莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [wɜːm]play美 [wɜːrm]play

  • n. 蠕虫;(某些昆虫的)幼虫;寄生虫,寄生虫病;小人物,懦夫;蠕虫病毒;蛆虫;螺纹状物,蜗杆,旋管
  • v. (给动物)驱肠虫;蠕动,曲折行进;(通常为欺骗别人或得到好处)逐渐取得(成功或好感)
  • abbr. 一次写入型光盘,单写多读型光盘(write-once read-many)
  • 【名】 (Worm)(德、丹、葡)沃尔姆(人名)

复数 worms 第三人称单数 worms 现在分词 worming 过去式 wormed 过去分词 wormed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


worm /wɜːm/ CET4 TEM4 [ worming wormed worms ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A worm is a small animal with a long thin body, no bones, and no legs. 蠕虫
  • 2.
    及物动词 If you say that someone is worming their way to success, or is worming their way into someone else's affection, you disapprove of the way that they are gradually making someone trust them or like them, often in order to deceive them or gain some advantage. 赢得 (欢心等)表不满

    She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A worm is a computer program that contains a virus which duplicates itself many times in a network. 蠕虫病毒

    ...a new computer worm that disables security software.


  • 4.
    习语 If you say that someone is opening a can of worms, you are warning them that they are planning to do or talk about something that is much more complicated, unpleasant, or difficult than they realize and that might be better left alone. 马蜂窝

    Introducing this legislation would be like opening a can of worms.




  • adj.

    wormlike 像虫的;虫一样蠕动的

    wormy 有虫的,虫蛀的;似虫的;卑躬屈膝的


  • n.[无脊椎]虫,[基医]蠕虫;[机]蜗杆;螺纹;小人物

    nobody   /   endless screw

  • vt.使蠕动;给除虫;使缓慢前进


  • vi.慢慢前进;蠕行



1. Morris worm 莫里斯蠕虫 ; 第一次此种类型的攻击 ; 类型的进犯

2. Blaster Worm 冲击波蠕虫 ; 疾风病毒 ; 蠕虫病毒 ; 冲击波

3. The Scarlet Worm 血色蠕虫

4. computer worm 计算机蠕虫

5. worm gearing 蜗轮传动装置

6. Glow Worm 趣味萤火虫 ; 萤火虫乐园 ; 萤火虫 ; 蓝光虫

7. worm oneself into [口语]狡猾地混入;慢慢地爬入,钻进,设法取得

8. worm reducer 蜗轮减速机;蜗轮减速器

9. worm shaft n. 蜗杆轴,蜗轴

10. cylindrical worm 圆柱蜗杆;柱形蜗杆

11. worm drive 蜗杆传动;蜗轮传动

12. Mongolian death worm 之虫 ; 虫围入侵 ; 蒙古死亡之虫

13. Death Worm 死亡蠕虫 ; 死亡巨虫 ; 霸气蠕虫

14. silk worm 蚕,茧蛹

15. worm gear 蜗轮;螺旋齿

16. guinea worm [医]麦地那龙线虫

17. worm and worm gear 蜗杆蜗轮

18. worm wheel 蜗轮;螺旋齿轮


1. birds looking for worms


2. More than two hundred million people suffer from this parasitic worm disease.


3. I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, undignified fashion...


4. Now the worm turns, and his wife Elizabeth chucks him out and takes a lover herself.


5. She wormed her way through the crowd to the reception desk.


6. She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts.


7. I had a queer sensation as if a worm was creeping down my spine.


8. Molluscs, insects and worms are all invertebrates.

软体动物 、 昆虫、蠕虫都是无脊椎动物.《期刊摘选》

9. That apple is crawling with wiggly worms.


10. Dr Worm acknowledges that the figures are conservative.


11. Worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers.


12. Worm argues that their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts must take into account.


13. The early bird catches the worm.


14. He wormed his small body through the hedge.


15. He dug up some worms for bait.


16. To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.


17. He managed to worm his way into her life.


18. The kitten wormed its way through the just-open door.


19. The sandcastle worm , as the beast is known, lives in a mineral shell.


20. I worm all my birds in early spring


21. Other species of filarial worm include Onchocerca volvulus.


22. Simulation results show that worm traffic is more accurately reflected after routing strategy is modified.


23. These excreted infections fall into four main groups: viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and worms ( helminths ).

