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set up type是什么意思_set up type怎么读_set up type的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


set up type

set up type

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  • 排字:指在印刷业中安排和组织字体和排版。
  • 排版:指将文字、图像等按照一定的规则和格式进行布置。

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1. Set Up Type And Print 排印

2. makeup set up type typeset 排版

3. set up resource economizing type 建立资源节约型

4. set-up type 组合式

5. set t up type 排字


1. Then set up the title of the entry and its type.


2. The Chinese diplomat says that while realizing its own development, China is also keen to help reform global governance and set up a new type of international relationships for development.


3. You're going to find your spot, set up, select the correct film speed and aperture for the type of storm, open the shutter and wait for the first lightning strike.


4. Four fields were set up to identify the status, date, state, and content type of the record. Following is the portion of the agent that flagged the content.


5. Traditional method analyze, return to with main composition analysis with quantity theory come, realize, set up to forest type go on, divide and appraise progressively.


6. To set up an entity, create a name for it, and type it within your content, starting with an ampersand (&) and ending with a semicolon (;)—for example, &coname; (or whatever you name it).

为了设置实体,必须先为它创建一个名称,然后将它输入到内容中,以 and 符号(&)开始,并以分号(;)结束 — 例如,&coname;。

7. In such gathering and transmission system, dendrite manifold process was set up with new type of station layout.


8. Developing the practical teaching and making a good basement for the research-education is so important that we must think about it in our way to set up a research type university with the agricultural characteristic.


9. Set up concentrating type financial management mode, it is with today of development at full speed of the information treatment technology of the modern computer, under the market economic system, give play to the strong guarantee of whole advantage and whole interests of the group.


10. If you haven't previously set up a server of that type, you'll also be prompted for the runtime directory of the server.


11. Teachers must also set up a new type of relationships among teachers and students with respect and trust, communication and understanding, and cooperation and participation.


12. At first in this text according to two kinds of control structure-Distributed Control System ( DCS) and wireless LAN system and combining the electric control request of the bridging machine, we have set up the mixing type system.


13. The campsite proposals were considered for the type of camper, the gear needed or not needed, the appropriate landscape, seasonality, and how to set-up and select a plot within the site.


14. We set up an XML display form for each type of content. Below is an example of the article XML display form.


15. To set up the Salesforce extraction job, you open up the stage GUI first and select the operation type.

要设置 Salesforce 提取任务,必须先打开 stage GUI,然后选择操作类型。

16. Then, update the application's routing table and set up a catch-all route for the new XML output type (Listing 12).


17. With a simple script, you can set your PC up to start loading your desktop before you even type in your password.


18. The returned document is parsed and the invocation criteria set up using a Compute node (for example) for input into a request-type node, which is then invoked.


19. So, to improve the rural solution mechanism and reform the basic mediating system and set up new type dispute solution are very urgent.


20. Areva and Mistubishi Heavy have rival designs of their own, but have also set up a joint venture to promote yet another type of reactor.


21. Perfect Government Affair Opening System and Set up Service Type Government


22. According to students'ability characteristic and needs, choosing direction to cultivate and stratify, set up new type of cultivation target, carry out" Platform education", to give useful ideas of revolution in higher sport education and cultivate different kinds of sport specialty talents in society.


23. Saman preachers and northern ethnic minorities rulers together set up the political religious type in China history.


24. Quick can be used for this type of binding as well, but again seems complex to set up.


25. It is an inevitable requirement to set up public service type government which coordinates with the development of our countrys economy and society.


26. Depending on how you set up your profile you may need to modify just a couple of the layouts, or you may need to modify layouts for each object type available in Rational Portfolio Manager.

根据您如何安装概要文件,您可能只需要修改一对布局,也可能修改Rational Portfolio Manager中每个可利用对象类型的布局。

27. For instance, if I type rake deploy, rake would call the dependent tasks I've set up, such as compilation, running tests, and so on.

例如,如果输入rake deploy, rake将调用之前设置的依赖任务,例如编译,运行测试等等。

28. When you're choosing installation type, be sure to select Custom (advanced) and choose the partition you set up above.


