莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [prəˈdjuːs]play美 [prəˈduːs]play

  • v. 引起,造成;(自然地)生产,产生;(尤指用机器)生产,制造;(运用技巧)制作,造出;(某地、某过程或制度)出产,产出;出示,拿出;监制,制作(电影或戏剧);生育;<旧>使(线段)延长
  • n. 农产品;(尤指某人工作或努力的)成果,结果

第三人称单数 produces 现在分词 producing 过去式 produced 过去分词 produced

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


produce CET4 TEM4 [ producing produced produces ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 To produce something means to cause it to happen. 使发生

    The drug is known to produce side-effects in women.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you produce something, you make or create it. 生产

    The company produced circuitry for communications systems.


  • 3.
    及物动词 When things or people produce something, it comes from them or slowly forms from them, especially as the result of a biological or chemical process. 生长出; 生育出

    These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you produce evidence or an argument, you show it or explain it to people in order to make them agree with you. 给出 (证据、论据等)

    They challenged him to produce evidence to support his allegations.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you produce an object from somewhere, you show it or bring it out so that it can be seen. 出示

    To rent a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If someone produces something such as a movie, a magazine, or a CD, they organize it and decide how it should be done. 制作 (电影、杂志、唱片等)

    He has produced his own sports magazine.


  • 7.
    不可数名词 Produce is fruit and vegetables that are grown in large quantities to be sold. 农产品

    We manage to get most of our produce in farmers' markets.




  • adj.

    productive 能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的

    produced 引长的;畸形地伸长的

  • n.

    production 成果;产品;生产;作品

    productivity 生产力;生产率;生产能力

    producer 制作人,制片人;生产者;发生器

    productiveness 赢利性;生产率,生产能力;多产性

  • v.

    produced 产生;制造(produce的过去式和过去分词);创作



product goods merchandise produce 【导航词义:产品,商品】

product n. 产品,制品

〔辨析〕 指种植的物产或工厂里大批量制造的产品,通常用于出售。

例1: Various kinds of agricultural products are sold in that supermarket.


例2: Where are the finished products assembled?


goods n. 商品

〔辨析〕 只用复数形式,泛指用于出售的货品。

例1: The next step is to tap the large market for consumer goods.


例2: Leather goods are very popular in that country.


merchandise n. [正式] 商品,货品

〔辨析〕 不可数名词,指供买卖的货物。

例1: A range of official Snoopy merchandise is on sale in the visitors' centre.


例2: Did they inspect the merchandise after its arrival?


produce n. 农产品

〔辨析〕 不可数名词,指生产出来用于出售的农产品。

例1: dairy produce


例2: Fresh local produce is usually cheap and delicious.



1. produce department 生产部

2. produce electricity 发电

3. capacity to produce 生产能力

4. produce results 产生结果

5. to produce an unexpected winner 爆冷门 ; 爆寒门

6. Nobuta wo Produce 野猪大改造影视图片

7. arms produce 武器生产 ; 兵器出产 ; 兵器生产 ; 刀兵出产

8. produce the equalizer 追平

9. produce evidence 提出证据

10. farm produce 农产品

11. mass-produce 大量生产 ; 大批量生产 ; 成批生产 ; 大量出产

12. mass produce 批量生产

13. produce grain 生产粮食;谷物制造

14. how to produce 如何生产 ; 怎样生产 ; 怎样出产

15. dairy produce 乳制品

16. native produce 土特产品,土产品

17. Produce carrier 侧开式集装箱 ; 侧开门集装箱


1. I produced my ticket.


2. Vain glory will flower, but it will produce no gain.


3. Enriching uranium and producing heavy water could be used to build weapons.


4. The fibrosis around a breast implant may produce deformity and pain in some women.


5. GA produced by apple seed significantly inhibits floral bud differentiation, thus results in alternate year bearing.

苹果种子产生的赤霉素明显抑制花芽分化, 导致隔年结果.《期刊摘选》

6. The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.


7. The produce was labelled "Made in China."


8. He was the son of Emile Dropsy , also a medal engraver who mainly produced religious medals.


9. Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious.


10. Current, terminal market of our country produce had been entered rectify and normative development phase.

目前, 我国农产品批发市场已经进入了整顿和规范发展阶段.《期刊摘选》

11. Their aim will be to produce as much milk as possible.


12. Talks aimed at producing a new world trade treaty have been under way for six years.


13. His arrival produced a sensation.


14. Practical production cases show that sound castings can be produced shell preparation process.


15. Our cat produced kittens last week.


16. The common prescription is to primarily shop the grocery store, since that’s where fresh produce, meat and seafood, and dairy are.

最常见的方法就是以在超市购物为主,因为那里有新鲜的农产品、肉类、海鲜和奶制品。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

17. We also know that sudden exercise can produce abnormal heart rhythms, which can cause death.

我们也知道突然的锻炼会引起心脏跳动反常, 从而导致死亡.《期刊摘选》

18. These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.


19. These are fields which produce heavy crops.


20. She produced a TV series about adopted children.


21. [F] The key to reforming higher education, concludes Mr. Menand, is to alter the way in which “the producers of knowledge are produced.”

