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more inadequate是什么意思_more inadequate短语搭配_more inadequate权威例句


more inadequate

adj. 不足的;不够的;缺乏信心的;不充分的;不胜任的


英 [mɔː(r) ɪnˈædɪkwət]play 美 [mɔːr ɪnˈædɪkwət]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. becoming more and more inadequate 越来越紧张


1. These include inadequate supplies of biomass to meet even today's demand, and the related worries about how the push for more such crops may encourage land-clearance and lead to rising food prices.


2. January 2007 | GENEVA - Although more than 12 million people each year are bitten by dogs or snakes, or stung by scorpions, the world's capacity to treat them is inadequate.


3. It reveals the development bottleneck factors, these factors include the structural shortage of talent, skill workers more prominent attention and inadequate reserves, especially secondary occupation skill talent shortage.


4. The more reading, the more feel inadequate, the more feel their knowledge is poor. — Marx.


5. We also find more evidence of loneliness and more individuals reporting inadequate social support.


6. As the greatest feature of the inventory pledge is the transfer of inventory from the possession of the parties to the transaction, it is not the most economic choice for the parties. But the inventory system has made up more collateral inadequate.


7. It's all the more frustrating, therefore, that TomTom shoots itself in the foot with the details like inadequate support, poor mounting hardware, and buggy firmware releases.


8. On the other hand, the previous research on English ( as a foreign language) mostly focuses on theory. The achievement in practical research, especially experimental research on autonomous learner training, is far more inadequate.


9. A large number of existing empirical studies have provided that compared to unconstrained companies, financial constrainted companies tend to save cash from the cash flow constantly, in order to hold more cash to avoid inadequate investment in the future.


10. The outpouring of emergency aid will be a great help to the ravaged countries, but disaster relief is an inadequate, expensive substitute for more timely improvements to their infrastructures.


11. With the increase of population and urban expansion, land is becoming more and more inadequate and valuable. The resources of underground space would be inexorable selection for development and utilization.


12. But angry people interpret everything as a personal slight, an insult to their already fragile egos. "Being bumped into will make the inadequate person feel even more inadequate," Sinclair explains.


13. However, the domestic north area multi-connected air-condition systems are mainly applied in summery refrigeration while the cases of year-long running projects are inadequate, with the studies concerning the wintry running energy consumption even more inadequate.


14. XSLT has some support for text formatting (in the form of but, in my experience, it is inadequate for e-zine publishing. More specifically, with XSL text output, it's

XSLT 对文本格式化有一定的支持(形式为 ),但就我的经验来看,对于 e-zine 发布来说,这还不够。

15. But the bigger worry is that, while Banks remain so reluctant to lend, more QE will prove inadequate to counter fiscal austerity.


16. But angry people interpret everything as a personal slight, an insult to their already fragile egos." Being bumped into will make the inadequate person feel even more inadequate," Sinclair explains.


17. We have learned that poverty is about more than inadequate income or even low human development; it is also about lack of voice, lack of representation.


18. China has been the largest coal producer in the world for many years, but the scientific-technological content of the coal industry is far lower than the international average level. What cause the situation are no more than inadequate sci-tech investment and inefficient sci-tech investment.


19. In the past, when old and less technologically advanced peoples confronted more advanced cultures, their inadequate weapons reflected their backwardness.


20. More regular intake of MSG, helps to the inadequate intelligence and memory barriers.


21. More people living in cities will lead to a shortage of housing, which will lead to slums, which will lead to inadequate sanitation systems and increased vulnerability to extreme weather events.


22. The application of the credit system has gradually diverted the focus of students 'ideological and political education to the students' communities, and the original league-building mode is becoming more and more inadequate to the new requirements in the new situation.


23. For example, in the health care field, people with disabilities are more than twice as likely to report finding health care provider skills inadequate to meet their needs.


24. Nonfunctional characteristics, when applied to the problem of defining granularity, are more subjective in nature and, thus, are inadequate as the sole means for quantifying granularity.


25. In a severe crisis, if one or more major financial firms fail, and prudential measures, remedial action, and capital buffers prove inadequate, special resolution should be available.


26. The more modest and humble we feel, the more we suffer from solitude, feeling ourselves inadequate company.


27. With the increasing of vehicle volume, the 4-lane double-way viaduct of IRR is getting more and more inadequate for the increasing traffic volume.


28. More specifically, how can we overcome major barriers, such as weak health systems, inadequate Numbers of health care staff, and the challenge of financing care for impoverished people?


29. The parties try desperately to regulate how they feel by manipulating each other, which can only make them feel more powerless and inadequate.


30. The man that you know is much more inadequate.


31. It is estimated at least 166, 000 people are stuck in 'not spots' around the country and more than two million people in rural areas have inadequate broadband.


32. In recent years, with the increasing demand of rural financial, the formal financial services have become more and more inadequate, and their credit in rural areas has weakened. Thus, the informal financial came into being.


33. Flimsy housing, poor health and inadequate health care mean that natural disasters of all kinds hurt them more.


34. Although more than 12 million people each year are bitten by dogs or snakes, or stung by scorpions, the world's capacity to treat them is inadequate.


35. We have discovered that we are uglier, spottier, fatter and more inadequate than we could ever have imagined.


36. Inadequate pensions and care for older persons demands more attention as we succeed in our goal of extending lives.


37. The photo is inadequate, and the sight was much more stunning than it looks here.



1. Others, such as awful labour relations, poor management, or inadequate schools and technical colleges, are more plausible, but none seems bad enough to take all the blame.

