莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ɡaɪd]play美 [ɡaɪd]play

  • v. 带领,引导(某人至某地);任向导;指导,影响;解释,阐明
  • n. 指南,手册;导游,向导;准则,指针;女童子军,女童子军成员
  • 【名】 (Guide)(法、葡)吉德(人名)

复数 guides 第三人称单数 guides 现在分词 guiding 过去式 guided 过去分词 guided

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


guide /ɡaɪd/ CET4 TEM4 [ guiding guided guides ]

  • 1.
    A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something. 指南

    Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better.


  • 2.
    A guide is a book that gives tourists information about a town, area, or country. 旅行指南

    The Rough Guide to Paris lists accommodations for as little as $35 a night.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A guide is someone who shows tourists around places such as museums or cities. 导游

    We've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you guide someone around a city, museum, or building, you show it to them and explain points of interest. 给…导游

    ...a young Egyptologist who guided us through tombs and temples with enthusiasm.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A guide is someone who shows people the way to a place in a difficult or dangerous region. 向导

    The mountain people say that, with guides, the journey can be done in fourteen days.


  • 6.
    可数名词 A guide is something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something. 指导原则

    As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 percent of its body weight in food every day.


  • 7.
    及物动词 If you guide someone somewhere, you go there with them in order to show them the way. 给…领路

    He took the bewildered Elliott by the arm and guided him out.


  • 8.
    及物动词 If you guide a vehicle somewhere, you control it carefully to make sure that it goes in the right direction. 驾驶 (车辆等)

    Captain Shelton guided his plane down the runway and took off.


  • 9.
    及物动词 If something guides you somewhere, it gives you the information you need in order to go in the right direction. 给…指明方向

    They sailed across the Caribbean with only a compass to guide them.


  • 10.
    及物动词 If something or someone guides you, they influence your actions or decisions. 指导…的行动; 影响…的决定

    He should have let his instinct guide him.



    Development has been guided by a concern for the ecology of the area.


  • 11.
    及物动词 If you guide someone through something that is difficult to understand or to achieve, you help them to understand it or to achieve success in it. 指导

    Gym owner David Barton will guide them through a workout.




  • adj.

    guided 有指导的;有向导的

  • n.

    guidance 指导,引导;领导

  • v.

    guided 指导(guide的过去分词)



1. Michelin Guide 米芝莲指南 ; 米其林红色指南 ; 米其林美食指南

2. tour guide 导游 ; 导游人员 ; 带领游览 ; 导游员

3. guide pin 机 导销 ; 导正销 ; 导梢 ; 机 导柱

4. TV Guide 电视指南 ; 电视指南周刊 ; 电视导报 ; 电视周刊

5. guide post 路标 ; 引导柱 ; 机 导柱 ; 导杆

6. guide plate 定位板 ; 机 导板 ; 机 导向板 ; 导料板

7. guide number 摄 闪光指数 ; 闪光灯指数 ; 闪光次数 ; 善用闪光灯指数

8. Guide Dog 导盲犬 ; 在不损害指南 ; 指导 ; 领路狗

9. user guide 说明书 ; 用户指南 ; 用户操作手册


1. A guide gives a brief talk on the history of the site.


2. I am going to a guided tour around the mountain city.


3. Don't venture into the jungle without a guide.


4. Guide and help the district manager to improve their professional and comprehensive quality.


5. One can affect fixed guiding the virus of fan area or soft drive.


6. The travel guide had forewarned me of what to expect.


7. Medical practice is guided by TCM theory, and the staff on that is TCM talents.

中医是指在中医理论指导下的医疗实践活动, 而从事这个过程的人员是中医人.《期刊摘选》

8. The guide led us through the maze of caves.


9. The guide led the way and we trotted along behind him.


10. From here on the medical unit would proceed with only a guide.


11. If a traffic accident happened during the trip. What will the tour guide do?

在旅行途中,如发生交通事故, 导游人员应采取什么措施?《期刊摘选》

12. Applying this model to guiding requirements verification was analyzed by a real example.


13. Position sensor to throttle body while guiding rubber fitting over throttle body vacuum nipple.


14. Some commercial laboratories use periodic nitrate tests as guides.


15. The guide is too technical for a non-specialist.


16. In addition, the guide of chain length on the machine's performance.

另外, 导轨的轨迹和链条的长度对机器的性能也有一定影响.《期刊摘选》

17. I moonlight as a travel guide.


18. Price includes: business car, English guide, lunch, liability insurance of travel agency, accident insurance of travel.