[F] 梅南先生总结道,高等教育改革的关键是改变“培养知识生产者”的方式。  《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

22. Economic growth in evolving producing and consuming markets like China can affect your industry.


23. Produce innovative and usable digital concepts and art directions in response to creative briefs.


24. All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams.


25. Hemingway epitomized the great American writer by producing works that would impact millions.


26. An increase in taxes produced an outcry from the voters.


27. Produced all associated reports and records.


28. Mums remain the most widely pot plant in the country and the largest commercially produced flowers.


29. They seemed lively and intelligent and they produced beautiful folk art and captivating music.


30. Potentially ast amounts of recombinant protein could be produced simply by increasing the planting area.


31. Everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a literary classic.


32. It produces bubbles, and bubbles pop, as anybody who was semiconscious in 2000 and 2007 knows.

它制造泡沫, 而泡沫就像某个半醉半醒的人记忆中的2000年和2007年那样,呼呼地往外冒.《期刊摘选》

33. Meanwhile, produced the liquid ferric chloride used as purifying agent.


34. It is widely used in the trade of mechanism producing, eletronic part and aviation.

它广泛的应用于机械制造, 电子,汽车和航空航天等工业中.《期刊摘选》

35. The infectious agent responsible here was Nocardia, which is known to produce chronic abscessing inflammation.

此处引起感染的因素是诺卡菌属, 主要引起慢性脓肿.《期刊摘选》

36. The equipment will be paid installments with the commodities produced by our factory.


37. In this case, one wheel may spin freely while the other wheel produces torque.

在这样的情况下, 一个轮子打转,另一个则产生扭矩.《期刊摘选》

38. Acrylic is the second ceramic sanitary ware, after the best capable of producing new material.


39. Does the system produce data used to accept or reject product?


40. The population would be fitter, healthier and produce more winners.

国民将会更强壮,更健康,产生更多获胜者。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

41. The drug produces a feeling of excitement.


42. They produced 30 per cent more steel than they had in the previous year.


43. ?A plant uses only a small part ?of the energy produced by that ?process.

这个过程所产生的能量中,只有一小部分会被植物利用。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

44. The drug is produced by Anhui Huayuan Worldbest Biology Pharmacy Company, Anhui, China.


45. Scientists have produced powerful arguments against his ideas.


46. It says on the label ‘Produce of France ’.


47. The dicalcium phosphate anhydrous so produced by the above process is also disclosed.


48. They produce antibodies to beat dead bacteria.


49. Shouldn't a consistent, nonrandom outcome produce consistent results, and a random outcome produce random, inconsistent results?

是不是持续一致的, 不随机的结果能产生持续一致的收入, 随机的结果产生随机的, 不持续一致的收入?《期刊摘选》

50. To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence...


51. De Beers slashed production in half in 2009, producing only 24 m carats.

去年,戴比尔斯将产量削减了一半, 年产量仅为2400万克拉.《期刊摘选》

52. To produce a network of fine cracks in the surface or glaze of.


53. Can you produce any proof of your nationality?

你能出示有关你国藉的任何证件 吗 ?《辞典例句》

54. One potential explanation is an active fibrotic process that produces increased ventricular stiffness, which compromises filling.


55. We produce all kinds of woolen yarn such as cashmere , wool angora blended , 8 NM ~28 NM.

我们生产各种比例的粗梳纱线,像山羊绒 、 羊毛、兔毛 、 尼龙等,支数在8~28支.《期刊摘选》

56. Aspirated material may also produce inflammation from chemical irritation, as with gastric contents.


57. Average people produce average results.


58. Main raw and processed materials of the products are produced and supplied independently according to KAM.


59. Officials in Bangladesh say that country produced a record 8 million tons this season.


60. Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS. Smart Identity Card must be produced when this application is made.

请以英文正楷填写. 申请人交回本申请表格时,必须出示其智能身份证.《期刊摘选》

61. They had licensed the firm to produce the drug.


62. The price of coffee is governed by the quantity which has been produced.


63. Much of the outstandingest art in the history of the globle were produced within the Renaissance.


64. It will produce electricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.


65. The invention also concerns methods for producing such pharmaceutical formulations.


66. Proctors asked each student ot produce an ID card with an attached photo.


67. Angolar Angora goats produce more hair mohair.


68. The cost of producing a new television commercial could not be justified.


69. The results showed the producing periods and sugar difference had obvious affection on the dehydration ratio.


70. It says on the label 'Produce of France'.


71. The shop sells only fresh local produce.


72. The leaders accused Iran's government of building a covert, underground plant to produce nuclear fuels.


73. In coated paper on traditional cards and membership cards produce UV ink to overprint.


74. The supposed murder weapon was produced in evidence at his trial.


75. Her first job was to produce ideas and scripts for a TV commercial.


76. Interfacial tractions at the broken ends will produce delamination.


77. The company mainly produces solar powered traffic safety facilities and products.


78. Bronchiectasis is usually produced by an untreated lung infection.


79. The initial idea was to produce an aluminium bodied version of the car.


80. In contrast, thin and flat falling ice crystals will produce a halo of 22 degrees only.

相较之下, 较薄的扁平冰晶只会产生视角为22度的日晕.《期刊摘选》

81. Elasticity deformation of belt can be produced during operation and cause verticality change of roller.


82. A minor change in a single axiom produces a drastic change in the game.


83. We sell only fresh local produce.


84. This year we produced quadruple the amount produced in 2002.


85. As we have to feed and clothe more people, we have to produce more.

人们得穿衣吃饭, 所以生产量也就大多了.《期刊摘选》

86. Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect.


87. The work he produced early in his career has never really been bettered.


88. Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks.


89. Kandinsky produced nonfigurative art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.


90. Our specialty. We've been producing jackets , coats joggingpants and shorts for over 15 years.

汇思远东成立15年来, 产品以茄克 、 大衣、运动装、外套、童装等为主.《期刊摘选》

91. Which factory produce this kind of camera?


92. Agricultural potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride are produced double decomposition from potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate.