排泄出来的传染病原主要分为四种: 病毒 、 细菌 、 原生动物和蠕虫 ( 寄生虫 ).《期刊摘选》

24. Is it a virus, a worm, a trojan?

“它是病毒, 蠕虫还是特洛伊木马? ”《期刊摘选》

25. The tube of the tube worm is really, really long.


26. The worm inched along.


27. She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts


28. [ Mike Narrating ] Worm and I fall into our old rhythm like Clyde Frazier and Pearl Monroe.

[ 迈克叙述 ] 虫子和我配合得象以前一样默契我们两好象是克莱德.弗瑞泽和佩尔. 门罗.《电影对白》

29. Don't you know the crushed worm will turn ? Why are you so lacking in vigilance?

你不知道困兽犹斗 吗 ?为什么这样麻痹大意?《现代汉英综合大词典》

30. The tube worm has no mouth or digestive organs.


31. Consider an upcoming episode in which Hector eats bad sausage containing parasitic worms.


32. The worm burrowed its way under the earth.


33. The speaker began by placing a live, wriggling worm in a glass of whisky.


34. Typically, pathogens are microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites such as worms.

一般来说, 病原体是微生物,如:细菌 、 毒 、 菌或寄生虫.《期刊摘选》

35. How did the thieves worm their way in?


36. We feel the worm of conscience and the apology to see people still suffering the virus up to the present.


37. The worm has a segmented body.


38. And for some, increasing virus and worm outbreaks only strengthen this belief.

而且, 日益增多的病毒和蠕虫仅仅增强了他们的信念.《期刊摘选》

39. The glowworm isn't a worm.


40. Several additional compounds were shown to alleviate proteotoxicity in worm models.


41. Several live worms were found in his conjunctiva sac.


42. Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events.


43. He was a yellow gutless worm.


44. The parasitic larva of a trematode worm, having a tail that disappears in the adult stage.

蝌蚪形的吸虫类寄生幼虫; 成体阶段尾巴消失.《期刊摘选》

45. It began pecking at the ground, looking for a worm to eat.


46. The worms dig through skin to enter the body.


47. Plastic-Eating Worms Humans produce more than 300 million tons of plastic every year .

吃塑料的虫子。人类每年生产超过3亿吨塑料。《高考真题- 2018 北京 阅读C》

48. W: The early bird gets the worm.


49. You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants...


50. The traffic just moves a worm!


51. The bird had a worm in its beak.


52. You are probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm.


53. Most worms cocoon in winter.


54. The vet prescribed a medicine to worm my puppy.


55. The kinds of pathogens responsible for waterborne diseases include bacteria, viruses , protozoans, and parasitic worms.

引起水传播疾病的病原体的种类包括细菌, 滤过性病原体, 原生动物和寄生虫.《期刊摘选》

56. This worm will catch a big fish!


57. He found worms to eat and raindrops to drink.


58. Downtime due to worm removal from networks cost close to $450 million.


59. When Mrs. Thrush leaves the nest to get a worm and comes back to feed her young, there are four little thrush mouths and one huge cuckoo mouth.


60. Today the demise of the worm and crippling disease it causes may be in sight.


61. Some people who have seen it have likened the worm a cow's intestine.


62. I worm all my birds in early spring...


63. The tree is crawling with worms.


64. Vet: Well , we've done a stool check on Sizzler and I'm afraid he's got worms.

兽医: 我们验过 西斯勒 的粪便了,它肚子里有寄生虫呢.《期刊摘选》

65. My echoing song ; then worms shall try.

那里只有 肥硕 的蛆虫蠕动.《期刊摘选》

66. For instance, many fewer people are infected with worms than before.

比如, 很多人比前更不容易生蠕虫.《期刊摘选》

67. A child wormed his way out of the crowd.


68. The bird pounced on the worm and swallowed it.


69. Worms have a lifespan of a few months.


70. What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fast things are changing.


71. The serious buying happens between 6 and 8am, and it is very much the case that the early bird catches the worm.


72. Silk Harvesting silk used in clothing invariably causes the death of the silk worm.


73. The professor put a worm into aof water. The worm a worm in water could be.

教授把一条虫放进一杯水,可想而知, 虫子在水面上不断蠕动.《期刊摘选》

74. The worms suffered increasing paralysis, then died.

这种蠕虫逐渐瘫痪, 最后死亡.《期刊摘选》

75. We eventually wormed the secret out of her.


76. Everyone knows people who have wormed their way up on old school connections.


77. It chatted with worms.


78. For Bluetooth worm propagation, a determining factor is moving velocity of smart phone in mobile environment.

对于蓝牙环境下智能手机蠕虫病毒的传播, 手机的移动速度是一个重要因素.《期刊摘选》

79. It is the early bird that catches the worm.


80. Running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten.


81. Worms are an example of invertebrate animals.


82. The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye


83. Don't you know the crushed worm will turn? Why are you so lacking in vigilance?


84. She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts...


85. The most distinctive of these was something called the tube worm.


86. The worm makes a quiet noise with its bristles as it moves.


87. Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative.