29. If you've got your ant build process set up correctly (described in detail at the end of this article), you can just type ant generate to create classes from this schema.

如果已经正确地设置了ant构建过程(本文的最后还会详细加以说明),只需输入ant generate就可以从这个模式生成类。

30. Many small and medium companies in Dalian have set up a new type model of resource distribution, which can use external resource to cooperate the manufacture.


31. Objective In order to develop an electrotherapy apparatus with 50 kHz square wave pulse and to set up a new type of drug-iontophoresis system.


32. Secondly, set up a new type of learning organization with common ideals as well as the spirit of an open-minded and co-operative team among the civil servants.


33. The custom type mapping registry is set up using the deployment descriptor as shown in deployment Descriptor.xml file (see the isd: mapping section).

定制类型映射注册表是使用Deployment Descriptor . xml文件中所示的部署描述符建立的(请参阅isd: mapping部分)。

34. The curriculum arrangement has set up the type, content, period of curriculum which are the important precondition to the quality of curriculum construction.


35. This type of connection is set up dynamically (on demand) across the network, as required by the user's communications applications.


36. To actually use SQLObject, you need to set up a database package and the Python interface to that type of database.


37. Strengthen combination of sports and education, set up new-type reserve personnel training system of sports.


38. One has to give up the self-confidence that he can benefit from the old, and set up a new type of conviction in adventure, if he really wants to make breakthrough in his art.


39. You can extract an XML representation of the project or rules once and then use what you extracted multiple times as a template to set up new projects of the same type.


40. Based on the similarity of the displacement-voltage curves when driving voltage increases and decreases, a method of coordinate transformation has been adopted to set up a new type of simple and applicable hysteresis nonlinearity model of piezoceramic actuator.


41. The Equality culture and Intimate culture in enterprise culture system has greatly hindered the enterprise` s development and this paper mainly finds out how to set up a new type of managing system and enterprise culture on the basis of analyzing their origin.


42. For Chinese women literary, their novel writing not only opened up rich themes and subjects, but also set up new type and style of women writing.


43. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between campus culture and employee job satisfaction in universities from an organizational theory perspective. Also, it tried to set up the culture type model of job satisfaction, which could be used to guide practical work.


44. By default, the instance is set up to use one type of authentication for all instance-level and connection-level requests.


45. Through the linear transformation of the linear space, this paper discussed the condition of Sylvester and Frobenius inequality taking mark of equality, and by extending them to the matrix polynomial, set up a type of extensive rank identical equation.


46. Therefore, in the process of it we should set up managing type autonomy system as the basic goal.


47. The article analyses the type of ill relationship and its psychological barrier and comes up with some suggestion on how to set up cordial relationship.


48. As noted earlier, you can set up a one or more review processes for each asset type and category you define, using either Rational asset Manager alone or integrated with Rational ClearQuest.

前面提到,您可以为您定义的每个资产类型和分类设置一个或者多个评审过程,可以单独使用Rational Asset Manager设置,也可以与Rational ClearQuest集成使用。

49. The modern society economy trend of development is quick, how can cause oneself to study has uses, to set up any type the values, concentrates the limited energy in the professional superiority as well as the establishment professional profession idea and the method?


50. It is crucial to reform our country medical institution and set up the new type of health and medical guarantee system.


51. And it takes an expert Kerberos administrator to set up this type of configuration.


52. The book will soon be published, the type is being set up now.


53. You can set up phrases such as a company name as an entity, then type the entity throughout your content.


54. Our country does not still possess and set up the mixing type financial demand of compulsory education at present, so it is necessary to set up independent compulsory education finance to guarantee the mechanism.


55. The Set up of the Vertebroarterial Type of Cervical Spondylopathy Inventory and the Evaluation of Clinical Curative Effect


56. Therefore the log interpretation model should be set up in consideration of the different reservoir types and its key problem is to identify the low permeability reservoir type by use of log data.


