莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

chance it翻译_chance it短语搭配_chance it权威例句


chance it

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  • 冒险尝试:冒险去尝试某事,尤指在情况不确定或有风险的情况下。

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1. It' s my chance

2. chance it detail 碰碰运气看

3. not willing to chance it 不愿意去冒险

4. as it may chance 要看情况 ; 要看当时情况

5. It is Your Chance 蔡健雅

6. Give It A Chance 试一下吧

7. And give it a chance 然后给这一个机会

8. as chance has it 凑巧

9. Some Call It Chance 有人称之为偶然


1. For anyone who uses a cigarette lighter, there is a 70 per cent chance it was made in Wenzhou.


2. It's probably minor, but there's a chance it it could be meningitis.


3. Consumption may be growing again, but there is every chance it will remain depressed in coming years because of weak income growth, depleted wealth and tightened credit.


4. It is my chance.


5. Poland knows it has a chance of qualifying for the World Cup Finals.


6. It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.


7. I treasured our reunion and the chance it gave me to heal an old wound.


8. It's now or never. Shall we chance it?

要么现在干,要么永远也不干, 我们碰碰运气好 吗 ?《现代汉英综合大词典》

9. If you always think of your dream as something you'll be doing in the future, there's a good chance it will always remain in the future.


10. There was some envy in this speculation, but if by any chance it came true then harmony yard would be xiangzi's after the old man's death.

这种猜想里虽然怀着点妒羡,可是万一要真是这么回事呢,将来刘四爷一死,人和厂就一定归了祥子。《provided by jukuu》

11. It may rain, but I'll chance it& I won't take an umbrella.


12. Come off it! We don't have a chance.


13. I'll chance it with the sperrits, jim.

吉姆,我迟早总要和灵魂打交道的。《provided by jukuu》

14. It looked like rain so I decided not to chance it and brought my umbrella.

看上去要下雨了,所以我决定不抱侥幸,还是带上雨伞。《provided by jukuu》

15. Every time a cell divides, there's a small chance it will gain a mutation that speeds its growth.


16. It seemed well worth while to chance it, so he fell to groaning with considerable spirit.


17. It was the chance she had been waiting for.


18. If you can't keep a job, there's a good chance it's you, not your boss or misfortune.


19. But I knew the meniscus; there was a chance it could be torn.


20. However, there's still a tiny chance it will hit in 2036 or 2068-depending on the exact route the asteroid follows during its next pass near Earth.


21. She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.


22. In spite of my warning he said he would chance it.

他全然不顾我的警告,说他要冒一次险。《provided by jukuu》

23. And this economic history didn't happen by chance. It happened by choice.

而这种经济史并不是偶然发生的, 它是选择的结果.《互联网》

24. I don't know if we can succeed or not, but let's chance it.

我不知道我们是否能成功, 不过我们试试看吧.《互联网》

25. As for the chance it will pull people away from his station, Long said," It's certainly a risk but I don't think it's a great risk."


26. But no matter what you call it, there's a very good chance it could use a good cleaning - check it out.


27. If I die two years from now, at 26, there's hardly any chance it'll be from health problems-and a very high likelihood it'll be from external causes.


28. The often repeated question is: would you get into a plane if someone told you there was a ten-to-one chance it would crash?


29. It was the chance of a lifetime.


30. I think I will chance it and park here, hope there's no police about.


31. Now that doesn't mean the10% time savings will be actually be spent on productive activities, but at least there's a chance it will.


32. Mrs. Wang: I guess it makes sense that the manufacturers might use things that are cheap or easy to work with even if there was some chance it might not be good for the consumer.


33. If you always think of your dream as something youll be doing in the future, theres a good chance it will always remain in the future.


34. There also are times when you should'fess up and tell your child about your past life& despite the embarrassment or chance it may ruin your image with your child.


35. It was a chance to start afresh.


36. The easier compliance is to achieve, the greater the chance IT professionals will actually comply.


37. The easier compliance is to achieve, the greater the chance IT professionals will actually comply.


38. There's a good chance it isn't guarded.

很可能那边没人看守。《provided by jukuu》

39. I do not know if we can succeed or not, but let's chance it.

我不知道我们是否能成功,不过我们试试看吧。《provided by jukuu》

40. If you have the chance to spill your problems out to a therapist it can be a very liberating experience.


41. On that chance, it's smart to have a certain percentage of assets in gold.

就这个机会, 配置一定比例资产在黄金上是明智的.《互联网》

42. He has taken my money, and I have no chance of getting it back.


43. You once had a chance, but you lost it!


44. He was not sure if another route could save him more time, but he decided to chance it.


45. We may be too late, but let's chance it.

我们可能太晚了, 不过让我们试试看.《辞典例句》

46. There's a risk that I'll be caught, but I'm going to chance it.

我有被捉住的危险,但我打算冒险,试一下。《provided by jukuu》

47. We see it as a chance for renewal.


48. I wasn't sure if it was safe but I decided to chance it.


49. He explained that reading, and the chance it gives the child to sound eloquent and knowledgeable, is likely to have impressed interviewers when it came to landing a good job.


