莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈentəpraɪz]play美 [ˈentərpraɪz]play

  • n. 企业,事业单位;事业心,进取心;事业;创业,企业经营

复数 enterprises

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


enterprise /ˈɛntəˌpraɪz/

  • 1.
    可数名词 An enterprise is a company or business. 公司; 企业

    There are plenty of small industrial enterprises.


  • 2.
    可数名词 An enterprise is something new, difficult, or important that you do or try to do. 事业

    Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Enterprise is the activity of managing companies and businesses and starting new ones. 创业

    He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 Enterprise is the ability to think of new and effective things to do, together with an eagerness to do them. 开创力; 开拓精神表赞许

    ...the spirit of enterprise worthy of a free and industrious people.






adventure enterprise venture 【导航词义:冒险】

adventure n. 冒险(经历),奇遇

〔辨析〕 指激动人心的、奇怪的、危险的经历。

例1: I told them of my adventure at the North Pole.


例2: His life was full of adventures.


enterprise n. [褒] 冒险精神,开拓精神

〔辨析〕 指思考新活动、新想法等并使之可行的探索能力。

例1: Jack is a man of great enterprise.


venture n. 冒险事业

〔辨析〕 指有风险的投资或活动。

例1: business ventures


例2: What is your opinion about her latest writing venture?



1. industrial enterprise 工业企业

2. Enterprise Culture 企业文化 ; 医院文化 ; 企业文明 ; 品牌历程

3. Enterprise resource planning 企业资源计划 ; 企业资源规划 ; 企业资源计划ERP ; 企业资源计划系统

4. enterprise resource planning 企业资源规划

5. USS Enterprise 企业号航空母舰 ; 联邦星舰企业号 ; 企业号 ; 勇往号

6. enterprise value 企业价值

7. enterprise network 企业网络;企业网路

8. enterprise accounting [经]企业会计

9. key enterprise 骨干企业

10. enterprise culture 企业文化

11. foreign enterprise 外资企业;国外企业

12. enterprise management 企业管理

13. joint venture enterprise 合资企业

14. Starship Enterprise 进取号星舰 ; 进取号 ; 企业号 ; 企业号星舰

15. logistics enterprise 物流企业

16. enterprise group 企业集团

17. export enterprise 出口企业

18. enterprise financing 企业理财

19. private enterprise 民营企业;私营企业

20. business enterprise 工商企业;企业机构

21. modern enterprise management 现代企业管理

22. leading enterprise 龙头企业;(行业中的)龙头老大

23. enterprise standard 企业标准

24. Social Enterprise 社会企业 ; 社会型企业 ; 社会性企业 ; 社会事业

25. state enterprise 国营企业


1. Enterprise architecture group does not have one customer but have an indirect and large set of customers ranging from IT to end users.


2. Production planning and decision making are the key to an enterprise.


3. The same may happen with the sharing economy, which also provides new opportunities for enterprise.


4. Problem of human resource is a great problem in connection with national enterprise development.


5. small and medium-sized enterprises


6. His new [ fresh ] enterprise is full of life and has a bright future.


7. Enterprises and individuals are welcome to put investment in population and family planning programs.


8. The community is very mixed, not least because there are plenty of small industrial enterprises.


9. An enterprise should encourage innovation.


10. Electric cooker series products and other household appliances are produced by a large enterprise.


11. Speaking generally, the space enterprise has served astronomy well.


12. Many enterprises will be forced to close


13. a job in which enterprise is rewarded


14. A securities investment trust enterprise shall prescribe and execute the criteria for selecting fund custodian institution.


15. his latest business enterprise


16. The uprising or downfalling of an enterprise lies in its management or administration.


17. Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5% instead of the usual 7%.


18. It is regrettable the current economic crisis for many training enterprises and ring the death Bell.


19. Financial management is key in any company or enterprise.


20. He was discouraged in [over] his enterprise.


21. Also for further promotes the Chinese metal magnesium enterprise development to struggle!


22. The enterprise has been put under local administration.


23. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.