93. Farmers apparently hold back produce in the hope that prices will rise.


94. Foaming agent is a chemical reaction can occur and produce gases.


95. Village in cold district produce low wheat and cattle, But it produce more cabbages and apples.

在寒冷地区的村庄,小麦和牛的产量会比较低, 但卷心菜和苹果的产量会比较高.《期刊摘选》

96. A particle passing through the scintillator produces excitations.


97. In China, MOD 3 has design & trading team to design, produce, purchase and trade products.

在中国,拥有设计 和 贸易团队, 负责产品的设计 、 生产 、 采购和进出口贸易.《期刊摘选》

98. What’s the point in producing an engine that’s big and powerful enough to go like 200 kilometers an hour when the speed limit is only 100?.

当最高限速只有每小时 100 公里时,制造马力强劲,速度足以达到每小时200 公里的引擎又有什么意义呢?。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

99. The producing methods and applying field are reviewed in this paper.


100. How many cameras have they produce in this factory?


101. This produced some of the freshest, most spontaneous landscapes of his last years.


102. The custom officer asks him to produce the relevant document.


103. Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods.


104. But through metaphor, he crammed layers of meaning together to produce flashes of revelation.

但是透过隐喻, 他利用图层的重叠创作出稍纵即逝的意念.《期刊摘选》

105. Their efforts produced no results.


106. Produce your student card of identity card when Borrowing Books . Borrow only Book at a time.

借书时出示学生证或工作证, 每次限借一本.《期刊摘选》

107. Market traders display an exotic selection of the island's produce.


108. We need to produce protection when entering the building.


109. China will produce , by 2000, 62 million tons of fruit, 48 kg per capita.

到2000年水果产量达到6200万吨, 人均48公斤.《期刊摘选》

110. Tables were piled high with local produce.


111. The available supply of industrial product and produce stabilizes growth.


112. This leaflet is produced for the information of our customers.


113. He is supposed to be a very learnt man, but he seems unable to produce.

他被认为是个极有学识的人, 但他似乎不能创作.《辞典例句》

114. These infections usually produce localized pathologic changes.


115. The company produced circuitry for communications systems...


116. The goal of the artist is to produce an observable artifact that provokes an aesthetic response.


117. The company markets its new produce.


118. They challenged him to produce evidence to support his allegations...


119. He produced 'A Chorus Line', Broadway's longest running show.


120. Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.


121. Evidence that the LoveLife program produces lasting changes is limited and mixed.

证明“热爱生命”运动会产生持久变化的证据有限且前后矛盾。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

122. The platform began to produce oil in 1994.


123. He produced a written contract under seal.


124. At the meeting the finance director produced the figures for the previous year.


125. Silastic products, insulation materials, plastic products, metal products, electronic products, paper products processing and canning produce.

硅橡胶制品 、 绝缘材料 、 塑料制品 、 五金制品 、 电子产品 、 纸制品的加工及模具制作.《期刊摘选》

126. We guarantee the freshness of all our produce.


127. Coulomb's Law: a distribution of stationary charge produces a static electric field ( electrostatic field ) .

库仑法则: 静态分布的电荷产生静态 电场.《期刊摘选》

128. In conducting investigations, the personnel of administration shall produce their certificates to the persons being investigated.

港务监视职员的执行调查使命时, 应当向被调查职员出示证件.《期刊摘选》

129. Gametangium ( pl. gametangia ) A cell or organ in which sexual cells ( gametes ) are produced.

配子囊 ( 配偶子囊 ) :由性细胞 ( 配子 ) 产生的细胞或器官.《期刊摘选》

130. On - crop trees produce a large number of small fruit with little value.


131. In additional, Liang also composes and produces music.

此外, 他还从事音乐创作和音乐制作.《期刊摘选》

132. The biggest concern with robots going against human values is that human beings fail to do sufficient testing and they’ve produced a system that will break some kind of taboo ( 禁忌).

有关机器人违反人类价值观的最大担忧是人类做的测试不够,于是就制造了将会打破某种禁忌的系统。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