ECONOMIST: British industrial decline

2. Important as this is and President Bush reportedly will underscore the necessity of that step in his remarks Wednesday it will be wholly inadequate if it is not complemented by a more far-reaching effort to promote democracy.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Toward A New World Order Worth Fighting For: Pax Democratica

3. The non-replaceable battery is an inadequate-sounding 1, 150mAh -- more on that in our battery test section.

ENGADGET: Panasonic Eluga review Mobile

4. Tung has begun to do so by mandating more creative teaching methods, better teacher training and shoring up woefully inadequate primary education.

CNN: Clean and Creative

5. And it leaves Boris Yeltsin, who has presided over one shambles after another, looking ever more inadequate.

ECONOMIST: Russia devalued

6. Legroom, usually more important than seat width for comfort, has shriveled from an already inadequate 34 inches to less than 32 inches.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

7. Amtrak's financial struggles are more a result of inadequate public support than managerial incompetence, responded Ross Capon, head of the National Association of Railroad Passengers.

CNN: Biden rolls out $1.3 billion for Amtrak

8. This, though inadequate, shows a bit more concern than the silence of the Muslim world.

ECONOMIST: Algerias awful slaughter

9. Our son, Nate, and 15 other children have been languishing in a squalid orphanage with inadequate nutrition, medical care for more than three years.

FORBES: No Place Like Home: Families Stuck Inside Stalled US-Vietnam Adoption Agreement

10. After the Lockerbie deal was reached, French officials said the initial UTA deal was inadequate -- and that families of French victims deserved more.

CNN: France 'stops blocking Libya deal'

11. In fact, one impassioned Vietnamese argues, the comparison is inadequate, since fish sauce is a more sophisticated product than wine: only a tiny number of wines survive longer than 50 years, whereas fish sauce continues to grow in flavour and complexity indefinitely.

ECONOMIST: As communism crumbles, a great cuisine revives

12. The court heard that the company had been warned by Cornwall Council about inadequate equipment more than a year before the fire.

BBC: Penhallow Hotel fire

13. Keynes's intellectual framework a world in which pervasive uncertainty leads to persistently inadequate demand has seemed more relevant in recent months than at any time since the 1930s.

ECONOMIST: John Maynard Keynes

14. And Democratic leaders want more money for homeland security, saying what the administration has proposed is inadequate.

CNN: White House gives lawmakers estimate on war's cost

15. One quarter of all kids in America have been consigned to this cruel and inadequate program that illustrates, more starkly than any other, the difference between health insurance and health care.

FORBES: New England Journal: Two-Thirds of Medicaid Children Denied a Doctor's Appointment, vs. 11% for the Privately Insured

16. Their inadequate holdings of cash was more a trigger or precipitator of their woes, rather than their most basic flaw.

BBC: Banks agree minimum liquidity rules

17. Bureau officials insist allegations of inadequate security were fueled by corrections labor unions wanting more staffing, but complaints caught the attention of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Colorado Sens.

CNN: Reporters get first look inside mysterious Supermax prison

18. But the price of system failure, just like that of inadequate maintenance, would be even more enormous.

FORBES: Infrastructure Consolation in a McKinsey Chart (or 2)

19. Businesses and families pay more and more every year to get what they often consider to be inadequate attention or poor care.

CNN: McCain's October 11, 2007, speech on health care

20. Most of us spend our days the same way people spent their days in the year 1000: walking around smiling, trying to earn enough to eat, while neurotically doing these little self-proofs in our head about how much better we are than these other slobs, while simultaneously, in another part of our brain, secretly feeling woefully inadequate to these smarter, more beautiful people.

CNN: Utopians? Dystopians? (Let's call the whole thing off)

21. VanDerhei looked at how many more people are at risk for inadequate retirement savings due to the Great Recession, and how much more they would need to save to make up for those additional losses.

FORBES: Savings Crisis For Some Early Boomers

22. The problem was that he used the party to promote his own ambitions, was more interested in public approval than policy, had an inadequate knowledge of Europe and the world, cynically broke agreements and election promises, and perhaps worst of all from Mr Lafontaine's perspective was totally incapable of working in a team.

ECONOMIST: Oskar Lafontaine

23. More action to be taken at those authorities in England which have had "inadequate" serious case reviews, to see if they have made improvements.

BBC: Three suspended over Baby P case

24. The Senate appears even less inclined to back CAFTA. Opponents cite everything from what they see as inadequate labor and environmental protections to concerns that the deal will eliminate more U.S. textile jobs.

NPR: Central America Trade Deal a Hard Sell

25. If it wasn't tragic it might be comic, that there is so little consensus among politicians, bankers and economists about whether the weakness in the economy stems more from inadequate supply or weak demand.

BBC: Can banks be forced to lend more?

26. Advocates of more troops have long believed that inadequate U.S. force levels in Iraq have made it impossible to implement a "clear and hold" strategy - the only approach that has proven successful in dealing with insurgencies.


27. As the funding proposals of the GOP to date are woefully inadequate, it seems more likely than not that this proposal may be far more political in nature than a good faith or realistic effort to solve an important problem.

FORBES: The GOP Solution To Health Coverage For Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

28. This means more overcrowding and inadequate infrastructure, schools, and medical and social services.

FORBES: Declining Populations Make Peaceful Neighbors

29. In Zambia, the irregular distribution of fertiliser and inadequate irrigation have left farmers far more vulnerable to bad weather than they would otherwise be.

ECONOMIST: Southern Africa's food shortage

30. She said this would urge the government to put an end to Scotland's few chronic pain treatment centres being understaffed and confined mainly to cities, and "let people in pain have more than current postcode access and patchy and inadequate services".

BBC: Chronic pain campaigner makes emotional plea to MSPs

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