24. All government departments, enterprises and institutions must make every cent count and prohibit all unnecessary expenses.

所有机关 、 企业、事业单位,都要精打细算,禁止各种不必要的开支.《期刊摘选》

25. ...the integration of farming enterprises.


26. Education is a big enterprise, as it takes 100 years to cultivate a person.


27. Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 69544, gross industrial output value is 171.56 billion yuan.

限额以下工业企业单位数为69544个, 工业总产值为171.56亿元.《期刊摘选》

28. ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) system represents the present stage of information management system.

20世纪90年代应运而生的ERP ( EnterpriseResourcePlanning ) 企业资源计划已在国内外企业中得到广泛的运用.《期刊摘选》

29. Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.


30. a joint enterprise


31. Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.


32. ...the group's lack of enterprise.


33. It was such an irresponsible enterprise that it added tripolycyanamide to its milk powder, which tragically led to many babies' developmental disorders and ruined many families' happiness.


34. They invested huge capital in the enterprise.


35. Everybody has a share in fulfiling the various norms and the overall tasks of the enterprise.


36. The success of our enterprise depended on everyone keeping to the plan.


37. The new measure will specify to moderately relax the quota of the self-produced products of foreign-invested enterprise for the domestic market.


38. He is bound to succeed in his enterprise.


39. Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.


40. There are plenty of small industrial enterprises.


41. ERP is a modern enterprise ideology and method that faces up to Supply Chain Management.

企业资源计划(ERP, EnterpriseResources Planning)是面向供应链管理的现代企业管理思想和方法.《期刊摘选》

42. The original enterprise and the contractor still take joint liability for claims resulting from occupational accidents.


43. History may judge the enterprise to have been rather backward-looking.


44. The reward of energy, enterprise and thrift — is taxes.

干劲十足, 有进取心,节俭惜物,对这些美德的回报就是赋税.《期刊摘选》

45. This setting only works together with an enterprise portal.


46. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention


47. All the rural workers have been assigned to the forefront of production in their enterprises.


48. They are determined to carry forward the enterprise.


49. We must join up with parallel enterprises to develop the tourism industry.


50. grants to encourage enterprise in the region


51. Strove for success at own enterprise suffices.


52. You can spark the spirit of enterprise.


53. He has frequently conversed with me on my enterprise plan.


54. Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.


55. The enterprise which has been operating in the red has decided to swith to other production.


56. an enterprise culture (= in which people are encouraged to develop small businesses)


57. ...the spirit of enterprise worthy of a free and industrious people.


58. As an innovative enterprise institution, ESOP has achieved a lot in practice.

员工持股计划作为一种创新性的企业制度安排, 在实践中已初步显示出其生命力.《期刊摘选》

59. Or the couple may embark on a whole new enterprise together as equals.


60. He have doubt about the whole enterprise.


61. Township enterprises have flourished over the past 10 years.


62. an enterprise with a turnover of $26 billion


63. What are you laughing at?

你乐什么 呀 ?《现代汉英综合大词典》

64. The engineering of ERP is the key job of the Enterprise Informazation.

ERP(EnterpriseResources Planning)是企业资源计划系统.《期刊摘选》

65. It is suitable for ships, hotels, enterprises and institutions, etc.

适用于舰船 、 宾馆及工矿企事业单位的炊事工作.《期刊摘选》

66. Jack is a man of great enterprise.


67. Currently , single point buying is implemented by and more enterprises, but the consequence is not satisfied.

目前越来越多的企业计划或已经实施集中采购项目, 但其实施的效果不能令人满意.《期刊摘选》

68. Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 68938, gross industrial output value is 200.15 billion yuan.

限额以下工业企业单位数为68938个, 工业总产值为200.15亿元.《期刊摘选》

69. The capital is used by a participating company to establish a Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Company or MESBIC.


