莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

the absence of翻译_the absence of短语搭配_the absence of权威例句


the absence of

网络 缺乏;不存在;缺席

play play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. in the absence of 缺乏 ; 不存在

2. the absence of definite proof 缺乏确凿的证据

3. The absence of the 缺席的

4. The Absence of Dreams 梦的缺失

5. the absence of agreement 没有协议 ; 没有协议的情况下

6. the absence of evidence 缺乏证据

7. the absence of education 教育空白

8. the absence of thyme 缺少节奏感

9. The absence of the or 或缺席 ; 由于缺乏或 ; 缺席的或


1. In the absence of any well-placed pub, this was the perfect spot to flop down for a packed lunch.


2. This important clinical sign never occurs in the absence of cardiac disease.


3. The absence of an oxygen atmosphere on Mars and other planets in our solar system means that these planets also lack an ozone shield that would protect surface-dwelling life from UV radiation.


4. Employers did create maternity-leave programs in the 1970's and 1980's, but not as a purely voluntary response in the absence of any government mandate.


5. These snakes died in a few days' time because of the heat and the absence of trees.


6. The absence of reliable transportation in the remote mountain region stymies economic development there.


7. An Economic analysis of Heater Operation in the Absence of a Water Level


8. In the absence of such evidence, there is no a priori hypothesis to work with.


9. "In the absence of this species, ecosystems stop working well and may even collapse," Di Martino says.


10. The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.


11. In the absence of wolves, coyote populations also grew quickly.


12. A major problem is the absence of water.


13. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the profession of faith should be enough.


14. The absence of oxygen on other planets means that those planets lack an ozone shield to protect life forms against UV radiation.


15. Theoretically the absence of damping results in an infinite response at resonance.


16. For each field, a zero indicates the absence of a value.


17. In the absence of an obstructive lesion of the urinary tract, this illness is self - limited.

若无尿路梗阻, 则本病具有自限性.《辞典例句》

18. Food and aid poured in from most developed countries into the continent, but thanks to the absence of efficient distribution system, the hungry remained empty-stomach.


19. In the absence of definite evidence the prisoner was set free.


20. In the absence of adequate treatment, death can occur within hours.


21. Red leaves only satisfy in the absence of greens.


22. They are very abundant because of the absence of the jaguar, which causes imbalances in the ecosystem.


23. The velocity of the center of mass is constant in the absence of external forces.


24. A: Mental health is not just the absence of mental disorder.


25. The finished fascination of his air come chiefly from the absence of demand and assumption.


26. The absence of clues baffled the police.


27. In the absence of clear goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily doings until we become slaves of them.


28. In the absence of such laws, the states have actually taken action over the past 5 to 10 years.


29. Research on the Absence of Human Solicitude in English Teaching


30. Even in the absence of the future and why?


31. In the absence of gene flow between the subpopulations, genetic differences between the groups begin to accumulate.


32. In the absence of my commanding officer, I acted on my own initiative.

指挥官不在场, 我主动见机行事.《辞典例句》

33. Dependence - the absence of independence - is viewed as undesirable.


34. It's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word, rather the absence of war.


35. In the absence of parents' company in their childhood, these children will lack of confidence.


36. The absence of Mr Strauss-Kahn makes little immediate practical difference.


37. Darkness is the absence of light.


38. Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders.


39. In the absence of any further evidence the police were unable to solve the murder.


40. In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is.


41. In the absence of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could yield strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.


42. In the absence of such an indication, he is deemed to have accepted the inheritance. A legatee should, within two months from the time he learns of the legacy the legacy.


43. The absence of establishing and implementing effective ownership.


44. The species has a long lifetime in the absence of etchable material.


45. One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-year period is that early animals were soft-bodied and simply did not fossilize.


46. In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiter's atmosphere—namely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric water—that challenged prevailing theories about Jupiter's structure.


