莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [kəmˈbaɪn]play美 [kəmˈbaɪn]play

  • v. (使)结合,组合;(使)化合;合并,协力;兼有,兼备;兼做,兼办
  • n. 联盟,联合体;联合收割机

复数 combines 第三人称单数 combines 现在分词 combining 过去式 combined 过去分词 combined

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


combine /kəmˈbaɪn/ CET4 TEM4 [ combining combined combines ]

  • 1.
    相互动词 If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together. 使…结合; 结合

    The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.



    Relief workers say it's worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands.


  • 2.
    相互动词 If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they join together to make a single thing. 使…合为一体; 合为一体

    David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study.



    Combine the flour with 3 tablespoons water to make a paste.


  • 3.
    相互动词 If two or more groups or organizations combine or if someone combines them, they join to form a single group or organization. 使…合并; 合并

    ...an announcement by Steetley and Tarmac of a joint venture that would combine their brick, tile, and concrete operations.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If someone or something combines two qualities or features, they have both those qualities or features at the same time. 同时具有

    Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.



    ...a clever, far-sighted lawyer who combines legal expertise with social concern.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If someone combines two activities, they do them both at the same time. 同时做

    It is possible to combine a career with being a mother.






mingle blend combine mix 【导航词义:混合】

mingle v. (使)混合

〔辨析〕 多指无形的东西,如情感、声音、味道等,混合在一起。

例1: The pleasant music mingled with noises from the crowd.


例2: Add the strawberry and allow the flavours to mingle.


例3: She felt hope mingled with fear.


blend v. (使)混合;(使)融合

〔辨析〕 指(使)柔软或液态的物质,如水、面粉等,调和在一起,或让不同的事物融合起来,使相映成趣或相得益彰。

例1: Blend the salt, flour and minced meat.


例2: Leave the vinegar to allow the flavours to blend with each other.


例3: Their music blends jazz and pop.


combine v. (使)化合,调和

〔辨析〕 指(使)不同的物质混合在一起形成一种新的物质。

例1: You'd better combine all the ingredients in a large bowl.


例2: A molecule of water is formed by combining two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.


例3: He is only 9 years old, but he knows that hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.


mix v. (使)混合

〔辨析〕 指(使)多种物质混合成一种物质,且不容易再被分开。

例1: The first step is to mix the powder with warm water.


例2: It is common sense that water and oil don't mix.



1. combine harvester 联合收割机

2. Combine-unit 组合柜 ; 配合柜 ; 扭 ; 组合

3. to combine ability with character 德才兼备 ; 品学兼优 ; 鳘 ; 䗐

4. Top Combine 至上励合 ; 至上励合北京演唱会 ; 马雪阳

5. combine with vt. 与...结合

6. Combine Taskbar Icons 合并任务栏图标 ; 归并使命栏图标 ; 归并任务栏图标 ; 合并使命栏图标

7. corn combine 农机 玉米联合收割机 ; 谷物联合收割机

8. Combine Regulation 综合调整率 ; 老化测试 ; 综合调整率测试 ; 㣭·综合调整率

9. rice combine 农机 水稻联合收获机 ; 水稻联合收割机


1. Some sales organizations combine both individual and group sales bonus programs.


2. Let the tea set and tea combine perfectly.


3. In the roaring of combine harvester rumble, they are laughing tenaciously.

在联合收割机隆隆的吼声中, 他们仍然顽强地笑着.《期刊摘选》

4. David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study...


5. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.


6. I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic structures.


7. He will combine the two jobs over the next three years.


8. You will need to combine appropriate information from the text and the transcript to provide a complete answer to the question.


9. This is commonly called the commercial community ; it may , however, combine other functions as well.

这类社区通常称作商业社区, 但它也可能兼有其他功能.《辞典例句》

10. Conclusions Vitrectomy combine intraocular drug injection is the best treatment to treat suppurative endophthalmitis.


11. 18-hour cities combine the best of 24-hour and 9-5 cities, which contributes to downtown revitalization.