费用包含: 一日商务用车 、 专业英文导游 、 午餐 、 旅行社责任保险 、 旅游意外保险.《期刊摘选》

19. We want a tour guide.


20. Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure.


21. Asking the guide for help.


22. The exercises in this chapter can guide you, but it will be up to you to do the actual work.


23. You could hire yourself out as a tourist guide, because you know the city so well.

你可以应聘去当一个导游, 因为你非常了解这座城市.《期刊摘选》

24. Josie had offered her services as a guide.


25. He should have let his instinct guide him...


26. Let's have a look at the TV guide and see what's on.


27. A blind man is sometimes guided by a dog.


28. The native guides quietly deserted during the night.


29. Holders of the guide Pass must wear the valid Pass on their chest while on duty.


30. My mother, whose guiding principle in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me.


31. Have you any experience as a tourist guide?

你有做导游的工作经验 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

32. We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.


33. The tourists were preceded by their guide.


34. Numerical methods are used to investigate the film cooling effect of guide vane � � s trailing edge.


35. The national curriculum must be a guide, not a straitjacket.


36. When selecting fresh fish, let your taste buds be your guide.


37. He set out several principles that he hopes will guide his successors.


38. From the perspective of the auditing history, economio basic theories are guiding the auditing.

从审计的发展历史来看, 审计学无疑是受着经济学发展的影响.《期刊摘选》

39. We tried to discourage his from climbing the mountain without a guide.


40. The instructor will guide the beginner through each stage, pointing out pitfalls along the way.


41. I am fortunate to have Prof. Smith guide me in my research.


42. I often read regarding as is a journey, the author is guide.

我常常把阅读当作是旅行, 作者就是向导.《期刊摘选》

43. Jack Sumner was a guide and outfitter who ran a trading post in the Colorado Rockies.


44. The guide flashed a light into the cave.


45. Laboratory tests are not always a good guide to what happens in the world.


46. The results of the study is of reference and guiding significance to the application of GPR.


47. She came up to guide him when he was blundering away.


48. Our guide, Egypt expert Mohamed Fahmy tells us about the native people most affected by dam.

我们的导游, 埃及专家MohamedFahmy告诉我们当地人们多受到大坝影响.《期刊摘选》

49. Please be here and a tour guide will pick you up.


50. Essentially a director must believe in the person he is guiding.


51. The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures.


52. Use these figures as an approximate guide in your calculations.


53. Therefore, the question is appropriate, whether the effective guide will directly affect the teaching and learning.

因此, 提问是否得当, 引导是否得力将直接影响教学的效果.《期刊摘选》

54. The guide misled us and we got lost.


55. We were given a guided tour of the palace.


56. I don't believe this tour guide.


57. Liu Shaoqi established Mao Zedong Thought's guiding role and Deng Xiaoping insisted on it.


58. Guides answer questions about the discoveries being made.


59. Guided by the voice of reason, public opinion in their own noise audience.


60. Tom: How do I go about hiring a good guide?

汤姆: 我怎样才能请到一位好向导?《期刊摘选》

61. During the morning your guide will take you around the city.


62. There will be a lots of volunteer helpers and guides.


63. a spiritual guide


64. Where is the exhibition guide?


65. I believe there's some force guiding us ─ call it God, destiny or fate.


66. It’s like a course, but really, you just have a course leader, who’s there sort of as a coaching guide and to help out

它像一门课程,但是事实上,你只是有一个课程带头人,类似于指导员之类的,且会帮你解决问题。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

67. travel guides


68. ...the Pocket Guide to Butterflies of Britain and Europe.