88. He stopped on it to look for a worm.


89. All adult dogs are routinely wormed at least every six months.


90. A fox can even hear a worm moving in the grass.


91. "The early bird catches the worm" means that you have to do something before others in order to be successful.


92. It'squirmed along the ground like some monstrous worm.

它就像一条大虫子在地上蠕动着前进.《英汉文学 - 热爱生命》

93. This tree has been eaten hollow by worms.


94. Pig's bodies contain many toxins, worms and latent diseases.

猪的身体含有很多毒素, 蠕虫和潜在的病菌.《期刊摘选》

95. The university's head of entomology Marcel Dicke knows that changing westerners' mindset will take more than disguising a worm in chocolate.


96. Worms are very simple creatures.


97. You is no worm, you is a man; so get up, lad, and fight.

你不是懦夫, 你是一个男子汉; 小伙子, 爬起来, 去搏斗.《期刊摘选》

98. You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.


99. Birds feed on worms. A bird will go hungry if it cannot catch worms. The bird that gets up early is sure to get some food, so the early bird catches the worm.


100. These peaches are full of worms.


101. Worms can tunnel through the earth.


102. In 1996, two groups did field tests of genetically modified mites and worms.


103. Did he pass worms or blood in his stools?

他的大便里有过寄生虫或血 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

104. Almost all species of velvet worm reproduce sexually.


105. To the toad, the garden is a worm that wiggles , a bug that flies.

对蟾蛤来说, 花园只是一条蠕动的软体虫, 一只飞舞的昆虫.《辞典例句》

106. I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, undignified fashion


107. You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants


108. The worm was crushed under the feet.


109. Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes?

它是由蠕虫自身产生的酶还是由肠道微生物产生的酶?《高考真题- 2018 北京 阅读C》

110. This apple is full of worms.


111. Today, Guinea worm still exists.


112. I wormed my way into the crowded train.


113. As the saying goes the early bird the worm.


114. The worm opens TCP port 1034 order to receive remote commands.


115. The dog has worms.


116. Worms work well as fishing bait.


117. They live on grasslands where they can easily dig up ants, grubs, and worms.

他们生活在草原上,在那儿可以很轻易的挖掘到蚂蚁 、 蛆和其它蠕虫.《期刊摘选》

118. Worms and Trojan horses are considered types of viruses.


119. Many children also suffer from worms.


120. Protozoa and parasitic worms are more complex organisms than bacteria and viruses.


121. Undercooked pork may contain living bladder worms of the pig tapeworm.

未煮熟的猪肉也许含有猪绦虫活的 “ 囊尾幼虫 ”.《辞典例句》

122. After removing the worms with forceps under topical anesthesia, the symptoms later improved.


123. The worm wriggled itself out at a small hole.


124. Network security tools that can detect the worm, spyware, trojans and other malicious programs.

网络安全工具,可以探测出蠕虫 、 间谍程序 、 木马等恶意程序.《期刊摘选》

125. The boy had worms, but he is fine now.

这男孩曾患寄生虫病, 但现在好了.《期刊摘选》

126. But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial process — not simply " millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic ."

但她希望通过某种工业流程使用这种化学物质,而不是简单地"把数百万条蠕虫扔在塑料上"《高考真题- 2018 北京 阅读C》

127. I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly.


128. The early bird gets the worm.


129. My father opened a real can of worms when he took over the ailing company and tried to get it doing business.



1. They believe that the early bird catches the worm.

VOA : special.2010.06.13

2. And there's some space-time worm taking place in Michigan, some space-time person worm taking place in New York.

然后在密西根出现了某时空蠕虫,在纽约也出现了某时空蠕虫。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. The stages can differ without the entire space-time worm being a different worm.

