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strength of will是什么意思_strength of will怎么读_strength of will的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


strength of will

strength of will

网络 意志力;意志的力量;愿力

英 [streŋθ ɒv wɪl]play 美 [streŋθ əv wɪl]play

词典扩展 权威例句 实用例句



1. Setting the strength attribute to a higher level will increase the length of the sort keys.


2. Powerful structural factors will continue to reinforce the relative strength of the emerging world.


3. The design and selection of anchorage play an important part in the design of post-tensioned concrete structures. Bearing strength of anchorage will directly influence the result of pre-stress and security of structures.


4. I'll admit, he had the strength of will to not blink for a lot longer than I did, though I am glad he's thinking that we as an audience are collectively looking much better than we did two years ago.


5. This is the most difficult path, requiring tremendous strength of will and intellect.


6. That's the strength of human will.


7. The comprehensive strength of units will play an important role in improving their competitiveness in the environment of opportunities coexists with threats.


8. The combination offers great strength of will and an inclination to dig hard and deep into your interests.


9. The combination offers great strength of will and an inclination to dig hard and deep into your interests.


10. He had won the game by virtue of his strength of will.


11. By strength of will we cut off our inner intuitive knowledge from admitted consciousness.


12. The relevance of the data strength of braking will be assigned to the update cycle, data cycle phase different priorities for a visit.


13. It shows, in theory, by the optimal control model, we can find the optimal operating conditions under which the production strength of 1,3-PD will attain the maximum.


14. That's the strength of human will.


15. As the increase of the amount of rubber particle, the strength of mortar will decrease;


16. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will.


17. Your pronounced strength of will projects your self - assurance to others.

你意志的力度对别人展现了你的 自我 保证.《互联网》

18. Strength of will is the missing ingredient that Obama lacks.


19. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will.


20. She shows great strength of will.


21. For the concrete which losing water is little at early-age, strengthen curing, the strength of concrete will be compensated.


22. What will remain of us when artificial intelligence takes over will be our creativity, and it is our creative spirit, our visionary sense of freshness, that has been our strength for centuries.


23. Every act of honesty is a deposit into your personal bank account and will build strength.


24. Strength of will is defined as a committed persistence to excellence.


25. He will thunder against them from heaven; the LORD will judge the ends of the earth. "he will give strength to his king and exalt the horn of his anointed."


26. Are the independence of the mind and the great strength of will the same stuff?


27. Your pronounced strength of will projects your self-assurance to others.


28. Strength of will is the missing ingredient where Mr. Cameron and public health are concerned.


29. Order to maintain the strength of this will belong to the scope of authority.


30. And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.


31. Flavor The greatest battles are won not by strength of arm, but strength of will.

成就伟大的战斗靠的不是力量, 而是意志.《互联网》

32. The overall regional outlook remains uncertain and the strength of the recovery will largely depend on demand from key export markets.


33. They are paternalists, because they want to help you make the choices you would make for yourself-if only you had the strength of will and the sharpness of mind.


34. Her strength of will is extraordinary.


35. The warrior is tough in loyalty, intensity, determination, bearing, initiative, endurance, courage and strength of will.


36. Influence of welding velocity: strength of joint will decrease while the value of hardness in weld nugget and microstructural dimension will enhance with the increase of welding velocity.


37. Therefore, the colleges and related sports authorities should attach more importance to broaden students' knowledge on health and to cultivate their exercise consciousness, strength of will and exercise ability.


38. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.


39. He achieved his aim by sheer strength of will.


40. Her strength of will is extraordinary.


41. This is somewhat unfair because, as the philosopher Stephen P. Schwartz has argued, there are many times when it is strength of will, not weakness, which looks rationally puzzling.

这种说法有些不公平,原因在于,正如哲学家史蒂芬P施瓦兹(Stephen P.Schwartz)所辩称的那样,许多时候,正是意志力(而不是意志薄弱)从理性角度看起来令人费解。

42. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stood out all over him.

勇敢 、 无私和意志力在他身上全表现得显著.《互联网》

43. Some say it will regain some of its old strength.


44. The stock market rallies that will result will be based largely on the strength of these emerging economies.


45. But strength of will is the missing ingredient where Mr. Cameron and public health are concerned.

卡梅伦先生与公共健康都欠缺意志力。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 2卷 阅读A》

46. By strength of will we cut off our inner intuitive knowledge from admitted consciousness.


47. Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you perance, self-control, diligence, strength of will, content, and a hundred other virtues which the idle will never know.


48. But I believe in the strength of will power.


49. His strength of will enabled him to persist.


50. Her decision to continue shows great strength of will.


51. He achieved his aim by sheer strength of will.


52. If tuyeres are changed frequently, the stability of the blast will cut down; the production of the blast will be reduced; the working strength of workers will be increased.


53. Difficult, indeed, is it for us to maintain the strength of will to do.


54. Of course, unswerving faith and strong strength of will is also essential.


55. Herr strength of will was extraordinary.


56. To that end we will devote our strength, our resources, and our firmness of resolve.


57. Increase the thickness of protective layer has no affect on increasing the initial cracking load while increase the strength of concrete will delay the moment of crack happens. 4.


58. Her strength of will was extraordinary.



1. Nor is it true, as some commentators allege, that the first estimate is biased downwards - that they generally underestimate the strength of the economy and will be revised upwards as later estimates emerge.

