莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈsɜːfɪs]play美 [ˈsɜːrfɪs]play

  • n. 表面;水面,地面;桌面,台面;(物体的)一个面;外表,表象;表面积;运动场地,运动场地面铺设材料
  • v. 浮出水面;(信息、情感或问题)显露,暴露,公开;(失踪或隐藏后)出现;<非正式>(尤指长睡后)起床;给(道路等)铺上硬面
  • adj. 表面上的,外表上的;表面的;(与空中运输相对的)水陆运输的;水面舰船的(与潜水艇相对);表层的

复数 surfaces 第三人称单数 surfaces 现在分词 surfacing 过去式 surfaced 过去分词 surfaced

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


surface /ˈsɜːfɪs/ CET4 TEM4 [ surfacing surfaced surfaces ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 The surface of something is the flat top part of it or the outside of it. 表面

    Ozone forms a protective layer between 12 and 30 miles above the Earth's surface.



    ...tiny little waves on the surface of the water.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A work surface is a flat area, for example the top of a table, desk, or kitchen counter, on which you can work. 台面

    It can simply be left on the work surface.


  • 3.
    单数型名词 When you refer to the surface of a situation, you are talking about what can be seen easily rather than what is hidden or not immediately obvious. 表面

    Back home, things appear, on the surface, simpler.


  • 4.
    不及物动词 If someone or something under water surfaces, they come up to the surface of the water. 浮出水面

    He surfaced, gasping for air.


  • 5.
    不及物动词 When something such as a piece of news, a feeling, or a problem surfaces, it becomes known or becomes obvious. 显现

    The paper says the evidence, when it surfaces, is certain to cause uproar.






