莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [kəˈpæsəti]play美 [kəˈpæsəti]play

  • n. 能力,才能;容积,容纳能力;职位,职责;功率,容积;生产量,生产能力
  • adj. 无虚席的,满场的

复数 capacities

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


capacity /kəˈpæsɪtɪ/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Your capacity for something is your ability to do it, or the amount of it that you are able to do. 能力

    Our capacity for giving care, love, and attention is limited.



    Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.


  • 2.
    有变体名词 The capacity of a container is its volume, or the amount of liquid it can hold, measured in units such as quarts or gallons. 容量

    ...containers with a maximum capacity of 200 gallons of water.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 The capacity of something such as a factory, industry, or region is the quantity of things that it can produce or deliver with the equipment or resources that are available. 产量

    ...the amount of spare capacity in the economy.



    Bread factories are working at full capacity.


  • 4.
    可数名词 The capacity of a piece of equipment is its size or power, often measured in particular units. 负载量

    ...an aircraft with a bomb-carrying capacity of 1000 pounds.


  • 5.
    可数名词 If you do something in a particular capacity, you do it as part of a particular job or duty, or because you are representing a particular organization or person. 身份

    Ms. Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of UNICEF.


  • 6.
    单数型名词 The capacity of a building, place, or vehicle is the number of people or things that it can hold. If a place is filled to capacity, it is as full as it can possibly be. 容纳力

    Each stadium had a seating capacity of about 50,000.


  • 7.
    形容词 A capacity crowd or audience completely fills a theatre, sports stadium, or other place. 满座的

    A capacity crowd of 76,000 people was at the stadium for the event.






ability capability capacity competence 【导航词义:能力,才能】

ability n. 能力,本领,能耐;专门技能

〔辨析〕 普通用词,主要用于人,指在智力或体力上能够做某事的实际能力,常后接动词不定式或介词 in/for。

例1: a player of great ability


例2: She has the ability to run her father's business.


例3: He shows an ability in/for farming.


capability n. 能力,才能

〔辨析〕 尤指完成有难度的事情所需的能力,常后接动词不定式或介词 of,可以复数形式出现。

例1: manufacturing capability


例2: She has the capability to handle the work.


例3: Mary has the capability of becoming an excellent teacher.


例4: In her opinion, simultaneous translation is beyond his capabilities.


capacity n. 能力,才能;容纳能力

〔辨析〕 指人理解或做某事的能力,或容器、房间等的容纳能力,常后接介词 of/for。

例1: a child's capacity for learning


例2: He has a capacity for computers.


例3: The fuel tank has a capacity of 50 litres.


competence n. 能力,胜任

〔辨析〕 强调做某事的非凡能力,常后接介词 in。

例1: You should try to maintain your professional competence.


例2: We have doubt about his competence in teaching.


例3: He demonstrated thorough competence in dealing with these issues.



1. channel capacity 通道容量 ; 通道传输能力 ; 河道容量

2. system capacity 系统容量;系统运能

3. loading capacity 负荷容量;载荷能力

4. high capacity 大容量

5. vital capacity 肺活量 ; 肺活量 ; 生存能力 ; 生活力

6. capacity factor 分化 容量因子 ; 交 能容系数 ; 容量因数 ; 利用率

7. bearing capacity 承载量;结果能力;产仔能力

8. manufacturing capacity 制造能力

9. capacity management 能力管理 ; 容量管理 ; 产能管理 ; 能力的管理

10. load capacity 负载能力,载重能力

11. carrying capacity 承载能力;载运容量

12. ultimate bearing capacity 极限承载力,极限承载量;轴承极限能力,承载量

13. productive capacity 生产能力

14. adsorption capacity 吸附容量;吸附能力

15. production capacity 生产能力;生产力

16. heat capacity 热容;热容量

17. Capacity Utilization 产能利用率 ; 设备使用率 ; 设备利用

18. financial capacity 经济能力;财政的承受能力

19. large capacity 大容量

20. processing capacity 处理能力;处理容量

21. storage capacity 存储容量;蓄电池容量;积聚电容

22. capacity for …的能力

23. handling capacity 吞吐量;处理能力;处理容量

24. environmental capacity 环境容量,环境负荷量;环境承载力

25. capacity building 能力建设;能力建构

26. Capacity planning 容量规划 ; 能力计划 ; 产能规划 ; 产能计划


1. Two water tanks provide a total capacity of 400 litres.


2. The vehicle would not have the capacity to make the journey on one tank of fuel.


3. The effects of reaction temperature and reaction time to molecular sieve's adsorption capacity are analysed.


4. Use high capacity only the computer and access a function greatly, ability happening changes this kind.

只有采用大容量计算机和大的存取功能, 才能发生这种变化.《期刊摘选》

5. The professor in his lecture went beyond the capacity of his audience.


6. Relying on technological innovation and product upgrading, production capacity and further expand the production scale.

