and the pricing power of corporates weakened".

BBC: India growth forecast cut by central bank

14. All right, so we can now see a little bit of what the power of molecular orbital theory is in predicting what kind of bonds we're going to see in molecules, or whether or not we'll see this bonding occur at all.

好了,我们已经可以看到一点,分子轨道理论在预测分子中,所成的键或者分子,能不能成键方面的能力了。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. New focus Sharyland Utilities built a high-voltage line to connect Texas with Mexico's power grid.

FORBES: #265 Ray Lee Hunt

16. The power's off.


17. Until Texas became a state, almost all national leaders seemed to accept the idea that Congress did have this power.

VOA : special.2009.02.26

18. But he had great birth, and so he started getting more power politically and financially by setting himself up as the patron of the patronless.

但是出身很好,于是他通过给人当庇护人,来提高自己的政治及金融地位。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Using the convening power a local paper holds, we produced events for our community.

CNN: Does local journalism have a future?

20. But what our campaign proved was that people have the power to fight back.

BBC: The rise and fall of lap dancing

21. Let me talk for a while about some of the formal features of Hobbes' sovereign power, of the Hobbesian state.

接下来我要说说,霍布斯关于君主权力和他理想下的国家',应当具有的一些特征。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Power prevailed, as he has every time someone has taken him to court in Russia.

FORBES: Catch and Release

23. The question was this: did Congress have the power to control or even ban slavery in the new territories?

VOA : special.2009.03.05

24. The chic lobby features modern seating with international power outlets discreetly placed at the base of each.

BBC: Business trip: Johannesburg

25. The nineteen seventy-nine revolution forced Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi out of power and made Ayatollah Khomeini the country's leader.

VOA : special.2009.02.07

26. Some Tajiks would like to see their own man, Mohammed Fahim, make a bid for power.

ECONOMIST: The face of the new Afghanistan starts to take shape

27. The radiation is from the Fukushima nuclear power station that was damaged by the March eleventh earthquake and tsunami.

VOA : special.2011.03.29

28. It's the power and capabilities you need to do business in a slim, attractive package.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

29. power-crazed


30. He also proposed that Congress declare that it had no power to interfere with the slave trade between states.

VOA : special.2009.03.19

31. Mister Kan also said the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power center is the worst Japan has ever faced.

VOA : special.2011.03.19

32. He's a literary power, a figure who could be called upon to supply the voice of tradition in itself.

他是一种文化力量,一个,可以随时用来声援传统文化的人物。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. If you let hybrids travel in the HOV lanes, they're not running on the battery power.

NPR: Hybrids and the 'Halo Effect' of Car Ads

34. Its nonregulated wholesale operation supplies 7, 000 megawatts of power to customers like General Motors and Eastman Kodak.

FORBES: Where's The Juice?

35. Saint Mary's principal, Frank Phillips, says knowing Chinese will help students in a world where China is quickly gaining economic power.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

36. He arrived in Washington in the spring of 1842 with the power to settle all disputes with the United States.

VOA : special.2009.02.05

37. It's a simple story of redemption and the power of the human spirit, so how can you go wrong with that."

VOA : special.2010.03.01

38. They used the electrical power in the lunar module to add electricity to the batteries of the command module.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

39. You see the difference in electronegativity, square it, multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.

你看到了电负性的差异,开方,乘以四分之一,在移到e上去做指数。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. Its patented, low-power, responsive new technology is superior to the limited, camera-based approaches on the market.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

41. Three plus five. I can take something to a power, double star, just take three to the fifth power.

+5,我也可以,求一个数的次方,例如求3的5次方。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. It reminds the worker that it has the power of death, the force that the worker only accesses through the tool.

它让人想到掌控死亡的权力,工人只能从工具中得到的权力。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. The sense of abandonment by those in power has not changed after the revolution, Mr Hussein said.

BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo

44. One conclusion was crystal clear: Expect realignments in financial power both globally and nationally.

FORBES: The New World Order Of Global Markets

45. "When I came to power." Harrison said, "I found that my party's leaders had taken all the power for themselves.

VOA : special.2010.05.27

46. In addition, local commanders were given the power to coordinate the services stationed in their areas.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

47. power-hungry


48. The 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Reorganization Act shifted power from individual military services to officials responsible for coordinating them.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

49. Santa Ana said he would agree to the sale, if the United States would help him return to power.

VOA : special.2009.02.26

50. So Klawans argues, and I quote, that "sacrifice involves in part the controlled exercise of complete power over an animal's life and death."