50. Unless by chance it turns out to be the product your customers are looking for.


51. We can do nothing but chance it.

我们只有碰碰运气了。《provided by jukuu》

52. I just think that couples need to be aware that it CAN happen and there's a decent chance it will.


53. The more money a project sought, the lower the chance it reached its goal, the researchers found.


54. For anyone who USES a cigarette lighter, there is a 70 per cent chance it was made in Wenzhou.


55. Basically, the more people push for something, the better chance it has of happening and vice versa.


56. You had your chance and you blew it.


57. There was talk of departmental funds being reallocated to the research section. that's strictly for the birds-not a chance it'll happen.

曾有过将部门基金重新分给研究科的说法,这种说法荒唐可笑,因为它根本行不通的。《provided by jukuu》

58. Gucci: Sure. I won't miss this chance. It's my lucky day.

古奇: 当然. 我可不能再错过这个机会了. 今天是我的幸运日哦.《互联网》

59. This was my big chance and I grabbed it with both hands.


60. If you don't plan for when exactly to get the habit done and instead just arbitrarily say that you want it to be done sometime today, then there's a very high chance it might not get done.


61. Now that doesn't mean the 10% time savings will be actually be spent on productive activities, but at least there's a chance it will.


62. I think I'll chance it and park the car here.


63. It was a chance meeting that would change my life.



1. If it is Swiss, there is a good chance it is only there because of Dr. Nicholas G.

FORBES: Swatch Billionaire Nicolas Hayek, Who Saved The Swiss Watch Industry, Dies

2. "It reacts with that region, it inactivates the virus and the virus never has a chance to enter the cells that it would otherwise infect."

VOA : special.2010.07.14

3. Despite the government's flagging land-reform plan, there seems little chance it will resort to large-scale expropriation at below-market prices.

ECONOMIST: Land reform in South Africa

4. so it's much, much harder to run the ball because there're so much more chance and opposition.

所以带球跑是非常非常困难的,因为中间有太多的空挡和反击。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美式足球

5. Google beats its chest every chance it gets to talk about the number of daily activations of Android devices.

FORBES: Do Apple Apps or Android Daily Activations Matter Most?

6. He believed it might be best to let Lee escape than to take a chance on losing what remained of the Army of the Potomac.

VOA : special.2009.11.05

7. But it's really a chance, especially for those less comfortable, to be set off on a very specific path.

这的确是一个机会,特别对于那些不怎么舒适的,这是通过,特殊途径开始的好机会。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

8. Maybe they've never heard classical music. So give it a chance, see what you think.

VOA : special.2010.07.12

9. Although the drug wasn't doing harm, there was little chance it would show a benefit, so that trial was stopped.

FORBES: Pfizer Stops Developing Coley Cancer Drug

10. This means you can run your own mic solution if the internal microphone isn't up to your standards (and there's a good chance it won't be).

ENGADGET: Contour+2 review: the best consumer helmet camera on the market

11. Where possible, only brand-new equipment is used in order to mitigate the chance it picked up seeds or spores.

FORBES: Magazine Article

12. "I think for me to have a chance it will take a round of 64 or 65, " said Mickelson.

BBC: SPORT | Golf | Cabrera and Perry lead at Augusta

13. If anyone, or anything does receive our messages, there's every chance it might look like one of the critters below.

ENGADGET: Alt-week 8.18.12: Graphene sponges, zero-g athletics and tweets in space

14. The Suez Crisis of 1956 gave the market the best chance it had in years for a real bear market.

FORBES: Do International Crises Mean Time To Panic, Or Time To Profit?

15. It's not a valid experiment if it has no chance of showing that my hypothesis is flawed.

如果根本没可能证明我的假设,是有瑕疵的,那么这个试验。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. It could change the plane's path just enough to destroy the pilot's chance of a safe landing.

VOA : special.2010.07.07

17. If al Qaeda manages to pull off another terrorist attack, there is a strong chance it will be linked to Somalia.

WSJ: Somali Extremists Have al Qaeda Ties

18. But this is the Google initiative that has other media industries most worried, since there's the chance it could move the company beyond the Internet and into other ad markets.

FORBES: Internet

19. If you put together an application on the Web, there's a very good chance it was going to break.

FORBES: Intelligent Investing Transcript

20. And give yourself the chance to fall in love with it the way that I did.

给自己机会,像我一样爱上这份工作。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. But if there is a chance it can provide some of the answers, then we need to pursue it.

BBC: Can GM save the world?

22. It tells about her accident and how it taught her a very difficult lesson about life and chance.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

23. "But," he says, "it will give millions of families resigned to financial ruin a chance to rebuild."

VOA : special.2009.02.20

24. It was a good chance for our next generation of reporters here at VOA to ask other kids about their favorite teachers.

VOA : special.2010.04.30

25. If there is enough water, they say there is a good chance it could heat the university's new science building and maybe even the local shopping centre.

BBC: Newcastle University borehole project strikes hot water

26. and then invest it in a company or an idea that has a very high chance of not working.