47. She noticed the absence of illustrations in the dictionary.


48. The absence of this environment influenced the learning efficiency of learners to great extent.


49. Original mail returned in the absence of the addressee.


50. In the absence of actual data no reliance can be placed on such figures.


51. In 1995 the Galileo spacecraft captured data about Jupiter's atmosphere– namely, the absence of most of the predicted atmospheric water–that challenged prevailing theories about Jupiter's structure.


52. The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.


53. One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-year period is that early animals were soft bodied and simply did not fossilize.


54. As the Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu is reported to have said: "Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness."


55. An Analysis of Problems in Appraising Teaching Quality by University Students: the Absence of Developmental Ideal


56. Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.


57. The absence of green, growing things made the city seem dead.


58. This sleek design allows single sounds to convey useful information, and in fact, even the absence of a sound has been enlisted to express something specific.


59. Why? Because there's more to life than just pleasure and the absence of pain, so it seems to me.


60. In the absence of exact data, these discussions are bootless.


61. In the absence of wolves, coyote populations also grew quickly .

在没有狼的情况下,郊狼的数量也迅速增长。《高考真题- 2017 全国3卷 阅读C》

62. Peace is much more than the absence of war.

和平远远不只意味着没有战争。《provided by jukuu》

63. Scratching by itself—that is, in the absence of an itch—had no such effect.


64. Wabel's victory was in no way devalued by the absence of series leader Tom Fisher.


65. Its clean air, attractive parks, and the absence of any industry, make this an ideal spot for people looking for a quiet life.


66. The absence of presumptuous self-conceit in Tito made him feel all the more defenceless under prospective obloquy.


67. In the absence of actual data no reliance can be placed on such figures.


68. In the absence of energy value can use it to hang.


69. The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.


70. The absence of children at Christmas preyed on Liz's mind.


71. Bats have an engineering problem: how to find their way and find their prey in the absence of light.


72. Barrett wanted to find out if the absence of physical currency does indeed cause a person to spend more, so she decided to conduct an experiment a few months ago.


73. The absence of children at Christmas preyed on Liz's mind



1. In the absence of a soccer pioneer then James seems to be a plausible stand-in.

FORBES: The Most Important Soccer Performance Analyst You Have Never Heard Of

2. But the absence of crowding-out at the moment is hardly a matter for rejoicing.

ECONOMIST: Financial markets

3. Dinegar, president of the Washington Board of Trade, of the absence of women on boards.

FORBES: On the Board: A New Way Forward for Women's Corporate Leadership

4. Similarly, just as we have symbols for the presence of sound and its length, we have symbols that represent the absence of sound.

类似的,既然我们有符号,来表示声音的频率和长度,我们也有表示静音的符号聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Media estimates indicate his leave of absence could cost the golf industry $591 million in losses.

VOA : standard.2009.12.16

6. In other words, in the absence of human agency, the first sacrifice for literary theory is the author, the idea of the author.

换句话说,由于不懂人类起源,文学理论的第一牺牲者,就是作家,作家的思想。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Despite the absence of many obvious protesters, the crowds along the route reflected Mrs.

WSJ: Global Figures to Pay Respects at Funeral for Margaret Thatcher in London

8. Policies that adopt digital learning in the absence of this focus could take us horribly awry.

FORBES: Digital Learning Now Launches with Recommendations for Educational Transformation

9. Yet our ten-year Treasury yield was, in the absence of inflation, an oddly high 4.8%.


10. In the absence of that, the states have actually taken action, over the past, maybe 5, 10 years

在这种法律空缺的情况下,各个州在过去的五到十年间已经采取了行动,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 全球变暖与国力

11. The seven-member commission said it decided on the postponement unanimously, after agreeing that fair elections could not take place in the absence of proper voter registration lists.

VOA : standard.2009.09.07

12. All three are potential match-winners and could benefit from the absence of key Dunloy defender Molloy.

BBC: Hurling final venue switched

13. This was the first Summit of the Americas to be held in a Caribbean nation, and was notable for a virtual absence of protesters.

