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1. Factory made systems 工厂制造系统

2. factory made elements detail 工厂的预制构件

3. Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings 工厂制锻钢对焊配件 ; 工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件

4. factory-made component 工厂预制构件

5. Factory Made 生产线上 ; 制造的原理

6. factory made elements 工厂的预制构件 ; 工厂的预造构件

7. Factory made products 工厂制作产品

8. factory-made components 建 工厂预制构件

9. factory-made trim 预制门窗贴脸

10. factory-made house 工厂预制房屋


1. In 1959, after a series of failures of his prefabrication experiments, Konrad Wachsmann wrote The Turning Point of Building as a manifesto of his unshaken belief in factory-made housing.


2. The compact battery in Apple’s iPods relies on a polymer made by Kureha, which holds 70% of the market, and whose factory was damaged.


3. Some of the steel in the tower was supplied by the same steel factory that made the steel for the Brooklyn Bridge.


4. At one end of the store is a glass wall, through which you can watch the small factory at work as the doughnuts are made.


5. Fig.13 illustrates the general arrangement of a typical block of multistory fiats composed almost entirely of factory-made precast concrete units.


6. The vegan actress believes we have moved away from real food to only factory made.


7. Lotus has worked on a number of hybrid and electric vehicles and it was while these were moving around its factory that the engineers thought they would be safer if they made a noise.


8. The owner of the factory added fines to his parents’ loan when he made mistakes and for the bowl of rice he was given each day—making it impossible for the loan to ever be repaid.


9. "I'm very proud that our vuvuzelas made it to World Cup in South Africa, especially since we have such a small family factory," Wu said.


10. A component that used to be produced in several different locations may now just be made in one factory, for example.


11. These machines were made in their factory by themselves last year.


12. The outbreak of price war made the factory run out of money soon .


13. Ominously for the locals, though, the biggest splash on opening day was made by a Volkswagen saloon, which is to be built in a new factory in Tennessee.


14. A food scare in one factory may prompt consumers to steer clear of similar products made by other firms, for example.


15. Proposals for discussion of the foregoing important issues shall all be made by the factory director.


16. "You have made thousands of people hostages to your ambitions, your lack of professionalism - or maybe simply your trivial greed," a fuming Putin told Deripaska and other local factory owners.


17. The industrial revolution ushered in factory-made cards in the 19th century.


18. The set, in a former factory, was made to look like a 1950s FBI office, complete with dated newspapers, ashtrays, and file folders marked CONFIDENTIAL.


19. In1959, after a series of failures of his prefabrication experiments, Konrad Wachsmann wrote The Turning Point of Building as a manifesto of his unshaken belief in factory-made housing.


20. Researchers looked at soot and various greenhouse gases that don't last very long in the atmosphere, such as methane, ozone in the lower altitudes and the factory-made refrigerants known as HFCs.


21. I'm investigating how noodles are made, so I need to interview someone at a noodle factory.


22. The Baltic Sea Index once dropped to almost zero. When I made an inspection trip to a container factory in Shenzhen, I was told that not a single order was received.


23. This kind of new TV set is made by the factory.


24. Price has made the ERJ-145 uneconomic, and Embraer will shut its factory in China next year unless it secures an agreement.


25. The reason for the name is that the phones have become so ubiquitous that the joke is they can be made by anyone in a village, rather than a specialist factory.


26. Design of two flanks spliced joint factory-made partially prestressed concrete box girder


27. Factory-made toys, including tin toys and clockwork toys, went on sale in Britain in the 19th century.


28. The world's first carbon neutral bra, made in a factory run on solar panels, has been launched onto the fashion market with hopes that all clothing will be more environmentally friendly in future.


29. Factory-made and frozen, they are cheap and filling.


30. At the casing factory, the foreman showed us an example of a product he had made that he deemed to be of unacceptable quality.