依托科技创新和产品升级, 生产能力和生产规模进一步扩大.《期刊摘选》

7. I really admire his capacity for work.


8. Its existing capacity is not fully utilized, and its output last year was inadequate.


9. By various experiments, resin type, resin dosage, absorption time, capacity resin specific wearability were determined.

通过树脂选型及树脂用量 、 吸附时间 、 交换容量、树脂磨损率等影响试验, 确定了从石煤中提取钒的最佳工艺条件.《期刊摘选》

10. This can has a capacity of four quarters.


11. The analysis results show that the seismic capacity of structure is improved the energy dissipators.


12. Study the performance of subgrade infiltration, bearing capacity and resisting frost of base.

目的研究透水路面土基的渗透 、 承载力性能及饱水状态下基层的抗冻性能.《期刊摘选》

13. We don't have the capacity to do everything at once.


14. The hall was filled to capacity.


15. a fuel tank with a capacity of 50 litres


16. Ultrasonic attenuation capacity of cellular Al alloy foam were studied.


17. Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef...


18. Plant bottleneck analysis and execute equipment evaluation and updated plan, optimize productivity and production capacity.

工厂瓶颈分析,执行设备评估和更新计划, 优化生产效率和提高生产能力.《期刊摘选》

19. Needless to say, at its upper extreme performance is limited by capacity.

毋庸置疑, 性行动的极限量受到性能力的制约.《期刊摘选》

20. an engine with a capacity of 1 600 ccs


21. Thus, this fuse has good performance and big breaking capacity.

所以, 这种熔断器性能良好,开断容量大.《期刊摘选》

22. He attended in his official capacity as mayor.


23. The first is the same problem every other nation building New Energy capacity has : Transmission.

第一个问题是电网,这是在发展新能源 电力容量 的过程中,其他国家也遇到的问题.《期刊摘选》

24. Symmetrical structure, simplicity with slight change, two high cabinets with super capacity, make idealpace urban life.

略微对称式的造型, 简约中夹带着细微的变化, 在两个超大容量的高立柜守候下,情趣盎然,令人艳羡不已.《期刊摘选》

25. The school is filled to capacity.


26. Bread factories are working at full capacity...


27. Number of crucible pot and Its capacity?


28. Some related results have been acquired after comparingthese CDF with the theoretical capacity.


29. This factory has the abundant productivity has the independent and development and the mold designed capacity.


30. For those are the periods when alone we can acquire knowledge and develop our capacities.


31. Our capacity for giving care, love, and attention is limited.


32. Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited


33. Engineering and technical personnel 3. 15 workers, the monthly production capacity of 10.

工程技术人员3人. 工人15人, 月生产能力为10台.《期刊摘选》

34. He was employed in the capacity of director.


35. ...an aircraft with a bomb-carrying capacity of 454 kg.


36. With scaling up of power station's capacity, the cable fire detection system looks more important.

随着火电厂容量的增加, 电力电缆的火灾预警监测显得越来越重要.《期刊摘选》

37. They do not have the capacity to mill the grain.


38. Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods.


39. The main figures to level refractory spray castable are: attaching, sticking, sintering capacity and strength.

众所周知,评价耐火喷补料的主要术性能指标是产品的附着性 、 粘结性、强度 、 烧结性.《期刊摘选》

40. To daily assembly plan based on production capacity and material status.


41. It's their enormous capacity for joy.


42. Since 1928, Major Thomas has served the club in many capacities.


43. ...a feature which gave the vehicles a much greater fuel capacity than other trucks.


