莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv]play美 [ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv]play

  • adj. 综合性的,全面的;有理解力的
  • n. 综合中学;专业综合测验

复数 comprehensives 比较级 more 最高级 most

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


comprehensive /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/

  • 1.
    形容词 Something that is comprehensive includes everything that is needed or relevant. 全面的

    The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region.






1. comprehensive university 综合性大学

2. comprehensive energy consumption 综合能耗

3. comprehensive planning 综合规划;全面计划

4. comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区 ; 分析分区

5. comprehensive arrangement 统筹安排 ; 兼顾部署

6. comprehensive income 综合收入 ; 综合收益 ; 全面收益 ; 综合所得

7. comprehensive commercial seaport 综合性商港 ; 分析性商港 ; 分析商港

8. comprehensive quality 综合素质

9. Comprehensive Experiment 综合性实验 ; 综合性试验 ; 分析实验

10. comprehensive national power 综合国力

11. comprehensive trading company 综合贸易公司

12. comprehensive knowledge 全面的知识 ; 广博的知识 ; 综合知识 ; 渊博的知识

13. comprehensive analysis 综合分析

14. comprehensive examination 综合考试;综合测验

15. comprehensive solution 全面解答;全解脱

16. comprehensive plan 全面计划;整体规划

17. comprehensive treatment 综合治理;综合治疗;综合处理

18. comprehensive education 综合教育;全面教育

19. improve the comprehensive quality 提高综合素质

20. Comprehensive utilization 环境 综合利用 ; 综合开发利用

21. comprehensive insurance n. 综合保险

22. comprehensive experiment 综合实验

23. comprehensive english 综合英语

24. comprehensive evaluation 综合评价,综合评价法

25. comprehensive utilization 综合利用

26. comprehensive review 全面审查

27. comprehensive national strength 综合国力


1. Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice.


2. With this budget we are making a restore an historic commitment to comprehensive health care reform.


3. Fourthly, oppose trade protectionism and facilitate early, comprehensive and balanced outcomes of the Doha Round Negotiations.


4. This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls.


5. a comprehensive list of addresses


6. A rigorous and comprehensive approach requires some preparatory work.


7. A comprehensive compendium of published property estimation techniques for organic compounds.


8. Our comprehensive competence and extensive experience in this industry have been widely recognized by the customers.


9. Student teams perform a comprehensive analysis and valuation of a business, as outlined in the syllabus.


10. We should make the plan as comprehensive as possible.


11. Applying the most comprehensive metal is iron.


12. He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school.


13. It also includes a comprehensive set of problems at the end of each chapter, plus solutions.

它也在每个章, 以及解决办法的末端包括一套综合的问题.《期刊摘选》

14. With this comprehensive knowledge of the history of art, he has since become a professional painter.

凭借着对艺术史的渊博学识,他成为一名专业画家。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

15. This part adopts comprehensive Literature research and Case research.


16. As a comprehensive enterprise producing gemstone machinery and tools, Li Xin makes a steady progress.


17. Beyond that, an ideal network backbone would provide comprehensive manageability and robust fault tolerance.

此外, 理想的主干网能提供综合的管理能力和有力的容错功能.《期刊摘选》

18. The country's achievements in education have other nations doing their homework at Kirkkojarvi Comprehensive School in Espoo.


19. His works on the absurdity and sufferings of life create the most comprehensive irony.


20. He promotes the comprehensive and constructive mutual coordination, cooperation and development.

他促进广泛的,建设性的相互协调, 合作和发展.《期刊摘选》

21. The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region.


22. He was educated at the local comprehensive school.


23. comprehensive and cooperative partnership featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development


24. She taught French at Cheam Comprehensive in South London.


25. Only a comprehensive, automated test suite can find logic errors.

只有一个综合的, 自动的测试组可以发现逻辑错误.《期刊摘选》

26. This paper thought the mathematics application sense was a comprehensive recognition.


27. "We're learning that student success requires a more comprehensive approach, one that incorporates not only academic skills but also social, self-regulatory and attention skills," Dodge said.