12. We sell printers and scanners, and all-in-ones that combine the two.


13. The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.


14. His writing combines elegance and wit.


15. When bad men combine, good men must associate.

坏人朋比为奸时, 好人应该联合起来.《期刊摘选》

16. They combined against a common enemy.


17. The School reserves the right reschedule, transfer, combine or dissolve a class.

学校保有重新安排 、 转移 、 联合或解散一个班级的权利.《期刊摘选》

18. This may be a combine?

这次可能是一台联合收割机 吧 ?《期刊摘选》

19. The present invention relates to a technological process of combine harvester and it machine.


20. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.


21. We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.


22. These elements can be combined in a multitude of different ways.


23. For the purposes of this study, the three groups have been combined.


24. He was the man who invented the combine harvester.


25. The trip will combine business with pleasure.


26. Different states or groups can combine to enlarge their markets.


27. In previous eras of drastic technological change, entrepreneurs smoothed the transition by dreaming up ways to combine labor and machines.


28. Combine herbs and scallions , set aside half for garnish.

在一边联合药草和青葱, 组合装饰的一半.《期刊摘选》

29. His great achievement was to combine an emotional spark with computer technology, and make the resulting product feel personal.


30. The following Boolean operators can be used to combine terms. Note that they must be CAPITALIZED!

下面的逻辑检索词可以用来联合检索词进行检索. 注意:这些词在使用时必须大写!《期刊摘选》

31. You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet.


32. The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance.


33. They combine with dust particles from the comet to form a huge cloud.


34. Conclusion application of combine digital fluoroscopy and digital radiograph in IVU is valuable.


35. A good combine allows the harvesting to be done by one person.


36. If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved...


37. ...Veba, an energy-and-chemicals combine that is Germany's fourth-biggest company.


38. Such gangs have a propensity to combine against a common enemy.


39. It took the combined efforts of both the press and the public to bring about a change in the law.


40. And it analyzed fuzzy control of intelligence will become development trend with automatical control on combine.


41. the combined effects of the two drugs


42. With the combine harvester, our agriculture has realized scale production.

有了联合收割机, 我们的农业生产实现了规模化.《期刊摘选》

43. Those small countries should combine against the power of a larger one.


44. Optimizing design on hydraulic pressure system of 200 Y combine.


45. Combine Exercise and Leisure. Take up fun activities that force you to exercise and have fun.


46. The hotel combines comfort with convenience.


47. Google Apps, for example, combine mail, word processing and other applications.

比如谷歌, 联合电子邮件, 字处理和其他服务.《期刊摘选》

48. It is possible to combine a career with being a mother.


49. Finally a soldier I can work with. Let us combine again and work havoc.


50. She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family.


51. The researchers studying moving rocks, well, they combine their knowledge of rocks with knowledge of wind, ice and such.


52. Setup and Calibration about Yield Monitor System of Case 2366 Combine.


53. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.


54. Combine: Make one photo attaching multiple photos vertically or horizontally.

联合收割机: 珍爱一张照片附上多张照片纵向或横向.《期刊摘选》

55. For software engineers and web developers: compare, understand and combine different source file versions.

对软件工程师和网页开发者-快速精确地比较 、 了解和联合不同版本的源文件.《期刊摘选》

56. Relief workers say it's worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands.


57. Combine the eggs with a little flour.


58. ...a clever, far-sighted lawyer who combines legal expertise with social concern...


59. She has to combine fact with fiction.


60. Shipping charges aren't padded. Can combine multiple factory goods.


61. Why may not several Deities combine in contriving and framing a world?

为什么不可能是数个神联合起来,设计和构造世界 呢 ?《哲学部分》

62. Try to use the few resources you have to combine your boundless creativity and motivation to create some beautiful and powerful designs.


63. Let us combine our tow firms against our competitors.


64. When bad men combine, the good must associate ( Edmund Burke ).

在坏人勾结起来时, 好人必须联合起来 ( 爱德蒙伯克 ).《期刊摘选》

65. If the conditions are right, they will combine, fuse and form darmstadtium plus neutron.


66. ‘ Dinosaur ’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots.


67. His businesses are worth a combined total of$ 3 billion.


68. The cable car and toboggan nicely combine natural beauty and man-made scenery.


69. It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.


70. The molecules combine, forming what is called a Schiff base within the protein.


71. Let us combine our firms against our competitors.


72. Companies that successfully combine online and offline business models may prove to be a big concern for traditional retailers.


73. At present service group already had tractor, large combine harvester , drill 24.

目前服务队已拥有拖拉机 、 大型联合收割机 、 播种机24台.《期刊摘选》

74. This model combines a telephone and fax machine.


75. Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.


