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have an influence on翻译_have an influence on短语搭配_have an influence on权威例句


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权威例句 实用例句


1. We've talked about the needs of the organisation, and of the mentor, because they too have an influence on how the relationship works.


2. The former will have an influence on the effectiveness of legal act, while the latter won' t.


3. Bias in justice can be divided into appropriate bias and inappropriate bias, both of which will have an influence on the judicial process.


4. Stability is very important and various parameters can have an influence on it.


5. If the sun's activity were to change remarkably, it would have an influence on global climate.


6. Low emotional intelligence is a problem that can have an influence on a wide variety of social relationships.


7. Stability is very important and various parameters can have an influence on it.


8. Relief and water circulation have an influence on the displacement of anomalies.


9. Eighty-four percent of Americans say online customer evaluations have an influence on their decision to purchase a product or service.


10. The level and the quality of stamping technology have an influence on the car manufacturing quality and the car manufacturing cost.


11. Vibrations have an influence on the grease life too.

振动对油脂寿命也有影响。《provided by jukuu》

12. Since there was still so much Latin in their own language, Latin again began to have an influence on English.


13. Accelerometer and soft tissue such as skin and muscle have an influence on the result of sound vibration analysis of bone.


14. It was indicated that stuttering might have an influence on children's intelligence development.


15. Since Peking Opera is no longer as popular as it was, does it still have an influence on people?


16. The atmosphere components have an influence on tribological behaviors of tribo-pairs.


17. He says the mid-term elections could have an influence on his decision.


18. The perceptual aesthetic characteristic goes through a process from declination, development to spread, which have an influence on re-appraisal palace style poem.


19. Lambregts says expectations of more rate increases could have an influence on the exchange rate.


20. He says the mid - term elections could have an influence on his decision.

他说, 中期 选举将会对他的决定产生一定影响.《互联网》

21. You have an influence on Rafa Benitez because he always gets uptight.


22. Relief and water circulation have an influence on the displacement of anomalies.


23. Their personal qualities have an influence on the overall situation of reform and development of the area and the unit.


24. The experiment shows that the reaction temperature, time and reducing agent amount have an influence on the whisker growth;


25. A good teacher might have an influence on a child for a while. But parents, a lifetime.


26. Since there was still so much Latin in their own language, Latin again began to have an influence on English.


27. Compatibilities have an influence on the selective therapeutic effects of TCM.


28. To Form Hydrated Ion And To Have An Influence On The Nature Of Inorganic Salt


29. My point would be that parents can do something. They can have an influence on their angry son.


30. Finally, uncertainty analysis has been done for factors that might have an influence on the evaluation results of the program.


31. Animals also have an influence on the growth of seedlings.


32. Q: You have an influence on Rafa Benitez because he always gets uptight.

问: 那你应该对贝尼特斯很有影响的,因为他经常让你弄得很紧张.《互联网》

33. The results showed:Dietary protein of different sources have an influence on the levels of serum gastrin in goat.


34. Also, GDS hotel promotions, appearing when agents search the air, car, and hotel availability screens within their GDS, still have an influence on bookings.


35. In the international communications, it is a fact without dispute that media have an influence on the construction and understanding of the images of other countries.


36. So the GIS have an influence on the performance of running software and the user experience.


37. Secondly, the categorization of the colligations of MAKE is inevitably subjective, which may to some extent have an influence on the objectiveness of the findings.


38. He says the mid-term elections could have an influence on his decision.


39. It's thought that specific genes in an animal's body have an influence on anxious behavior.


40. Fixation manifests as certain personality traits that would have an influence on childhood and adult lives.


41. The mobile phone speaker cover can not only protect the speaker, but also have an influence on the electroacoustic characteristics.


42. The four genes may have an influence on the Lovastatin synthetic ability of Monascus strains in different level.


43. Geremi explains that his captain can still have an influence on the team, even when he is not available for the duty on the pitch.


44. Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels.


45. World view and value outlook are closely linked, and they have an influence on a nation character.

摘要世界观与价值观密切相联,并对民族性格产生影响。《provided by jukuu》

46. This fact is likely to have an influence on individuals' adoption and use of technology-hence affecting gender equity across the globe.


47. Meaning, rhetoric and communication have an influence on Russian synonymous paradigm.


48. The grasp and the update of knowledge have an influence on competition;


49. Evidence shows that learners' affective states have an influence on their ability to focus on learning.


50. Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels.


