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play play

  • n. 假摔;贬调
  • v. 笨重地摔;猛然坐下;彻底失败(flop 的 ing 形式)

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flop /flɒp/ TEM8 [ flopping flopped flops ]

  • 1.
    不及物动词 If you flop into a chair, for example, you sit down suddenly and heavily because you are so tired. (因疲惫) 一下子重重地坐下

    Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet.


  • 2.
    不及物动词 If something flops onto something else, it falls there heavily or untidily. 沉重地摔落

    The briefcase flopped onto the desk.


  • 3.
    不及物动词 If something flops, it is completely unsuccessful. 彻底失败

    The film flopped badly at the box office.


  • 4.
    可数名词 If something is a flop, it is completely unsuccessful. 惨败

    It is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop.



1. flopping syncope 薄厥

2. flopping-type thing 假摔

3. Flopping About 扑腾

4. Flopping Onto 扑腾

5. flopping around 也没有跳动

6. flopping down 落下

7. proton flopping 质子跃迁

8. fosbury flop 背越式跳高;福斯贝利式跳高

9. Flopping Bird 扑腾的鸟


1. Tell yourself that every time you crack open an egg from now on you won't be half expecting a leathery wad of bird to come flopping out into the skillet.


2. He has been criticized for flip-flopping on several key issues.


3. And after reading about Vipassana meditation in the library one afternoon, I got to thinking about how much time I spend in my life crashing around like a great gasping fish, either squirming away from some uncomfortable distress or flopping hun-grily toward ever more pleasure.


4. His rivals often mock him for flip-flopping.


5. Now the little man became the witness of a mighty scene. The tent began to flounder. It took flopping strides in the direction of the lake.


6. A number of fish were flopping on the deck.


7. She'd keep that up tongue flopping and tail stretched arrow-straight& until she was out of breath.


8. Flopping is the best defense against Yao in the NBA.


9. The fish are still flopping about.


10. A few minutes later he ran from the park, a royal goldfish flopping inside the crown of his straw hat.


11. But there's a big difference between flopping for dramatic purposes and actually taking a charge.


12. This word encompasses a sense of "flip-flopping" but it also implies a number of other complicating forces.


13. Saying your prayers! You're a nice woman! What do you mean by flopping yourself down and praying agin me?


14. Dying fish were flopping about on the wooden boards.


15. On defense, he is renowned for taking the charge – or flopping , if you prefer.


16. It is shown that propagation effects have a larger impact on Rabi flopping than the nonlinearities rooted from electron-electron interactions in multiple quantum wells.


17. Try to get them all," said Burron, a spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise. "You might have beautiful triceps -- it may not be flopping all over the place.


18. Before the large plates containing a wide variety of shellfish and bowls of flopping shrimp arrived, our host looked warily at me and asked my bandmates, 'What is the foreigner going to eat?'


19. The fish we had caught were flopping about in the bottom of the boat.


20. He knows something is in it because he can hear it flopping about inside.


21. We have stated that speaking in tongues, which includes flopping about on the floor, is based primarily in the sexual frustration the Catholic church imposes on its members.


22. I sat down to watch Honey race after the ball, ears flopping all the way.

我坐下来,看着哈尼根着球跑着, 耳朵一直扑扇着.《互联网》

23. Your head should face straight head of you and should be fairly still, rather than flopping around.


24. So anyway, um, his head is like flopping down Broadway, right, and I'm just thinking...


25. Rabi Flopping in a V-type three-level system with two orthogonal eigenstates


26. Maotanchang's most famous graduate is a skinny 19-year-old with hair flopping over his eyes.


27. Forget about what is produced and what is destroyed in the mind. In the process of flip-flopping of mental states, one may see the inner self, the unmoving mind.


28. The data of matrix A are input into the computer, which induces flopping errors.


29. " I think the league has gone soft over the last few years and they've got to do something about all of the flopping," O'Neal said.


30. The vice-president was accused of flip-flopping on several major issues.


31. Many resent his apparent flip-flopping on important issues, like gun-control and whether or not to talk to Iran and Syria, as well as less important ones, like whether to wear a flag pin.


32. The league is using this season as a case study trying to determine how often flopping occurs in a game.


33. Though most athletes were utterly exhausted by the decathlon alone, Thorpe breezed through both events, his dark hair flopping, his smile flashing, his muscled body gliding along the track.


34. The fish were flopping about in the bottom of the boat.


35. Rather than beating about the bush, the fall of the dendrite in the matter of flopping about.


36. I annoyed almost and quickly at that time crazy, so the news that heard that person's false step flopping to break a precipice afterwards, was once again full of a hope in my heart.


37. To see it flopping and gasping was more than I could bear.


38. I watched Palin take a club to a huge halibut that was flopping around on the deck of a boat, knocking it out cold so it could be thrown into the hold of a professional fishing vessel.


39. Growing up both in America and Malaysia, I've spent most of life flip-flopping between the languages, cuisines and cultures I call home.