133. The company produces its own training material.


134. Our chefs use only the freshest produce available.


135. Produces regional assessments of earthquake hazards in conjunction with State and local governments.


136. Insulin and glucagons are produced by liver, their action is exactly opposite.

[胰岛素和高血糖素都是由胰脏所制造, 而他们的功能却刚好相反].《期刊摘选》

137. There's an increased demand for organic produce these days.


138. This makes it difficult to breathe and often produces a cough that will not go away.


139. Lk And if it produces fruit in the future, good; otherwise , cut it down.

路十三9将来若真结果子便罢, 不然 再把它砍了.《期刊摘选》

140. Gala Television Corporation runs three commercial television channels and produces video programs.


141. If the body does not produce enough red blood cells , anemia results.

如果身体不能制造足够的红血球, 就引起贫血.《期刊摘选》

142. NOTE: We can produce all kinds of sensors that user need.

注: 可根据用户所需制作不同性能参数的传感器.《期刊摘选》

143. Unmanaged biodegradation can produce surprising results.


144. To produce or yield ( profit or interest ) as a payment for labor, investment, or expenditure.

生产制造或产生 ( 利润或收益 ) 以支付作为劳动力 、 投资或开销的报酬.《期刊摘选》

145. The computer can alter the serials librarian and produce a bindery notice.


146. However, they go to cash, banks were required to produce this proof of inheritance procedures.

但他们去取款时, 被银行告知须出示继承权证明手续.《期刊摘选》

147. His speech produced a great sensation among the audience.


148. Last year the industry produced 360,000 tonnes of copper that turned out to be unwanted.


149. What did Cerling’s team produce in their research?.

瑟林的团队在他们的研究中制作了什么?。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

150. But cement manufacturing produces around 5 % of of the carbon dioxide released by human activity worldwide.


151. The drug is known to produce side-effects in women...


152. The queries transform the events as they move, continuously producing results, all in main memory.

在它们流动时,查询变换事件, 连续地给出结果, 所有这一切都是在内存中进行的.《期刊摘选》

153. Who took the actual age, to produce proof of registration to be thin.

报考人的实际年龄, 出示户口登记薄加以证明.《期刊摘选》

154. This produce is short production period, moderate reaction, simple technology , easy source of other materials.

该产品生产周期短, 反应温和, 工艺简单, 原料易得.《期刊摘选》

155. A mind cannot be prevented from dreaming, it can only be plucked when it produces fruit.

人们无法阻止梦境的产生, 只能在它出现时去揭示它.《期刊摘选》

156. The play was well produced.


157. He produced a letter from his pocket.


158. With some drugs, it is easier and cheaper to produce the entire product synthetically.

对于某些药物来说, 合成生产整个产品更容易,更便宜.《期刊摘选》

159. He tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices.


160. It says on the label ‘ Produce of France ’.


161. The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country.


162. For over 80 years, we've been committed to producing superbly designed, high performance products.

80多年来, 我们一直致力于生产制造款式新颖 、 性能优异的产品.《期刊摘选》

163. Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behaviour.


164. I and my classmates about Fuzhou to produce their identity cards left.


165. ? It captures the energy ?which plants produce during ?photosynthesis, a process of?converting sunlight into energy.

这个装置能够捕获植物在进行光合作用时产生的能量——光合作用即植物将阳光转化成能量的过程。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

166. A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted.


167. Elephants can produce over 35 kg of dung in a single day.


168. The current produced is the result of chemical energy being changed to energy.


169. He produced three short plays between May and July.


170. He recently has produced a piece of trio music.


171. Nobody will ever again be able to build an estate big to produce an independent income.


172. Results: Paracetamol Injection solution of 25 % was produced through the study on technology.

结果: 本实验通过对乙酰氨基酚的工艺研究生产出了25%的对乙酰氨基酚注射剂.《期刊摘选》

173. This section produces about 28 percent of the crop, showing a big jump.

本区产量约占总产量的28%, 是一个很大的跃进.《辞典例句》

174. One , the main factor 1 that affects climate of produce price movement. Historical germ.


175. Our company specialized in producing HMC brand clutch motor, table and stand and the AC.

本公司专业生产工业缝纫机电机、台板 、 及包装行业打包机、封口机等电机.《期刊摘选》

176. Police seized at the end of the produce stalls that had SONG Huai record.


177. The result of simulation is valuable for industrialization of propylene oxide producing process by hydrogen peroxide.


178. Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves.


179. She produced 18 novels, almost all of them acclaimed.

她一共创作了18部小说, 几乎每一本都令人称叹.《期刊摘选》

180. Results: The total 38 cases had not produced subcutaneous tissue necrosis or calcareous deposition.

结果: 38例早产儿静脉补钙均未发生皮下组织的坏死与钙化灶.《期刊摘选》

181. The performance produced much mirth among the audience.


182. Sinopec aims to produce 2.5 bn cubic meters of unconventional gas annually in 2015.


183. When carrying out a compulsory execution measure, the execution officer shall produce his credentials.

采取强制执行措施时, 执行员应当出示证件.《期刊摘选》

184. This is all locally grown produce.


185. Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture industry.


