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英 [ˈkæntɒn]play美 [ˈkæntənˌˈkæntɑːn]play

  • n. (瑞士等国的)行政区,州;(纹章)矛面右上角方形部位
  • v. 把……划分成州(或行政区);为(军人)分配营房

复数 cantons 第三人称单数 cantons 现在分词 cantoning 过去式 cantoned 过去分词 cantoned

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canton /ˈkæntɒn/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A canton is a political or administrative region in some countries, for example Switzerland. (瑞士等国家的)行政区

    ...the Swiss canton of Berne.



1. canton china n. 广州瓷

2. canton fair 广交会

3. cantons de 白山伯

4. Lac des Quatre-Cantons 四森林州湖 ; 四州湖

5. cantons of switzerland 瑞士行政区划


1. Research on designing a digital database system for the archaic Canton dialect dictionaries in China


2. It would have treated people in the canton of Zurich differently to people outside.


3. Foreign Real Estate's Study of Late Qing in Canton


4. Some German states and Swiss cantons take the same line.


5. First launched in 1957, the Canton Fair is the largest trade fair in China.


6. Studies on Central Cooperative Bank in Canton ( 1947~ 1949);


7. Switzerland is composed of twenty - two cantons.

瑞士是由 二十二 个州组成的.《辞典例句》

8. 'We do have very, very tough laws,' says Mark Rissi, spokesman for the organization. 'But in some cantons, judges aren't applying the law to the fullest.'

该组织的发言人瑞斯(Mark Rissi)表示,我们的确有非常严格的法律,但是在一些州,法官没有完全执行法律。

9. On the Historical Origin and Impact of Canton-Portuguese


10. After the northern expedition beginning, the Strength of Canton government increased rapidly.


11. On the one side is the Serb-dominated Republika Srpksa (RS), and on the other the Croat-Bosniak federation, which is in turn subdivided into ten cantons.


12. Its formation resulted from the accumulation of the cultural history of music in Canton.


13. A study on the thiamine requirement of Canton Middle School Boys


14. It is one of the four famous Yuan, or private estate in Canton.


15. In the cantons where they were harsh to the poor, he said: "Look at the people of Briancon!"


16. The Research of Bank of China Canton Branch ( 1945~ 1949)


17. Fluent to use English, Chinese, Canton language and Chaoshan language.


18. The Tracking Study of the Changes of Shop Names& an Example of Beijing Road, Canton


19. Studies on the Canton Office of the Large Oil Enterprises in Modern China ( 1945.9-1949.9)


20. One hotel in Canton even has a higher price on rooms with lucky numbers.


21. By 1353, more cantons joined in forming the "Old federation" of eight states that persisted during much of the 15th century and led to a significant increase of power and wealth of the federation.

到了1353年,更多州加入而形成了八个州组成的“旧联邦(old Federation)”,这种情况一直持续到15世纪,并使联邦的力量和财富得到了显著的增长。

22. Guangzhou ( Canton) has always Been a port for foreign exchange and trade.


23. Sausages in Canton style are of high quality and with special taste.


24. One silver lining though is a decline in passive smoking after various cantons such as Geneva and Ticino introduced bans on smoking in public places.


25. This is also the guidelines contained in Canton Electrical General employees to continue moving forward!


26. There were two spaces on the morning plane to canton.

上午去广州的班机还有两个空位。《provided by jukuu》

27. But it is a pity that few people know about the history of Canton University.


28. The new line will bypass part of the historic Gotthard railway line between the cantons of Uri and Ticino.


29. Swiss public broadcaster SSR said two-thirds of voters and all of the cantons had rejected the measure, which required majority approval of all federal and cantonal voters.