“我们正了解到,学生的成功需要一个更全面的方法——不仅包含学业技能,而且包含社会的、自我管理的和注意力的技能,”道奇说。《六级真题- 2018年 12月 3卷 阅读A》

28. The process of design is a comprehensive process of image thinking and manipulating.


29. Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable.


30. ...Birmingham's inner-city comprehensives...


31. Though few comprehensive studies have been conducted, one by the University of Washington investigated how drug sample availability affected what physicians prescribe.


32. To ensure a smooth test, comprehensive technical measures for roof and wall supporting were taken.

为确保试验顺利进行, 在采场进行了综合的护顶和护帮技术措施.《期刊摘选》

33. This introductory Urban Design class includes an extensive bibliography and a comprehensive set of introductory assignments.


34. It is hoped that this book will provide a comprehensive source of information on these techniques.


35. We have a rather comprehensive subway system here.


36. Tipping is a kind of comprehensive social phenomenon, which is related to social custom and economic significance.


37. BoxInves provides a comprehensive investment vehicle for our investors.


38. Our goal is to compile a comprehensive text showing the value of integrating T . C.


39. Globalization is actually comprehensive transforming of the society.


40. Land consolidation itself is an item of systematic and complicated work, which involves comprehensive contents.

土地整理本身是一项系统、复杂的工作, 涉及到广泛的内容.《期刊摘选》

41. Tucson advocate a comprehensive domestic tourists and driving pleasure!


42. To secure victories in the competitive market, comprehensive medical periodicals need to have its own brand.

摘要综合性医学期刊若要在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地, 必须走创建品牌之路.《期刊摘选》

43. The system has extensive application prospects on ocean development , comprehensive supply of shipping, space butt joint.

本系统在水面及水下平台作业 、 补给船综合补给、船舶吊放货物 以及 空间对接等领域有广泛的应用前景.《期刊摘选》

44. a comprehensive listing of all airlines


45. The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.


46. Many people say that comprehensive schools help more children to succeed because they provide everybody with similar opportunities in a fairer way.


47. It is a symbol of the nation's industrial and technological standards as well as the comprehensive power.

它是国家工业和技术标准以及综合实力的象征。《中考真题- 2017 福建 阅读D》

48. a comprehensive study


49. It's quite clear from my visit, this is a full size, comprehensive university.


50. By comprehensive urban design to create a top quality urban environment;


51. Two very clear and comprehensive handbooks are available.


52. Supplied with a detailed manual, a simple and completely comprehensive installation and reinstallation.

提供一份详细的手册, 一本简单的,完全综合的安装和拆除.《期刊摘选》

53. There are much brighter prospects for a comprehensive settlement than before.


54. The data collected is quite comprehensive.


55. Is there comprehensive inspection report for all performed?


56. An objective test can be quite comprehensive.


57. A comprehensive description is one that is full and complete.


58. To conduct comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, we should always consider economic development as our primary task.


59. Occasionally , a sequence of fossil-rich layers of rock permits a comprehensive look at one type of organism over a long period of time.


60. Analytical and comprehensive method.


61. Brain activation was comprehensive during mastication.


62. Now, an international collaboration has developed a more comprehensive approach tothe process.

现在, 一个国际合作项目已经发展了出一种更为综合的方案,可以提高这个进程.《期刊摘选》

63. Titanium and its alloys possess excellent comprehensive properties and they are widely used in various fields.


64. The academic performance of comprehensive schools was below par.


65. The ITO was to administer a comprehensive code governing the conduct of world trade.


66. He looked a famous specialized doctor, and developed a comprehensive treatment to restore the plan.

他去看一位有名的专业医生, 并开发了一个综合的治疗恢复方案.《期刊摘选》

67. His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.


68. Comprehensive knowledge of intellectual property strategies relating to the development of generic drugs.


69. Once a power station, this striking building on the south bank of the Thames is now one of the most comprehensive contemporary art galleries in the world.


70. The comprehensive treatment of male breast cancer based on operation is important.


71. His comprehensive surveys have provided statements of how data are collected.


72. Public schools were organized into one system of comprehensive schools for ages 7 through 16.


73. The government gave a comprehensive explanation of its plans for industry.


74. This new type of virtual instrument has simple hardware structure but has the comprehensive functions.


75. Mr Coulson, the product of an Essex comprehensive school, has a feel for the popular mood.


76. Modern Industrial Design is a comprehensive discipline combining engineering science, technology, economists, aesthetics and art.