186. Instead, Tolbert's team found that their simulated atmosphere produced a stew of organic chemicals.

但结果恰恰相反, 特尔伯特的团队发现他们模拟的大气层中变成了有机化学分子的浓汤.《期刊摘选》

187. The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications.


188. Nowadays, it appears that too many films are being produced, and a tax on films will help to redress the balance.

时下制作的电影太多了, 看来应该征收电影稅来改变这种局面.《简明英汉词典》

189. With all his scholarship, he seems unable to produce.

他学识渊博, 但好像没有创作力.《期刊摘选》

190. The key problem of producing fructose from Jerusalem artichokes is the concentrating of the syrups.


191. The TV play was produced in cooperation with CCTV.


192. That strategy produced a sorry decade of slow productivity growth, rising unemployment and, yes, rising inflation.

这一策略却引起了低增长 、 高失业以及(当然的)通胀.《期刊摘选》

193. The different principles be applied in a fashion to produce a consistent personality.


194. Fire: Rapid Burning of combustible material, producing heat and usually accompanied by flame.

火: 可燃物质的快速燃烧, 产生热量,通常还有火焰.《期刊摘选》

195. It's been a privilege that my label allows to produce my own songs.


196. If the social security claims, hospitalization would not produce a insurance card.

如果用社保报销, 住院就不用出示医保卡了.《期刊摘选》

197. Each bottle of wine spent Chile unique brewing process produced.


198. We produce all kinds of fashion jewelry & art craft made of Tutania, Copper, Diamond.

工厂主要生产以锡合金 、 铜 、 水钻等为材料的流行珠宝饰品 和 工艺品.《期刊摘选》

199. We able to compose and produce all of our worship resources because of your support.


200. Start the engine, and no popular produce excess jitter, a smooth start.

在启动发动机之后, 风行并没有产生多余抖动, 平稳起步.《期刊摘选》

201. It was produced by Kandinsky in about 1910.


202. Animals, like humans, use most of the calories they consume living their lives and producing excrement.

跟人类一样, 动物使用大部分所摄取的卡路里维持生命、制造排泄物.《期刊摘选》

203. Investigation still shows, they are not big to watching what the user produces content to lift.

调查还显示, 他们对观看用户创作内容的举不大.《期刊摘选》

204. White pottery and glazed pottery were produced.


205. Many applications produce BAK files as part of their autosave procedure.


206. Can produce the timber handicraft according to picture and request that the customer offered.


207. He produces document to prove his claim.


208. They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.


209. A new method fir producing holographic gratings for high temperature is developed in this paper.


210. Can produce a variety of fully independent cold metal stamping die!


211. The cells showly lose their ability to produce a chemical called dopamine.


212. The automated line into a high, to produce products of good quality and yield, low prices.

该生产线自动化成度高, 生产出的产品质量好,产量大, 价格低.《期刊摘选》

213. Each interaction produces an energy loss and deflection.


214. The Hydrographic Office carries out hydrographic surveys and produces bilingual nautical charts.


215. For almost twenty years Shakespeare was its regular dramatist, producing on average two plays a year.

在差不多二十年的时间里莎翁是该剧团的固定剧作家, 平均每年创作两部剧本.《期刊摘选》

216. Her arrest produced an immediate / a sudden reaction from the press.


217. She collaborated with Mr. Smith to produce operettas.


218. In general, small variations in input in an interacting swarm can produce huge variations in output.

一般来讲, 投入相互影响群体的某些小变化,会引起巨大的变化.《期刊摘选》

219. A tree produces fruit.


220. Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musicical quality.


221. Antaeus - Universal is the exclusive business authorized to introduce, publish, produce and issue EVD.

“今典环球”是授权引进 、 出版 、 制作、发行“EVD”碟片的企业.《期刊摘选》

222. Linen is produced from flax.


223. If the great composer was alive, he would surely produce more wonderful masterpieces.

如果这个伟大的作曲家还活着, 他必将创作出更多美妙的作品.《期刊摘选》

224. Azotemia is seldom responsible for symptoms unless its severity is sufficient to produce uremia.


225. And they produce colored fringes around objects in the field.


226. It was a collaboration that produced extremely useful results.


227. He is the greatest athlete this country has ever produced.


228. She produced the knife during arguments with her friends.


229. Waterproof coating was produced under normal temperature with SBS as the key film forming material.


230. He has produced his own sports magazine called Yes Sport...


231. The region produces over 50% of the country's wheat.


232. Often more than one embryo is produced initially, but usually only one reaches maturity.

胚具两片子叶,开始时不止产生一个胚, 但一般只有一个胚发育成熟.《期刊摘选》

233. So either the amount of news produced must shrink, or readers must pay more.

因此,要么新闻的产量减少, 要么读者掏更多的钱.《期刊摘选》

234. Just as some ants farm the bugs called aphids for the honeydew they produce when they feed, so Google farms us for the data that our digital lives yield.

就好像有些蚂蚁会养植一种名为蚜虫的昆虫,以获取他们取食时分泌出的蜜露,同样地,Google养殖我们是为了获取我们数字生活所产生的数据《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

235. He produced a badge.


236. After joining WTO, the manufacturing advantage of Chinese home animal produce and inferior position coexist.

加入WTO后, 中国国内畜产品的生产优势与劣势并存.《期刊摘选》

237. The two polls produced strikingly different results.


238. The drug is known to produce side-effects in women.


239. The world is now producing large food surpluses.


240. In the clinic report producing design, the software analyzes the detecting results and gives diagnostic suggestions.


241. The study of methodologies and techniques to produce correct software has been active for four decades.


242. Every age produces both good and bad literature.


243. a factory that produces microchips


244. Does the supplier produce an annual environmental report and is a copy provided to their customers?


245. Cryptosporidiosis produces a copious watery diarrhea.


246. As countries become richer, they produce more greenhouse gases; and the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world.

国家变得越富有,产生的温室气体越多;而且,这些温室气体主要会对世界上的贫困地区产生影响。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

247. We also produce the following projects: Injection Product, Extrusion Product, and Die Cast Product.

我们还生产以下项目: 注塑产品 、 挤塑产品 、 铸铝产品.《期刊摘选》

248. Briefly, that means producing programming that ratings wars force commercial competitors ditch.

简单来说, 这指的是制作收视率大战迫使其商业竞争对手放弃的那些节目.《期刊摘选》

249. As little as 50 mg of caffeine can produce pharmacological effects.


250. The clouds that produce thunderstorms.


251. International comparisons produce some weird results.


252. Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.


253. The Planner is published by the Beijing Tourism Administration and produced by our company.


254. We manage to get most of our produce in farmers' markets.


255. China's digital business card printing and membership card produced in regional development is also uneven.


256. In 2013, 62 British films with a budget over £500,000 were produced, compared with 87 in 2011, figures from the British Film Institute (BFI) showed.

英 国 电 影 协 会( BFI ) 的 数 据 显 示,和 2011 年 的 87 部 电影相比, 2013 年,英国制作了 62 部预算超过 50 万英镑的电影。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

257. This cooperation became the method Ellington used again and again to produce beautiful sound colors.


258. The more sulfur a person consumes , the more hydrogen sulfide is produced.


259. She produced a delicious meal out of a few leftovers.


260. The output every year is 6000 sets. We can produce as client's requirements.

年产量6000套. 可按客户设计开模制作.《期刊摘选》

261. The factory is not tooled up to produce this type of engine.


262. Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.


263. farm produce


264. At the meeting the finance director produced the figures the previous year.


265. Oil produced from a reservoir after any associated gas has been removed.


266. Chrysler produced about 2.7 million cars and trucks last year.


267. The government have pressurized the farmers into producing more milk.


268. Very nice beta, very easy to stitch , fast for me to use to produce a panorama.

非常好的版本, 能让我非常简单迅速地制作出一个全景.《期刊摘选》

269. It can thus, it believes, turn a profit without having to produce large volumes.

基于此, Aptera公司相信不用很大的生产规模它也一样能够赚钱.《期刊摘选》

270. Pressure in Beijing producing four million tons, the impact of the company's iron, steel, timber production.

北京地区压产400万吨, 影响了公司铁 、 钢 、 材产量.《期刊摘选》

271. Celluloid resulted from efforts to produce a synthetic horn.


272. ...gases produced by burning coal and oil.