51. further suggesting that low levels of vasopressin have an influence on cheating.


52. These shortages cause the bank procyclicality which will enhance the macroeconomic fluctuation and have an influence on the financial system stability.


53. The findings show that both discourse mode and length do have an influence on complexity.


54. The Nb and Cu Constituent and Heat Treatment Technology Have an Influence on the 17-4 PH Steel Plank's Function


55. The running state of the centrifugal compressor will have an influence on the normal working of the natural gas transportation systems.


56. Tectonic activities and volcanism in the basin have an influence on hydrocarbon generation of kerogen and its change.


57. Plant absorb nitrogen through root primarily, root anatomy and structure have an influence on nitrogen assimilate.


58. Changing a white shape, inevitable will have an influence on the black shape.


59. Many uncertain factors have an influence on a supply chain network design problem, including market demands, product prices, and costs.


60. Learning CSS can have an influence on your rankings.



1. It is extremely rare for an Eastern Pacific hurricane to affect the U.S. mainland, though some do have an influence on Hawaii.

CNN: NOAA predicts above-normal Atlantic hurricane season

2. "The price of gas is outrageous, but that will not have an influence on who I vote for, " senior Natalie Younts said.

CNN: Talk at A&M on gas prices and election

3. When independent experts who are free from conflicts of interest come together in good faith to study an issue, they can have a profound and constructive influence on government policy.

CNN: Let's take politics out of gun research

4. It is better to punish actual offenders than to pass an overly presumptuous law that restricts and discredits the valuable influence that teachers have on students.

FORBES: Why Missouri's Ban on Teacher-Student Facebook Friendships Is Doomed

5. Changes in teaching methods or technology "have had very little influence, " says Henry Levin, an economist and expert on learning at Teachers College, Columbia University.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. He will still have an influence on the game at the weekend.

BBC: Rory Lawson earns start for Scotland for Argentina Test

7. "I hope these students will have an influence on the future of China, " Yau says.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. "Those water masses play a very important role in the present-day status of the ice pack and changes in the delivery would have an influence and effect on ice distribution, " said Weingartner.

CNN: Nuclear sub dives under the ice to explore climate change

9. That attitude,that point of view, even after the world of Homer is gone, remains a very powerful influence on the Greeks throughout the rest of their history, so that you have built into that society an inherent conflict.

这种态度,这种观点,甚至在荷马时期之后,仍对希腊人有着强烈的影响,并贯穿于他们之后的历史中,由此使得这种冲突在这个社会中传承了下来古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. And if he turned out to be Congo-Brazzaville's kingmaker, he would have great influence in an oil-rich country with a major port on the Atlantic coast.


11. The outcome of those elections could alter, or at least affect the balance of power on Capitol Hill and thus, in turn, have an important influence on the race for the White House, which will get under way in earnest in two years' time.

ECONOMIST: Bush's budget bonanza | The

12. The majority of our members are either nearing retirement or are in retirement, so age does have an influence on the results.

FORBES: Bullish Sentiment Strong But Investors Still Go For Dividend-Paying Stocks

13. However the Syrian revolt unfolds, "the experience of the Syrian Kurds will have an influence on Iran's Kurds and Turkey's Kurdish population, " said Cakir, who is a senior correspondent for the Vatan newspaper.

CNN: Kurds' ambitions add explosive element to Syria equation

14. For now, however, women have at best an indirect influence on the Vatican's upper echelon.


15. Few figures have had such an impactful influence on American political and cultural life.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

16. Our investigations have shown that no party exerts as great an influence on the overall success of a pension that a consultant who provides sound asset allocation, manager selection and other advice.

FORBES: SEC Scrutiny of Pension Consultants: A Call To Action (February 28, 2004 )

17. It could be found at the Bar, in the public schools, the church and the army and all these continued to have an influence on former colonies.

ECONOMIST: The British empire

18. Yes the leaders of powerful countries such as the United States, or many of the European countries do have an influence on many of us Africans by virtue of their big purses and the aid they grant us.

BBC: African viewpoint: Fame and influence

19. Locally, parents can work to massage the culture of a school, and in the city's school-choice environment, they can have more of an ultimate influence on their child's education than in many other cities.