现代的工业设计是一项广泛的的学科,兼有工程知识, 技术工艺学, 经济学, 审美学和艺术.《期刊摘选》

77. Its structural framework enables put many factors affecting the equilibrium into a comprehensive model to analyze.


78. Semiclassical approximation has comprehensive applications in modern physics.


79. Specifically, their questions became more comprehensive at the new exhibit.


80. The English idioms are concise and comprehensive , pregnant with meaning, visual and vivid.

习语言简意赅, 寓意深刻, 形象生动,是语言的精华也是重要的修辞手段.《期刊摘选》

81. The study found that, among prosecuted firms, those with the most comprehensive CSR programmes tended to get more lenient penalties.


82. Sand sculpture, a new and comprehensive art is in perfect harmony with drawing, construction, and outdoor recreational activities.


83. As we have learned, malaria is an extremely complex disease that can be defeated only through a comprehensive mix of multiple interventions.


84. This project is a comprehensive, systematic project, covering the roadbed, bridges, tunnels and so on.

本工程是一个综合的系统工程, 涵盖了路基 、 桥涵 、 隧道等工程.《期刊摘选》

85. The Conservative's policy, already formulated on comprehensive schools, was not an easy one to put across.


86. His account of the meeting was most comprehensive.


87. The arm's length has a wide range and can satisfy comprehensive project needs.


88. And some states are seeking comprehensive health care solutions on their own.


89. First, they are also adding news briefs and comprehensive indexes.


90. The students were doing a comprehensive review of the term's work.


91. This comprehensive monograph examines substantial number of firm's early and recent projects, both built and unbuilt.


92. The newspaper made a comprehensive report of his deeds.


93. Child welfare services are well established and comprehensive


94. We need a comprehensive assessment of the recombinant DNA issue, preferably under the auspices of the federal government.


95. The security problem , which payed comprehensive attention, become more and more prominent.

其安全问题也日益突出, 并受到广泛的关注.《期刊摘选》

96. A comprehensive analysis on benefit of small reservoirs inan Area was presented.


97. Correlate activities across different logs to get a comprehensive picture.


98. He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.


99. Probiotics is very useful microecologics for human health, which has comprehensive physiology function.

益生菌是一类人体的微生态调节剂, 具有广泛的生理作用,有重要的理论意义.《期刊摘选》

100. We offer a comprehensive range of express delivery options for a small additional charge.


101. His comprehensive surveys have provided the statements of how data are collected.


102. While by no means perfect it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time, life expectancy, and inequality.

虽然此方法不能称之为完美,但它比只考虑平均收入的方法要全面很多。该方法不仅考虑人均消费水平的增长情况,还纳入了工作时间的变化、预期寿命和经济不平等方面的相关数据。《六级真题- 2018年 6月 3卷 阅读A》

103. The problems concerning mountains , rivers, farmland, forests and roads should be tackled in a comprehensive way.

实行山、水 、 田 、 林、路综合治理.《现代汉英综合大词典》

104. A selected list of some of those stocking a comprehensive range can be found in Chapter 8.


105. comprehensive insurance (= covering all risks)


106. Human Resource Accounting ( HRA ) is a branch of Accounting, which is a constructive and comprehensive subject.

人力资源会计是会计学科的一个分支, 是个颇具新意而包含广泛的研究课题.《期刊摘选》

107. Second, establishes a set of comprehensive interest rate evaluating indicator system.

第二, 建立一套综合的利率评价指标体系.《期刊摘选》

108. They are not pathogenic factors; they are five comprehensive changes of pathogenesis.

它们不是病理因素, 而是五种综合的病理改变.《期刊摘选》

109. Clinical Problems provides a comprehensive selection of important medical and surgical scenarios.


110. The comprehensive method included ultrasound depositing, laser depositing and microwave synthesis and so on.

综合法又包括超声沉淀法 、 激光沉淀法及微波合成法等.《期刊摘选》

111. A genuinely comprehensive medical practice does not have to include leeches, the eye of newt, or dragon dung.


112. Plausible as this seems, it is still a theory and based on our more comprehensive knowledge of land-based animals.


113. For the last 20 years, I have been an unquestioning supporter of comprehensive schools.


114. The German traveler Johann Winckelmann pioneered the field of art history with his comprehensive study of Greek and Roman sculpture.