273. Refinery and petrochemical operation produce a variety of byproduct gases.


274. Heat is produced in the engine by burning fuel.


275. These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.


276. We cannot produce enough to satisfy the demand for the products.


277. Art is a game! Artists from the Brewery Art Garden are producing works of art.

艺术即游戏! 酒厂艺术家正在工作室里创作.《期刊摘选》

278. This method of cultivation produces higher yield.


279. And if it produces fruit in the future, good ; otherwise , cut it down.

将来若真结果子便吧, 不然 再把它砍了.《期刊摘选》

280. Lion Performing Equipments Company is cooperated with American specially producing performing equipments.


281. He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so.


282. We'll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right.


283. Changes in the beam intensity will produce changes of the count rate.


284. Chaozhou Xingguang Porcelain Art Factory is professional in producing craft flowerpot and receptacle.


285. The mine produces classic power coal and rich ore combustible shale.


286. TOTO is the largest toilet manufacturer in the world, producing more than 7 million toilets annually.

TOTO是 世界上最大的卫生洁具制造商之一, 年产量超过7百万件卫生洁具.《期刊摘选》

287. Cells called fibroblasts begin producing fibers of collagen, the major protein in bone and connective tissue.

纤维原细胞开始产生胶原蛋白纤维, 这是骨骼和结缔组织中的主要蛋白质.《期刊摘选》

288. Working staff of public security fire control institutions, when conducting supervision and inspection, shall produce certificates.

公安消防机构的工作人员在进行监督检查时, 应当出示证件.《期刊摘选》

289. Among the US companies is Wilson Creek , a southern California winery produces about 650,000 bottles annually.


290. They produced stable oxygen levels slightly higher than on Earth.


291. The resolution passed at the last meeting produced a great effect outside.


292. The caffeinated beverage and water did not produce any significant changes in the same individuals.


293. Jules Pretty : We want a kind of agriculture that's both productive, produces a lot more.

朱尔斯·皮雷蒂: 我们期望高产农业, 产量能更高.《期刊摘选》

294. Smart Identity Card must be produced when this application is made.


295. I'm quite pleased that we do have the capacity to produce that much food.


296. Using well waterflood stimulation could help complement producing energy and oil production.


297. Shen Zhen Ri Rong Coil Products Factory is a professional factory to produce coil.


298. In this installment I will cover the qualitative aspects of producing a packer.


299. Level of agricultural socialization service is low, affected farming the growth of animal produce amount.

农业社会化服务水平低, 影响了农畜产品数量的增长.《期刊摘选》

300. The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.


301. Motive power is, in quantity, invariable in nature, it is never either produced or destroyed.

原动力在数量上实质是不变的, 它绝不会产生也不会消失.《辞典例句》

302. As the waste materials decompose, they produce methane gas.


303. The chemical cleansing products for daily use produced by our company are deeply loved by consumers.


304. Article 71 When making an arrest, a public security organ must produce an arrest warrant.

第七十一条公安机关逮捕人的时候, 必须出示逮捕证.《期刊摘选》

305. Our company is a craft gift manufacturer and incorporate designing, producing, selling into an organic whole.

我司是一家及设计研发, 生产销售于一体的工艺品制造商.《期刊摘选》

306. We use fresh fruits to produce longan & date tea , fruit tea, goldorange tea, etc.

果茶方面我们采取新鲜果类来制作,有桂圆红枣茶 、 茶 、 桔茶等.《期刊摘选》

307. Article 64 When detaining a person, a public security organ must produce a detention warrant.

第六十四条公安机关拘留人的时候, 必须出示拘留证.《期刊摘选》

308. Then Itried to set fire to the wood with match, but produced only smoke.

我试着用火柴把木头点燃, 但结果都是烟.《期刊摘选》

309. We shall produce such kind of engine, which is doubtless.

我们将生产这种发动机, 这是肯定无疑的.《期刊摘选》

310. Expounded the characteristic of the building cyclostyle paper and produce the craft technique.


311. An error the renders further execution if any to produce meaningless results.


312. We manage to get most of our produce in Britain...


313. Charles has asked Walter to produce a play for a dramatic group.


314. To be efficient means to produce a desired effect as little waste as possible.


315. Not all seed produces a harvest.


316. The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result.


317. In 1980, Neutrogena was a small, manufacturing company producing single product clear soap.

1980年, 露得清还是一家规模很小的制造公司,生产单一的甘油肥皂产品.《期刊摘选》

318. Lightpipes are produced in quantity and usually resell between a few cents and a few dollars.


319. Develop conceptual and produce storyboards to visualize a potential project for the customer.


320. Some plants produce chemicals that taste bitteror cause an unpleasant reaction.


321. What's the technical language for producing game in Ubisoft?


322. He and Studio Ghibli continued to produce works for the domestic market, however.


323. Kandinsky produced __ art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.


324. The Renaissance produced an extraordinary flowering of the arts.


325. I've never produced a play before but I'll have a shot at it.


326. John Nash produced some of the most exemplary works embodying the concept . See also folly.


327. Inside holding electroplating process is a precise technique in producing diamond reamer.


328. In corroboration of his story he produced a signed statement from his employer.


329. Changes of Zhang's state of producing and the improving tendency in his of producing .

张恨水创作心态的变化及他在创作上的 上坡路 趋势.《期刊摘选》

330. Any disturbance to the body's state of equilibrium can produce stress.


331. Vancomycin overdosage can produce reversible renal impairment in preterm neonates.


332. In a given period of time the new machine produced asas the old one.


333. Results 28 aloe health care liquor was produced successfully.


334. The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.


335. Art books are expensive to produce.


336. It is reported, here will build the Asia's biggest produce to machine base.

据悉, 这里将建成亚洲最大的农产品加工基地.《期刊摘选》

337. Arthritis produces pain, swelling and limited movement in one or more joints.

关节炎会产生疼痛 、 肿胀会限制一两个关节的运动.《期刊摘选》

338. Identification document must be produced when this application is made.


339. Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world.


