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to encode是什么意思_to encode怎么读_to encode的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


to encode

to encode

网络 编码;内码

英 [tu ɪnˈkəʊd]play 美 [tu ɪnˈkoʊd]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. English to Chinese encode 编码

2. using which code to encode 哪种码本去编码

3. invalid argument to date encode 无效日期电码

4. to 'encode 编码


1. And so last year they decided to try something else, using bacteria to encode their secrets.


2. This poses a huge security risk when trying to encode sensitive data.


3. Select the sources to encode in this session.

选择该会话中要编码的源。《provided by jukuu》

4. This is important, because your brain needs time to encode the information properly.


5. When you're ready to encode your video, click the Start button.


6. The system uses BERT to encode the data sent across the connection.


7. When the Console view prompts for a string to encode, enter a username.


8. Now, the page that these items are on can use CSSs to encode them any way it chooses.


9. I found two ways to employ the grilles and tables to encode and decode plaintext.


10. A variable - to - variable code to encode lengths of alternation and run length code in test data sets.

采用变长 - 变长的编码方式,直接编码测试集中连续-交替的长度码.《互联网》

11. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice.


12. Repeat these steps to encode a password.


13. Listing 3. Script to encode the URL and set the base context.

清单3 .对URL进行编码并设置基本上下文的脚本。

14. A Method to Encode Crypto-key with Row Function


15. Each data packet finds several other distinct packets to encode independently and proactively.


16. I'll then show you how to encode them in SOAP.


17. This sections also explains how to encode the form data properly to submit it to the server.


18. XML is a meta language which can establish sets of markup to encode particular information.


19. Many neurons forming a neural network to encode the input information is called the population coding.


20. Listing 16 shows the method to encode the password.


21. Let's see how we can start to encode some information into a sample XHTML file.


22. From that you create short words and sentences to encode Numbers.


23. Effective entropy coding technique was also studied to encode the support vectors and the corresponding weights.


24. New technologies are emerging to make it easier to encode extractable content on the Web.


25. DNA's to self - copy, as well as its ability to encode information, stems from its peculiar shape.

DNA的 自我 复制能力及其编码能力来源于其独特的形状.《互联网》

26. A device used to encode data by key depression, which causes generation of the selected code element.


27. You must have an audio device in order to encode.


28. But it also took them longer to encode the information in the first place.


29. Use these parameters to encode a URL.


30. Hearing the stories may lead preschoolers to encode aspects of events that allow them to form memories they can access as adults.


31. Specify the portion of the file that you want to encode.

指定要编码的文件部分。《provided by jukuu》

32. The system USES BERT to encode the data sent across the connection.


33. You must have an audio device installed in order to encode from device.


34. Suppose you want to encode the bit string "1110011."


35. The second method available is to encode the content within the application itself.


36. Let's see how we can start to encode some information into a sample XHTML file.


37. The only solution is to encode data to a safe set of characters.


38. You can use any of several techniques to encode data stored in XML as JavaScript code.


39. However, application logic still needs to encode the details of SQL and access protocol.


40. For the variables that display on the Web directly, remember to encode and decode them.


41. You must choose at least one device in order to encode.


42. FOAF USES RDF to encode its descriptions.


43. Fractal techniques have been used to encode images by many researchers recently.


44. Last but not least is the RPC layer, which specifies how to encode method calls in XML.


45. This poses a huge security risk when trying to encode sensitive data.


46. RDFa specifies the following attribute types to encode RDF content


47. This sections also explains how to encode the form data properly to submit it to the server.


48. Failure to encode properly can create annoying situations.


49. The linear block code is used to encode and the syndrome decoding is used to decode here.


50. We can also use gestures to encode memories.


51. How to encode high-definition video data in real-time would put heavy demands on processors.


52. The only solution is to encode data to a safe set of characters.


53. The java.util.zip package provides everything you need to encode other streams.

zip 包提供对其他流进行编码时需要的所有东西。

54. Face recognition is a cognitive processing for individual to encode, store and retrieve face.


55. This approach tends to encode legacy practices into the resulting DTDs or vocabularies.

这种方法倾向于在最终的 DTD 或词汇表中编码 遗留的 实践。

56. An important branch of compression method is to encode test data and that is used widely.


57. I'll then show you how to encode them in SOAP.


58. Device used by the German military to encode strategic messages before and during World War II.


59. RDFa specifies the following attribute types to encode RDF content


60. The second method available is to encode the content within the application itself.


61. Once a sheet was used to encode a message, it was torn off the pad and destroyed.


62. Network coding allows intermediate nodes to encode messages received from different links.


63. Check for a message in DNA: DNA is just another way to encode information.


64. Sets or retrieves the character set used to encode the object.



1. The absurd alternative, which unfortunately was adopted by ENCODE, is to assume that no deleterious mutations can ever occur in the regions they have deemed to be functional.

FORBES: ENCODE Papers Get A Fisking

2. That direction could be used to encode a bit of data.

ECONOMIST: Spintronics

3. The protocols used to encode and transfer e-mail messages are simple and are not owned by anyone.


4. Research groups in the U.S., Europe and Canada devised ways to use DNA to encode trademarks and secret messages in cells.