70. He is a man of great enterprise.


71. You can get more informations information about projects like solar water heaters from enterprise VITA.


72. Warmly welcomes the enterprises business negotiations.


73. state-owned/public enterprises


74. Such enterprises and institutions shall accomplish the elimination or control of pollution withinperiod of time.


75. You showed an inquiring mind and great courage and enterprise, therefore you deserve to rise.

你敢于追根究底,并且表现出巨大的勇气和强烈的进取心, 所以你应该发迹.《期刊摘选》

76. The name and address of the securities investment trust enterprise and the fund custodian institution.


77. What they can do is wrestle with the fundamental questions that govern the fate of any enterprise.


78. Enterprise and institution are different property, assume the organization of different society function.

企业和事业单位是不同性质, 承担不同社会职能的组织.《期刊摘选》

79. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.


80. Spacecraft simulation technology utilization for our country astronautics measure and control enterprise development huge function.


81. Deleting an object accidentally and then replacing it with a similar object will lead to unacceptable differences of the enterprise models.


82. They know a cohesive team composed of great communicators plays an irreplaceable role in enhancing the operational efficiency and productivity of an enterprise.


83. A disguise comprises an enterprise and good supervision.


84. The implementation of enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) is a important part in the manufacturing informatization.

实现企业资源计划 ( ERP ) 是制造业信息化的重要内容.《期刊摘选》

85. They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.


86. The enterprise has excellent prospects.


87. Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise.


88. Commercial plan or business plan is an operational plan for business of enterprises.


89. The funds needed will mainly be drawn from accumulation within the enterprise.


90. After replacement, the company will become the field of environmental protection, a public utility enterprises.

置换后, 公司将成为一家公用事业领域的环保企业.《期刊摘选》

91. I aided him in his enterprise.


92. Article 35. The enterprise must fulfil the mandatory plans.


93. The experience of British business in Iran between the 1860's and the 1970's is one example of the changing importance of British enterprise in Asia as a whole.


94. Education has become a global enterprise.


95. For years been as advanced enterprises and so on.


96. Achieved FTTC, enterprises, institutions, and one hundred percent to the township.

实现了光缆到小区 、 企事业单位和百分之百到乡镇.《期刊摘选》

97. At least 2 years experiences in electronic manufacturing enterprise, engaged in materials control, material planning work.

至少2年以上电子制造型企业物料控制, 物料计划工作经验.《期刊摘选》

98. Private enterprise needs the confidence to invest and hire.


99. Commonweal sex serves irrigation works to belong to pure enterprise property, execute budgetary management, finance burden.

公益性服务水利属纯事业性质, 实行预算治理, 财政负担.《期刊摘选》

100. He has no enterprise at all in his studies.


101. We hope to join forces with all enterprises.


102. Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight.


103. Education of card cadre grooms is the main component of enterprise of our country education.


104. Their boss was pleased with the expeditiousness with which the enterprise was completed.


105. Enterprise annuity is a plan of sweeping manpower capital investment.


106. His basis lives a mountainous area advantageous rich condition, grow the enterprise that a sheep energetically.

他根据居住山区的优越自然资源条件, 大力发展养羊事业.《期刊摘选》

107. His new [ fresh] enterprise is full of life and has a bright future.


108. Enterprise must have a reservoir of cheap labour.


109. He was discouraged in [ over] his enterprise.


110. Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people


111. The final wave consisted of people with equal or greater enterprise.


112. It'sped the downfall of his enterprise.


113. No designated production enterprise shall overproduce ephedrine beyond the plan in violation of state provisions.


114. He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony.


115. Thus, Jiangxi rural public health enterprise moved its first step for modernization.


116. Some enterprises owned by the whole people employ workers and staff originally belonging to collective enterprises.


117. Discribed the SUNRISO company's primeval enterprise strategic program.

描述了 希诺 公司创建初期的企业战略计划.《期刊摘选》

118. Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.


119. Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise.