69. It played an important role in guiding, advising, supervising and supporting the growth of the Center.

专家委员会为救援中心的发展起了积极的指导 、 咨询 、 监督和支持作用.《期刊摘选》

70. She took her arm and guided her across the busy road.


71. We commit to these values to guide our decisions and our behaviors.


72. The key elements and factors influencing the guide accuracy in a web guide system were analyzed.


73. A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.


74. Variations in surface roughness of both guide and fiber surfaces have a marked effect on friction.


75. I am quite the tour guide!


76. This symbolized our country enters the tour guide occupation socialization the time.


77. An experienced Indian guide is provided during your stay.


78. This girl acted as our guide.


79. Do you want to exit this virus detection guide now?


80. She was inexperienced and needed a guiding hand.


81. Health policy affects guiding and leading the development of public health.


82. Guided missile body before launched is influenced by the vibration of aircraft, creating elastic vibration.

说明了导弹发射前弹体受到载机振动的影响, 产生弹性振动,振动对弹体结构、内部仪器造成损坏.《期刊摘选》

83. The mountain people say that, with guides, the journey can be done in fourteen days.


84. A guide tells me about the hula, a Hawaiian dance that tells traditional native stories.

一个导游为我讲解草裙舞的故事, 草裙舞是一种夏威夷舞蹈,它表现的是当地土著的传统故事.《期刊摘选》

85. The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel.


86. For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.


87. Why should they be guided by the market?


88. He should have let his instinct guide him.


89. I let my feelings be my guide.


90. The Chinese nation needs to rejuvenate, but this needs the guide of Marxism and its economics.

中华民族需要复兴, 但这需要马克思主义及其经济学的指导.《期刊摘选》

91. Results The patients who abided nurses guide to rehabilitate have better effects than who didn t.


92. At the last minute the famous mountain guide Cassin resigned his alpine leadership.


93. Read our quick-and-dirty guide to creating a website.


94. To my surprise, the guide turned out to know scarcely word of English.

让我吃惊的是, 那个向导几乎一点英语都不懂.《期刊摘选》

95. She landed him a guide.


96. There were 7 of them exclusive of the guide.


97. As a rough guide, allow half a cup of rice per person.


98. A tour guide took us around the city.

一个导游带我们环游了这个城市.《超越目标英语 第3册》

99. If you haven't a compass, use the stars to guide you.

倘若没有指南针, 可利用星辰引路.《辞典例句》

100. The guide motioned to us to follow him.


101. ...a free helpline to guide businessmen through the maze of EU grants...


102. We've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide.


103. Guide dogs have to be smart.


104. Living conditions of tour guides comprise items of income, social welfare, working conditions and psychological health.

导游人员生存状态包括其收入状况 、 社会福利状况 、 工作环境状况以及心理健康状况.《期刊摘选》

105. She guided us through the busy streets.


106. Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better.


107. She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral.


108. You see, our Chinese speaking guides are all engaged.

您看, 我们的汉语导游全都有任务了.《期刊摘选》

109. Finite element method was applicable to the construction process and guide the optimal design of structures.


110. Many students acted as guides and interpreters to the foreign visitors.


111. This dissertation focuses on discussing how to translate tour guide presentation, especially the culture contained information.


112. We were guided around the museums.


113. a guide to Italy


114. There is a tour guide throughout the trip who will organize optional dinners and sightseeing.


115. The guide showed us over the old castle.


116. Can the pilot guide the plane to a safe landing?

驾驶员能操纵飞机安全着陆 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

117. The television guide is at the back of the paper.


118. Reporter: will the occurrence of such major cause a psychological impact to your tour guide job?

记者: 发生这么重大的事故,对你继续从事导游事业会不会有心理影响?《期刊摘选》

119. He guided us through the forest.


120. The Chinese characteristic accounting theory will play the important guiding part in the future accounting practice.


121. Please follow the tour guide.


122. But soon, the voice of guide dragged me back to reality.

但不久, 我被导游的催促拉回到现实中.《期刊摘选》

123. Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically.


124. Because you're the disciple and humanity, the potential world disciple, needs a mentor and a guide.

因为你是上天的信徒,你满怀人道主义的博爱与仁慈, 而散布在这世界中的潜在信徒, 正需要导师和引路人.《期刊摘选》

125. The Rough Guide to Paris lists accommodation for as little as £25 a night.


126. He was considering becoming a tourist guide after graduation until he entered a singing competition.


127. Captain Shelton guided his plane down the runway and took off.


128. The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions.

研究人员指出, 正如人类一样, 卷尾猴也受社会情感的影响.《期刊摘选》

129. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring.