1. surface treatment 表面处理

2. surface runoff 水文 地表径流 ; 地面迳流 ; 地表径流量 ; 表面径流

3. surface modification 表面改质;表面饰变

4. specific surface area 比表面积

5. specific surface 比表面;比表面积;表面系数

6. surface roughness 表面粗糙度;表面光洁度

7. ground surface 地面;磨光面;地表面

8. surface area 表面面积;曲面面积

9. surface plate 正台 ; 平面板 ; 印刷 平板 ; 覆板

10. inner surface 内表面

11. surface quality 表面质量;表面符号;外观要求

12. water surface 水面;水表面;油水介面

13. smooth surface 光滑表面;光滑面;平滑面

14. surface layer 表层

15. surface structure 表面结构,表层结构

16. surface tension 表面张力

17. road surface 路面

18. on the surface 在表面上,外表上

19. surface water [地]地表水

20. Surface finish 机 表面光洁度 ; 表面处理 ; 建 表面修饰 ; 表面粗糙度

21. free surface 自由表面 ; 流 自由面 ; 游离面

22. Surface Energy 物 表面能 ; 表面能量 ; 表面自由能 ; 外貌能

23. curved surface 弯曲表面

24. surface temperature 表面温度;地表温度;表层水温

25. surface wave 地震 面波

26. surface integral 曲面积分 ; 数 面积分 ; 球面积分 ; 表面组成部分

27. earth's surface 地球表面




flat surface 平面

rough surface 粗糙面

smooth surface 光滑表面


surface area 表面积

Earth's surface 地球表面

surface of the water 水面

surface level 表面水准;表层


break the surface 打破表面

scratch the surface 刮破表面;仅触及问题表面


1. A lux is a measure of the illumination given by a light to a distant surface.


2. Objective To investigate the distribution rule of NMDA receptor protein localizated on neuron membrane surface.

目的探讨神经元膜NMDA受体蛋白分子在神经元膜表面的分布规律,对单个膜NMDA受体 蛋白进行定位.《期刊摘选》

3. The results show that the SAE is a high effective surface sizing agent.


4. The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.


5. Spray rose up from the surface of the water.


6. On the surface, he appeared unchanged.


7. Place the fish on a flat surface and sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice and pepper.


8. The result is a container with a hard service surface that will last for many years.


9. We will now examine the mechanisms by which viruses are attracted to solid surfaces.

我们现在将要讨论病毒 “ 附着 ” 到固体表面的机理.《辞典例句》

10. She surfaced again years later in London.


11. Moreover cracks were observed on cross section near coating surface, which causes spalling of coating.


12. NanA is produced by all strains of pneumococcus andprominently on the bacteria's outer surface.


13. Reports of conflicts of interest or outright corruption surface regularly.


14. Gleaming ripples cut the lake's surface.


15. The pipe must be cut perpendicularly to its axis and its external surface deburred.


16. Extending far inward from an outer surface.


17. So far, this dummy holiday assures company whole rises to surface.

至此, 这个虚构的假担保公司整体浮出水面.《期刊摘选》

18. With it, a hull, fin keel and a rudder, as the three surfaces can be designed.

有了脚本, 船壳 、 鳍龙骨和艇舵就像三种外观一样可以被设计出来.《期刊摘选》

19. In addition to internal inclusions, surface irregularities are referred to as blemishes.

除内部的包括之外, 表面不规则事物被称为缺点.《期刊摘选》

20. The surface of the moon is pitted with craters.


21. I bobbed to the surface and gasped a lungful of air.


22. Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface.


23. Look from the exterior, cutaneous surface just has sunken have dash forward, like furrow.

从外观看起来, 皮肤的表面才有凹有突, 像皱纹一样.《期刊摘选》

24. Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.


25. In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's submarine force was relatively small.


26. This is one of many costly facts about monetary union now bursting disagreeably to the surface.


27. The surface gloss had begun to crack.


28. They are digging up the football field to lay a new surface.


29. He staggered on the uneven surface.


30. Impeller on the inside and outside smooth surface of requirements to reduce the flow friction loss.


31. The paint will cover any irregularity in the surface of the walls.


32. Today, the highway's appearance minimal maintenance , as does the jostling ride produced by the rough surface.

如今, 公路的外观已经近乎面目全非,坑坑洼洼的路面造成了交通拥堵.《期刊摘选》

33. In the end he drags the person out and takes her to the surface.


34. He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.


35. The more regular is surface topography of fracture 2, 5, 6, the smaller is fractal dimension.

断口2 、 断口5和断口6外观形貌较规则, 分形维数较小.《期刊摘选》

36. The surfaces are made from a material that doesn't mark.


37. I want to leave the surface of earth, elope to the moon!

我要离开地球表面, 私奔到月球!《期刊摘选》

38. A hazy appearance on the surface of a coating.


39. My heart in depths wasn't just like firmness of surface, and in good taste.


40. This report has barely skimmed the surface of the subject.


41. If steam touches cold surfaces, it condenses into water.

如果蒸汽接触冷的表面, 它就会凝结成水.《辞典例句》

42. The pills that may be formed appear to be a part of the overall surface texture.


43. It seems like a good idea on the surface but there are sure to be problems.


44. What time do you surface?


45. To get the surface of materials are ready to paint without any oil, dust and impurity.

对基材表面进行处理,使基材表面无油污 、 灰尘和其它杂质.粘接面必须充分接触.《期刊摘选》

46. The majority of a launcher icon's surface should be created using the launcher icon color palette.


47. The facts had been brought to the surface.


48. Pressure must be uniformly distributed over the whole surface.


49. The author thought that the above analysis two reasons, belong to the surface, shallow level.

笔者以为,以上的分析两点原因, 属于表面的, 浅层次的.《期刊摘选》

50. The outer surface of ship's hull is very hard.


51. Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly.