120. His new [fresh] enterprise is full of life and has a bright future.


121. A minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often runs the danger of becoming dependent.


122. ...a national program of subsidies to private enterprise.


123. He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.


124. Private enterprise organizations: entity service organizations providing various social services directly.

民办非企业单位: 实体服务机构,直接提供各类社会服务.《期刊摘选》

125. A state-owned enterprise is big and well-off.


126. This enterprise, though, has already hit an embarrassing snag.

然而, 该计划已经遇到了令人尴尬的障碍.《期刊摘选》

127. ...the first Director of such a novel enterprise...


128. Modern supply chain management idea poses great challenge to production schedule and control mode of enterprise.


129. They see Frito-Lay as spreading the benefits of free enterprise across the world.



1. Horse breeding is a risky enterprise.


2. Phil Thomas,president of the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, notes proudly that for the past two years, his town has had one of the strongest economies in Alabama.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

3. But a modest transformation of the way you look at your enterprise or organization offers extraordinary advantages.

FORBES: Ending Dunder Mifflin: A 21st-Century Way To Save America $250 Billion A Year

4. He's a health economist with the American Enterprise Institute and a former analyst with the Congressional Budget Office.

NPR: Democrats to Push for Medicare Changes

5. So, enterprise software companies tend to look and act in the way their big clients want.

FORBES: Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain -- Just Enjoy the Show

6. The Social Enterprise Promotion Act was enacted in 2007 to jumpstart the field.

FORBES: How To Build A Resilient Society Through Social Entrepreneurship: Lessons From Korea

7. Song, let them take it For there's more enterprise In walking naked.

歌,让他们拿去,因为要有更大的魄力,才敢于赤身行走。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. But once the enterprise software is in the door it is almost impossible to extricate.

FORBES: Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain -- Just Enjoy the Show

9. But Alan Viard, senior fellow at the conservative leaning American Enterprise Institute, says the White House numbers are inflated.

VOA : standard.2010.06.18

10. ' Dan Blumenthal, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, worked on last year's Pentagon report.

NPR: U.S. Notes Growing Chinese Military Strength

11. The SCSI interface (and its cousin SATA) is the most widespread enterprise storage interface.

FORBES: Speedy Ways to Move Enterprise Data

12. Canada has been a fertile breeding ground of enterprise, genius, and innovation.


13. Thomas says Enterprise learned to be strong from the Boll Weevil. The pest taught the town the value of a diverse economy.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

14. Of course, it's being used in the movie just to support a criminal enterprise, not the founding of a city.

当然那仅是用在电影中,以支撑一桩犯罪活动,而非指创建一座城。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. In searching for the silver lining, Southeastern drew particular attention to the increasingly profitable enterprise business.

FORBES: Searching For -- And Finding -- The Silver Lining At Dismal Dell

16. Sprint Data Link enables business networks to reach beyond the limits of a corporate enterprise WAN.

ENGADGET: Sprint brings Data Link and Static IP to its LTE network

17. You can see soldiers in military fatigues on the streets of Enterprise, shopping at local businesses and restaurants.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

18. Perhaps we should keep the government out of something private enterprise has a good business in.

FORBES: Obama's Stark Progressivism Gives Voters Choice Of The Century

19. Maybe tech behemoths like IBM and Microsoft will add SMMPs to their comprehensive enterprise software offerings.

FORBES: Salesforce Buys Buddy Media

20. David Frum,a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, says Americans are losing patience.

VOA : standard.2009.12.15

21. Its enterprise ratio is 19, just below the number for the U.S. Wal-Mart Stores.

FORBES: South-of-the-border buys

22. in the hearts of the residents of Enterprise; and,in its own way, in the local economy.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

23. Flash memory as a cache for HDD arrays is a popular application in enterprise environments.

FORBES: Explosive Growth in Flash Memory Enterprise Applications

24. the imperatives of an enterprise culture


25. Roger Noriega is a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington and a former State Department official in the George W.Bush administration.