做盲人的眼睛, 做误入歧途者的引路之灯.《期刊摘选》

130. Still guide technical personnel to coach to each district farmer is cultivated personally sometimes.


131. A course of action, guiding principle, or procedure considered expedient, prudent, or advantageous.

手段;计谋;策略:一条行动路线 、 指导原则或程序,被认为是权宜的 、 谨慎的或是有利的.《期刊摘选》

132. The guide told us to look sharp because there are rattlesnakes around.


133. He was always guided by his religious beliefs.


134. The guide pointed at a pagoda and told us that it was built hundreds of years ago.


135. During the morning your guide will take you around the city


136. Designed with guide wheel and joystick, it is labor saving and easy to control.

设有导向轮和操纵杆, 转向省力,操纵舒适方便.《期刊摘选》

137. Here we unloaded the truck, at long last, followed the guides to our quarters.

我们在这里御了车, 终于跟着向导到了营地.《辞典例句》

138. Is one allowed to offer gratuities to the guides?

可以给导游小费 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

139. The guide contains details of no less than 115 hiking routes.


140. A guide translated for the tourists.


141. a tour guide


142. Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property, finding lost people, and hunting criminals.

例如狗在给盲人引路 、 追踪罪犯 、 保护财产 、 寻找失踪的人以及打猎等方面尤为重要.《期刊摘选》

143. Then, with his horn, he sent a confirmation signal to the other guides.

然后, 他吹了一声号角, 向其他向导发出确认信号.《期刊摘选》

144. As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day...


145. Development has been guided by a concern for the ecology of the area...


146. The guide received a gratification.


147. And we a hand to guide us.


148. The influence the aging time of guiding agent and the dosage on synthetic zeolite was investigated.


149. I am only a tour guide.


150. At times the emotions you are having are appropriate guides for your actions.


151. Gym owner David Barton will guide them through a workout.


152. He flashed a torch to guide me.


153. The 42-year-old Scot has guided the team to victory in three of their last five games.


154. They sailed across the Baltic and North Seas with only a compass to guide them.


155. Guide and supervise the logistics staff to comply with company procedures while they are working.


156. ...a young Egyptologist who guided us through tombs and temples with enthusiasm...


157. Conclusion Correct rehabilitated nursing and discharging guide contribute to patients'convalesce and improvement of live quality.


158. The table at right can be used as a guide for bypass size selection.


159. By manipulating a computer , they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centers.

通过操纵计算机, 他们可以引导这些恐怖的工具攻击大的城市中心.《期刊摘选》

160. I am Zhang Kai, your local guide.

我叫张凯, 是负责你们在本市的观光活动的导游.《期刊摘选》

161. A delightful guide was my guardian angel for the first week of the tour.


162. Steve and I were trying to skin up the mountain with the guide.


163. There will be guided walks around the site.


164. Books a guide for youth and entertainment for age.


165. Another criticism of travel guides is that they have a large impact on local communities.


166. Khandoo guided me through the dark alleys until the smell told me we had arrived.


167. His elder sister had been his guide, counsellor and friend.

他姐姐过去一直指导他, 给他出主意,是他的朋友.《简明英汉词典》

168. Development has been guided by a concern for the ecology of the area


169. It is very important to guide the development of passenger transport in this thesis.


170. As a rough guide , allow half a cup of rice per person.


171. A: But there will be lots of volunteer helpers and guides.


172. It is dangerous to travel the large extent of the grassland without a guide.


173. It was a guided tour.


174. The aim is to provide a theoretic guide for rattan furniture design.


175. Color, 3 D search , guided programming and distributed processing will reshape the machine vision solutions of tomorrow.

彩色 、 三维, 向导式编程和分布式处理将重塑明天的机器视觉解决方案.《期刊摘选》

176. The Rough Guide to Paris lists accommodations for as little as $35 a night.


177. a Guide to Family Health


178. The guide motioned to me to come nearer.


179. The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.


180. Links to topics that guide you step step through various tasks.


181. This is the guiding principle in our work.


182. The simulations were to guide experimental as well as to better understand the experimental observations.


183. We've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide.


184. We must study dialectical materialism so that we can use it to guide our work.


185. As the guide was showing us round the museum, two or three foreign tourists joined themselves on to our party.

导游领着我们参观博物馆时, 有两三个外国游客也加入了我们的行列.《现代汉英综合大词典》

186. He took the bewildered Elliott by the arm and guided him out...


187. These works can guide the design of the same kind microleverage mechanism for displacement amplification.


188. Steve: I'd also like to visit Tainan some day. Would you please be my tour guide?

史蒂夫: 我有一天也想去台南看看. 可以请你当我的导游 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

189. The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.


190. We were shown around by an elderly guide.



1. Its aim is to guide the country's environmental policies and future laws to protect natural resources and ensure safe economic development.

