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网络 暴风雪;暴风雨;雪暴

英 [snəʊ stɔːm]play 美 [snoʊ stɔːrm]play

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snowstorm /ˈsnəʊˌstɔːm/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A snowstorm is a very heavy fall of snow, usually when there is also a strong wind blowing at the same time. 暴风雪



1. drifting snow storm 高吹雪

2. DE Snow Storm 狂风雪

3. Magic Snow Storm 雪风暴

4. Snow Storm Hot-line 雪天专线

5. snow storm meter 雪暴测定仪

6. Live Escape - Snow Storm 暴风雪野外逃生

7. Snow Storm 雪风暴 ; 暴风雪 ; 雪花干扰

8. snow storm in june 六月飞霜

9. Snow Storm Project 风雪项目


1. When the upper-air trough were over the station, the strong wind from north at the height of 700 millibars which caused the momentum to be transported downwards and gave occasion to speed up the surface wind and form the snow-storm wea and ther.


2. What of it if Winter has another snow-storm or two up his sleeve? I take my staff and fare forth to greet Spring with three dogs at my heels.


3. Wenger admitted that a mid-afternoon snow-storm had rendered the Emirates Stadium pitch unplayable on Wednesday.


4. School was dismissed one hour early due to a snow storm.


5. Sonographic patterns of joint effusion were: anechoic, cloudy, mixed and snow-storm on high-frequency ultrasound.


6. The bus held up by the snow storm, thus causing the delay.

公共汽车被暴风雪所阻, 因而耽误了.《互联网》

7. The results show that there is a good corresponding relationship between Q-vector moist frontolysis function, Q-vector divergence, vapor flux divergence and the snow-storm region of the Qinghai Plateau, and this has a good implication for the snowfall forecast in the Qinghai Plateau.


8. That's thanks to a massive late - winter snow storm that hit the eastern seaboard.


9. Sonographic patterns of joint effusion were: anechoic, cloudy, mixed and snow-storm on high-frequency ultrasound.


10. Often in a snow-storm, even by day, one will come out upon a well-known road and yet find it impossible to tell which way leads to the village.


11. M: They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will last quite a few days.


12. The plane skidded off the runway while taking off in a snow storm.


13. So while you may have a 15% chance of creating a full quality Frost Hammer anywhere you stand a much better chance of getting a better quality if you craft it during the winter as a snow storm rages.


14. Very few people venture to go out at night in a snow storm.


15. Without are the night and the snow-storm. He lays the Runes beneath our tongues , and we know the land of our home.


16. Because of the snow storm, he didn't drive to work.


17. Statistic Analysis and Mechanism Study of Snow-storm in Middle-and-high Latitude Region of China


18. The flight was cancelled because of the snow-storm.


19. the following day , the third day during which his house had been closed , the snow-storm ceased. Then his opposite neighbor stepped over to the house in which old Anthony lived , for he had not yet showed himself.


20. A man walks through blowing snow with his dogs along a beach following a snow storm on December 27, 2010 in Westport, Connecticut.


21. The U. s. East Coast is preparing for a major snow storm that weather experts are calling "historic" even before any snow falls.


22. Question 12: They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will last quite a few days.


23. Living in Toronto, the most annoying thing is not snow storm but freezing rain!

住在多伦多, 最讨厌唔系落大雪,而系冰雨!《互联网》

24. She looked at me thinking I must be from the moon. Nobody would walk that far, and with a suitcase, and in a snow storm!


25. The U. S. capital is bracing for a second major snow storm just days after a powerful blizzard pummeled the region with snowfalls up to 90 centimeters.

美国首都华盛顿将再降大雪;就在几天前,该地区遭遇了强烈暴风雪袭击,降雪量高达90 厘米。

26. The airport was closed because of the heavy snow storm.


27. Traffic was interrupted by a snow storm.


28. 'he said, shaking the white flakes from his clothes;' I wonder you should select the thick of a snow-storm to ramble about in.


29. And treat it, if you would, a day on which we had some form of a snow storm or really difficult getting into Manhattan.


30. Instead they are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snow-storm in a small wooden house, where they have nothing to eat.


31. I hope that the climbers don't run into a snow-storm halfway up.


32. Love is a light when you lost in the snow-storm;


33. Non-geostrophic wet Q-vector diagnostic analysis of a snow-storm in the north part of Ningxia


34. Despite the snow storm they persisted in marching ahead.


35. It is common for travelers on the prairie to loseway, especially in a snow storm.

在草原上旅行迷路是经常的事, 尤其是遇上风暴时更是这样.《互联网》

36. He had bowed to the Banks of the Yellow River, when a huge snow-storm blew up, dropping powdery snow for three days and nights without cease.


37. On the day before we left home there came a snow storm.


38. Therefore, I shouldn't eat too much curry because it will cause another snow storm.


39. The region of heavy snow-storm has a good relation with Q divergence center or line.


40. The snow-covered terrain gleams under a bright blue sky as the snow storm passes.


41. I hope that the climbers don't run into a snow-storm halfway up.


42. It was a big snow storm. She said it had started about midnight.

那是一场大风雪. 她说雪是半夜下起来的.《辞典例句》

43. Based on infrared imagery, vapor image and some conventional observation, the synoptic diagnostic analysis of the snow-storm is made.