BBC: UK economy: GDP figures explained by ONS

2. And the only thing that kept the peace in Europe was the political will and military strength of the United States.

ECONOMIST: Providing pensions

3. It aims to do so on the strength of a new chip that will be quite dazzling if it lives up to its promise.

FORBES: Comeback kid

4. Their reaction to pressure will reveal the strength of their character and conviction, what and whom they value, and whether or not they can be trusted.

FORBES: 6 Ways To Conquer Leadership Pressure

5. "In the NASL the onus is on the local owner to build his club, and the strength of the league will be determined by what those owners do, " he said.

WSJ: Soccer's Battle for New York

6. "Neither of us will let it get in the way of the strength of what is a fundamentally important relationship between Australia and Japan."

VOA : standard.2010.02.20

7. The questions now are twofold: What will be the strength of the recovery?

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. Not only does the robot look Terminator-esque, but it's been designed to mimic the muscle system of a human (with bone-crushing strength, of course) and will be programmed with a semi-autonomous AI so that the android can learn new tasks, all of which is just a little too much like the Terminator for our comfort.

ENGADGET: Prepare to be terminated: The Kibertron

9. Once we get a two- to five-day correction, it will be the strength of the following rally that will help determine how far stocks can rally into the end of the year.

FORBES: The Week Ahead: Will Bond Buyers Switch to Stocks?

10. As in the first four years, the strength of the American economy will determine more than anything else how much room the president has to advance his top priorities.


11. The visit will underscore the strength of our economic links, which contribute to millions of jobs on both sides of the Atlantic.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

12. As such, the real test of the strength and longevity of this recent rally will not come from the first short-term correction of a few percentage points, for buyers will show up on these first forays down.

FORBES: How To Play Overbought Equity Markets

13. Neil Gibson, an economic adviser to the firm, fears that the strength of exports will be overwhelmed by weaknesses at home, with consumers and government reining in their spending and domestic businesses unable to raise money for investment.

ECONOMIST: A return to decent growth is essential

14. The evaluation period, during which experts will be asked to test the strength and speed of each proposal, will end April, 1999, and the list will be narrowed down to five top proposals.

CNN: U.S. government to set new standard for advanced encryption

15. Earnings of other companies like Lowes and Home Depot will provide additional feedback on the state of the construction sector, while Wal-Mart and Target will help gauge the strength of the consumer.

FORBES: Fastenal's Earnings Growth Shows Construction Still Has A Pulse

16. "The reductions in this treaty will not affect the strength of our nuclear triad, nor does this treaty limit plans to protect the U.S.and our allies by improving and deploying missile defense systems."

VOA : standard.2010.03.26

17. The upshot, in sharp contrast to the Reagan legacy of pursuing peace through strength, will assuredly be a far more dangerous world.


18. The administration lacked the votes to raise taxes now on wealthier Americans, and the strength of Republican opponents will rise in January when a new Congress convenes.

WSJ: Obama Lashes Out at Critics in His Base

19. The response to the Woolwich killing will test the strength of these improvements.

BBC: Chelsea Flower Show and our island mentality

20. But because prosperity varies across the country, the strength of the housing market will vary too.

ECONOMIST: The housing market

21. The son of a Hungarian immigrant, who did not go to one of France's elite schools, Sarkozy had to fight his way to the top of politics by sheer strength of will.

CNN: Sarkozy: Tough in campaign, gracious in defeat

22. The lapse makes a certain kind of sense, I think, because it's virginity and not married chastity that the Lady imagines will allow her to demonstrate such a remarkable show of rhetorical strength.

我认为这一疏忽是有一定意义的,因为是女士想象的童贞,而并非婚姻贞节使得她,展现出如此强大的话语权。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Instead of being on the defensive from the beginning of the next round of legislating, the Democrats will be starting from a position of strength.


24. (SAYING) Umetaliev says the legitimacy of the interim government will depend,first of all, on the strength and stability of trust it establishes with the Kyrgyz people, and secondly,on the way we re-establish international trust in their country and its interim government.

VOA : standard.2010.04.15

25. The England star was its manager, with his tactics and the sheer strength of his will-to-win.

ECONOMIST: Sir Alfred Ramsey

26. The U.S. will remain the strongest driver but will need to find markets for selling more as well as buying. (Investment flows, and the strength of the dollar, will figure in this.) Another key factor will be China--how fast it integrates into the world trading system as a nation, and as 30-odd provinces and zones.

FORBES: Commerce calls

27. There will pockets of weakness in the Middle East and China, and there will be pockets of strength in the U.S., Canada and Brazil.

FORBES: OPEC Flap Won't Help Keep A Lid On Oil Prices

28. More significantly, the growing strength of the emerging economies will cause varying policy responses, which could significantly impact U.S. dollar-denominated revenues and profits.

FORBES: Emerging Markets For The Timid

29. The strength of their team will be scrum-time, a driving lineout and physicality.

BBC: Wales' Warren Gatland questions Dylan Hartley's value

30. The real strength of Tajikistan's democratisation will then be tested.

ECONOMIST: Tajikistan

31. Aurok, a fully 3-D rendered character and fearless Norse warrior with supernatural strength, will battle endless waves of foes from the invading Cronarch army in a survival-mode arena.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

32. The addition, on a season's loan, of Andy Webster will give United a combination of quality, strength and poise at the back.

BBC: Dundee United: season preview

33. The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Fund ( EEM) has dropped to important support, so the strength of the next rally will be important.

FORBES: The Week Ahead: Strong Stocks Surprise Investors

34. An indicative ballot will demonstrate the strength of feelings of the profession beyond question.

BBC: Ballot demanded for teachers' performance pay

strength of will是什么意思_strength of will怎么读_strength of will的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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