340. Where the business license or relevant legal business qualification certificate fails to be produced.


341. It was pointed out that the domestically produced catalysts possessed good prospect of market.


342. When the secondary circuit is open, the core flux is produced by the primary current only.

当次级电路开路时, 铁芯磁通量仅仅由初级电流产生.《辞典例句》

343. When people place their trust in an individual or an institution, their brains release oxytocin, a hormone that produces pleasurable feelings and triggers the herding instinct that prompts humans to connect with one another.当

当人们信任某个人或机构时,他们的大脑会释放出催产素,这是一种能令人产生愉悦之感、引发群居本能、促进人类彼此之间融洽相处的荷尔蒙。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

344. Sensors and chips will produce huge amounts of data.


345. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.


346. There are several routes to produce glyoxal and the purification techniques are somewhat different.


347. HJ 738 M towel rapier loom is the towel weaving machine designed and produced subtly by our manufacturer.


348. One byproduct he worked with was coal tar , which , when distilled, produced naphtha.

他试验用的一个副产品是煤焦油, 煤焦油经过蒸馏生成石脑油.《期刊摘选》

349. Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.


350. Product can be produced as specified with no revisions.


351. We need to produce better creative if we want to attract big clients.


352. Initial production samples are produced and pilot production initiated for the purpose of process optimization.


353. Frozen produce is still produce; canned tomatoes are still tomatoes.

冷冻农产品也是农产品;罐头番茄也是番茄。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

354. Work alsopotentially allows us to do something meaningful, and produce the things our society needs.

工作让我们干了一些有意义的事情, 并产出我们的社会所需要的产品.《期刊摘选》

355. More than half the world's steel and cement are produced and consumed in China.



1. The university panel's report said Hwang did produce the world's first cloned dog, Snuppy.

CNN: Disgraced cloning researcher convicted in South Korea

2. All enterprises, regardless of what they produce or the services they deliver, are really information businesses.

FORBES: Connect

3. Will changes in the Federal Reserve's funds rate help or hinder their efforts to produce?

FORBES: Magazine Article

4. It could not produce as much military equipment, and it could not transport supplies as easily as the North could.

VOA : special.2009.08.27

5. He says very explicitly, "The sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable is that people actually do desire it."

他非常明确地说,任何事为人向往的唯一证据是,人们真的向往它“公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. As they chip away patiently and thoughtfully around these challenges they ultimately produce award winning art.

FORBES: When To Pivot: Is it Time to Retool Your Business?

7. These thick paints can be spread in layers, one over another, to produce interesting effects of light and color.

VOA : special.2010.07.25

8. The viruses appear to harm the bees' ability to use their genes to produce proteins needed to fight infections.

VOA : special.2009.09.22

9. Withdrawing policy accommodation at this juncture would be highly unlikely to produce such conditions.

FORBES: Taper This! Bernanke Makes It Clear QE Tapering Isn't Happening Any Time Soon

10. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide pollution that we produce as a result of our activities.

VOA : special.2011.04.05

11. One study suggested that neonicotinoids affected the abilities of hives to produce queen bees.

BBC: Bee deaths: EU to ban neonicotinoid pesticides

12. But notice, even if there is incredible constraints on grammars, still--we could still produce an infinite number of sentences.

但是请注意,即使语法有着难以置信的不足,我们却依然可以创造出无限数量的句子心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Even today, it is possible to produce a baking flour for human consumption from cottonseed meal.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

14. They also advise the farmers on the quality levels that the World Food Program requires to buy their produce.

VOA : special.2009.11.17

15. Why is it difficult in some cases to produce a vaccine when we've been successful in so many others?

为什么某些疾病的疫苗很难研制,即使我们已经成功生产了很多种疫苗生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Reason is not about simple observation, but rather, it is about making, production, or as he says, " "making like consequences produce the desired effects."

理性并不是单纯的观察,它是创造,制造,像他说的,“使它产生我们想要的结果“政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. It just sent truckloads to supermarkets, where they got piled up in the produce aisle.

FORBES: Bolthouse Farms Takes On Giant Frito-Lay By Selling Junk Food That's Good For You

18. How much quantity would Firm 2 have to produce in order to induce Firm 1 not to produce at all?

公司2的产量达到多少时,公司1会选择停产呢博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. They're likely to be less mechanised, and to produce goods that command higher prices.

BBC: Food: Organic growth?

20. And I produce different events, and I actually just had a big opening this past weekend. I had forty seven artists,

我创作不同的作品,而实际上,上个周末我刚办了一个开幕式。我请来了四十七个艺术家,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 纽约的美术馆

21. The measure did produce a short term increase in economic activity, says the CBO.

FORBES: Can We Spend Ourselves From Recession To Prosperity?

22. Now,for this business to work, we must be able to produce a charming widow, with or without the beauty, as advertised."