76. It had the advantages of town and country combined.


77. HEPATOLOGY DIGEST: As far as a choice of an ideal analog to combine with?

《国际肝病》: 有那些比较理想的可以联合应用的核苷类药物 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

78. If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved


79. The German team scored a combined total of 652 points.


80. Fruit grower and group are contracted combine.


81. They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room.


82. And you think you can get them to combine?

你认为可以使他们联合起来 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

83. Combine the flour with 3 tablespoons water to make a paste...


84. Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined.


85. ...an announcement by Steetley and Tarmac of a joint venture that would combine their operations...


86. The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.


87. Several factors had combined to ruin our plans.


88. Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.


89. It is possible to combine a career with being a mother...


90. The drive mechanism for the double knife cutter bar of Combine harvester has been designed.


91. a kitchen and dining-room combined


92. One way to estimate how all the various processes leading to climate variability will combine is by using computer models of the global climate.


93. The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field.


94. The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility...


95. Ants combine the evidence of visual landmarks with a mental library of local directions, all within a framework which is consulted and updated.


96. Military researchers are looking to combine an acoustic gunshot detector with a dazzling laser that will startle shooters who take aim at American helos.


97. The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation.


98. If we were neither of us cowards, we might combine to discharge it.

如果我们都不是胆小鬼, 我们可以联合起来清算它.《辞典例句》

99. The oil combine monopolized the fuel sales of the country.


100. The control of walking velocity for traditional combine is realized by gear and hydraulic speed variator.



1. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service led the effort to combine the information into one report.

VOA : special.2009.05.12

2. And so I was able to take the pictures, combine them and draw him the way I think he might really,possibly, have looked on that trip.

VOA : special.2009.02.27

3. These structures combine elements of nature such as earth and water with written language to express meaning.

VOA : special.2009.05.06

4. And we combine this with first law, which for the case of pressure volume changes we write as this.

结合第一和第二定律,对于压强体积功我们可以这样写。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. You might think that's because they can't find full-time employment and have to combine roles.

BBC: In and out of the job search

6. These four are merely the latest group of newspapers to combine print cutbacks and digital expansion.

ECONOMIST: Newspapers in the South

7. So, if we have two atomic orbitals coming together from two different atoms and they combine, what we end up forming is a molecular orbital.

如果我们有两个,不同原子的原子轨道,而且它们组合到一起,我们最后就能得到一个分子轨道。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

8. No problem, if possible I always combine business with pleasure. Now, let’s hear more about these chocolates you’re offering.


9. The plan would combine the operators of the New York Stock Exchange and Germany's Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

VOA : special.2011.02.18

10. If you combine that with playing at Croke Park, they will take some containing.

BBC: Prop Healy wins first Ireland cap

11. New laptops are starting to combine two types of wireless networking capabilities into one.

FORBES: The Near Future Of Wi-Fi

12. Current articles combine investigative reporting with a sensibility that is adolescent, male, and proudly boorish.

NEWYORKER: The Bad-Boy Brand

13. So we can actually constructively and destructively combine these waves, these atomic orbitals to make a hybrid.

我们可以相长,和相消叠加这些波,这些原子轨道可以杂化。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. Passengers are ensconced in comfy carriages that combine modern amenities with elegant meals and colonial-Asian decor.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Do-It-Yourself Luxury on Thailand's Railways

15. He used modern editing technology to combine voices and instruments into a global music experience.

VOA : special.2009.07.31

16. The company will likely also combine technology systems and thereby reduce technology maintenance costs.

FORBES: Five Thoughts on a Penguin-Random House Merger: Rapid Reaction

17. Put the sugar, cream of tartar and water in a small saucepan and stir to combine.

NPR: Recipe: Devil's Food White-Out Cake

18. I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry.


19. In a blender, combine the softened chilies and bay leaf, 2 cups of water and cumin.

WSJ: A Potent Brew

20. They are the only band to combine punk, pop and psychedelia effectively.


21. That is, if I want to combine two things together in a particular way, I need to make sure that I give it the kind of operand it expects.

也就是,如果我想以一种特定的方式,把两个东西组合到一块,我需要确定,给了运算符它想要的输入。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. Combine that with high gross margins and channel fill and the bar got set very high.