30. Subject Structure Design in Pazhou Complex of Canton Fair


31. Switzerland is made up of 22 cantons.


32. In China, British country trade not only damaged trade management system in Canton but also reduced national wealth.


33. A few cantons have granted long-term resident foreigners the right to vote, mainly only at communal level.

在某些州,长期居住的外国人也有权投票,但仅限于地区级别上的事务。《provided by jukuu》

34. Western Religion and Canton's Social Transformation ( 1835-1929);


35. Switzerland is composed of twenty-two cantons.


36. The temple is now used to stage the traditional Canton opera at night.


37. Financing Plan for Phase ⅱ of Canton Fair Pazhou Complex Project in Cost Variation Environment


38. Canton City is social, tourism, the best place for business activities.


39. Unlike a true city-state, a free city has little ability to exert power abroad, but cantons and free cities have been known to resist the aggression of larger states with tenacity and determination.


40. Didn't you know that he was born and brought up in Canton?


41. Nothing can prevent me going to Canton.


42. The papers will present the general rules applicable in this field and clarify the situation when autonomous regions respectively cantons and municipalities are involved.



1. Geneva and seven other cantons have already imposed their own comprehensive bans on indoor smoking in places of employment while the remaining, smaller cantons have been less restrictive.

BBC: Swiss reject full ban on smoking in public spaces

2. But it might co-operate surreptitiously with people like Mr Dzaferi to weaken the central government and split Macedonia into ethnically defined cantons.

ECONOMIST: Macedonia: Next domino? | The

3. Worse, the Palestinians' land is apparently to be in scattered non-contiguous cantons.

ECONOMIST: Vanishing peace

4. Sunni and Shia politicians alike denounced the barrier for splitting Baghdad into cantons and widening the sectarian gap.

ECONOMIST: Do the people of Baghdad want security barriers? Yes and no

5. Politically, these economic arrangements augur a future of Palestinian cantons dependent on Israel rather than an independent, territorially integrated Palestine.

ECONOMIST: The Palestinian economy

6. In 1712, in Switzerland the Treaty of Aargau was signed which ended the Swiss war and guaranteed Protestant superiority over Catholic Cantons.

CNN: Tuesday,

7. Federalism and direct democracy, as well as respect and consideration for the interests of minorities and small cantons, are valuable concepts developed by Switzerland and used to the benefit of its people.

ECONOMIST: In old California

8. In Sunday's cantonal elections, the National Front won at least two cantons, though the party's share of the vote decreased from 15% in the first round of voting the previous weekend.

BBC: France: Martine Aubry spurred by Socialist poll victory

9. The 26 cantons are sovereign in cultural and educational affairs.

ECONOMIST: Do you speak English? Jaa, es bitzli

10. People migrate to lower tax cantons in Switzerland.

BBC: Mind the gap on the Northern Line

11. Preliminary results from Sunday's vote indicate that the initiative received unanimous support from all of Switzerland's 26 cantons, the government said.

WSJ: Swiss Back Executive-Pay Controls

12. Although Geneva voted slightly in favour, results from the country's other 25 cantons showed a majority of voters rejected a full ban.

BBC: Swiss reject full ban on smoking in public spaces

13. The cantons also wield other powers that enable them compete for business, such as the authority to make residency and building permits easy to get.

FORBES: Why Tax Havens Are A Force For Good

14. If this is truly Mr Barak's final offer, it would leave a Palestinian state made up of two Gaza-like cantons north and south of Jerusalem, but with no territorial contiguity between them and no access to the border with Jordan.

ECONOMIST: Palestinians and Israel

15. Mr Blocher was cheered by a crowd of middle-aged mainly German-speakers, stressing the support his People's Party enjoys in eastern Switzerland, particularly in the smaller, tradition-minded cantons.

ECONOMIST: Switzerland

16. La Tribune de Geneve suggests voters rejected a full ban because they did not want to force the smaller cantons into changing their local laws, and because of resentment at perceived state interference in people's lives.

BBC: Swiss reject full ban on smoking in public spaces

17. Others have been enraged by the suggestion of the new Serbian Prime Minister, Vojislav Kostunica, that Kosovo should be divided into cantons along ethnic lines.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Analysis: Kosovo violence sparks fears

18. Switzerland is really 23 countries under one flag--that's how many cantons (autonomous districts) there are in that mountainous country.