阶段可以不同,而整个时间虫还可以一样。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. cestoid worm


5. This week, at least, it does seem like the worm has turned on the Apple.

FORBES: Asia Week: India Suffers, Can It Soar Again?

6. Is the space-time worm that makes up this car the same sapce-time worm as the one ? that made up my car?

这辆车的时空虫,跟我那辆车的时空虫,是不是一样的?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Boris Worm says that's not surprising given how little we know about the abyssal plain.

NPR: Down Deep, An Unexpected Fish Boom

8. Worm casts look unsightly and provide a seed bed for weeds.


9. Others wanted to focus on experimental animals, like the C. elegans worm or primates.

FORBES: Inside Paul Allen's Quest To Reverse Engineer The Brain

10. But by looking at the stages, we pick out a space-time worm that makes up a person.

但看着这个阶段,我们联想到组成那个人的,时空虫。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Or to put it in terms of stages, that person's got to be--that stage, that slice has to be part of the very same extended-through-time space-time worm as this stage is.

以阶段来说,那个人,那个阶段,那个部分,和这个阶段,有着同样的贯穿时间的,时间虫。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. An amazing team of people came together in Ghana to eradicate Guinea worm disease.

WHITEHOUSE: Dream Big: Water

13. My first (and worst) pet was a newt that choked to death on a bad worm.

NEWYORKER: A Box of Puppies

14. Eradicating the painful worm depends on getting access to clean water and changing people's behavior.

CNN: Guinea worm a greater challenge than smallpox

15. It had a worm in its beak.


16. Boris Worm at Dalhousie University in Canada and Ray Hilborn at the University of Washington in Seattle were lead authors of the new study.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

17. Even scarier, Storm's creators are actively attacking researchers who try to uncover the worm's secrets.

FORBES: Zombie Storm Rising

18. Described as a virus, Melissa was said by some to be both a virus and a worm.

CNN: Technology - Analysis: Understanding viruses

19. It's as if a time-wasting flock of Angry Birds has buried productivity like a worm.

WSJ: Why Aren't Smartphones Making Us More Productive?

20. The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm.

如果我从不同人的计算机中发现了一个模型,这就说明,所有那些人的计算机都感染了相同的,恶意软件,病毒或蠕虫。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. Think it was a lot of work preparing for--or recovering from--the recent Zotob worm?

FORBES: Magazine Article

22. The point that I'd been emphasizing is well first point of course has been don't confuse the stages with the entire space-time worm.

我所强调的点是,第一个点当然是,别混淆了阶段,和整条时间虫。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. In the Atlantic lobster fishery a property-based system has arisen spontaneously, says Dr Worm.

ECONOMIST: Fishing and conservation

24. Prevention strategies include filtering drinking water and discouraging people with Guinea worm from wading in water.

CNN: Rare tropical disease close to eradication

25. Bella, look. It's a worm. (GUFFAWING) It's a worm.

VOA : standard.other

26. But he could not seem to get anyone to acknowledge that the worm was there.

NEWYORKER: Getting Real

27. You have Worm's Head on one side and Burry Holms on the other side.

BBC: Rhossili Bay

28. It is believed to be the first-known worm designed to target major infrastructure facilities.

BBC: Stuxnet worm hits Iran nuclear plant staff computers

29. The eggs produce worm-like creatures called larvae in two days to a few months.

VOA : special.2009.05.26

30. Schistomiosis, which is a worm that lives in river waters, causes terrible diseases that are still prevalent in many parts of the world.

血吸虫,是一种生存在河水中的蠕虫,可以引起严重疾病,并仍在世界上众多地区广泛流行生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Guinea worm is a non-fatal disease transmitted by water fleas living in stagnant water.

CNN: How fight against Guinea worm was won

32. First identified over the weekend, there are now at least four variants of the malicious worm.

CNN: Sasser worm rips through Internet

33. Professor Worm also led the earlier study published in two thousand six.

VOA : special.2009.08.11

34. And we're asking: Is that the very same space-time worm as the one we picked out previously or a different space-time worm ? than the one we picked out previously?

然后我们问:,这条时空虫,跟我们之前指的一样吗,还是和我们之前指的,不是同一条时空虫?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. There's the person Napoleon,a space-time worm that came to an end in France.

有一个叫拿破仑的人,一个时空蠕虫在法国寿终正寝。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. It doesn't really matter as long as we're comfortable talking about entire space-time worm, the car and the slices, or the stages.

只要我们接受,它整个是条时空虫,可以接受它的切分,阶段,这样就可以了。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. In this book, he looks at the organization with a worm's eye view.