44. Available from chip design to finished production capacity, and an affordable price, superior performance.

具备从芯片设计到成品生产的能力, 并且价格适中, 性能优越.《期刊摘选》

45. She worked here in the capacity of nurse.


46. Each stadium had a seating capacity of about 50,000


47. By structuring or chunking their knowledge, experts increase the apparent capacities of their working memories.

通过重组或合并单元, 专家们可以增加他们的工作记忆的容量.《期刊摘选》

48. It is thought that the alkalisation sample has both favorable adsorption and desorption capacities.


49. He could become ungraciously immodest about his own capacities.


50. Whether or operational capacity of processing capacity in the industry are belong to the 10 % on.


51. No more , thanks to Internet connectivity and high capacity bandwidth.

而现在, 因为有了互联网和高容量带宽,就不会有这种情况了.《期刊摘选》

52. Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.


53. Emission total amount of pollution sources is confirmed by water environmental capacity.


54. The waterproof breathable fabrics should have a high capacity water vapor transmission nd water resistance.


55. She's got a great capacity for love.


56. They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats) .


57. Our annual production capacity of 800 tons.


58. The factory is working at full capacity.


59. The capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes.


60. An instance of Hashtable has two parameters that affect its performance: initial capacity and load factor.

Hashtable实例有两个参数影响它的性能: 初始容量和加载因子.《期刊摘选》

61. Production capacity: refers to the largest extruder extrusion amount per unit time.

生产能力: 指挤出机单位时间最大挤出量.《期刊摘选》

62. The river's water environmental capacity was calculated ? and proposals for improving the water quality were suggested.


63. He acted in an advisory capacity only.


64. Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity.


65. The theatre has a seating capacity of 2 000.

那座剧院能容纳2 000名观众。《牛津词典》

66. The region is valued for its coal and vast electricity-generating capacity


67. He has a mind of great capacity.


68. His capacity to absorb information is amazing.


69. She has an enormous capacity for hard work.


70. A capacity crowd of 76,000 people was at Wembley football stadium for the event.


71. Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired ( Plautus ).

智慧的获得是依靠才能而不是年龄 ( 普洛提斯 ).《期刊摘选》

72. Flow controlled can be adjusted as per people's vital capacity and labor intensity.


73. Only when the Party is restored to that state will it possess fighting capacity.


74. He often envied the communist capacity to mobilize popular idealism, especially of the young.

他经常羡慕共产党唤起民众, 特别是青年的理想的才能.《期刊摘选》

75. To reduce the irreversible capacity of natural microcrystalline graphite, carbon coating graphite was an efficient method.


76. Each stadium had a seating capacity of about 50,000...


77. This power station's capacity to store energy is large.


78. Peugeot's factory has a similar capacity.


79. Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited...


80. Property of slurry has direct impact on the bearing capacity and skin friction of bored piles.


81. The room had a seating capacity of over 200.


82. Few men have had such transcendental capacity to stir the heart of people.


83. In modernizing China's agriculture the improvement of modern agricultural as well as the overall agricultural capacity.


84. Britain must still keep the nuclear and conventional capacity to deal with all conceivable threats.


85. Large capacity paper tray is installed, the extension of unattended.

装纸盒容量大, 延长无人值守时间.《期刊摘选》

86. Have reimbursement capacity, somebody assures ability lends usurious money.

有还款能力 、 又有人担保才能借到高利贷款.《期刊摘选》

87. Grease 6 ramekin dishes of 150 ml (5-6 fl oz) capacity.


88. Valve Performance refers to the intensity of media pressure to bear valve capacity.


89. We're not going to have the constant pressure heat capacity, but the constant volume heat capacity.


90. It besides introduces area capacity model and airport ground capacity in brief.


91. As your father, I can set you free, but in my capacity as a king of the country I must do my duty and punish you.

作为你父亲, 我可以释放你, 但作为一个国王,我必须履行我的职责处罚你.《现代英汉综合大词典》

92. According to the Index, capacity under construction decreased slightly by 1.7 %.

根据该指数, 在建工厂的生产能力已小幅下降了1.7%.《期刊摘选》

93. Low wear of the piston structure, large capacity and low air consumption.

低磨损的活塞结构, 容量大而低耗气量.《期刊摘选》

94. Method: Capacity titration, sample observation, stability observation experiment.

方法: 采用容量滴定法 、 留样观察 、 稳定性观察实验.《期刊摘选》

95. Consequently, fractal theories areto be promising in studying the structure and adsorbing capacity of macroporous resins.