VOA : special.2010.04.21

2. They stressed on the need for the senior journalists to guide the junior media professionals on media ethics.


3. Ms. LYNETTE KHALFANI COX (Author, "Zero Debt: the Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom"): Thank you for having me.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

4. The word `guide' has various meanings.


5. The Group of 20 will discuss the best ways to guide the world economy to a stronger recovery.

VOA : special.2010.06.24

6. Fall is one of the first stories we have for you in this newly launched New England guide.

BBC: New England week

7. Thank God! I am finished writing that service guide! It took me forever!


8. He later said it represented artists from the past entering his body and mind to guide him.

VOA : special.2010.04.14

9. Hit your link of choice below to grab an end of summer guide of your very own.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

10. The covermount with this week's mag is a handy guide to family holidays.


11. On the other hand, isn't imagination our best guide to logical possibility?

另一方面,想象是通向逻辑可能性的最好的向导吗死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. But it should be, according to the brand new 2013 Michelin Guide for Hong Kong and Macau.

BBC: Award-winning dining in Hong Kong

13. And it provides a guide to higher education in the United States, including explanations of commonly used terms.

VOA : special.2010.02.11

14. ERIC YANG: "I just read a lot of things, like the atlas,the Internet,magazines, maps,travel guide books.

VOA : special.2009.05.29

15. At the same time,they agreed to make the G20 the main group the "premier forum" to guide international economic cooperation.

VOA : special.2009.10.02

16. The island's official tourism guide said her discovery had brought it to the "attention of the world's press".

BBC: Isle of Wight 'pterosaur girl' named tourism ambassador

17. The experts say individual progress and not a set time period should always guide a decision to return to play.

VOA : special.2009.10.28

18. The article 'A guide to Miami nightlife' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.

BBC: A guide to Miami nightlife

19. Developed alongside the highly respected CFA Institute, this handy guide will pay dividends for years to come.

FORBES: Investing 101

20. Balloons can work but are time-consuming, and they are slaves to wind and pesky guide wires.

FORBES: Eye in the Sky

21. He helped guide the Shock to three WNBA titles when they were in Detroit.

WSJ: Pondexter lifts Liberty over Shock in OT

22. and I had to present myself and say what I would do if I were a tour guide.

我必须自我陈述,然后阐述如果我当上了导游我会做什么。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 丰富多彩的社团活动

23. Here's the course description guide.


24. Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

WHITEHOUSE: West Wing Week 7/7/11 or "Ready to Tweet"

25. Then he used the plaster form as a guide to make the final statue out of bronze metal.

VOA : special.2010.05.31

26. I used to be a campus tour guide, and what I'd say is, you know, everyone uses a number.

我以前是校园的导游,我要说的是,每个人都用数字。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 求学热十足的学校

27. A guide or ranger comes with you to keep you safe and tell about the animals.

VOA : special.2009.08.19

28. So I mean, we tried to be as academic about it as possible in trying to think rigorously through the different results that will guide if we go to different directions.

因此,我们一直尝试,以更为学术的姿态,更为严谨的态度来思考,不同的方式,可能产生的不同结果。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

29. The Independent's Boyd Tonkin also noted "a plot rammed to bursting point with guide-book factoids".

BBC: Dan Brown's Inferno: Reviews round-up

30. Here is a guide to determining the right spending rate in pursuit of growth.

FORBES: How Impossible Dreams Can Destroy Value In Mid-Sized Firms

31. And then Nic Polenakis, wildlife guide and part-owner of the Somalisa Bush Camp, did a curious thing.

BBC: Zimbabwe, a side you've never seen

32. With a guide like Mist you are guaranteed to see new animals and learn a great deal.

VOA : special.2009.08.19

33. Milton surveys the wealth of literary tradition before him, and he resists its allure without the help of any human guide.

弥尔顿在他之前就调查过文学传统的宝藏,他在没有人帮助的情况下抗拒了这一诱惑。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. More than 500 structures still stand throughout the city, and the guide details their different functions.

BBC: Sleep at the base of a Maya temple

35. Most stations also have wide ticket gates for wheelchair access or those with guide dogs.

BBC: London for disabled visitors

36. Early the next morning in Bluff, Utah, we meet our tour guide, archaeologist Vaughn Hadenfeldt.

BBC: Missing pieces in Utah

37. Do you have advisors to help guide you through non-professional areas of your world?

FORBES: Build an Advisory Board For Your Life

38. No, that's not true.The White House is very big. And there are a lot of historical exhibits there.The tour will take us through many different rooms. I read about it in the guide.