FORBES: Apple's Shares Probably Saw Their Bottom

23. In 2000, Bush won Missouri and lost Minnesota -- states that combine for 21 electoral votes.

CNN: Bush campaigns to return Senate control to GOP

24. Milton has to develop a poetic voice that can actually combine those two vocations, the two offices, the office of poetry and the office of ministry.

弥尔顿不得不为这两种才能,诗歌之才和布道之才的结合,吐露诗人的心声。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. the thirty-four year old performer continues to combine the sounds of jazz, folk music and the blues.

VOA : special.2009.07.10

26. Te'o ran a 4.82-second 40-yard dash at the NFL combine, slow for a linebacker.

NPR: Teo's Time Is 2nd Round, 6th Pick To San Diego

27. They combine the highest quality 3D lenses from Volfoni and the best in class tracking systems.

ENGADGET: SMI Eye-Tracking 3D Glasses use rim-based cameras to adjust perspective

28. Combine that with millions of consumers who also store purchase and related information on their smartphones.

FORBES: Make A Mobile Digital Offer Your Customers Can't Refuse

29. Shell aims to combine coal gasification with gas-to-diesel technology in an alliance with coal miner Anglo American.

FORBES: Shell Shocked

30. Rooms combine classic and contemporary touches such as plush Duxiana beds, original art and Nespresso machines.

BBC: Business trip: New York City

31. Papua New Guinea is predominantly Christian, but many communities combine their faith with tribal traditions.

BBC: Papuas got a brand new bag

32. The best thing to do is to combine both ideas.

VOA : special.2010.06.08

33. Medtronic suggested the managed-care provider combine its network of doctors with Definity's personal-care accounts.

FORBES: Give Them A Stake

34. Combine all ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pan.


35. The biathlon requires great skill to combine the physical demands of skiing and the calm, focused attention needed for shooting at a target.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

36. Also last month,the United Nations agreed to combine four agencies and offices into a single, stronger agency to work on women's issues.

VOA : special.2009.10.24

37. So here, let's combine these to define a new quantity.

我们把这些结合起来组成新的物理量。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. And the third thing I need to decide is how do I combine? You know, point out to you in the binary search case, combination was trivial. The answer to the final search was just the answer all the way up.

第三个问题是我需要决定如何进行合并?,就你们所知的,在二分查找中所打印出来的,合并的过程是非常简单的,最后查询的结果,就是一路上来所以的结果。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. The critic praised the extraordinary energy of the dancers who combine traditional dance with ballet and modern dance.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

40. Merging magnets with semiconductors would allow a chip to combine a computer's memory and logic functions.

FORBES: Spin Is In

41. The next vision has to combine the social, the global and the unpredictable with the technological.

FORBES: Obama to Jobs This Evening: Where's My Vision for America?

42. You take total household debt and total federal debt and combine them, and you got a kind of national indebtedness 168% that's about 168 percent of GDP.

将美国所有家庭债务总额,加上联邦政府债务总额,得出整个美国的债务状况,整个债务量竟是GDP的。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

43. Take these two delicious things and combine them into a chocolate covered pizza.

把这两个好吃的东西,组合成一个巧克力比萨饼。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. That is important, that elements, because they are the building blocks, they combine in whole number multiples.

这很主要,元素,因为它们在组成区块,它们化合成整数倍。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. Now imagine if your own application could combine its functionality with this newly launched feature.

FORBES: iPhone 4S Big News for Marketers

46. The group was especially concerned about prescription drugs that combine acetaminophen with stronger painkillers.

VOA : special.2009.07.21

47. The new vision is to combine the growth in the BPO business with new technologies.

FORBES: Connect

48. Combine these three factors and what you get is more money chasing fewer shares.

FORBES: Why Stock Prices Should Keep Rising Despite Slowing Wage Growth

49. Chocolate makers have their own special recipes in which they combine chocolate liquor with exact amounts of sugar, milk and cocoa fat.

VOA : special.2010.02.17

50. The same tests and drills given at the Combine are administered all over again.

FORBES: How To Be A Great Sports Agent: Part Four

51. If the Ax and Ay, some are positive and some are negative, this is the way by which we have learned we should combine multiples of i.