德国游学者约翰·温克尔曼凭借他对希腊和罗马雕塑的全面研究,开创了艺术史领域。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 阅读B》

115. This also forms a more comprehensive historical record for researchers of the future.


116. The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and comprehensive review of the case.


117. Comprehensive reform demands dedication, courage and patience.

广泛的改革需要奉献 、 勇气以及耐心.《期刊摘选》

118. We need a comprehensive systems analysis.


119. Extensive reading plays a crucial role in improving the comprehensive skills in English learning.


120. Comprehensive attention has been attracted to the building and application of enterprise knowledge management ( KM ) system .

企业知识 管理系统 的构建及应用正引起广泛的关注.《期刊摘选》

121. For this, put tighter a comprehensive range of products and services ensuring your Meeting Success.

为此, 旅店推出了广泛的系列产品与服务,并称之为“聚首成功”.《期刊摘选》

122. Markov chain models of cumulative damage have been provided a comprehensive descriptions of cumulative damage processes.


123. The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.


124. That must be the oval unroofed amphitheater in Rome. It was basically a stadium with comprehensive functions.

那就是罗马的椭圆型露天竞技场了, 基本上是综合功能的体育场.《简明英汉词典》

125. The Tories will have to supply a more comprehensive prospectus than they have so far.


126. All the products are labelled with comprehensive instructions.


127. Chetty has not yet issued a comprehensive analysis of the relative predictive power of each of these factors.


128. A further long time and comprehensive trail is warranted to prove and improve this study.


129. Chapter 2 gives a comprehensive comparison and analysis of the CFC legislations of certain countries.



1. Crystal says the dynamic nature of the Internet makes it difficult for comprehensive analysis of its effects to stay up-to-date.

VOA : standard.2010.01.16

2. After I wrote the book, Morningstar did a much more comprehensive study of every single one of the equity categories that they follow.

在我写完这本书之后,晨星公司对他们跟踪研究的每种股权资产,做了更进一步的研究金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Dr Lewis said the "comprehensive set of measures" was designed to cover a variety problem areas.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Doctors want action over alcohol

4. and they'll be able to pass comprehensive climate changes legislation.

他们能通过综合气候变化法案。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对全球变暖的政策

5. "You've got to look at it as part of a comprehensive package of counterterrorism measures."

VOA : standard.2010.04.01

6. The list below is by no means comprehensive, but it offers a few places to begin.

FORBES: A Guide To Joining The Best Wine Clubs

7. "You know that this administration is committed to a broad-based comprehensive peace dealing with all the different players in the region.

VOA : standard.2009.06.09

8. He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school.


9. The visitors completed a comprehensive victory six minutes from time.


10. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "Democrats under no circumstances will move forward without a comprehensive responsible plan from the president,"

VOA : standard.2009.05.20

11. The State Department says the purpose of his trip is to advance the goal of the two-state solution and comprehensive peace in the region.

VOA : standard.2009.04.09

12. But they want these reforms instituted across the board as part of a comprehensive plan.

FORBES: The Compromise That Americans Want To Break The Budget Deadlock

13. The website gives a comprehensive list of the rules of the game.


14. Maybe tech behemoths like IBM and Microsoft will add SMMPs to their comprehensive enterprise software offerings.

FORBES: Salesforce Buys Buddy Media

15. "This settlement is historic not only because it's the most money taxpayers have ever recovered from a drug company, but also because it includes the most comprehensive corporate integrity agreement that a drug company has ever signed in the United States."

VOA : special.2009.09.11

16. The Forbes Crash Course In Investing offers the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to investing in today's markets.

FORBES: Investing 101

17. One--an intriguing, comprehensive plan--has been put forth by the American Institute for Full Employment (www.america- islistening.org).