因而, 用分形理论研究大孔树脂结构与性能的关系是可行的.《期刊摘选》

96. Chinese equipment accounts for as much as a quarter of new capacity.


97. R & D advantages, range, flexible production capacity and customer demand is the basis of this strategy.

研发 优势 、 品种齐全 、 柔性化生产能力及客户需求是这一战略基础.《期刊摘选》

98. Bread factories are working at full capacity.


99. your capacity to enjoy life


100. But is there a point where it reaches capacity?


101. The excellent performance the method has been tested in dimension, performance and capacity.

实验证明,无论从特征空间维数 、 检索性能、样本容量方面都具有良好的性能.《期刊摘选》

102. Grease 6 ramekin dishes of 150 ml ( 5-6 fl oz) capacity.


103. To calculate the capacity based on production measure.


104. In addition, the phone's memory capacity, communications chip performance very close.

此外, 手机的内存容量, 通信芯片的性能非常接近.《期刊摘选》

105. The company has strong production capacity, the lowest monthly production in more than 500 tons.

公司具有较强的生产能力, 最低月产量都在500吨以上.《期刊摘选》

106. Only in the human carrying capacity of the development environment can coexist with the environment.


107. Kyoto Yongchongcao annual production capacity of 100 tons.


108. This type of lift table has extensive adaptability, heavy loading capacity, and safe and stable lifting.

适合提升大载重, 安全性能高,升降平稳,操作简单方便.《期刊摘选》

109. intellectual capacity


110. She thinks its capacity is limited.


111. We are simply involved in an advisory capacity on the project.


112. We do demanding work that brings our capacity into full play.


113. Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity


114. These constraints, in turn, have restricted the processing power and memory capacity ( storage ) of wireless devices.

这些要求最终限制了无线设备的处理能力以及内存容量 ( 存储器 ).《期刊摘选》

115. A high capacity valve with same inlet feature as standard valve, with thread on the outlet.

这种高性能阀门具有标准阀门相同的进口特性, 在出口端为外螺纹.《期刊摘选》

116. Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef


117. Thereas, advancing ecological carrying capacity makes the sustainable development possible.

所以, 提高生态承载力,才能使可持续发展成为可能.《期刊摘选》

118. Toronto hospital maternity wards were filled to capacity.


119. A certain amount in order to achieve certain effects, better capacity to achieve better results.

一定的量才能达到的一定的效果, 较佳的量才能达到较佳的效果.《期刊摘选》

120. Any of several British units of capacity, usually equal to about? f a barrel or 9 gallons ( 34 liters ).

英国的一种容量单位, 通常等于纪盎? 加仑 ( 合34升 )《期刊摘选》

121. Now in a solar PV products production capacity, product specifications have reached more than 100.

目前已在太阳能光电产品方面形成生产能力, 产品规格已达100多种.《期刊摘选》

122. He had no natural authority and no capacity for imposing his will on others.


123. Energy is the capacity to do work.


124. Is there a point where it reaches capacity?


125. Factories a strong production capacity.


126. Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products.


127. The Commission has a capacity large enough deposit can accommodate all the address space operations.


128. There appears to not be adequate planning for capacity or for lead time of products.


129. Recovers tank capacity with no interruption of plant operations.


130. You pay for capacity, storage, and bandwidth as you use them.


131. The technology method for raising production capacity of gas producer in the plateau area was discussed.


132. Results showed: working capacity and adsorption capacity of adsorbentswere better of the general selling activated carbon.

结果表明: 所用吸附剂的吸附容量和工作容量优于一般市售活性炭.《期刊摘选》

133. Identify interoperability issues with the organization's partners ( for example, topology, protocol )

确定与合作伙伴的互用性问题 ( 例如, 拓扑 、 协议 )《期刊摘选》

134. What kind of capacity is needed?


135. The EU agreed to continue to assist China's efforts in capacity building.


136. We have strong productive capacity in processing, punching, welting and electromechanical assembly of precision machinery.

