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carry to term是什么意思_carry to term怎么读_carry to term的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


carry to term

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. carry-over to the next term 结转下期


1. Now that victim prevention is a manner that control crime factor and term of victim and potential victim, victim prevention can't be carry out without victim education to victim and potential victim.


2. To name just a handful: Our short - and long-term memories are both badly limited, and we need to use external tools like books, computers and calculators to carry out cognitive operations.


3. Meanwhile guinea pigs and rabbits were selected separately to carry out skin acute toxicity test and long term toxicity test, skin stimulative test and allergic test.


4. The internal audit of quality system is a long - term work. Enterprises should compile an annual project to make it carry out regularly.


5. At the same time, this paper utilizes the improved model based on exponential regressive curve and ARMA model to carry on the medium and long-term electric power demand forecasting in Hunan province.


6. And that's why they decided that they were going to carry the baby to term, but no question.


7. However, younger women who carry their babies to term have better births than older women if they get proper care.


8. On this basis, the writer pats forward a long term program of Guilin environmental sanitation facilities and proposes the measures to carry out the program.


9. Through this endeavor, we also hope to foster long term and sustainable relationship with these higher institutions in order to successfully carry out this program annually.


10. She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective.

尽管腹中胎儿已被证明有缺陷,她仍然决定把孩子生下来。《provided by jukuu》

11. Carry on the back better applicable people: : (1.2 m to 1.9 m) teenagers, long-term volt case worker, office crowd, drivers, literary and art workers etc.


12. Conclusion: We should carry out kinds of health education forms for long-term insulin using patients in order to ensure the exact and safe injection of insulin.


13. Eating meat definitely helped me get all the protein that you need when youre pregnant. I think it could be one of the reasons I managed to carry all three to full term.


14. After all, in that first term at st Andrews, when William felt so unhappy he wanted to leave, it was Kate who persuaded him to carry on.


15. The best way to keep the other baby alive, her doctor advised, would be to carry both to term.


16. This isa huge and complicated engineering, needing us to carry on the long-term of, unremitting effort.


17. Find a partner with sufficiently different MHC, and you're likelier to carry a baby to term.


18. With xi 'an Jiaotong University, Guangxi University, etc. to carry out long-term research cooperation.


19. In order to carry out a long-term and scientific crisis management, it's necessary for the enterprise to set up a crisis information system.


20. But the important thing is to make a public commitment to a credible medium-term plan, and carry it out as soon as economic circumstances safely permit.


21. The best way to keep the other baby alive, her doctor advised, would be to carry both to term.


22. Together they carry a maximum jail term of 150 years, leaving the 70-year-old "Monster Mensch" all but certain to spend the rest of his life behind bars.


23. To carry out health literacy to promote action to improve health literacy of citizens in our country is a new work and long-term task.


24. Find a partner with sufficiently different MHC, and you're likelier to carry a baby to term.


25. Conclusion To strengthen and efficiently carry out the community service is the long-term goal and task for mental health workers.


26. The article "Notice in writing ahead of 30 days" is nothing but a procedure labours have to carry out and not a term the one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation must meet.


27. Low short-term interest rates and a steep yield curve provide powerful incentives to boost leverage, undertake carry trades, and seek yield by going out along the credit risk spectrum.


28. According to references, 40%~ 60% embryos in mammal can not carry a pregnancy to term, 60% of which occurred before or after implantation stages.


29. Unless you are deploying as a member of a long-term DART, try to limit your personal belongings to what you can carry.


30. The term "carry trade" usually refers to leveraged trades by speculative international investors, such as hedge funds.


31. "I didn't think she'd want to carry the baby to term," Shannon said.


32. Are teens who abort better off than teens who carry an unplanned pregnancy to term?


33. The term soil water carrying capacity of vegetation was developed and defined as the ability of soil water to carry vegetation.


34. She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective.



1. The law interpretations that set the game free midway through the last campaign have been confirmed, so there is no excuse for teams not to carry on playing positive rugby this term.

BBC: Jeremy Guscott's Premiership preview

2. In January, they signed a peace deal in Libreville, the capital of the neighboring nation of Gabon, agreeing to allow Bozize to carry out the last three years of his term, in return for a number of concessions.

NPR: Split Appears In C. African Rebel Coalition

3. This may include finding the external expertise to carry out a long-term strategy or simply deploying a new technology platform that does the same job more efficiently and cost-effectively than an in-house option.

FORBES: The Case For Shifting Your IT Security To The Cloud

4. Though he would be flouting Canadian custom, he could even carry on right to the end of his party's term and call an election in the autumn of 1999.

ECONOMIST: Its Quebec, again

5. The incentive to lend short-term to other banks in emerging economies, which used to carry a small capital charge, will also be eliminated.

ECONOMIST: Banking regulation

6. The offences would carry a jail term of up to 10 years, according to legal experts cited by AP.

BBC: Greek ex-minister Papaconstantinou faces nepotism probe

7. "Sneakernet" is an old jargon term used to describe the act of having to carry a computer file on a floppy disk or other media from a machine in one room to another.

FORBES: Share The Broadband Wealth

8. An unofficial audit was carried out in 2007 by Sir Derek Wanless, who had led a review into the health service's long-term financing needs that underpinned the decision in 2002 to carry on spending at a record rate for a further five years.

ECONOMIST: National Health Service

9. In addition, the long-term agreement includes expansive rights to carry the Olympic Games as well as carriage of Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, Comcast SportsNet Mid Atlantic, The Comcast Network-Philadelphia and Comcast SportsNet New England.

ENGADGET: Verizon and NBCUniversal bring TV Everywhere to even more places

10. The initial subscription is an easy sale because it gets bundled into the purchase, but the shimmer appears to wear off and consumers do not seem to be motivated to carry the service beyond an initial term.