FORBES: Wrong Remedy

18. We want to do as much as we possibly can between now and July ninth to assure that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement is fully complied with."

VOA : special.2011.06.04

19. before we're able to, um, before comprehensive climate changes legislation is passed.

在我们能够,呃,在综合气候变化法案得以通过之前。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对全球变暖的政策

20. This year we analyzed more data than ever, which made the list more comprehensive.

FORBES: Midas List 2013: The Methodology

21. "My experience and other doctors in the field talk about the holistic, comprehensive care that's required to treat a fibromyalgia patient, and that requires time.

VOA : special.2011.07.26

22. On Tuesday, I was in Las Vegas talking about the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors the Country's Top Innovators and Scientists of 2011 | The White House

23. "Europe has to provide, the euro zone has to provide, a comprehensive solution to this problem.

VOA : special.2010.12.24

24. The Administration and Congress must begin an immediate and comprehensive review of U.S. policy toward China.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

25. But, of course, they wanted to do much more and be more comprehensive.

但是,当然,他们想做得更好,希望能惠泽更多人。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. He seems to be offering nothing short of a comprehensive revolution, transformation.

他似乎还在,提供一种全盘的革命,转变。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. What we can do together is make comprehensive immigration reform the law of the land.

WHITEHOUSE: National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast

28. However a customer who gets on to the website will get a more comprehensive coverage.

CNN: From Our Correspondent: Malaysian Stock Tips Go Online

29. President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to pursuing comprehensive immigration reform -- an initiative that appears stalled in the U.S.Congress.

VOA : standard.2009.04.17

30. Civil society groups are calling on President John Atta-Mills' government to draw up a comprehensive biofuels policy to reconcile these issues.

VOA : standard.2009.08.23

31. The course provides a comprehensive view of Shakespearean literature.


32. The Turkish Cypriot north and the Greek Cypriot south have been engaged in U.N.-led comprehensive negotiations since late last year.

VOA : standard.2009.09.05

33. Because Web ads change frequently, the surveys can be considered representative but not comprehensive.

WSJ: The Journal's Methodology for Testing Tracking on Apple's Safari Browser

34. "We cannot be so busy that we cannot address comprehensive energy and climate legislation, " he said.

FORBES: Sen. Reid Goes From Hot Seat To Hot Rocks

35. And designing software that will work in tandem to provide comprehensive protection is vital.

FORBES: Don't Forget The Cyber Criminals

36. "A coach is much more comprehensive and involved than a trainer, " says Mr. Goldstein.

WSJ: Royal Caribbean Executive's Second Chance at Competition

37. Senator John Barrasso, from the western state of Wyoming, says Republicans support a comprehensive plan to double the U.S.investment in energy research.

VOA : standard.2009.05.23

38. Australia joined with us in imposing swift and firm sanctions, comprehensive sanctions, against the Libyan government.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Gillard of Australia

39. One example is a comprehensive chart comparing key wireless metrics for 10 developed countries.

FORBES: Telecom

40. Officially, the White House is sticking with its original plan for comprehensive reform this year.

ECONOMIST: Health reform

41. Yet, in many respects, if the Republic was the result of comprehensive despair and disillusionment with the prospects of reform, the dialogue itself points back to an earlier moment in Plato's life and the life of the city of Athens.

从很多方面看来,如果《理想国》,是对改革前景,全面失望与醒悟的结果,则对话本身便指明了,柏拉图的早年生活,以及雅典的早期生活。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Barbara Boxer to introduce comprehensive climate change legislation, which will include a carbon tax.

FORBES: Why Are Environmentally-Conscious Senators Fighting For Junk Mail?

43. Could you do -- could you do this in pieces rather than do a comprehensive bill?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

44. With iPhone, Steve Jobs and Apple pulled off their biggest and most comprehensive market systems coup.

FORBES: Steve Jobs Is A Market Systems Master

45. Over the years, Kado has developed a systematic and comprehensive approach to treating Internet addiction.


46. But there are factors as outlined by the University of Michigan's Comprehensive Cancer Center.

NPR: Breast Cancer Treatment Lacking for Black Women

47. But Biden also had to soothe concerns that scrapping Bush-era plans for a more comprehensive system does not signal a breakdown of Polish-U.S.relations.