有很强的精密机械加工 、 冲压 、 焊接、机电装配等生产能力.《期刊摘选》

137. If we do not start it now, there will be no new production capacity.

现在不着手, 到时候就形成不了新的生产能力.《期刊摘选》

138. The company has advanced science and technology development capacity and professional capacity.


139. Some couples are sexually mismatched: One has much greater sexual needs and capacities than the other.

某些性伴在性方面并不匹配: 一个比另一个有旺盛得多的性需要和性能力.《期刊摘选》

140. The company a strong production capacity, according to customer's production, you are welcome to negotiate Order!

公司具有强大的生产能力, 可以根据客户要求进行生产, 欢迎您前来洽谈定购!《期刊摘选》

141. Bread factories are working at full capacity


142. Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception.


143. The hall was filled to capacity (= was completely full) .


144. Indirect methods of estimating thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity are described and employed.


145. The tank has a capacity of 12 gallons.


146. The antiwear capacity of a borate containing nitrogen was evaluated.


147. ...the fuel tanks, which had a capacity of 140 litres...


148. ...the amount of spare capacity in the economy...


149. This article is written in a personal capacity...


150. Adjust Sales yearly order and plant yearly production capacity, to make Financial Year Schedule and release.

协调销售年度生产订单和工厂年度生产能力, 制定年度生产计划并发布.《期刊摘选》

151. To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine


152. Is your unit capacity up to our demands?

你们的单位生产能力能满足我们的要求 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

153. I'm quite pleased that we do have the capacity to produce that much food.


154. This article is written in a personal capacity


155. acting in her capacity as manager


156. It's the capacity of those roads which is going to constrain the amount of travel by car that can take place.


157. The capacities, production and consumption of world synthetic rubber , as well theand prices were reviewed.

简述了世界合成橡胶的生产能力 、 产量和消耗量,并介绍了部分胶种的价格.《期刊摘选》


1. The pipeline has a capacity of some 1.2m barrels a day.


2. Our writer for today thinks so highly of that capacity of literature to embody the human voice that he imagines a whole religious world around him.

我们今天的作者高度赞赏文学的容量,能使人的声音具体化,以致他,想象出了一个宗教的世界。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Now the crisis enters a stage that has the capacity to shake society to its core.

FORBES: Anatomy of an Economic Meltdown

4. The activists were working at capacity, and in several hours it would be Easter.


5. Reason, science, art is the capacity to transform nature by making it, imposing on it, a method that will produce like effects after similar consequences.

理性,科学,艺术是一种能力,是通过创造,施加影响力改变自然的能力,是一种在类似的结果发生后,产生类似结果的能力。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. "The world does have enough capacity to grow enough food to feed everybody who is on the planet,".

VOA : standard.2009.10.14

7. Mr.Brown said attacking al-Qaida had to go hand-in-hand with a strategy of building capacity so that Afghanistan can take care of itself.

VOA : standard.2009.10.14

8. Ethanol stocks are high, while production-capacity utilization is down at the unusually low rate of 85%.

WSJ: Ethanol's Not Responsible for the Gasoline Price Rise

9. With a superior capacity for memory, human societies evolved steadily through cumulative cultural adaptation.

FORBES: How a 'Theory of Mind' Made Humans Unique

10. But a lacking mental capacity or poor attitude might impede their progress towards maximization of potential.

FORBES: Terrell Sinkfield's 4.19 40-Yard Dash and The Role of Analytics in Assessing Physical, Cognitive, Mental Abilities of Aspiring Athletes

11. Galileo's only using, of course, his telescope in the first place because his human capacity for vision is insufficient to see the truths of the heavens.

他唯一一次用到望远镜,是因为仅凭人类的视力,并不能够看到天堂的真理所在。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. So I would argue as a matter of practice in my own life and certainly in a teaching capacity, frankly, I find this much more readable.

所以我要主张,作为在我生命中的实践经验,和教学的资格,真诚地说,我认为这个是更具有可读性的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. We'll basically be sitting here thinking about what we can know or make sense of with regard to death using our reasoning capacity.

我们主要是坐在这里思考,关于我们能知道什么或者搞清,关于死亡用我们的推理能力。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Many other industrial giants have developed their own power generation capacity over the years.

WSJ: Business Asia: Singing the Abe Electric

15. We have a pretty well-established process at Dell now where we evaluate our leaders and development capacity.

戴尔有一个,很健全的评估体系,来评估我们的领导者和发展能力。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

16. We're not going to have the constant pressure heat capacity, we're going to have the constant volume heat capacity, right.