VOA : special.2010.04.24

23. But what I've also said is we can't just produce traditional sources of energy.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

24. He noted that Bong and Lofa counties produce the most rice, and he added, "We cannot live without rice."

VOA : special.2009.01.27

25. I mean,there's no way that you can expect somebody quarter in and quarter out or month in and month out to produce superior returns.

我的意思是,你无法,靠只持续了一季度的投资,或月进月出的方式来获得巨额收益金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. It's much more interesting if you can actually build things that are interactive, that are animated, that play music and so forth and not just produce things on day 1 that outputs zeroes and ones like this.

如果你构建的东西是互动的,像动画,音乐播放等等,而不是编些像第一天那样,只是输出0和1的程序。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

27. As people and companies produce more they are creating more lendable resources, adding to liquidity.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. We might be asked, for example, to determine what all of the different elements could be that would produce a spectrum that gave us 5 different lines.

那么我们会问,比如,有哪些不同的元素可以产生,一个有五条分立谱线的光谱?化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

29. So basically, what he wants us to do is redesign this and produce something better and then possibly patent that.

所以,医生希望我们能重新设计这种仪器,发明出更加先进的仪器,有可能的话,还可以申请专利。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : MIT用数字说话

30. It causes the gut to produce enzymes that can clear it of cancer-causing particles.

BBC: Researchers target garlic mystery

31. Dan Becker says it's necessary to take into account the energy expended to produce the fuel.

NPR: Environmentalists Weigh In on Ethanol

32. Heat exhaustion may also produce a feeling of sickness, a fast heartbeat,breathing problems and pain in the head,chest or stomach.

VOA : special.2010.07.27

33. We paid people across the street at the School of Music but this again is kind of native local Yale produce here.

我们向街对面音乐学院的人支付稿费,这就是耶鲁的草根出版方式聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The problem, however, is that the cottonseed varieties that produce high-quality flour do not produce high-quality lint.

NPR: Texas Cotton: 'Farmer Profits at Every Step'

35. Nuance today announced a deal to provide China-based ZTE with technology to produce voice-controlled Android-based smartphones.

FORBES: CES: Nuance, ZTE In Deal On Voice-Controlled Phones

36. "They tailor the questionnaire so it produces what they want it to produce, " says NYU's Tiefer.

FORBES: Quest for Desire

37. The situation is when farmers have to sell their produce at low prices after harvest, when supplies are greatest.

VOA : special.2009.11.17

38. The rias produce most of the region's annual 300, 000 tons of mussels - Europe's largest production.

BBC: French sub to try patching Prestige

39. "They are the two players who can produce a bit of magic, " added the 39-year-old.

BBC: Liverpool say manager Rafa Benitez is not under threat

40. The produce was labelled `Made in China'.


41. That turns out to be a very nice way to produce vectors, given one vector, the position vector.

这或许是一个得到矢量的很不错的方法,给你一个位置矢量基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. And, even Cavendish, one of the things that he observed was that hydrogen could be combusted to produce water vapor.

甚至卡文迪许都观察到了,氢气燃烧,会产生水蒸气。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. By structuring the course this way, we're forced to produce something the companies think is valuable.


44. But the champions rallied well to produce some of their best rugby of the season.

BBC: Leeds Rhinos 26-16 Warrington Wolves

45. He doesn't understand the words that he's used, but boy! Did they produce a response!

对自己说的话,他毫无概念,唉,可悲的男孩呀!,但他说的话的确一石激起千层浪!1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. The same is true for European countries like France and Germany that produce their own movies.

FORBES: A Tale of Two Stocks in the News: Google versus Netflix

47. All right, what if I were able to mix these orbitals and produce what he called hybrid bonds?

如果我可以将这些轨道混合起来,成杂化轨道会怎么样呢?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. The Local to Ludlow organization runs a twice-monthly produce market, community cookery classes and farm visits.

BBC: Birmingham takes the culinary crown

49. The experts at the University of Illinois say pieces that weigh less than thirty grams may not produce as much.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

50. Because it's made from corn, it is both inexpensive and easy on the earth to produce.

NEWSWEEK: Business

51. Yet businesses are working on machines that can produce tissue and organs a lot like a photocopier copies documents.

VOA : special.2010.10.19

52. And bear in mind that the OPEC countries produce about 40 percent of global oil.

NPR: OPEC Cuts Production To Stem Drop In Oil Prices

53. Where is some fresh produce that's on sale?


54. Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture.


55. But in England, the tradition of freedom and government bound by law was already strong enough to produce effective resistance.

但是在英国,自由传统和法制政府,使得自由得以很好的保护古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. This is because the UK is importing goods that produce CO2 in other countries.

BBC: UK CO2 emissions rising, government advisers warn

57. For its part, China complains about U.S. restrictions on imports of Chinese meat, fish and produce.

WSJ: How About a Smithfield Quid Pro Quo?

58. This will include utilizing the latest technology to produce the film in stereoscopic 3D.

FORBES: Connect

59. People who say they worry about their food and their environment are looking for locally grown produce from small farms.

VOA : special.2010.08.03

60. The formalization of co-operation between the republics would produce progress.


61. The viruses appear to harm the bees' ability to use their genetic material to produce proteins needed to fight infections.

VOA : special.2009.09.15

62. The excess insulin triggers the liver to produce an overabundance of triglycerides, which gum up already-narrow arteries.

FORBES: The Unknown Epidemic

63. Then,Paley searched for the best people he could find to produce the radio shows and news programming he wanted.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

64. This year the U.S. was supposed to produce 100 million gallons of the stuff.

FORBES: Building A Better Biofuel Bug

65. By June 1996 WHYY, the public broadcasting station in Philadelphia, agreed to produce and carry the program.

FORBES: You bet your life





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