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

48. But many are comprehensive bans they include restaurants and bars as well as other workplaces.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

49. Would the President sign a comprehensive bill that did not include a path to citizenship?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

50. He expects to have what he called a comprehensive policy in place in the next few months.

VOA : special.2009.03.14

51. Transportation planning expert Alan Clark says traffic congestion is a complex problem whose solution calls for a comprehensive approach.

VOA : standard.2010.07.26

52. write and to be able to express your ideas in a very comprehensive and succinct way.

你要以非常全面和简洁的方式表达出自己的观点。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 为何选那门专业?

53. Dr.Redd says one of the things health officials learned is that the global surveillance system needs to be even more comprehensive.

VOA : standard.2010.04.29

54. Car owners with fully comprehensive policies should also be able to make claims for damage.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Midlands | Tornado hits Birmingham

55. Security journalist Brian Krebs has a comprehensive guide on how to do this.

FORBES: Six Simple Steps Proven To Keep Your Windows 7 PC Safe From Hackers And Malware

56. But the tides of history eventually sweep through a roster as comprehensive as the Global 2000.

FORBES: China Sets the Asian Bar in Latest Global 2000

57. Or eliminating 153 out of 154 separate health care programs when one good comprehensive one will do.

FORBES: Assembling Textron's Turnaround

58. And what this is going to be is a comprehensive introduction to the study of the human mind.

本课程旨在让大家,在宏观上对人类心智研究形成基本的认识心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. "Global non proliferation, to be successful, should be universal,comprehensive and non-discriminatory and linked to the goal of complete nuclear disarmament."

VOA : standard.2009.09.29

60. It is a big problem requiring a comprehensive solution, and still there is no 100% solution.

FORBES: Discussing Gawker's Breach With Founder Nick Denton

61. The third element of our Comprehensive Partnership is to deepen our political and security cooperation.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House

62. "President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and the U.S.government remain deeply and firmly committed to achieving comprehensive peace in the region,".

VOA : standard.2009.10.08

63. The United States is the only major industrial nation that does not have a comprehensive national health care plan for all its people.

VOA : standard.2009.08.22

64. Wisconsin passed a comprehensive ban that will take effect in July of next year.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

65. the comprehensive exploitation of the Earth's resources






conceptive的意思是:adj. 概念上的;有想像力的。学考宝为您提供conceptive是什么意思,conceptive的翻译,conceptive的用法,conceptive的短语搭配,conceptive的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


concept的意思是:n. 概念,观念 adj. (围绕)某主题的;为表达一种想法而创造的 v. <非正式>想象,设想。学考宝为您提供concept是什么意思,concept的翻译,concept的用法,concept的短语搭配,concept的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


concentration的意思是:n. 专心,专注;关注,重视;集中,聚集;含量,浓度。学考宝为您提供concentration是什么意思,concentration的翻译,concentration的用法,concentration的短语搭配,concentration的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


conceal的意思是:v. 隐匿,隐藏;隐瞒(真实感情或真相);遮盖,遮住。学考宝为您提供conceal是什么意思,conceal的翻译,conceal的用法,conceal的短语搭配,conceal的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


compromise的意思是:n. 折中,妥协;妥协方案,折中办法 v. 妥协,让步;危及,损害。学考宝为您提供compromise是什么意思,compromise的翻译,compromise的用法,compromise的短语搭配,compromise的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


comprise的意思是:v. 包括,包含;构成,组成。学考宝为您提供comprise是什么意思,comprise的翻译,comprise的用法,comprise的短语搭配,comprise的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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guy wire的意思是:拉线;牵(支,张)索;钢缆。学考宝为您提供guy wire是什么意思,guy wire的音标,guy wire怎么读,guy wire的翻译,guy wire的用法,guy wire的短语搭配,guy wire的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
guy wire是什么意思_guy wire怎么读_guy wire的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


comprehensive的意思是:adj. 综合性的,全面的;有理解力的 n. 综合中学;专业综合测验。学考宝为您提供comprehensive是什么意思,comprehensive的翻译,comprehensive的用法,comprehensive的短语搭配,comprehensive的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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