VOA : standard.2009.05.06

26. Bruce Bachenheimer is with the MIT Enterprise Forum in New York.

VOA : special.2010.12.27

27. Flournoy told a conference at the Washington-based American Enterprise Institute she hopes all the new troops will be deployed in the next six or seven months.

VOA : standard.2009.12.08

28. In two thousand,the Rolex Watch Company of Switzerland honored him with the Rolex Award for Enterprise.

VOA : special.2009.02.09

29. These fast SAS interfaces will support the growth of both SSDs and HDDs in enterprise applications.

FORBES: Speedy Ways to Move Enterprise Data

30. She announced a series of measures to help boost enterprise and economic development in poorer countries.

BBC: Farmers work in a field in Jalalabad, in Afghanistan

31. After which, peers continue with the report stage of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.

BBC: Week ahead

32. So they are still engaged in the hermeneutic enterprise in interpretation The formalists are really relatively indifferent to questions of meaning and to questions of interpretation.

所以,他们感兴趣的仍然是解释学,但是形式主义者对,阐释和含义不感兴趣。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Your enterprise-class platform must seamlessly encompass all major aspects of your business to be truly successful.

FORBES: InfosysVoice: Choosing an enterprise-class, business-ready social media platform

34. The enterprise is unashamedly commercial.


35. The enterprise, using his software, pushes out keys to that TPM on employee laptops.

FORBES: Leveraging TPM

36. The multinational enterprise optimizes productive resources, market opportunities, and talents beyond and across national boundaries.


37. The core data systems of the enterprise will just go wacko if things change every year.

FORBES: How External Big Data Opens a Disruptive Frontier for Business Intelligence

38. He used his speech at the event to deliver a paean to minority enterprise.

ECONOMIST: The ethnic vote

39. What makes this enterprise difficult but also riveting is that moral and political philosophy is a story and you don't know where the story will lead.

这一过程会充满挑战又引人入胜,因为道德与政治哲学就好比一个故事,你不知道故事将会如何发展。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Most productive activity was small enterprise, often family conducted and sometimes with a few other workers.

FORBES: Cold Fusion and Unintended Consequences

41. At least if we look at the statistics, just about every single one of you, after you leave Harvard,will join an organization, an organization that is a social enterprise, not for profit,something to better the world.

看一下统计数据,你们每个人,离开哈佛后,都将加入公司,这个组织是个社会企业,非盈利机构,只为贡献社会而存在的。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

42. But Whiting's enterprise multiple of 6 compares favorably with 9 for the typical exploration stock.

FORBES: Gassing Up

43. For decades, businesses have labored to deploy complex, high-performance data centers to power their enterprise applications.

FORBES: If Cloud Computing Is Here, Then Where Is My Jet Pack?

44. Private enterprise needs the confidence to invest and hire, and lenders need the confidence to lend.

FORBES: The Jobs Speech Obama Should Give, But Won't

45. Analyst Thomas Donnelly at the conservative American Enterprise Institute says President Obama should accept the recommendations, and then convince the American public to go along.

VOA : standard.2009.09.22

46. The enterprise value multiple (market cap plus debt, divided by operating income) is a cheap 4.9.

FORBES: Couch Potato

47. A drought can begin at any moment. And low prices brought on by foreign competition can make the whole enterprise unprofitable.

VOA : standard.2010.06.17

48. Its enterprise multiple of 11 is a tad less than the oil-service segment's median of 12.

FORBES: Gassing Up

49. "We have the largest, most capable intelligence enterprise on the planet, and it is the solemn, sacred trust in the DNI to make that enterprise work."

VOA : standard.2010.06.05

50. Enterprise is the first of five planned SpaceShipTwo planes.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

51. The enterprise value is arguably less than what the Time Warner segment is worth on its own.

FORBES: Asset assessment

52. The town of Enterprise has applied a turn-of-the-century economic lesson, learned from an agricultural pest.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

53. Now, I don't know how far back it goes but it must be that in ancient times some people would say, all right you're going to be doing more work or you're contributing more to this enterprise, we'll give you a bigger share of the profits.