52. He had learned to present a blank, neutral surface.

他学会了在外表上显得呆头呆脑, 庸庸碌碌.《辞典例句》

53. Using high power CO 2 laser a Ni - Cr - Al plasma coating on aluminum alloy surface a cladding layer.


54. The force does not increase as the surface is stretched farther.


55. The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond's surface.


56. Take down the surface disguise.


57. These eliminated internal reflections and also diminished light loss on air to glass surfaces.


58. The surface modification of ultrafine calcium carbonate was made by using aluminium zirconium coupling agent.


59. The result is a container without with a hard surface that will last for many years.


60. The emotions will surface at some point in life...


61. Their surface is rough, quality is inferior, embezzle other brand.

它们外观粗糙, 质量低劣, 盗用他人品牌.《期刊摘选》

62. There's no chance that he'll surface because he's bound to have heard by now...


63. Also introduced in ink, phototoxity can also be accelerated curing varnish on the surface.

还有就是在油墨中加入适量光敏剂, 也可加速光油表面的固化.《期刊摘选》

64. Home of the surface science listserver that keeps surface scientists around the world informed.


65. The ducks dived and surfaced again several metres away.


66. He dived below the surface of the water.


67. Rage bubbled just below the surface of his mind.


68. The metal is strongly attracted to the surface.


69. The surface finish and condition at the point of sealing contact are also critical.


70. Love in one's deep heart is real , while love surface is false.

爱在心地是深的, 专疼表面的是假的.《期刊摘选》

71. He finally surfaced around noon.


72. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.


73. ...tiny little waves on the surface of the water...


74. a broad leaf with a large surface area


75. Like billboard advertisements, the smooth and untextured surfaces reveal little of the artist's personality.

作品那平滑而毫无质感的表面毫不显露艺术家本人的性情, 就像路边的广告牌一样.《期刊摘选》

76. But only the USA had achieved the feat of landing man onto the lunar surface.


77. On the surface, she's a charming, helpful person.

从外表上看, 她又很迷人 、 又肯助人.《简明英汉词典》

78. Percy grasped what lay beneath Mary's language and pulled it to the surface.


79. I need a flat surface to write on.


80. Check the appearance of uniform color door surface paint, no scratches, bubbles.

检查外观,门板表面漆层色泽均匀, 无划痕 、 气泡.《期刊摘选》

81. Interesting hummocks swirls and are found on the surface of the landslide.


82. Flatten the surface of the grass with a roller.


83. an uneven road surface


84. He burst to the surface, straining for air.


85. You need an even surface to work on.


86. He seems rather cold on the surface.


87. The research tar surface active spot is studies the tar and the methane action mechanism foundation.


88. Clues were gradually starting to surface in the big robbery case.


89. But Klaus wasn't the sort to think on the surface of anything.


90. Every surface is scattered with photographs.


91. Further optimization guarantees the high quality of meshes without destroying the exterior appearance of original surface.


92. Beneath that apparently calm surface is a man of fierce temper.


93. I make the hard furniture, in hard furniture surface processing is the metal wiredrawing.

我是做铁家具的, 在铁家具表面的处理是金属拉丝的.《期刊摘选》

94. Ozone forms a protective layer between 12 and 30 miles above the Earth's surface.

臭氧在地球表面上方 12 到 30 英里处形成一个保护层。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

95. The ethylene ( C 2 H 4 ) adsorbed on Ru ( 0001 ) surface has been studied by using thermal desorption spectroscopy ( TDS ).

用热脱附谱 ( TDS ) 方法研究了乙烯 ( C2H4 ) 在Ru ( 0001 ) 表面上的吸附.《期刊摘选》

96. Polyolefin have low adhesion strength because of low surface energy base adhesive is prepared with acrylicresin.


97. To produce a network of fine cracks in the surface or glaze of.


98. Some fresh ideas begin to surface.


99. Her gentleness is only on the surface.


100. An operation whereby the surface of a bar is ground without using a lathe.


101. The difficulties in surface wave problems arise from the freesurface conditions.


102. Back home, things appear, on the surface, simpler.


103. The morphology of abrasion surface and the mechanism of abrasion breaking are investigated by TEM, SEM.

借助于TEM 、 SEM及红外光谱研究了磨损表面的微观形貌及磨耗的断裂力学机理.《期刊摘选》

104. Back in Britain, things appear, on the surface, simpler...


105. This new glue bonds a variety of surfaces in seconds.


106. The full line gives the shape of the surface at the instant show.


107. Scribing or without on the surface is both availbable.


108. The properties of polypropylene composites filling with the untreated and surface treated bagasse were tested respectively.