38. Word was circulating in Geekville that the Stuxnet worm exploited four zero day errors.

FORBES: Dim Reading in Geekville

39. So I would help myself to this language of space-time worm object that extends not only over space but also over time, and distinguish the entire worm from the various slices or stages that either make up the worm or we could slice the worm into.

然后我借助时间虫这个词,这是描写物体,贯穿时间和空间的词语,并区分出整条虫,和不同的部分,这些部分是组成虫,或者虫可以切分成的。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Is there a single space-time worm here?

是一条时空虫?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. We know that there's an extended through space and time, space-time worm, a person.

我们知道,存在一条贯穿时间和空间的,时间虫,这里是个人。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Scientists used an iPhone 4S to diagnose intestinal worm infections in schoolchildren in rural Tanzania.

BBC: Worms detected by converted iPhone microscope

43. Looks a bit like a worm so we call them space-time worms.

看起来有点像虫子,所以我们称为时空虫。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Unlike a malicious worm, however, his images were incredibly easy to disarm, despite their aesthetic armor.

FORBES: The Hoaxer, The Troll And The Running Of The Digital Herd

45. A hen was pecking a worm from the ground.


46. But it might behove farmers to think more about how they use anti-worm drugs.

ECONOMIST: Parasitology: The risks of global worming | The

47. It must be, after all, a grammaticization of rhetoric," the whole point of which is that the worm of interpretation keeps turning. All right?

那一定是将修辞语法化“,整个观点,诠释的螺丝一直在旋转,对吧?文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Last year, jailbroken iPhones were infected with an iPhone OS worm known as Ikee.

FORBES: Is The iPhone Safer Than Google's Android?

49. Dr Worm reckons that 90% of the world's fish are caught in national waters.

ECONOMIST: Fishing and conservation

50. About a year later, the worm breaks out through the skin, causing painful lesions.

CNN: How fight against Guinea worm was won

51. Users' machines will only be infected if they open and run the attachment bearing the worm.

BBC: The Bagle virus has tricked lots of people

52. We do this work for the kids who will grow up not knowing Guinea worm disease.

WHITEHOUSE: Dream Big: Water

53. That, computer experts agree, is because the code for this worm is written very poorly.

CNN: Sasser worm rips through Internet

54. What makes the 1990 car stage a stage in the very same car the extended through space and time worm car as the 2006 stage?

是什么,使1990年的车阶段,和2006年车的阶段,在同一条贯穿时间和空间的,时间虫车里?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. One worm there or two?

是同一条还是两条?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. They measure sample ears, noting any evidence of corn borer, root worm or hail damage.

FORBES: Magazine Article

57. We are celebrating the end of Guinea worm disease in Ghana in West Africa.

WHITEHOUSE: Dream Big: Water

58. Carter recalled Thursday that he first saw people living with Guinea worm in Ghana.

CNN: Rare tropical disease close to eradication





argument的意思是:n. 争论,争吵;论据,理由;辩论,讨论;自变数;主词,受词;<古>书的内容提要。学考宝为您提供argument是什么意思,argument的翻译,argument的用法,argument的短语搭配,argument的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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deciduous plant的意思是:网络 落叶植物。学考宝为您提供deciduous plant是什么意思,deciduous plant的音标,deciduous plant怎么读,deciduous plant的翻译,deciduous plant的用法,deciduous plant的短语搭配,deciduous plant的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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architecture的意思是:n. 建筑设计,建筑风格;建筑学;结构;计算机的体系结构,架构。学考宝为您提供architecture是什么意思,architecture的翻译,architecture的用法,architecture的短语搭配,architecture的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


melic的意思是:adj. 可歌咏的;歌的;诗的。学考宝为您提供melic是什么意思,melic的翻译,melic的用法,melic的短语搭配,melic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


odic的意思是:adj. 颂歌的,诗的;假想的。学考宝为您提供odic是什么意思,odic的翻译,odic的用法,odic的短语搭配,odic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


arbitrary的意思是:adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,武断的。学考宝为您提供arbitrary是什么意思,arbitrary的翻译,arbitrary的用法,arbitrary的短语搭配,arbitrary的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


spirituous的意思是:adj. 酒精的;酒精成分高的;含酒精的。学考宝为您提供spirituous是什么意思,spirituous的翻译,spirituous的用法,spirituous的短语搭配,spirituous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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