31. The Fiat 500s sold across Europe are made in Poland, and those about to go on sale in America will come from a Chrysler factory in Mexico.


32. I'm investigating how orange juice is made, so I need to interview someone at a juice factory.



1. The last one to be made in a factory in Britain rolled off a production line in Wrexham - 183 years after a machine was patented as the first typewriter.

BBC: Quiz of the week's news

2. The South's state-owned Tobacco and Ginseng Corporation ships tobacco leaves to a factory in Pyongyang, where they are made into the Hanmaum (One Mind) brand of cigarettes.

ECONOMIST: North Korea

3. Asda has also recalled tinned Chosen By You Corned Beef (340g) as a precaution - even though the product has not tested positive for phenylbutazone - because it was made in the same factory.

BBC: Veterinary drug found in Asda budget corned beef

4. Today, though, most of them focus on factory-made drugs.

ECONOMIST: A pharmacopoeia for Africa

5. The number of people making and using Noken is diminishing, however, in the face of competition from factory-made bags and problems obtaining raw materials.


6. All the bespoke shoes are created here, while the made-to-order side of the business is handled at a factory outside Paris controlled by Corthay.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. To put himself through design school, he worked as an apprentice--once severing part of a finger--in a factory that made molds for everything from automobile logos to eyeglass frames.

FORBES: Tough Guy

8. Entirely self-made, he spent his childhood in an orphanage and his early working years on a factory floor.

FORBES: The Son Also Rises

9. Several of the niftier knots and straps that made their way into the factory-made riggings of the 19th century are identical in function and name to those of earlier British seafarers.

ECONOMIST: New uses for an old pastime

10. More than a dozen nations have detected horse flesh in processed products such as factory-made burger patties, lasagnas, meat pies and meat-filled pastas.

NPR: Horse Meat Found In Ikea's Swedish Meatballs

11. Growing up, Salinas sold honey in jars door-to-door and spent weekends playing in stacks of lumber for cabinets made at the family factory.

FORBES: Mexican Maverick

12. With its close and many say corrupt ties to the garment industry, critics say the Bangladeshi government made it easy for both factory owners and retailers to resist binding safety measures before the disaster - not doing enough to respond to past calamities like the Tazreen fire.

BBC: News - Dhaka Rana Plaza collapse: Pressure tells on retailers and government

13. The trade-off is the organic materials have to shine brighter, meaning an OLED-TV made this way will require more power than one made with the factory process used for smaller screens.

WSJ: TV Makers Seek Fatter Profits in Thinner Sets

14. Self-made, he spent his childhood in an orphanage and his early working years on a factory floor.

FORBES: The son also rises

15. To put himself through design school, he worked as an apprentice--once severing part of a finger--in a factory that made molds for such things as automobile logos and eyeglass frames.

FORBES: Lens master

16. Peter Johansen, vice president of Geely UK's black cab operation, said that the Coventry factory would be supplying vehicles for the UK while others will be made in the sister factory in Shanghai for the left-hand drive market.

BBC: England

17. The movies made at the Factory erased the distinction between artist and voyeur, creator and hanger-on.

NEWYORKER: Double Lives

18. Readymade, factory-made cloth for a woman, a housewife, who isn't making her own cloth anymore.

他们向家庭主妇们推销工厂生产的服装,她们再不用手工自制衣服了美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. There are even a few craftsmen who can still fashion a pair of scissors the old way, bashing the molten steel and iron together entirely by hand, and a few of those techniques have been retained in some of the modern-day factory-made products.

BBC: The scissor-maker that has cut through Chinese history

20. Supple leathers, surprising colors, and sublime fit define the gloves made by this family-owned factory, which has been selling to elite Florentines since 1919.

FORBES: Luxe, Italian-Style: Four Insider Shopping Finds In Florence

21. Ferrate also can be made on-site--say, next to a factory kicking off dirty water--avoiding additional transportation costs.

FORBES: Entrepreneurs





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