这里出现的,不是等压热容,而是等体热容。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. The trust said the move would increase capacity in Whitehaven for specialist work in other areas.

BBC: Whitehaven hospital cuts complex orthopaedic surgery

18. She has an unbounded capacity to imitate and adopt the new.


19. China already dominates both production and capacity at the low-value-added assembly end of manufacturing.

WSJ: Diana Choyleva: China Is Too Large for Its Own Good

20. By early 2001 Global was stoking its earnings by resorting to swaps of capacity with the same carrier.

FORBES: Global Crashing

21. The new pipeline let him sell capacity at less than half the going price.

FORBES: Global Crashing

22. I didn't even need to know that heat capacity of the product, right. Because it's effect the thermal mass of the product is negligible compared to the thermal mass of the calorimeter.

我甚至不需要知道生成物的,热容是多少,因为生成物的,热质量的作用相比于,量热计的热质量是可以忽略的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. Rice, following up, talked of the need to build capacity of Palestinians to govern themselves.

FORBES: Cold War? 'Hyperbolic Nonsense'

24. Everywhere, an ageing population is starting to stretch the capacity of the welfare state.

ECONOMIST: Why a new golden age of philanthropy may be dawning

25. Especially if we accept the notion that Saudi production (and production capacity) is actually falling.

FORBES: Growing World Automobile Population Threatens Petroleum Balance

26. When this policy tries to push economic output beyond its capacity, then inflation emerges.

FORBES: Keynes vs. Friedman at the Fed

27. But the state monopoly is keeping its grip over access to ultra-high capacity submarine cables.

ECONOMIST: The wiring of India

28. her natural capacity for irony and deadpan humour.


29. "If we put a bureaucratic hand on this, we will stifle the capacity for modern technology to give us a better shot at the students learning the material."

VOA : special.2011.06.09

30. These satellites will add the capacity for both 1500 local HD channels and 150 national HD channels.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

31. It may end up bringing on a partner or merely leasing satellite capacity to someone else.

FORBES: On the Cover

32. He didn't disclose the number of workers it would have after the capacity expansion.

WSJ: Renault, Nissan Expanding Capacity of India Joint-Venture Plant

33. But probably the most interesting aspect of our evolved minds is our capacity to understand and deal with other people.

但我们进化而来的思想最有趣的地方,应该是我们理解他人,与他人交往的能力。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. "The present canal has a total capacity of about three hundred and forty million tons a year that it can handle, that's the maximum capacity.

VOA : special.2011.08.08

35. Programs underway include training the Afghan National Army and police, as well as building capacity in Afghan government ministries.

VOA : standard.2009.09.04

36. Its existing coal capacity is fully used, and most of the gas-fired capacity is as well.

FORBES: Post Fukushima-- burn more coal and oil, and hire more engineers not regulators

37. and yet are not the things that we covet or wish to banish, We recognize in ourselves the capacity for disinterestedness.

而且我们既不会垂涎于它也不会产生厌恶之感,我们承认我们有能力做到绝对公正。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. "We are going to break the Taliban's momentum. We are going to build Afghan capacity.

VOA : special.2010.06.26

39. They simply have to infiltrate a group that has its own operational capacity and redirect some of that capacity towards the West.

VOA : standard.2010.05.05

40. In 1860 slaves as an asset were worth more than all of America's manufacturing, all of the railroads, all of the productive capacity of the United States put together.

860年,奴隶作为财产的产值超过了,美国所有的制造业,所有的铁路,和所有产业的产值总和美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. We all possess incredible creative capacity, and we need to bring it to the job.

FORBES: Like Thanksgiving? It's Cancer For Your Business

42. But with only 2 million bpd of spare capacity left, this cushion is wearing thin.

FORBES: Energy Stocks For An Ugly Market

43. She's got a great capacity for love.


44. So after the reports, we had really hoped to integrate civic engagements in some way and some capacity into the curriculum.

写完报告后,我们真的,希望能够把公民权的一些活动,用某种方式融入到课程表中。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

45. The third layer uses TLC memory for capacity storage at a much lower price per bit.

FORBES: Explosive Growth in Flash Memory Enterprise Applications

46. "We do not yet have the critical guarantees of governance and of development capacity the other two legs of counterinsurgency,"

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

47. People have a strong capacity for self-deception, which greatly impacts how they gauge risk.

FORBES: Where Identity Meets Technology

48. "Junction 24 is very important for the region, but it's almost up to capacity, " she added.