57. Set up "steady arc type" zone, improve regional environment and become area great country;


58. And it takes an expert Kerberos administrator to set up this type of configuration.


59. This text introduce the principle and realization method of dynamic set up type DAGC in details, and offer applied effect.



1. Nick Scales, chief executive of Avecho, said net service firms could set up a caller-ID type system very quickly and easily.

BBC: NEWS | Technology | Top UK sites 'fail privacy test'

2. This type of fund works well for smaller charities, since they may not be set up to accept certain types of donations.

FORBES: Five Ways To Be Charitable Even If You Aren't Bill Gates

3. The biggest problem, however, is that our system was set up to establish one type of balance of power, but we now have a totally different type.

FORBES: Sergey Brin Takes To Google+ To Ask All of Today's Election Winners To Withdraw From Their Political Parties

4. But whether or not the London organizing committee had chosen to work with a charity-based reseller, the real problem was its failure to set up any type of efficient, secondary market plan ahead of time.

FORBES: The Real Reason Behind The London Olympics Ticket Fiasco

5. But, as Canadian officials explain, the type of checking set up for, say, the chemical-weapons treatydoes not fit small, cheap weapons that can be put together in anybody's basement.

ECONOMIST: Landmine ban

6. This type of trust can be set up to begin dispersing funds when certain conditions are met.

FORBES: How To Set Up A Trust Fund If You're Not Rich

7. We have yet to decide what type of memorial we are going to set up to remember Nick by.

BBC: Tributes to Nick Duncombe

8. In its defence review in 2010, the coalition announced that it was cancelling the previous Labour government's decision to purchase jump-jet version of the Joint Strike Fighter (the F35-B) and opt instead for the catapult and trap (F35-C) type, which required a different set-up on deck.

BBC: Joint Strike Fighter planes (file pic)

9. There followed a year on a fellowship at the Toronto Star in the mid-1990s, before returning home to set up a pop magazine called Blank - the highest circulating magazine of its type at the time in Northern Ireland.

BBC: From Dundonald to Match of the Day

10. Robert Mullen of the newly set up Type 42 Association, said he had many "fond memories" of working on board the warships.

BBC: HMS Edinburgh returns to Portsmouth from final deployment

11. We're going to explore with the United Nations, other countries and the Syrian people how to set up that type of politics process.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes

12. Free schools will also be set up as academies, in that they will have the same type of agreement or contract with the government.

BBC: MPs pass law paving way for school shake-up in England

13. After years of dealing piecemeal with transport, the council has now set up a company which it owns but whose directors mainly come from the financial industry, the first of its type in Britain.

ECONOMIST: Scotland's capital

14. For communities that may not be able to commit resources to a full micro-grid, or may take years to set one up, this type of resource is worth considering.

FORBES: Mobile Solar Generators - One Man's Odyssey to Bring Power Back to New York

15. See how much of the population returns, how the school system is going to be set up, that type of the thing, and then how much money the, you know, current administration comes up with.

NPR: After Katrina, New Orleanians Weigh Return to Home

16. He set up for several promising putts of the type that fans are accustomed to seeing Mickelson sink coming down the stretch.

WSJ: Masters 2012: Bubba Watson Miracle Shot Lets Him Trump All Comers

17. He spoke about his desire to see a new type of university for cutting edge research that would be set up with international partners and funded by business.

BBC: Plan to 'Catapult' UK space tech

set up type是什么意思_set up type怎么读_set up type的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句



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annual的意思是:adj. 一年一度的;年度的;(植物)一年生的 n. 一年生植物;年刊,年鉴。学考宝为您提供annual是什么意思,annual的翻译,annual的用法,annual的短语搭配,annual的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yanqui的意思是:n. (西)美国人 adj. 美国的;美国人的。学考宝为您提供Yanqui是什么意思,Yanqui的翻译,Yanqui的用法,Yanqui的短语搭配,Yanqui的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


battlefields的意思是:n. 战场;斗争领域;争论主题。battlefield的复数。学考宝为您提供battlefields是什么意思,battlefields的音标,battlefields怎么读,battlefields的翻译,battlefields的用法,battlefields的短语搭配,battlefields的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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