109. Rub the surface smooth.


110. And this week, protectionist tensions rose to the surface in both countries.

本周, 保护主义紧张情绪在两国都浮出水面.《期刊摘选》

111. For example, we tend to be regarded as a constant amount of surface tension.


112. Along with case's thorough investigation, the fact outline emerges the water surface gradually.

随着案件的深入调查, 事实的轮廓逐渐浮出水面.《期刊摘选》

113. On the surface she seemed meek, rather insipid.


114. The first is that stirring the sludge causes methane to bubble to the surface faster.


115. One major disadvantage of anodized surfaces is their very poor thermal condu ctivity.


116. When inspection indicates the surface a rubbing compound may be used to obtain a high gloss.


117. The shoe's sole had a slightly textured surface.


118. Place the material on a flat surface, shiny side uppermost.


119. For highly abrasive applications we can supply a replaceable seat ring with a hardfaced knife surface.


120. We'll need a flat surface to play the game on.


121. If use measuring measure size, observation and appearance of the product surface characteristics.

如用量具测尺寸 、 观察产品的外观和表面特性.《期刊摘选》

122. It can simply be left on the work surface.


123. In addition, surface coating will increase the ink abradability, especially covered entirely by the ink object.

此外, 表面涂布会增加油墨耐磨性, 尤其是被油墨完全覆盖的物体.《期刊摘选》

124. A large proportion of the earth surface is covered with ocean.


125. The bright , shiny appearance of some nylons contrasts sharply with the relatively dull surface of wool.


126. If they are made of other materials, their surface is covered with plastics. Colour offerd asker.

如采用其它钢质材料, 其外表静电涂塑, 色泽可根据客户要求制作.《期刊摘选》

127. 70% of our globe's surface is water.


128. Some sialic acid is on the external surface of lysosomes.


129. The loading surface has been designed to hold various load - bed units for diverse purposes.


130. Adopted advanced technology, square housing , elegant and tasted, screen surface is flat, soft and pure white.

采用先进的工艺做成,外观线条流畅, 方形外壳,美观大方, 幕面平整 、 柔软、洁白.《期刊摘选》

131. With the growth of our economy, many problems such as waste of energy are beginning surface.

随着我们的经济成长, 许多问题例如能量消耗开始浮出水面.《期刊摘选》

132. Sunlight played on the surface of the lake.


133. So large is the Pacific, covering 30% of the planet’s surface, that the 31 specific energy generated by its warming is enough to touch off a series of weather changes around the world.

太平洋太大了,覆盖了地球30% 的表面积,因此,因其升温而产生的(31) 特定能量足以引发全球的一系列天气变化。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

134. These plants float on the surface of the water.


135. Although she was intimidating in aspect, she was warm and affectionate beneath the surface.

虽然她外表令人畏惧, 但内心却温暖仁爱.《简明英汉词典》

136. The temperature curves in the outer surface of cast infiltration alloyed layer are analyzed.


137. Recently, the banks with the dividend policy of the revised articles of association surfaced.

近期, 各家银行分红政策也随着修改后的公司章程浮出水面.《期刊摘选》

138. Characteristics such as high impact, toughness and good surface appearance are key value drivers.

诸如高抗冲击性 、 高硬度以及优美的外观都是提升最终产品价值的关键因素.《期刊摘选》

139. If further evidence of Saddam's malevolent intent surfaces.


140. The truth always rises to the surface.


141. Skin effect is current conduction along only the outer surface of a conductor at high frequencies.


142. This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic.


143. The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint.


144. Full is also studying how geckos climb smooth surfaces.


145. Concern for the children never took long to surface.


146. A new approach for 3 D mesh surface filtering is presented.


147. Exterior measurement includes specification and size, surface defect and sewing requirement.

外观质量包括规格尺寸及公差 、 表面疵点、缝制要求.《期刊摘选》

148. Painting for outside surface of tank shall be done after water tightness test and cleaning.


149. Organic rubbers develop a resinous surface crust through weathering.


150. the earth's surface


151. Enriched cells display distinct mesenchymal surface markers and are capable of multiple lineage differentiation.


152. Please do not wipe the outer surface with acid, alkali or other corrosive solutions.

请勿用酸 、 碱或其它腐蚀性溶液来擦拭外表面.《期刊摘选》

153. There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon.


154. Two alligators rest their snouts on the water's surface.


155. Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting.