VOA : standard.2009.04.19

14. "It is not the absence of crisis. It is the manner in which the crisis is going to be met and resolved that defines a nation,"

VOA : standard.2009.08.27

15. suppose we make for, the moment, the bold conjecture, the philosophical claim, that not only is pleasure and the absence of pain, not only is pleasure one good thing and pain one bad thing.

假设此刻我们做出大胆猜测,哲学声称,不仅只,快乐和没有痛苦,快乐不止是一样好的东西,痛苦不止是一样坏的东西。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. The reason is because there are two different approaches to deal with illness: one,the positive psychological approach is that the illness is the absence of health, as opposed to health is the absence of illness.

究其原因,是因为有两种不同的方法,对付疾病,一是积极心理学方法,它指的是,疾病相当于不健康,相对地,健康等于没疾病。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

17. But the synthetic vaccine should allow scientists to show the absence of infection in vaccinated animals.

BBC: Synchrotron yields 'safer' vaccine

18. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission.

CNN: Commentary: Where heroes come from

19. Leaving only a handful that survived. Flight Eleven and One Seventy-Five with the illegal medications that overdosed our population, led us to receive a leave of absence for an unnecessary vacation and we became addicts.

VOA : special.2009.04.17

20. While he points out that in our culture we feel very uncomfortable with the absence of words, with the absence of sound or noise.

他指出,在我们文化中沉默,让人不适。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. The absence of this smaller region tells you that this sample came from a sickle patient.

小片段的缺失就能告诉你,该样本是取自病人的生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. This is purely an assumption in the absence of knowledge about an individual's particular debt profile.


23. Second, even in the absence of enemy air defenses, unmanned aircraft are relatively fragile.

FORBES: The Revolution In Unmanned Aircraft Is Overrated

24. And women are three times as likely as men to work in informal economies, and therefore abuse,sex trafficking and the absence of legal rights and protections for women are still unacceptably commonplace in so many places around the world."

VOA : standard.2010.04.28

25. Last year, in the absence of such presidential support, SDI was savaged while the B-2 survived.


26. Spouses and children feel the absence of a parent more sharply, family counselors say.

WSJ: Troops' Families Soldier On Through Christmas

27. "On the operations we are having at the moment, it is completely wrong to say that the loss of lives has been caused by the absence of helicopters,".

VOA : standard.2009.07.22

28. "The injuries to Mr Cook were life-threatening in the absence of surgical intervention, " added the prosecutor.

BBC: High Court in Edinburgh

29. Later,at a briefing for reporters, Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs P.J.Crowley said the United States had warned the deposed president not to try to return home in the absence of a negotiated settlement.

VOA : standard.2009.09.22

30. Without knowing what would have happened in the absence of Bain's intervention, one can only guess.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

31. In the absence of modern technology and hyper-awareness, that storm could have easily killed a thousand.

FORBES: The Great Tornadoes Of 2011 Put In Perspective

32. Although it has plenty of cash (the absence of a dividend no doubt helps), financing St.

FORBES: St. Jude's Emerges From Shadow Of Health Care Reform

33. The host,Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi made no mention of Mr.Ahmedinejad's absence in his brief opening address.

VOA : standard.2009.07.02

34. Another problem is the absence of visible illness in poultry infected with the new virus.

FORBES: We're Not Prepared For China's Deadly Bird Flu

35. But in the absence of a full peace agreement, the Northern Limit Line remains in place.


36. Most electoral observers believe the vote was fair despite irregularities that included security forces at polling stations, some ballot boxes not being properly sealed, and the absence of opposition representatives during some vote counting.

VOA : standard.2009.10.04

37. Some members of the U.S.Olympic Committee have indicated Mr.Obama's absence in Copenhagen would be noticed, and could have an impact on the decision making process.

VOA : standard.2009.09.16

38. Why? Because there's more to life than just pleasure and the absence of pain, or so it seems to me.

为什么?因为生命不仅仅是,享受快乐,避免痛苦,我是这样认为。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. So returning to Genesis 1, We have an absence of theology and mythology in the sense of a biography of God in this opening chapter And that means the absence of a meta-divine realm.