FORBES: The Internet Of Things Isn't As New As It Seems

11. For me that means also giving low income women access to birth control, sexual education in the schools, working to change societal stigmas about pregnant single women as well as workplace laws to make it easier for women to carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption if that is what she chooses, etc.

FORBES: Dobson Slams Callista Gingrich

12. Mr Albert also stresses that the reasons why teenagers get pregnant and carry a baby to term are much more complicated than the content of sex education lessons - and notes that many young people take no notice of what they are taught at school.

BBC: NEWS | Americas | Chastity pressed on US teens

13. We left this story last month with the happy expectation that Fed Chairman Bernanke was going to be deflating the carry trade bond bubble, bring long term interest rates in line with inflation expectations, stimulate bank lending and thereby create economic growth.

FORBES: 10 Sins Of Inflation

14. Jason Gardiner, 43, of Hartcliffe, who admitted two charges of abuse, was given a four month jail term was suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

BBC: Winterbourne View: Care workers jailed for abuse

15. Amphetamines are currently classified as Class B drugs and possession can carry a jail term of up to five years or an unlimited fine or even both, while dealing can result in a prison term of up to 14 years.

BBC: 'Action' on mephedrone pledged by Gordon Brown

16. Macri said Wednesday that the only solution is for the constantly warring governments to work together on expensive and long-term public works projects, creating huge underground drainage pipes to carry increasingly common torrential rains out to the Rio de la Plata.

NPR: Argentina: Flooding From Torrential Rains Kill 52

17. He engaged in an orgy of spending with gusto and a confident expectation of a rip-roaring economy to carry him triumphantly to a second term.

FORBES: Not Default, Growth: Wall Street, Main Street And Even Washington Gets It Now

18. To carry out his long-term strategy of gradually Islamizing the country, Erdogan has identified himself as the embodiment of democracy, of the popular will, against threats from interventionists.

FORBES: Magazine Article

19. It is important that Labour is given a second term to carry on with the masses of work still to do.

BBC: Is anybody listening?

20. Until the Great Recession, the Fed limited its purchases of Treasury paper to short-term bills that carry no interest rate risk.

FORBES: Could A Federal Reserve Bank Go Bust?

21. Certainly not from well-funded companies with the resources to plan long-term and carry out strategies that support these projects over decades, not quarters.

FORBES: An Alignment of Stupid

22. To carry out these break-ins they use what I term Crime Logic.

FORBES: To Stop Cybercrime: Understand Crime Logic, And Adapt

23. And if they are just cutting and cutting and cutting, and their unemployment rate is going up and up and up, and people are pulling back further from spending money because they're feeling a lot of pressure -- ironically, that can actually make it harder for them to carry out some of these reforms over the long term.

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President

24. Top Obama adviser David Axelrod lists those as first-term priorities that, in his view, not only carry over to the next four but will shape whether the second Obama term is a success.


25. That will drag down nominal GDP in the short term, and make budget cuts more difficult to carry out.

ECONOMIST: Bailing out Greece: An extreme necessity | The

26. The charges he faces carry a prison term of up to 25 years in prison, though that is HIGHLY unlikely.

FORBES: Rajat Gupta's Game Day Jitters

27. Fast forward, I'm happily married and unable to successfully carry a baby full term.

NPR: Listeners Weigh in on Abortion, Kilpatrick Scandal

28. The embryo would then be implanted into a surrogate, who -- if the experiment were to succeed -- would carry the fetus to term.

CNN: 'Raelian' biochemist insists she will clone human

29. Short-term loans to carry inventory and buy raw materials are no longer available.

ECONOMIST: Bankruptcy in Asia

30. She decides to carry the baby to term and finds what seems like an ideal yuppie couple (Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner) to adopt it, but everything falls apart.


carry to term是什么意思_carry to term怎么读_carry to term的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句



carry to term是什么意思_carry to term怎么读_carry to term的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

carry to term的意思是:结转期限。学考宝为您提供carry to term是什么意思,carry to term的音标,carry to term怎么读,carry to term的翻译,carry to term的用法,carry to term的短语搭配,carry to term的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
carry to term是什么意思_carry to term怎么读_carry to term的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


miscarries的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供miscarries是什么意思,miscarries的音标,miscarries怎么读,miscarries的翻译,miscarries的用法,miscarries的短语搭配,miscarries的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneficial的意思是:adj. 有益的,有利的;<法律>(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的。学考宝为您提供beneficial是什么意思,beneficial的翻译,beneficial的用法,beneficial的短语搭配,beneficial的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


miscarried的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的过去分词和过去式。学考宝为您提供miscarried是什么意思,miscarried的音标,miscarried怎么读,miscarried的翻译,miscarried的用法,miscarried的短语搭配,miscarried的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


miscarrying的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的现在分词。学考宝为您提供miscarrying是什么意思,miscarrying的音标,miscarrying怎么读,miscarrying的翻译,miscarrying的用法,miscarrying的短语搭配,miscarrying的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneath的意思是:prep. 在……下方;在……表面之下,隐藏在……之下;(对某人来说)不够好,不相称;低于,次于 adv. 在下面,在底下。学考宝为您提供beneath是什么意思,beneath的翻译,beneath的用法,beneath的短语搭配,beneath的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unbolting的意思是:v. 打开;取下(卸下)螺栓。unbolt的现在分词。学考宝为您提供unbolting是什么意思,unbolting的音标,unbolting怎么读,unbolting的翻译,unbolting的用法,unbolting的短语搭配,unbolting的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


compilatory的意思是:adj. 编纂的;编辑的。学考宝为您提供compilatory是什么意思,compilatory的翻译,compilatory的用法,compilatory的短语搭配,compilatory的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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