156. The search party was teleported down to the planet's surface.


157. The scheme seems on the surface to be quite practical.


158. The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine.


159. Don't slosh the paint on so thickly, they want a nice smooth surface.

别把油漆胡乱刷得这么厚, 他们要求外表光滑美观.《期刊摘选》

160. The result is a container with a hard surface that will last for many years.


161. The paper says the evidence, when it surfaces, is certain to cause uproar...


162. The reflection of ordinary light on the internal boundary surface of the uniaxial crystal is studied.


163. The divers have begun to ascend to the surface the water.


164. Union surface for developers or businesses broken Board monopoly?


165. ...Nato surface forces.


166. Surface characteristics of cokes from thermogravimetric apparatus and muffle burner were described.


167. The researchfoundthat the shell surface had disordered vibration mark andthethickness of billet becamethinnerfromtopto bottom.


168. No burr, flash, scratch , flow mark, bright speck, shrinkage defects etc on the surface of product.

外观表面不可有毛边 、 刮痕 、 流痕 、 亮痕 、 缩水等不良现象.《期刊摘选》

169. Surface crack on teeth clamp was studied by means of macroscopic and metallographic examination.


170. a work surface


171. First remove any grease or dirt from the surface.


172. A crocodile was lurking just below the surface.


173. Carbon nanotubes have excellent absorption characteristics due to the abundant surface functional groups.


174. The fish did not surface. Instead, it began to tow the skiff to the northwest.

但是,那条鱼并没有浮出水面, 反而开始把小船拖着往西北方向跑.《期刊摘选》

175. Doubts began to surface.


176. Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel.


177. He surfaced, gasping for air.


178. External appearance rating, surface variety of [ with ] external appearance.

外观评级, 试样 表面外观的变化.《期刊摘选》

179. Be changed the surface by customer's design for different selling area and brand.


180. The characteristic appearance of the surface of a broken mineral.


181. She's cleaned all the kitchen surfaces.


182. The fish did not surface.


183. Difficulties with children will surface if you try to break a promise you made.


184. Social unrest, never far below the surface in Brazil, has erupted over the last few days...


185. The scientists mapped the surface of the moon.


186. They confirmed earlier theories about the Moon's surface.


187. S. government must be able to act decisively when information surfaces about a potential threat.

奥巴马总统说, 美国政府必须在潜在威胁显露之初,果断采取措施.《期刊摘选》

188. Rubber pieces from the exterior surface of osteoporosis, loss of flexibility, so that failure of rubber.

从外观上看橡胶件表面疏松、毛糙, 失去弹性, 从而使橡胶失效.《期刊摘选》

189. Fresh allegations have surfaced of rigging in Sudan's elections last week.


190. It can simply be left on the work surface...


191. The maximum limit of 42 beneficiaries of Liu Fang has also surfaced.


192. The process of inner surface has liberation while that of outer surface has absorption effect.


193. Of these, only 1 % to 2 % will annually spontaneously clear hepatitis B surface antifen ( HBsAg ).

其中每年只有1%到2%的患者表面抗原(hepatitisBsurfaceantifen, HBsAg ) 可以自然清除.《期刊摘选》

194. Be based on your request colour face to face integral ball outside surface flame plating.


195. The requirement of concrete appearance quality is smooth, achieving the mirror surface result.

摘要:混凝土的外观质量要求为混凝土表面光洁, 达到“镜面”效果.《期刊摘选》


1. Real La Nina events have been linked with cooler than normal temperatures on the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean.

VOA : special.2009.09.29

2. So the arabesque of the plot, as I say, is a matter of encountering bad object choices and overcoming them: -- neatness, busyness--choices which, by the way, are on the surface temptations.

于是剧情精妙的发展,就变成做出错误选择然后克服困难了:,简洁,繁琐,选择其实就是诱惑。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. On the surface side, Joy has nearly twice the sales of its nearest competitor, Bucyrus International.