好,现在回到《创世纪》的第一章,这里并没有宗教信仰也没有神话传说,在开篇中也没有上帝的传记,这也就意味着没有一个无量的国度。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. The expectation of pain relief produced real pain relief in the absence of medicine.

FORBES: Magazine Article

41. In the solitude, the solitude of that absence, the boy uses the tree to work his will playfully.

在这样的孤独里,缺席的孤独里,这个孩子用树来玩。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Purity, which is the absence of impurity, is a prerequisite for access to the holy or for holy status.

纯洁,不纯的反义词,是接近神圣或达到神圣状态的先决条件。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. There's the hard sphere. It wants to collide against the wall to create a force on the wall, and I have a couple of the hard spheres that are nearby, right, and in the absence of any interactions, I get a certain pressure.

给墙一个作用力,现在它的附近,还有许多小球,没有相互作用时,它将直接冲向这面墙。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. Then, at least in the absence of a financial profit, there are the perks projects offer.

ECONOMIST: Raising capital online

45. Okay? So those are the basic note values normally with a duple division but we can superimpose triple by using a dot and the absence of sound.

清楚了吗,这些就是基本的音符值,一般是双倍形式分配,但我们可以把它添加为三倍形式的,通过加上附点当然还有休止符聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. But there is an absence of what Kaufman would call this meta-divine realm, this primordial realm from which the gods emerge.

这里也没有Kaufman所说的,无量的国度,这是众神诞生的国度。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Indeed, his only concession to advancing years was the absence of his once-trademark splits.

BBC: Prince performs first UK festival at Hop Farm

48. Its 40 percent unemployment is a function of the absence of proper economic and governing infrastructures.


49. Liberty means the absence of constraints or impediments to action.

现代自由意味着人们的行动,将免于他人的妨碍或是国家的强制约束。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. But the absence of bikes in the elegant steel racks has been glaring, she said.

WSJ: Barclays Pedals Bike Valet Service

51. Clinton said in the absence of an Iranian reply, it is premature to talk about what may happen if Tehran ultimately rejects the offer.

VOA : standard.2009.11.09

52. The absence of coffee and tea during the flight is something other airlines might emulate.

CNN: From Our Correspondent: On a Magical Hill

53. Russia's selection comes despite the absence of Prime Minister Valdimir Putin from the vote in Switzerland.

BBC: Russia & Qatar will host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups

54. They say they do not think Iran will engage seriously in the absence of what would be a fourth round of sanctions by the U.N.Security Council.

VOA : standard.2010.05.14

55. But note the absence of aggressive, ground-hugging rocker panel trim or broadly flared fenders.

WSJ: 2013 Subaru BRZ Review: It's Thinker Than You Fast It Is | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

56. The inhabitants seem to have been peasant farmers, like other Canaanites. One interesting difference is the absence of any pig bones, which is kind of interesting.

这些居住者们好像曾是农民,就像其他迦南人一样,一个有趣的差异是,没有猪骨头的出现,这很有意思。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. The absence of change over time supports benign disease, while progression suggests a cancer.

CNN: Could my kidney cysts be cancerous?

58. "I cannot feel comfortable by being here, because I feel ashamed of the fact that I am participating in the summit with the absence of Cuba,".

VOA : standard.2009.04.17

59. The absence of a comma before "who doesn't" implies that there are other brothers.

BBC: 10 questions on grammar

60. Atletico initially seemed to suffer the least from the absence of one of their key players.

BBC: Atletico Madrid 1-0 Liverpool

the absence of翻译_the absence of短语搭配_the absence of权威例句




argument的意思是:n. 争论,争吵;论据,理由;辩论,讨论;自变数;主词,受词;<古>书的内容提要。学考宝为您提供argument是什么意思,argument的翻译,argument的用法,argument的短语搭配,argument的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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architecture的意思是:n. 建筑设计,建筑风格;建筑学;结构;计算机的体系结构,架构。学考宝为您提供architecture是什么意思,architecture的翻译,architecture的用法,architecture的短语搭配,architecture的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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