WSJ: Harvard Researchers Turn Book Into DNA Code

5. Other researchers used DNA to encode poetry and popular music inside the living cells of bacteria.

WSJ: Harvard Researchers Turn Book Into DNA Code

6. Further down the road, the MicroConsole will apparently even have 3D gaming support, as the company's figured out a way to encode and decode a pair of discrete video streams with this very hardware.

ENGADGET: OnLive MicroConsole official at $99, we go hands-on and bombard you with details

7. Dr Ip looked at which genes were active in the gill-like structures of the mouth and found one that appears, from its similarity to genes of known function from other species, to encode a urea transporter.

ECONOMIST: Softshell turtles urinate through their mouths

8. Ryan Gregory points to this open-access critique of the ENCODE Consortium and its much hyped claims to finding that 80% of the human genome is functional.

FORBES: ENCODE Papers Get A Fisking

9. They use knowledge and patterns that they already know to encode information in their long-term memory.

CNN: On Pi Day, finding strength in numbers

10. In a desire to create a neat narrative, the Encode team appeared to have bewitched themselves.

FORBES: Arguing Over Junk: Scientists Attack Each Other as Media Flub 'DNA Story of the Year'

11. Both sending and receiving stations would, however, need some mechanism to encode and control the frequency-hopping pattern.

ECONOMIST: Player-piano pioneer

12. In recent years, they have found ways to encode trademarks in cells and poetry in bacteria, as well as store snippets of music in the genetic code of micro-organisms.

WSJ: Scientists Store King Speech, Shakespeare Sonnets in DNA

13. Galileo felt himself already under enough religious pressure to continue to encode all talk of his discoveries in his correspondence with Kepler.


14. In addition, sKyWIper may have been active for as long as five to eight years, or even more. sKyWIper uses compression and encryption techniques to encode its files.

FORBES: The Real Flame Wars: W32.Flamer Found All Over the Middle East

15. The team tested the bacteria that they found in samples from ten bears for the presence of blaTEM genes, which are known to encode resistance to a commonly used class of antibiotics that includes penicillins and cephalosporins.

ECONOMIST: Are the bugs in wild animals resistant to antibiotics?

16. The zipper suddenly finds that the tricks that it has picked up to encode the first language are not much help in encoding the second.

ECONOMIST: Computers and language

17. What they had actually done was describe the way in which two long chemical chains wound up around each other to encode the information cells need to build and maintain our bodies.

BBC: 'Quadruple helix' DNA seen in human cells

18. Aircord claims the product is capable of lossless streaming, and uses a proprietary technology to encode and decode your video signals, although the company's lack of a website or actual product shots makes us a bit wary of the whole thing.

ENGADGET: AircordAV promises wireless, lossless HD streaming HD

19. The main knock against H.264 is that the ideas behind it are patented, so any software makers who want to encode or decode H.264 video have to pay into a licensing pool called MPEG LA once their audiences reaches a certain size.

FORBES: Google Challenges Apple And Microsoft-Backed Video Technology

20. The rotation of the image is significant because, according to Dr. Franke-Arnold it can be used to encode information, giving the technique a possible application in computing.

FORBES: Slowing the Speed of Light to a Crawl

21. And indeed, it can be said that every time we do a Google search on our laptop computer we are experiencing the immense power of Big Data to encode the world.

FORBES: Welcome to the Real World

22. Although the neural pathways that encode habitual behavior appear to be located in deep brain structures known as the basal ganglia, it has been shown that the IL cortex is also necessary for such behaviors to develop.

FORBES: Could We One Day Switch Off Bad Habits in Our Brains?

23. Although early camera designs that sought to find and encode eyes from distances of greater than one metre had difficulties making matches, the technology has improved in the past five years.

ECONOMIST: Africa's oil riches

24. Undeniably, the unravelling of the full sequence of the human genome a list, in order, of the chemical bases that encode the information needed to assemble and run a human body is a scientific wonder.

ECONOMIST: The genetic starting-line

25. And he saw an opportunity to take his vision and, really, encode it in this city that was able to represent all of our postwar fantasies and aspirations and hopes and, also, gave us a way to somehow ground our fears because we can't forget that Disneyland was built right smack in the middle of the height of the Cold War.

NPR: Disneyland to Celebrate 50 Years

26. They need the ability to encode the message header---the recipient's address---in a new and detectable way.

ENGADGET: New 'subconscious mode' could improve smartphone battery life, supress your WiFi id

27. "We're trying to encode the intuition that a tech-savvy user would have, " he says.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. In mid-September it sealed a broad, though nonexclusive, agreement with Universal Music Group to encode the label's active U.S. catalog of 14, 000 albums and 30, 000 music videos.

CNN: The heart of the online music world beats loudly

29. Researchers have steadily overcome such challenges to build a series of building blocks from silicon, including components that modulate pulses of light from lasers to encode data and detect such signals.

WSJ: IBM Claims Breakthrough in Laser-Based Chips

30. One code-writer's trick, for instance, was to encode dates using the 1, 461 days that make up a full leap-year cycle.

ECONOMIST: Financial technology: Beware the millennium | The

to encode是什么意思_to encode怎么读_to encode的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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anger的意思是:n. 愤怒,怒火 v. 使生气,激怒 【名】 (Anger)(法)安热,(德、捷、瑞典)安格尔,(罗)安杰尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供anger是什么意思,anger的翻译,anger的用法,anger的短语搭配,anger的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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