FORBES: The big dig

4. This high sublimation loss during the dry season causes well-developed penitents at the glacier surface.

UNESCO: Dublin Core

5. Some prospects are classic value plays, appearing on the surface to be in trouble.

FORBES: The LBO Method

6. With shadow puppets, the puppeteer stands behind a white cloth surface and rests the slightly see-through puppets against the cloth.

VOA : special.2009.09.23

7. The three men had found one of the largest amounts of gold ever discovered lying on the surface of the Earth.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

8. The surface of the Republic reveals that it is a dialogue.

理想国》的表面展现出,这是一场对话。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. So,at the age of forty-seven she started to glue crushed colored glass in special designs on every surface in her house.

VOA : special.2010.04.14

10. All right. So please raise your hand now if you think there'll be sufficient energy to eject electrons from the metal surface?

好的,如果你们认为,有足够的能量从金属表面,射出电子请举手?化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. One argument against the comet theory is that a comet would have left a large hole in the Earth's surface.

VOA : special.2009.01.20

12. On the surface, Viread seemed to work like AZT and Zerit, but underneath it worked better.

FORBES: The Golden Age of Antiviral Drugs

13. In the future, Surface could become a conduit for downloading all kinds of mobile content.

FORBES: Surface Surfaces At AT&T

14. That is the lowest point on the earth's land surface so this dramatic drop in just a very short geographical area.

这是地球陆地表面的最低点,这急剧下降是在很短的地理范围内。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. because when you're up on that point, you see anything that's in the water, anything close to the surface and,

因为当你站在那里的高处,你能看到贴近水面的一切,而且,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 圣莫尼卡之景点

16. As the fish sped off and line played out, Whalen struggled for 45 seconds back to the surface.

FORBES: The Young Man And the Sea

17. Again I planed the surface flush.


18. The water was cold and clear, and all around us sunlight was breaking through the surface.

BBC: Meet Junes BBC Travel Photo Nomad

19. If you want to dig beneath the hard-scrabble surface of this desert oasis, start with the OriGen Experience.

BBC: Discover life in the Nevada desert

20. Yes. In fact, there is not enough energy in a single photon to go ahead and eject an electron from this zinc surface.

是的,事实上,这里的光子没有足够的能量,去从锌表面逐出一个电子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

21. On the surface, the upcoming season looks like a disaster for the New York Mets.

FORBES: Underdog, Financially Troubled Mets Just May Surprise

22. Surface is, according to Canalys, doomed to the same fate as the Zune media player.

FORBES: Will Microsoft Help You Buy Your Next PC?

23. It will surface back up in another piece of work or another idea at some point in your life.

在某个时刻,旧点子会以另一种形式重新出现,或者另一个想法在会出现在你的生活中。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

24. After all, seeing cool fish and colourful coral is the main reason divers descend below the surface.

BBC: Underwater volunteer vacations

25. Sadly, the planet probably does not have the sort of surface on which life could have evolved.

ECONOMIST: Extrasolar planets

26. To prepare each pizza, place a ball of dough on a lightly floured surface.

CNN: Pizza Dough

27. surface measurements


28. It says they should be placed on a separate sleep surface from their parents,without blankets, pillows or other soft bedding.

VOA : special.2009.08.26

29. Nato surface forces


30. While on the surface procrastination often looks like laziness, at the heart of it lies fear.

FORBES: Procrastination, At What Price?

31. And the figure of the poetic rewards for chastity continues to surface throughout Milton's early works.

同时,因为操守贞洁而受到诗意赞美的人,贯穿了弥尔顿的早期作品。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The surface was matted.


33. Receptors are protein molecules that sit on the surface of cells in the nose.

FORBES: The Secrets of Scent

34. Fourth-quarter earnings season has officially started, and, on the surface, analysts are projecting strong growth.

FORBES: What's Driving Earnings Higher?

35. In the study, scientists placed highly sensitive measuring equipment two hundred to two hundred seventy meters under the ocean's surface.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

36. The atmosphere is about twenty-percent oxygen and eighty percent nitrogen from Earth's surface to where space begins at one-hundred-twenty kilometers up.