44. Just ask the one million people still in the dark from last weekend's early season snow storm in the northeastern U.S..


45. They pressed on in spite of the snow storm.


46. Have you ever run into a really bad snow storm? Like a blizzard?

你曾经遇到过真正糟糕的暴风雪 吗 ?比如说暴风雪?《互联网》

47. But the weapon remained poised in mid-air, for Martin found himself back in the ironing room in the midst of a snow-storm.


48. But the weapon remained poised in mid-air, for Martin found himself back in the ironing room in the midst of a snow-storm.


49. It is the severest snow storm in the last five years.


50. but in winter they were obliged first to go down the long stairs, and then up the long stairs again: and out-of-doors there was quite a snow-storm.


51. Ever see a blank white canvas and as a joke someone says: "Hey - it's a white cow in a snow storm!"


52. They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will last quite a few days.


53. Just ask the one million people still in the dark from last weekend's early season snow storm in the northeastern U. s.


54. Men to shovel snow were in demand after the snow storm.


55. Added snow storm weather effect for snow environment.


56. We had to hold on to long ropes so that we wouldn't get blown over in the snow storm on the way back to our barracks.


57. A powerful snow storm is moving eastward.


58. There are few farms, only small stores, and in the winter the power is frequently off in a snow storm and it becomes very hard to travel.


59. Sunlight, cloudy, rain, fog, snow, storm, this is what is the date?

阳光明媚, 阴天, 下雨, 有雾, 下雪, 暴风, 今天是几号?《互联网》

60. There was a snow storm and, under the circumstances, they decided to stay at home.

暴风雪来临了, 在这种情况下, 他们决定呆在家里.《辞典例句》


1. The storm brought around 10 inches of snow to weather-hardened Chicago on Tuesday, prompting the closing of schools and the cancellation of more than 1, 100 flights at the city's two major airports.

NPR: Storm Strikes Mid-Atlantic; 250K Lose Power

2. In Minnesota, Governor Mark Dayton declared a state of emergency after communities in the south-west of the state - already struggling to restore power from an earlier ice storm - were buried under heavy snow.

BBC: Three dead in US severe spring storm

3. He also said a "spin-off" storm was expected to create heavy snow in New England, and could push Boston to a February record.

NPR: Winter Storm Blankets Great Plains With Snow

4. Despite their complaints, snow-removal people were fired up about the prospect of a huge storm.

WSJ: Storm Is Mixed Blessing for Snow-Removal Firms

5. Experts say the sort of exact estimates attributed to the Beijing Weather Modification Office official by Xinhua -- 16 million tons of extra snow -- is nearly impossible to make for any individual storm, although statistics gathered painstakingly over years can enable estimates of the effectiveness of longer-term efforts.

WSJ: Blizzard Renews Storm Over China Making Snow

6. Due to an impending snow storm in Denver, my flight was canceled and I was re-booked and re-routed, getting home 12 hours later than I had planned.

FORBES: The Modern Business Traveler: Top 5 Things That Will Keep Your Travel on Track

7. Strong winds also did damage in Colorado, the Associated Press reported, where a quick-moving winter storm brought up to a foot of snow in some spots and scattered reports of damage.

WSJ: Fierce Winds Batter California

8. The state enforced its first travel ban on roads since the Blizzard of '78, a ferocious storm that dropped 27 inches of snow, packed hurricane-force winds and claimed dozens of lives.

WSJ: A state-by-state look at the Northeast snowstorm

9. Emergency officials in New Jersey said they were monitoring a coastal storm, expected to bring lashing rain, wind, snow and possibly coastal flooding to the region hit by super-storm Sandy in October.

BBC: US government shuts down ahead of winter snow storm

10. In Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick enacted a statewide driving ban for the first time since the Blizzard of '78, a ferocious storm that dropped 27 inches of snow, packed hurricane-force winds and claimed dozens of lives.

WSJ: Behemoth storm drops 2 feet of snow on Northeast

11. The wide-ranging storm buried parts of the Midwest under more than a foot of snow, weakening as it moved east but still carpeting lawns and fields in a fresh layer of white.

WSJ: Storm blasts East with snow, cold; warmer Tuesday

12. The next concern for the Spurs was the massive snow storm affecting the New York-to-Boston corridor.

WSJ: Spurs' streak ends in 119-109 loss to Pistons

13. The storm started to wind down Thursday night in Wichita after leaving 14.2 inches of snow over two days -- the second highest storm total in the city's history, according to the National Weather Service.

CNN: 60 million in path of winter storm

14. The storm marched into the Mid-Atlantic region Wednesday, dumping nearly two feet of snow in some places and knocking out power to about 250, 000 homes and businesses.

WSJ: Snowstorm spares DC, heads toward New England




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annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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