我不知道这能追溯到什么时候,但在古时候肯定有人说,好吧,你比别人干得多,你对公司的贡献更大,我们会把收入的大头给你金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. Ryan Radia is Associate Director of Technology Studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington D.C.

VOA : standard.2010.08.02

55. John Fortieran is an expert at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington "You do see a lot more worry in the public opinion polls," ,.

VOA : standard.2009.09.04

56. Like many American small towns, Enterprise,Alabama has a monument in the middle of Main Street.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

57. You can see that when Wimsatt and Beardsley talk about the "success" of the poem, they understand the whole critical enterprise, - including its theoretical underpinnings-- the question of what is a poem, - the question of how should we best read it-- to be still geared toward literary evaluation.

大家应该发现,当文萨特与比尔兹利谈到,诗歌创作的“成功“一词时,他们完全理解了文学评论体系,这包括适用于文学评估的理论根基-,就是那些关于什么是诗歌,还有我们如何解读的问题-,这些都对文学评估很重要。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. But the insect still holds an honored place in Enterprise: in the monument on Main Street;

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

59. This is a big week for Microsoft and many of our enterprise IT customers.

FORBES: Private Cloud Computing: It's All About The Apps

60. Norman Ornstein is a political scientist at the American Enterprise Institute.

VOA : special.2011.01.10

61. You give shares to someone who is contributing to the enterprise.

你向某人发放股票,以肯定他对公司做出的贡献金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. The foundation has backed another Indian effort, a for-profit social enterprise called SELCO.

VOA : standard.2009.12.18

63. The London version has only been open a few months and is an ambitious enterprise.

BBC: Exploring Londons coffee crescent

64. As Escriva described it, Opus Dei is not supposed to be a clergy-driven enterprise.

NPR: A Glimpse Inside a Catholic 'Force': Opus Dei

65. But before we can even get started, there's a question, really an objection to the whole enterprise.

在我们开始之前,还有一个问题,这是所有问题的核心内容死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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ancestor的意思是:n. 祖先,祖宗;(动植物)原种;原型,雏形。学考宝为您提供ancestor是什么意思,ancestor的翻译,ancestor的用法,ancestor的短语搭配,ancestor的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ghastful的意思是:adj. 恐怖的;受惊的。学考宝为您提供ghastful是什么意思,ghastful的翻译,ghastful的用法,ghastful的短语搭配,ghastful的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


exclamations的意思是:n. 感叹;感叹词;感叹语。exclamation的复数。学考宝为您提供exclamations是什么意思,exclamations的音标,exclamations怎么读,exclamations的翻译,exclamations的用法,exclamations的短语搭配,exclamations的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


analysis的意思是:n. 分析;化验分析;心理分析,精神分析;分析报告。学考宝为您提供analysis是什么意思,analysis的翻译,analysis的用法,analysis的短语搭配,analysis的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

to encode是什么意思_to encode怎么读_to encode的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

to encode的意思是:网络 编码;内码。学考宝为您提供to encode是什么意思,to encode的音标,to encode怎么读,to encode的翻译,to encode的用法,to encode的短语搭配,to encode的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
to encode是什么意思_to encode怎么读_to encode的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

to code是什么意思_to code怎么读_to code的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

to code的意思是:网络 编码。学考宝为您提供to code是什么意思,to code的音标,to code怎么读,to code的翻译,to code的用法,to code的短语搭配,to code的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
to code是什么意思_to code怎么读_to code的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


amuse的意思是:v. 逗乐,逗笑;(提供)消遣,(使)娱乐。学考宝为您提供amuse是什么意思,amuse的翻译,amuse的用法,amuse的短语搭配,amuse的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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