VOA : special.2011.04.06

37. And this is kind of nice because you see it is not an abrupt spherical surface.

这种动画很好,因为你从中看到的并不是一个唐突的球面。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. When you're falling to the surface of the Earth, you are describing a problem of constant acceleration.

当你讨论下落问题时,你在描述一个加速度恒定的问题基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Their world below the surface was as alive and brimming with detail as their world above it.

BBC: The end of a wandering way of life?

40. NASA used its Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite,or LCROSS, to look for water deep beneath the lunar surface.

VOA : special.2009.12.30

41. Instead of remaining concentrated at the surface, dispersed oil pollutes the entire water column.

CNN: We are all Gulf victims now

42. They might ingest extracellular antigen, presented pieces of it on their cell surface in the context of MHC-2.

它们可以吞噬胞外抗原,根据细胞表面的,主要组织相容性抗原-2生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. Mr. Todashev did share some commonalities with Mr. Tsarnaev, at least on the surface.

WSJ: After Murder Suspect's Death, Probe Is Decried, Defended

44. The true dangers lie beneath the surface, beyond the mere marketing information of likes and dislikes.

FORBES: The Dangers In Following The Crowd

45. All we're going to do here is really just, once again, scratch the surface.

我们在这里只是,肤浅地解析一下。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Independent lines of research involving helioseismology and surface polar fields tend to support their conclusion.

FORBES: To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

47. Space scientists have collected a wealth of information from spacecraft that have orbited,landed on and dug into the Martian surface.

VOA : special.2010.07.28

48. Some folks see the inclusion of a keyboard as the Surface's big selling point.

CNN: 5 ways Microsoft's Surface may be better than an iPad

49. The balloon of surface air quickly reaches speeds of 100 to 150 mph going straight up!

CNN: The making of a nightmare tornado

50. She's a woman who just skims the surface of life, preferring a thin facade to introspection.

CNN: Review: 'American Beauty' is just that

51. The magnet creates a field which changes the polarity of a tiny, tiny portion of the metal particles which coat each platter's surface.

这个磁体创建一个,能改变覆盖在,磁盘表面小金属粒子的磁极。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

52. NASA scientists hope to extend their search for water as deep as five meters beneath the surface of the moon.

VOA : special.2009.09.30

53. Mine is a profession that might on the surface appear to suit the passive personality.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Trauma'

54. Well, the ones in director light must not be so reflective but be kind of of dark surface.

然而,直接处于光线之下的瓷片不会如此反光,它们的表面较暗。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

55. Health, family or financial issues are all part of life and may surface at any time.

FORBES: This Year Make Resolutions That Stick

56. the Moon's cratered surface


57. There are proteins, for example, on the surface of some cells that bind insulin and respond to the presence of insulin.

比如说蛋白,有些细胞表面上的蛋白,捕获胰岛素并且对胰岛素进行应答生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. They wanted to know, before they made their first incision, what was just below the surface.


59. I don't believe we'll-- I'll--come close to scratching the surface of what I would enjoy doing, by the time I've died.

我不能相信-,我能推测死时,自己会对什么感兴趣。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Scientists have long believed that Earth's satellite lacks the ability to hold water near its surface because it has no atmosphere.

VOA : special.2009.09.30

61. It looked like just another dull piece of basalt, so much of which litters the Martian surface.

BBC: Cosmic coincidence on the road to Glenelg

62. The reality is surface tablets from Microsoft languish while iPads from Apple remain the kings.

FORBES: Bill Gates Has Xbox 720 To Thank For New Wealth Growth Spurt

63. Using the angle of the Sun, the team was able to estimate temperatures on Europa's surface.

BBC: Ice blades threaten Europa landing

64. The total weight of equipment remaining on the lunar surface is about two thousand two hundred sixty eight kilograms.

VOA : special.2010.03.02

65. Professor Roark says knowing the age of the corals might help scientists understand earlier water conditions and ocean surface productivity.

VOA : special.2009.05.12





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