39. Arriving in Colaba, Lindsay befriends a tour guide of his own, Prabhaker, who gives him the nickname Linbaba.

BBC: Literary Mumbai

40. The article 'Budget and blowout guide to Budapest' was published in partnership with BBC Olive magazine.

BBC: Budget and blowout guide to Budapest

41. He serves as a guide for special exhibits at the University of Montana and for special events at the Missoula Art Museum.

VOA : special.2010.07.16

42. So please take a look at the materials that were sent out: the Ancient Near Eastern collection and some of the questions to guide you through this material.

所以回去记得看我发的材料:,一些古近东时期的内容,和一些问题,它们将帮助你们理解这个材料。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. For Milton then, at least at that point in his career, his literary career, such a trip without a guide may well have seemed unthinkable.

对于弥尔顿,至少这一点在他的文学职业生涯中,这一趟没有向导指引的旅途是无法想象的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. The article 'Mini guide to design in Helsinki' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.

BBC: Mini guide to design in Helsinki

45. Books that give a kind of guide to the dos and don'ts of princely behavior.

这种书籍指引君主行为,该做与不该做的事。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Before Doctor Spock's book appeared, the most popular guide to raising children was called "Psychological Care of Infant and Child."

VOA : special.2009.03.15

47. So this is going to be a guide for us for essentially all that we're going to do in the rest of the term.

这些计算本质上指导着我们,这学期余下的课程中所需要做的一切。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. The article 'Mini guide to Lake District pubs' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.

BBC: Mini guide to Lake District pubs

49. And those plans and commands descend down this spinal cord to drive the muscles in our arm, to guide the arm where we like it to go.

这些计划和指令沿着脊髓而下,驱动我们胳膊的肌肉,指挥我们的胳膊按意志活动。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

50. The idea of probability theory is that no, you can't change things, there are all these objective laws of probability out there that guide everything.

而概率论的观点是,不,你无法改变事物,世间万物遵循客观的概率,它们即是定律金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. On your way back to the island, ask your guide if you can stop for a snorkel.

BBC: Swimming with whale sharks in Mexico

52. Again, when we see this evidence, then it starts to help guide us about what we might do to make changes in society in general.

当我们看到这些事实的时候,我们就知道可能应该怎么做,才能在整体上改变这个社会关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. You might be better off with a copy of Peterson's Complete Guide to Colleges.

FORBES: The Privatized Policeman

54. Climbing into a small tin boat, my guide and I rolled out onto Mush Lake.

BBC: Kluane, Canada (Credit: Parks Canada/Fritz Mueller)

55. They have their stereotypes that guide their answers, and the answers are not arbitrary or random.

他们的答案受到刻板印象的影响,但这些答案都不是主观臆断或随便乱答的。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. The article 'Mini guide to nightlife in Glasgow' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.

BBC: Mini guide to nightlife in Glasgow

57. Sam used to be a river raft guy, a river rafting guide, so we would go do that.

萨姆以前是漂流队的指导员,所以我们可以玩那个。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 与朋友们的回忆

58. The Forbes Crash Course In Investing offers the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to investing in today's markets.

FORBES: Investing 101

59. Since two thousand five, the F.C.C.has used four policy principles to guide its enforcement in cases related to the Internet.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

60. And she has produced six books about beading in a series called "The Beady Eyed Women's Guide."

VOA : special.2009.05.18

61. In a triptych that folds out from page 156, our Money Guide offers three ways to beat inflation.

FORBES: The Bupkes Bond

62. and "how can I continue to guide you through your life in the various junctures, and that means family, that means everything, what do you love and how can you guide your life through love?"

还有“我怎样能引导你一生,在人生各种关键的时候,那就意味着家庭还有一切事物,你喜爱什么,我怎样,用爱来引导你的一生?“人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

63. "Really, if it wasn't for Miami Vice, the tourists wouldn't be here, " said tour guide Michael Lynch.

BBC: The show that redefined Miami

64. And so what you'll be pointed 0 to in Problem Sets One PDF is something we call the CS50 Style Guide.

所以你们将会被指出,在习题集1中,PDF是我们CS50课堂0,编码风格指南。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

65. As one of his first hires, Power took a poacher on as a guide.

FORBES: Catch and Release





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