BBC: New rail/road 'inland port' to boost East Mids economy?

49. So these devices, when I was a youngster, were colloquially known as "atom smashers", because they have the capacity to actually break these and have them reform.

这些设备,当我还年轻的时候,它们在口语中被叫做核粒子加速器,因为它们有能力,将这些破碎并重新形成。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

50. (SPEAKING) National Union of Cotton Producers Coordinator Leonce Sanon says Burkina Faso has a very weak capacity to turn cotton into fabric.

VOA : standard.2010.03.08

51. Microsoft had had the foresight to order backup manufacturing capacity from a third party.

WSJ: Playing the Fool

52. Sinclair Thompson expects the major carriers to rebuild capacity while low-cost airlines, which continued to grow during the downturn, are still expanding.

VOA : standard.2010.02.04

53. After a year the Viaducto was changed back to a four-lane road a 33% capacity reduction.

ECONOMIST: The perils of percentages

54. My cell phone rings and because one has the capacity nowadays to select your own ring tone--right?

我的手机响了,因为现在每个人都可以,选择你自己的铃声,对吧聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. The Haiti mission marked the first time in the Comfort's 23 year history that it operated at full capacity.

VOA : standard.2010.03.26

56. Organisers of the inaugural Yorkshire Marathon have increased the race's capacity due to huge demand.

BBC: Marathon supporters at York castle

57. It's related to the heat capacity, the constant volume of heat capacity and something you could measure.

它联系了热能,恒容热容和一些,我们能够测量的物理量。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. In addition, growth in cloud computing demand is boosting high capacity storage demand from enterprises.

FORBES: Seagate Smells Like $38 On Simmering Storage Demand

59. The President has full confidence in her ability to serve in that capacity again.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

60. But the army's limited capacity for counterinsurgency operations and a weak central government have many concerned that the situation could worsen.

VOA : standard.2009.05.05

61. It cultivates the capacity to deal whether it's negative and painful experiences in relationships, or in ourselves.

培养我们处理,无论是人际关系上的消极和痛苦经历,还是我们自身的。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

62. That load weight is double the capacity of NASA space shuttles.

VOA : special.2011.04.11

63. cranial capacity


64. Some lawmakers are proposing to renew a former ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines, like what the gunman had.

VOA : special.2011.01.15

65. Needless to say, real-time data about system capacity and its impact on infrastructure assets.

FORBES: Dark Grid: Electric Utilities Scramble to Get Smart





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capturer的意思是:n. 捕获器;捕获者,俘获者。学考宝为您提供capturer是什么意思,capturer的音标,capturer怎么读,capturer的翻译,capturer的用法,capturer的短语搭配,capturer的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capture的意思是:v. 俘获,捕获;夺取,占领;吸引,引起;记录,体现;拍摄,录制;吃掉(国际象棋棋子);使(数据)保存于电脑中;俘获(原子,亚原子粒);(河流)袭夺 n. 捕获,被捕获;被捕获的人(或物);占领,攻占;夺取,抢占;(数据)存储。学考宝为您提供capture是什么意思,capture的翻译,capture的用法,capture的短语搭配,capture的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capaciousness的意思是:n. 宽敞;容量大。学考宝为您提供capaciousness是什么意思,capaciousness的翻译,capaciousness的用法,capaciousness的短语搭配,capaciousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capacity的意思是:n. 能力,才能;容积,容纳能力;职位,职责;功率,容积;生产量,生产能力 adj. 无虚席的,满场的。学考宝为您提供capacity是什么意思,capacity的翻译,capacity的用法,capacity的短语搭配,capacity的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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French Canadian的意思是:n. 法裔加拿大人。学考宝为您提供French Canadian是什么意思,French Canadian的翻译,French Canadian的用法,French Canadian的短语搭配,French Canadian的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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Canadien的意思是:n. 法裔加拿大人;在加拿大的法国移民。学考宝为您提供Canadien是什么意思,Canadien的翻译,Canadien的用法,Canadien的短语搭配,Canadien的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


capable的意思是:adj. 有能力的;有本领的,能干的;可以……的,容许……的。学考宝为您提供capable是什么意思,capable的翻译,capable的用法,capable的短语搭配,capable的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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