如果 Ax 和 Ay 有正有负,这就要用到我们所学过的方法,将所有 i 的倍数加起来基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Her songs combine the sounds of bluegrass and country music.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

53. Team officials, including coach Doug Marrone, met with the receiver at the NFL combine in February.

WSJ: Bills WR Rogers eager to put troubled past behind

54. Under the plans, Philip Dunne's Ludlow constituency would largely combine with Bill Wiggin's North Herefordshire seat.

BBC: MPs question size of new constituency

55. Milton is able in this speech to combine, I think, for the first time the two associations borne by that Latin word pastor.

弥尔顿能够在这场演说中,第一次把拉丁语牧师的两种联想结合起来。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Indeed, he said in his various pronouncements written for him by someone else that he didn't want to be a king of the old regime, he did not want to turn the clock back to 1788, and that you could combine a modernity with monarchy.

在一篇由人代笔的自我声明中,他表示并不想成为旧有政体的国王,他不想把时间倒退回1788年,完全可以把君主制和现代化结合1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Veba, an energy-and-chemicals combine that is Germany's fourth-biggest company


58. DNA also has this sort of combinatorial system where you have a finite number of, I guess, bases or amino acids that could combine to a possible infinity of strings of DNA strings.

脱氧核糖核酸也拥有这种组合系统,你的生物基础或氨基酸数量是有限的,但却能组合出,几乎无限的脱氧核糖核酸螺旋结构心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Estrogen can combine with this receptor to form a new sort of unit which interacts with DNA.

雌激素能够与受体相结合,形成一个新结构单位与DNA相互作用生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Take two well-intentioned tax breaks and combine them into a dodge Congress could not have intended.

FORBES: Doctor Your Tax Return

61. Humility goes a long way and if you combine it with competence, it goes even further.

FORBES: Enterpreneurial Spotlight On... Katie Williams Of Ideal Living

62. And the challenge is to combine "the permission to be human" to experience the emotion to go through the motion and yet not to enter the downward spiral where six months later, after small incident, I'm still in that rot.

困难在于将之与准许为人相结合“,去体会情绪,实现转移,但不会进入下行螺旋,在发生小小意外六个月后,仍心情低落。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

63. The committee was especially concerned about prescription drugs that combine acetaminophen with stronger painkillers.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

64. Combine the flour and the salt in a mixer fitted with a dough hook.

CNN: Pizza Dough

65. Then he ran a 4.82-second 40-yard dash at the NFL combine, considered slow for a linebacker.

NPR: Manti Te'o Not Selected In 1st Round Of NFL Draft





commercialized的意思是:adj. 商业化的 v. 使商品化;靠……赚钱(commercialize 的过去分词)。学考宝为您提供commercialized是什么意思,commercialized的翻译,commercialized的用法,commercialized的短语搭配,commercialized的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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comment的意思是:n. 评论,意见;批评,指责;说明,写照;<旧>解说,注释;(计算机)注解 v. 评论,发表意见;(计算机)注解,把(部分程序)转成注解 【名】 (Comment)(美、瑞、法)科门特(人名)。学考宝为您提供comment是什么意思,comment的翻译,comment的用法,comment的短语搭配,comment的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


commandership的意思是:网络 总司令之职;统帅权。学考宝为您提供commandership是什么意思,commandership的音标,commandership怎么读,commandership的翻译,commandership的用法,commandership的短语搭配,commandership的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


command的意思是:v. 命令,下令;统率,指挥;博得,赢得;控制,掌管;居高临下,俯瞰;值(高价) n. 命令,指示;(计算机的)指令;控制,管辖;指挥权,控制权;兵团,军区;指挥部,司令部;掌握,精通 【名】 (Command)(美)科芒(人名)。学考宝为您提供command是什么意思,command的翻译,command的用法,command的短语搭配,command的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


comfort的意思是:n. 舒服,舒适;安慰,慰藉;令人感到安慰的人(或事物);舒适的设施(或条件);生活富足 v. 安慰,抚慰。学考宝为您提供comfort是什么意思,comfort的翻译,comfort的用法,comfort的短语搭配,comfort的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


combine的意思是:v. (使)结合,组合;(使)化合;合并,协力;兼有,兼备;兼做,兼办 n. 联盟,联合体;联合收割机。学考宝为您提供combine是什么意思,combine的翻译,combine的用法,combine的短语搭配,combine的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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