FORBES: Slick Solution

19. Switzerland has a federal structure that reserves major powers to the 26 cantons, and the cantons themselves vary in the ease with which which citizens participate .

ECONOMIST: Happiness is a warm vote

20. Its shares, 52.7% of them owned by the Swiss cantons and cantonal banks, are listed on the Swiss stock exchange.

ECONOMIST: The Swiss National Bank

21. UN's backers achieved only the narrowest of victories, 12 cantons to 11.

ECONOMIST: Joining the UN doesn't mean the Swiss will join the EU too

22. The Palestinians calculate that this would amount to much the same as the Israeli-proposed deal they refused at Camp David: a state in less than 90% of the West Bank, divided into two or three cantons.

ECONOMIST: The Palestinians

23. The extent of democracy in the cantons is captured on a scale running from one to six.

ECONOMIST: Happiness is a warm vote

24. The Palestinian leaders, says Mr Indyk, later misled their people into believing that Mr Clinton had offered only three disconnected cantons on the West Bank.

ECONOMIST: America and the Middle East

25. Zurich and its surrounding cantons have a history of strange behaviour.

BBC: The stranger side of Switzerland

26. Zurich, the most populous of the cantons, and the heart of the Swiss banking world, plans to start compulsory English at an early age, maybe even from the first class, the six-plus lot.

ECONOMIST: Do you speak English? Jaa, es bitzli

27. After a few days of eating fondue in five Swiss cantons, I was ready to break all the rules.

WSJ: In Search Of: Switzerland's Best Fondue

28. In Switzerland, two-thirds of total taxes, including individual and corporate income taxes, are levied by the cantons, not the central government.

FORBES: Why Tax Havens Are A Force For Good

29. The FN is thought to have qualified for run-off votes in nearly 400 cantons - France's smallest administrative units - next weekend.

BBC: France vote bolsters Le Pen's far-right National Front

30. In some cantons, more than 70% of voters rejected the ban, according to Geneva newspaper La Tribune de Geneve.

BBC: Swiss reject full ban on smoking in public spaces




Christian Religion是什么意思_Christian Religion怎么读_Christian Religion的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

Christian Religion的意思是:基督教:一种源于公元1世纪的宗教,信仰耶稣基督是上帝的儿子,世界的救世主。。学考宝为您提供Christian Religion是什么意思,Christian Religion的翻译,Christian Religion的用法,Christian Religion的短语搭配,Christian Religion的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
Christian Religion是什么意思_Christian Religion怎么读_Christian Religion的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


Christianism的意思是:n. 基督教义;基督教精神。学考宝为您提供Christianism是什么意思,Christianism的翻译,Christianism的用法,Christianism的短语搭配,Christianism的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


clap的意思是:v. 拍手,鼓掌;快速(或用力)放置;轻拍(背或肩膀);使……砰然相击;(突然)把……关进监狱 n. 鼓掌,拍手;砰然巨响,霹雳声;(友好的)用手轻拍;<非正式>淋病 【名】 (Clap)(西、英)克拉普(人名)。学考宝为您提供clap是什么意思,clap的翻译,clap的用法,clap的短语搭配,clap的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Christlike的意思是:adj. 如耶稣一样的;如基督的。学考宝为您提供Christlike是什么意思,Christlike的翻译,Christlike的用法,Christlike的短语搭配,Christlike的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


claim的意思是:v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明。学考宝为您提供claim是什么意思,claim的翻译,claim的用法,claim的短语搭配,claim的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


phoebes的意思是:n. 菲比霸鹟。学考宝为您提供phoebes是什么意思,phoebes的翻译,phoebes的用法,phoebes的短语搭配,phoebes的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


civilization的意思是:n. 文明;文明社会,文明国家;人类社会;舒适的生活环境;教化,开化。学考宝为您提供civilization是什么意思,civilization的翻译,civilization的用法,civilization的短语搭配,civilization的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Christological的意思是:网络 基督论的;基督论;基督性。学考宝为您提供Christological是什么意思,Christological的音标,Christological怎么读,Christological的翻译,Christological的用法,Christological的短语搭配,Christological的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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