然后投资一家公司,或者等待一个良好的机会。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 要想成为事业家

27. When AIG sold reinsurance coverage to General Reinsurance, was there much chance it would lose money on the deal?

FORBES: When Gray Becomes Black-and-White

28. China may be authoritarian, but there is no chance it will go Maoist any time soon.

FORBES: America Will Survive ObamaCare

29. It would be the last chance for Gemini Six to attempt to meet with Gemini Seven in space.

VOA : special.2009.07.01

30. They saw it as a chance to get more help for the lake's problems, and more national attention for the area.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

31. The government said there was no chance it would reconsider another runway.

BBC: Labour scraps plan for third runway at Heathrow Airport

32. There is virtually no chance it will trade two years from now higher than what it was priced at.

WSJ: Manchester United IPO Fails to Excite the Crowds

33. Some call it "the last best chance" for an agreement to fight climate change.

VOA : special.2009.12.12

34. After all, there is very little chance it will force the super rich to keep fewer piles of money lying around.

FORBES: Taxing Mr. and Mrs. Jones

35. There is no chance it will be ratified by the Duma.

CNN: Clinton And Yeltsin Agree To Disagree

36. So we have to come up--we mortals-- have to come up with some other device, and our device to remember things is to try to write it down because my premise here is, if you can write music down clearly you are hearing it, clearly, and you would have a better chance of remembering it if you could write it down.

因此我们普通人,必须开发出,不得不开发出一些其它的方法,而我们用来记忆的方法,就是试着写下来,它的前提是,如果你可以将听到的音乐清楚地写下来,很清楚,那么你就更有可能,记住它,前提是你能写下它聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. "There's an excellent chance it won't repeat itself, " Ben Hur said.

CNN: Sharon leaves hospital after mild stroke

38. There is a 1% chance it is beyond, but the 99% surface is spherical.

只有1%超出了,至少是99%可能位于的范围的轮廓。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. That people--they develop some investment strategy and through pure chance it does well.

人们制定了一些投资策略,一些策略的投资效果碰巧十分有效金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. So I feel like it's going to have a good chance." But another of our "critics."

VOA : special.2010.03.01

41. So, from this moment forth, and I heard some stuff go off earlier. But, I let it slide because I haven't had my chance to explain what my expectations are.

从此刻开始,我刚才听到了一些声音,但是,我置之不理了,因为我还没有机会,向你们表达我的期待。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. The Smithsonian's Mars Day offered a chance for people of all ages to touch Mars, or at least a piece of it.

VOA : special.2010.07.28

43. It's a great chance to do that.

那是好机会。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

44. So we have the chance to travel to the United States and it's been really great.

所以我们有机会在美国旅行,一路都很棒。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 和朋友一起逛洛杉矶

45. And the longer the tension persists, the more chance it will have a negative impact on the country.


46. Yes, there was a 10 percent chance it could have become cancerous over time, which is why it was removed.

FORBES: Dr. Oz's Shameless Play For Ratings Discourages Life Saving Procedure While Demeaning True Cancer Survivors

47. The more your content works to help people resolve problems they face, the more of a chance it has of attaining viral distribution or word of mouth exposure.

FORBES: How To Triple Your Success Using Social Media Advertising Platforms

48. I liked the chance to be behind the camera. It was really cool.

我喜欢在镜头后面的机会。真的很酷。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 体育相片的魅力

49. In fact, the worse it is, the better the chance it's going to get coverage in the mainstream media.

NPR: YouTube Emerges as Political Tool in Campaigns

50. And there's a chance it might air during the summer.


51. "Until the defect is repaired, there is a real chance it could fail, " the spokesperson added.

BBC: South West Train

52. It is chance, and there are several places in the Iliad and the Odyssey that emphasize that point.

只是机会而已,这在《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》中,被多次强调古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. There had been rumblings all week about a tropical storm crossing the Florida Keys, a chance it might head north.

CNN: Excerpt: The calm before Katrina

54. No. All we can say is, there was an 80 percent chance it would, 20 percent chance it wouldn't, so most of them do, some of them don't.

不能,我们只能说,这个原子分裂的概率是百分之八十,不分裂的概率是百分之二十,它们当中的大部分会分裂,而一部分不会死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. It was a chance to report for a major television network, CBS,the Columbia Broadcasting System.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

56. And one was the opportunity to be president of ACLS, because it was a chance to move.

其中一个就是担当ACLS的主席,因为这让有了做出改变的机会。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

57. When you open it, you will see all of the children's poetry. And it gave them a chance to share their work.

打开它,你就能看到孩子们写的诗,他们也因此能互相分享作品。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. When you buy a T-shirt that says "made in China, " there's a pretty good chance it's made of cotton that was grown on a farm somewhere in the United States.

NPR: After 200 Years, U.S. Remains King of Cotton

59. Unless Labour decides to abstain to cause the prime minister trouble there is little chance it would be passed.

BBC: Europe: The bomb's ticking louder

60. Blinded by a meaningless imperfection and an impossible goal, Aylmer had thrown away her life and with it his chance for happiness.

VOA : special.2009.09.26

chance it翻译_chance it短语搭配_chance it权威例句




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