40. Wearing his father's shoes, the little boy was flopping around in the room.

小男孩穿着爸爸的大鞋子, 在屋里啪喀啪喀地来回走.《互联网》

41. What do you mean by flopping yourself down and praying agin me?'

咚一声跪下地来咒我,你这是什么意思”《英汉文学 - 双城记》

42. The data of matrix a are input into the computer, which induces flopping errors.


43. The fish were flopping around in the bottom of the boat.


44. The fish were still flopping about on the bank.


45. Another possible reason for drafting tough new green policies is that current ones are flopping.



1. Anywhere else, the flip-flopping would be enough to have the general and his men in front of a firing squad.

BBC: Afghan fighters' shifting loyalties

2. On the one hand, the laws of crisis management dictate that flip-flopping is just about the worst thing you can do.

FORBES: Telling It Like It Is: Lowe's Unnecessary Fear in the Age of Analytics

3. Wearing his dapper tailored slacks and open-collared shirts, he celebrates goals with the joy of a child, his hair flopping over his forehead.

WSJ: Euro 2012: It's OK to Root for Germany

4. Scottish Conservative leader Annabel Goldie MSP accused the Liberal Democrats of having "turned flip-flopping into an art form".

BBC: Lib Dem MSP calls for referendum

5. He was accused of flip-flopping on a whole host of issues.

BBC: Has Mitt Romney got what it takes?

6. But even those who are accustomed to the Aintree course aren't immune to flopping at the first hurdle.

WSJ: Why They Fear Aintree's First

7. The flip-flopping sent shivers through the world markets, ratcheted up fears Europe's bailout program would fail and left Papandreou politically damaged.

CNN: What will Greek elections mean for the country's future?

8. Without it flexibility of thinking can become diffused and the results look like a fish out of water, flopping around on a dock.

FORBES: 4 Things That Set Great Companies Apart from the Crowd

9. The Big Ten has reigned for the past three regular seasons before flopping in the postseason.

WSJ: NCAA Championship: Best Team vs. Best Conference

10. Flip-flopping from monarchy to military rule to democracy and back again makes for a wobbly foundation.

WSJ: Riding Brazil's River of Doubt

11. Obama on Saturday also singled out Palin for the first time for flip-flopping on earmarks while governor of Alaska.

CNN: Candidates claim to be agents of change

12. In addition, I believe that as business leaders you should reinforce flip-flopping in your executives.

FORBES: In Praise of The Flip-Flop: Eight Reasons A Change Of Heart Is Invaluable

13. The candidates were all invited to the competition, but none had stopped by to show off their flip-flopping skills.

NPR: Washington Experience a Liability for Democrats?

14. At least he would then be flip-flopping towards common sense, instead of away from it.

ECONOMIST: Mitt Romneys economics: Flip back please | The

15. His rambunctious dogs (the two Labradoodles, Jasper and Sport, and a Bedlington terrier named Lily) take turns flopping on every conceivable surface.

WSJ: Going Modern, Staying Grand

16. He removes his helmet, two large ears flopping outward as he does so.

FORBES: Mickey, Meet Yoda: Disney To Buy Lucasfilm For $4.05 Billion

17. "I have no thoughts on officiating or flopping, " Pacers coach Frank Vogel said.

NPR: James, West, Stephenson Fined For Flopping

18. These household and household-ish names climb the stairs and take a very public leap, sometimes landing gracefully, or at least belly-flopping for audience amusement.

WSJ: Splash: Reality Television Takes a DiveJason Gay

19. Cancer geneticist Garth Anderson of Roswell Park Cancer Institute thinks he knows why so many cancer drugs are flopping.

FORBES: Why Pfizer Can't Cure Cancer

20. Big names like Mark Wahlberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ryan Gossling are flopping right and left.

FORBES: The Death Of Movie Stars

21. America is belly-flopping upon impact no matter what happens fiscal-cliff-wise this week.

FORBES: Happy New Year? Fiscal Cliff, Meet The Costberg

22. He disguises his statist positions with an abundance of flip-flopping and pandering as needed.

FORBES: Ron Paul Polling Dead Last In Florida

23. The president still has a hard fight ahead - and flip-flopping suspects like Maslog aren't making his task any easier.


24. Pretty much every other smash hit in summer 1993 (along with one expected smash that ended up flopping) was a pure star vehicle.

FORBES: The Box Office Legacy Of 'Jurassic Park,' 20 Years Later

25. The debate over nuclear energy, restarting suspended reactors and his perceived flip-flopping on the issue has also affected his popularity.

BBC: Japan PM Yoshihiko Noda set for general election

26. Mr Kerry posed a different challenge, but the Rove team managed to label him a flip-flopping liberal with some success.

BBC: Karl Rove

27. Once the action began, the 6-foot-2, 230-pound Mr. Zepaltas celebrated by belly-flopping into the tomato heap.

WSJ: Messy Business: Now You Can Pay To Get Hit by a Tomato

28. Second, the new Torch product line has received crushingly bad reviews and is apparently flopping out of the gate.

FORBES: Blackberry Blackout a Second Break for the Windows Camp

29. John McCain is being accused by the Democratic Party every day of flip-flopping on the subject Bush tax cuts.

NPR: McCain Adviser: Priority Is Getting Economy Growing

30. " But with all their flip-flopping and zig- zagging their real slogan should be, "Hype is on the way.

CNN: Pataki: 'Bush says what he means, he means what he says'





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