WSJ: In Education, Many Levels, Types of Power

20. "The list is based on an individual's influence in football and how they have used that, " said Hinds.

BBC: SPORT | Football | The footballing Black List

21. The findings, which were presented at the Australian Neuroscience Society in Melbourne last week, and reported in New Scientist, gives hope that external factors may have an influence on the development of the disease in humans.

BBC: Lifestyle link to Huntington's disease

22. It is not yet clear how the microbes influence weight loss, but one theory is that they have an impact on metabolism.

BBC: Bacteria find 'key to treating obesity without surgery'

23. Clients are recruiting developers from universities like Stanford, because young talent want to have a direct influence on major brands, and not necessarily through an agency.

FORBES: Are Clients Becoming More Creative Than Agencies?

24. Because, after all, European Russia is part of Europe and will have an enormous influence on Asian affairs as well.

毕竟俄帝国的欧洲部分也是欧陆的一部分,它也将会在亚洲事务方面,产生极大影响欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. One chapter, "The Fallacy of Supply and Demand, " focuses on how the initial price of a product can have an undue influence on what people are willing to pay.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. When asked how much of an influence the 2012 Presidential Election would have on the housing market, 31% believed that it will have a large influence.

FORBES: Americans Still Believe They Can Buy Their Dream Home

27. And great employees have camaraderie and influence with their coworkers, which when lost, has an impact on the corporate culture.

FORBES: Great Employees Are Not Replaceable

28. "I hope these students will have an influence on the future of China, " he says.

FORBES: Plugging A Math Gap

29. One of the central tenets of this school of thought on organizations is that senior teams and directors have an outsized influence on organizational outcomes.

FORBES: Here's Why Google and Facebook Might Completely Disappear in the Next 5 Years

30. Friday's events will have an enduring influence on Norway, but will not fundamentally change the country or what it stands for, he predicted.

CNN: Police: At least 87 dead in mass shooting, bombing in Norway

31. He says even if people have a healthy body weight, sitting for long periods of time still has an unhealthy influence on blood sugar and blood fats.

VOA : special.2010.01.13

32. Although public opinion appears to have an influence on legislative behavior, traditional factors such as partisanship have the strongest influence on how legislators cast their votes.


33. The sounds of James Brown, Little Richard and Sun Ra do have an authentic influence on Khan and his band, but there's a modern energy, too.

NPR: King Khan And The Shrines: 'Freak' Show

have an influence on翻译_have an influence on短语搭配_have an influence on权威例句




ancestress的意思是:n. 女性祖先;女性被继承人。学考宝为您提供ancestress是什么意思,ancestress的翻译,ancestress的用法,ancestress的短语搭配,ancestress的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ancestor的意思是:n. 祖先,祖宗;(动植物)原种;原型,雏形。学考宝为您提供ancestor是什么意思,ancestor的翻译,ancestor的用法,ancestor的短语搭配,ancestor的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ghastful的意思是:adj. 恐怖的;受惊的。学考宝为您提供ghastful是什么意思,ghastful的翻译,ghastful的用法,ghastful的短语搭配,ghastful的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


exclamations的意思是:n. 感叹;感叹词;感叹语。exclamation的复数。学考宝为您提供exclamations是什么意思,exclamations的音标,exclamations怎么读,exclamations的翻译,exclamations的用法,exclamations的短语搭配,exclamations的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


analysis的意思是:n. 分析;化验分析;心理分析,精神分析;分析报告。学考宝为您提供analysis是什么意思,analysis的翻译,analysis的用法,analysis的短语搭配,analysis的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

to encode是什么意思_to encode怎么读_to encode的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

to encode的意思是:网络 编码;内码。学考宝为您提供to encode是什么意思,to encode的音标,to encode怎么读,to encode的翻译,to encode的用法,to encode的短语搭配,to encode的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
to encode是什么意思_to encode怎么读_to encode的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

to code是什么意思_to code怎么读_to code的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

to code的意思是:网络 编码。学考宝为您提供to code是什么意思,to code的音标,to code怎么读,to code的翻译,to code的用法,to code的短语搭配,to code的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
to code是什么意思_to code怎么读_to code的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


amuse的意思是:v. 逗乐,逗笑;(提供)消遣,(使)娱乐。学考宝为您提供amuse是什么意思,amuse的翻译,amuse的用法,amuse的短语搭配,amuse的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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