因此克洛文认为,“献祭在某种程度上是一种,掌握动物生死的权力象征“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. But the new Presbyterian Party soon developed its own methods of employing state power to control and regulate the church.

但新的长老派很快就发展了自己的办法,那就是利用政府权力控制和管理教会。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. She uses her power of prose to create moral ambiguity and the real uncertainty of political life.

BBC: Man Booker Prize won by Hilary Mantel's Bring up the Bodies

53. They really do come to believe in the power of reason, of human beings to figure out the universe.

他们相信理性的力量,以及人类认知宇宙的的能力美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. "As the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a moral responsibility to act.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

55. In other words, you have a degree of monarchical power control of true, monarchical power, of a wealthy monarchical power.

换句话说,那里有一个王权至上,富有的君主专制国家古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. So let's understand: what is the nature of exponential function so that we can understand the power of one?

让我们先理解指数函数的本质,以便理解“一“的力量?幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

57. Coeur has built a small bridge and roads, and extended power to a remote village.

FORBES: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

58. Google has acquired a US company that generates power using turbines mounted on tethered kites or wings.

BBC: Google acquires kite-power generator

59. There are highly optimized performance bundles, highly optimized low-power bundles and integrated hardware-software-service bundles.

FORBES: Bundling Up IT

60. One utility play that mixes regulated and nonregulated power generation is Cincinnati-based Cinergy .

FORBES: Where's The Juice?

61. The company believes the new version could deliver 250% more power than the original device.

BBC: Commercial hopes for wave energy

62. It's 33, 32, it's only 32 times and you can check that math at home but here lies the power of algorithmic thinking, of computational thinking as they say.

你需要33,32,对,32次,你也可以在家里自己计算,但数学算法的力量是无穷的,这就是科学家们所谓的计算机思维。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

63. The difference is that the government has so much power, few can be heard questioning its wisdom.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

64. He talked about ways that tribes could more easily develop clean energy such as solar power and wind energy.

VOA : special.2009.11.13

65. If there is a balance of power between the writer and the reader in this little vignette, the power really I think finally resides with the writer.

如果作者和读者之间,存在力量平衡的话,我觉得最后力量肯定归于作者一方。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





Canuck的意思是:n. 法裔加拿大人 adj. 法裔加拿大人的。学考宝为您提供Canuck是什么意思,Canuck的翻译,Canuck的用法,Canuck的短语搭配,Canuck的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capturer的意思是:n. 捕获器;捕获者,俘获者。学考宝为您提供capturer是什么意思,capturer的音标,capturer怎么读,capturer的翻译,capturer的用法,capturer的短语搭配,capturer的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capture的意思是:v. 俘获,捕获;夺取,占领;吸引,引起;记录,体现;拍摄,录制;吃掉(国际象棋棋子);使(数据)保存于电脑中;俘获(原子,亚原子粒);(河流)袭夺 n. 捕获,被捕获;被捕获的人(或物);占领,攻占;夺取,抢占;(数据)存储。学考宝为您提供capture是什么意思,capture的翻译,capture的用法,capture的短语搭配,capture的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capaciousness的意思是:n. 宽敞;容量大。学考宝为您提供capaciousness是什么意思,capaciousness的翻译,capaciousness的用法,capaciousness的短语搭配,capaciousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capacity的意思是:n. 能力,才能;容积,容纳能力;职位,职责;功率,容积;生产量,生产能力 adj. 无虚席的,满场的。学考宝为您提供capacity是什么意思,capacity的翻译,capacity的用法,capacity的短语搭配,capacity的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

French Canadian是什么意思_French Canadian怎么读_French Canadian的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

French Canadian的意思是:n. 法裔加拿大人。学考宝为您提供French Canadian是什么意思,French Canadian的翻译,French Canadian的用法,French Canadian的短语搭配,French Canadian的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
French Canadian是什么意思_French Canadian怎么读_French Canadian的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


Canadien的意思是:n. 法裔加拿大人;在加拿大的法国移民。学考宝为您提供Canadien是什么意思,Canadien的翻译,Canadien的用法,Canadien的短语搭配,Canadien的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capable的意思是:adj. 有能力的;有本领的,能干的;可以……的,容许……的。学考宝为您提供capable是什么意思,capable的翻译,capable的用法,capable的短语搭配,capable的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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